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[全国] 2018年12月15日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题...









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阅读 澳洲的一个清洁剂叫ozkteen题目 the sweet scent of success2 climate change,global warming就四个填空 breeding time,fish,protein还有个啥忘了小作文 线图 欧洲不同类型面包的价格 大作文 一些人不直接去上大学而是旅游或者工作 你认为这样的是more advantages还是disadvantages

澳洲听力答案 S1 Berli/ 5th November/ 15 pounds/ weekly return/Bank house/ Cowper /nuts/wheelchair/leg room/ bank transfer S2 cakes/ parent/ 636????/ story/ stretch/ mat/ book A?/ ?/free B? S3 ?????? S4 skin/ artist/ lamps/ grassland/ paint/ soldiers/ sun/legal/ feet / digestion
亚太地区;:小作文线图;大作文:school leavers去旅行或者工作,而不是直接上去大学,advantage or disadvantage
大作文:Some school leavers go traveling or work for a period of time instead of going directly to university. Do you think this has more advantage, or disadvantage for their study?
小作文 线图
第一篇 the sweet scent of success (成功的芬芳)
Innovation and entrepreneurship, in the right mix, can bring spectacular results and propel a business ahead of the pack. Across a diverse range of commercial successes, from the Hills Hoist clothes line to the Cochlear ear implant, it is hardto generalize beyond saying the creators tapped into something consumers could not wait to get their hands on. However, most ideas never make it to the market. Some ideas that innovators are spruiking to potential investors include new water-saving shower heads, a keyless locking system, ping-pong balls that keep pollution out of rainwater tanks, making teeth grow from stemcells inserted in the gum, and technology to stop LPG tanks from exploding. Grant Kearney, chief executive of the Innovation Xchange, which connects businesses to innovation networks, says he hears of great business ideas that
he knows will never get on the market. “Ideas by themselves are absolutely useless,”he says. “An idea only becomes innovation when it is connected to the right resources and capabilities.”
One of Australia’s latest innovation successes stems from a lemon-scented bath-room cleaner called Shower Power, the formula for which was concocted in afactory in Yatala, Queensland. In 1995, Tom Quinn and John Heron bought a struggling cleaning products business, OzKleen, for 250,000. It was selling 100 different kinds of cleaning products, mainly in bulk. The business was in bad shape, the cleaning formulas were ineffective and environmentally harsh, and there were few regular clients. Now Shower Power is claimed to be the top-selling bathroom cleaning product in the country. In the past 12 months ,almost four million bottles of OzKleen’s Power products have been sold and the company forecasts 2004 sales of 10 million bottles. The company’s, sales in2003 reached $11 million, with 700k of business being exports. In particular, Shower Power is making big inroads on the British market.
OzKleen’s turnaround began when Quinn and Heron hired an industrial chemist to revitalize the product line. Market research showed that people werelooking for a better cleaner for the bathroom, universally regarded as the hardest room in the home to clean. The company also wanted to make the product formulas more environmentally friendly One of Tom Quinn’s sons, Peter, aged 24 at the time, began working with the chemist on the formulas, looking at the potential for citrus-based cleaning products. He detested all the chlorine-based cleaning products that dominated the market. “We didn’t want to use chlorine, simple as that,”he says. “It offers bad working conditions and there’s no money in it.”Peter looked at citrus ingredients, such as orange peel, to replace the petroleum by-products in cleaners. He is credited with finding
the Shower Power formula. “The head,”he says. The company is the recipe is in a vault somewhere and in my sole owner of the intellectual property.
To begin with, Shower Power was sold only in commercial quantities but Tom Quinn decided to sell it in 750ml bottles after the constant “raves”from customers at their retail store at Beenleigh, near Brisbane. Customers were travel- ling long distances to buy supplies. Others began writing to OzKleen to say how good Shower Power was. “We did a dummy label and went to see Woolworths,”Tom Quinn says. The Woolworths buyer took a bottle home and was able to remove a stain from her basin that had been impossible to shift. Fromthat point on, she championed the product and OzKleen had its first super- market order, for a palette of Shower Power worth $3000. “We were over the moon,”says OzKleen’s financial controller, Belinda McDonnell.
Shower Power was released in Australian supermarkets in 1997 and becamethe top-selling product in its category within six months. It was all hands on deck cat the factory, labeling and bottling Shower Power to keep up with demand. OzKleen ditched all other products and rebuilt the business around Shower Power. This stage, recalls McDonnell, was very tough. “It washandto-mouth, cashflow was very difficult,”she says. OzKleen had to pay new-line fees to supermarket chains, which also squeezed margins.
OzKleen’ s next big break came when the daughter of a Coles Myer executive used the product while on holidays in Queensland and convinced her father that Shower Power should be in Coles supermarkets. Despite the product Success, Peter Quinn says the company was wary of how long the sales would last and hesitate to spend money on upgrading the manufacturing process. As a result, he remembers long periods of working around the clock to keep up with orders. Small tanks were still being used so batches were small and bottles were labeled and filled manually. The privately owned OzKleen relied on cashflow to expand. “The equipment could not keep up with demand,” Peter Quinn says. Eventually a new bottling machine was bought for $50.000 in the hope of streamlining production, but he says: “We got ripped off,” Since then he has been developing a new automated bottling machine that can control the amount of foam produced in the liquid, so that bottles can be filled more effectively “I love coming up with new ideas.” The machine is being patented.
Peter Quinn says OzKleen's approach to research and development is open slather. “If I need it, I get it. It is about doing something simple that no one else is doing. Most of these things are ust sitting in front of people, it's just seeing the opportunities.“With a tried and tested product, OzKleen is expanding overseas and developing more Power-brand household products. Tom Quinn, who previously ran a real estate agency, says: “We are competing with the same market all over the world, the (cleaning) products are sold everywhere.” Shower Power, known as Bath Power in Britain, was launched four years ago with the help of an export development grand from the Federal Government. “We wanted to do it straight away because we realized we had the same opportunities worldwide.” OzKleen is already number three in the British market, and the next stop is France. The Power range includes cleaning products for carpets, kitchens and pre-wash stain removal. The Quinn and Heron families are still involved. OzKleen has been approached with offers to buy the company, but Tom Quinn says he is happy with things as they are, “We’ re having too much fun.

