s1 讲一个us camp /as a leader 然后那个要去工作 要求会技能 那个人会tennis/ 工资985 月份是 aug吗 阅读第一篇 flavor 第二 鸟的orientation 第三 小孩子是不是生来就聪明展开的 作文小 饼状组合图 大 cause and solution 关于 资源consumed at an dangerous rate 攒人品 |
p2有department stores, 800,public transport, lost children ,Tuesday Saturday,dance ,teenager ,然后就是你说的那两个 s3s4都是鸡精里的好像 |
听力s1是关于做summer school老师s2是一个志愿者计划tiri(?)projects3是两个学生跟老师讨论翻译的工作s4忘了T.T 阅读s1是讲flavour s2是说做实验调查鸟怎么回巢s3是说学生智力类讨论各个国家的观点 小作文是静态图,某个国家的毕业生离开学校以后做什么 |
#国内#11.14 两套题!A卷小作文地图,大作文The best way to teach children to cooperate with others is through team sports at school, AD. B卷小作文饼柱组合图,大作文报告类:地球资源被消费得过快的原因及解决方法 |
澳洲版 A类小作文:2002-2050 60岁以上的人的百分比 7个柱状图 A类大作文:Economic growth in in recent years made some people in both developed countries and developing countries richer. However, research showing that while people in developing countries are happier, people in developed countries seems no happier than before.Why? What can we learn from it? |
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