首经贸R4 超可爱和蔼语速慢的大叔 P1学校 其他忘了 P2爱坐飞机的人 P3 飞机好处坏处 机场工作 超级kind 用口形提示你多说 |
北京 首都对外经贸红庙校区 胖胖的打扮的像古巴度假一样的考官 口音特别好听 part1 house or apartment Part2 describe a place where have a lot of water where why u like it what people do in there Part 3 why some people don like water why people like water? |
首经贸room10,男年轻考官,不造是哪国人,发音标准,但爱打断,p1work or study,handcraft,dancing;P2 令你难忘的一次做饭经历?? |
北京首经贸part 1hometown,snacks,swimming part2 a person you know has to take plane part3 advantages and dis about the airplane |
首经贸rm01,女老师,人非常好。 p1hometown reading。p2噪音 |
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