Questions 1-7
Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs, A—G.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-G, in boxes 1-7on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
1 Description of one family member persuading another of selling cleaning
2 An account of the cooperation of all factory staff to cope with sales increase
3 An account of the creation of the formula of Shower Power
4 An account of buying the original OzKleen company
5 Description of Shower Power’s international expansion
6 The reason of changing the packaging size of Shower Power
7 An example of some innovative ideas
Questions 8-11
Look at the following people and list of statements below.Match each person with the correct statementWrite the correct
letter A-E in boxes 8-11 on your answer sheet.
List of Statement
A  Described his story of selling his product to a chain store
B  Explained there was a shortage of money when sales suddenly increased
C  Believe innovations need support to succeed
D  Believes new products like Shower Power may incur risks
E  Says business won’t succeed with innovations
8 Grant Kearney
9 Tom Quinn
10 PeterQuinn
11 BelindaMcDonnell
Questions 12-13
Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.
Write your answers in boxes 12-13 on your answer sheet.
12 Tom Quinn changed the bottle size to 750ml to make Shower Power
A Easier to package.
B  Appealing to individual customers.
C  Popular in foreign markets.
D  Attractive to supermarkets.
13 Why did Tom Quinn decide not to sell OzKleen?
A  No one wanted to buy OzKleen.
B  New products were being developed in OzKleen.
C He couldn’t make an agreement on the price with the buyer.
D He wanted to keep things unchanged.


第一篇讲Russia的一种dance一开始被church视为不健康的行为,然后讲慢慢接受 有说很多人!对错+填空好像
第三篇讲针对一种在澳洲一种灭绝动物和人的关系 到底是人导致他们灭绝的还是自然原因 先作者提出了两个人的研究说是人 但大篇幅讲作者怎么反驳他们的证据的
香港第一篇阅读是讲儿童教育发展第二篇日了狗了的讲母系社会性昆虫的什么鬼攻击行为 第三篇讲国外生活对人的创造力影响
韩国 阅读
p1俄罗斯芭蕾的成长(The history of Russian Ballet

p2新西兰的一个house develop

Section 1: 女孩预定机票 Booking air tickets, round trip
1. Flight destination: from Birmingham to Berlin Departure date: 29th October
2. The date for return: 5th November
3. Ticket price: 150 pounds (you should write pounds)
4. Type of ticket: weekly return (round trip)
5. Home address: Bank House (not the Ban House)
6. The girl’s name: Cowper
7. On flight food, special requirement: no milk, no nuts (her mother does not like nuts and milk)
8. Air line can offer a wheelchair (for her disable mother)
9. Girl would ask to offer:extra leg room
10. Payment: bank transfer (the male staff asked her to pay credit card? She chose bank transfer)

Section2 Facilities for kids in a community社区儿童游乐园
Food Section
11. Lunch time: the cafeteria offers: Hot drinks and cakes 9:00-12:00
12. Mainly Salads 原文是chiefly
13. Children who are in 1 to 3 years old should be accompanied by a parent or a carer name Waddell
14. Phone number: 6367812
15. Telling a story
16. Limb movements: stretching
17. Bring your own mat (yoga mat to sit on)
Matching payments to activities
A book in advance
B free entry free charge
C pay at the door
D pay after you finished
E pay in advance
18.playground:---A (有说到book before a week)
19.quiz test---C
20.swimming pool---B

Section4 Emus in Australia
31. emu’s skin can be used for luxurious use, such as making expensive items
32. Emu live in most areas of Australia, apart from the grassland
33. Oil to produce lighting paint
34. Feathers can be made for decoration for the hats of Australian soldiers
35. Emus produce sound like songs
36. Eggs are research subjects used by scientists for their field work
37. Their feet have special features, such as they can walk on damp swamps
38. There are some legal difficulties in exporting them to new markets like Indian, China.etc
39. For past hundred years, hunting is allowed
40. They have some medical applications, such as treatment of digestion problems

Section4 Sea horse
31. The species can be found in shallow waters
32. They are most likely to be found resting in beds of grass or coral reefs
Description of the body
33. A thin skin covering the body in rings
34. They have an armor-like body composed of bony plates(approximately fifty; together these bony plates form the outer skeleton of he species)
35. The seahorses head part looks like a crown/helmet(bony crest called a coronet located on the backside of their head at the edge of the skull.)
36. Seahorses feed mainly on brine shrimps or minute crustaceans
37. The male carry the eggs and give birth(the males have a brood organ in which the female places fer eggs.)
38. Their colors change due to diet, temperature, level of anxiety or stress and/or mood, alterations in their environment.
39. Been endangered by over fishing and currents
-And habitat destruction
Seahorses also are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Seahorse populations are thought to have been endangered in recent years by~ and habitat destruction.
40. -desease
There are many parasites and infections known to affect the seahorse.





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