
标题: 2024年9月14日中国大陆雅思A类G类纸质真题回忆+答案汇总(... [打印本页]

作者: 雅思高分冲锋    时间: 2024-9-12 09:47
标题: 2024年9月14日中国大陆雅思A类G类纸质真题回忆+答案汇总(...

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Part1 场景:一位女性找住家保姆的工作
1. Fitzsimmons z读的是/zed/double m
2. 8months 题目:工作时长,length of stay. 干扰是12个月
3. consultant 题目:爸爸干啥,干扰是salesman
4. 待回忆
5. guitar 题目:任务是带着大儿子去上吉他课
6. 待回忆
7. Sunday 题目:休息时间
8. sick 题目:合约里包含的内容 (sick pay)
9. Climbing 题目:当地受欢迎的活动,但女人不感兴趣
10. Gym 题目:当地有一个自己的健身房

Part 2场景:在Albany的钓鱼比赛
11. A.Form of identification
12. B.两天的餐费
题目:entrance fee包括什么。
C:坐船的fuel. 得自己花钱
13. C
Bon the phone
14. B.对钓的鱼称重
C:颁奖典礼。称重之后,later that evening.

Part 3场景:两个老师讨论带着学生去调查(地理方面)
21. A
题目:为啥要关注mountain code
Ait’s the most relevant to their filed trip.
22. C.Too absorbed in the task. 原文说too focused.
题目:调研时大家可能harm environment的原因。
A:未注意到rare species of plants
23. C
24. C
Ataking them from private land
Ctaking them from man-made structures
25. B
老师布置reading packs所对应的主题。题目是不同书籍,选项是不同的主题。
26. D 题目:Geothermal - 选项:volcanoes (原文中出现了lava)
27. A 题目:The hot Spot - 选项:unique features of iceland
28. F 题目:Glacier - 选项:flooding
29. G 题目:Basalt land - 选项:能源
30. B

Part 4场景:新西兰1960s的建筑,传统房屋的特点
31. roof(建筑设计特点是房顶比较特殊,可以收集雨水)
32. wood (干扰 steal,题目说的是但是最common)
33. square  1960s时期建筑的风格
34. Shape
35. Concrete
36. Japan (有个建筑师,风格受日本建筑影响)
37. Identical Lock建筑被批评主要是因为都太identical了)
38. garage 建筑的价值
39. Details
40. Shadows (不关注colour,而是使用 shadows effectively
Passage1场景:The emergence of communication medias in theUSA
1. T (政府举措使得报纸销售量增加成为可能)
2. NG
3. T
4. T
5. F
6. T
7. F
8. T
9. Sports (什么节目最受欢迎因为最便宜)
10. Antennas (得安装天线)
11. Packages
12. 待回忆
13. 待回忆

i. Experimentingwith an old idea
ii. Lifecycle of Madagascar spiders
iii. Advancesin the textile industry
iv.Resources needed to meet the project's demands
v. Thephysical properties of spider silk
vi. Ascientific analysis of spider silk
vii. Aunique work of art
viii.Importance of the silk textile market
ix.Difficulties of raising spiders in captivity
14. 段落Avii
15. 段落Bv
16. 段落Ci
17. 段落Dix
18. 段落Eiv
19. 段落F:待回忆

20. B
题目:It takes a tremendous number of spiders tomake a small amount of silk.
21. A
题目:Scientists want to use the qualities formedical purposes.
22. C
题目:Scientists are making some progress in theirefforts to manufacture spider silk.
23. A
题目:Spider silk compares favorably to materialsknown for their strength.
Producingspider silk in the lab
Bothscientists and manufacturers are interested in producing silk for manydifferent purposes. Some researchers have tried to grow silk by introducinggenetic material into ___ and some animals. But these experiments have beensomewhat disappointing.
It isdifficult to make spider silk in a lab setting because the silk comes from aliquid protein made in a ___ inside the spider’s body. When a spider spinssilk, it causes a ___ that turns this liquid into solid silk. Scientists cannotreplicate this yet.
24. bacteria
25. gland
26. force

27. No
28. NT
29. Yes
30. No
31. A
32. 待回忆
33. 待回忆
34. 待回忆
35. 待回忆
36. C 作者写这篇文章是为啥
37. 待回忆
38. 待回忆
39. Performers
40. Theatregoers  
Task 1
The plan shows the map of the ground floor of a library in 2001 and after it was redeveloped in 2009.
Task 2
It is agood idea for people to continue working in an older age, if it is possible forthem to do so.Do you agree or disagree?
【小作文】 地图题

It is a good idea for people to continue working in their old age, if it is possible for them to do so. Do you agree or disagree?

建议思路:我倾向于同意(I tend to agree)
老年人可以继续工作有很多好处:1. 对他们的心理健康有益(mental health)。工作可以让老年人保持活跃(keep active),避免孤独和抑郁(avoid loneliness and depression)。他们可以通过工作与社会保持联系(maintain contact with society),增强社会参与感(enhance social participation)。
2. 能够使他们更加经济独立(more economically independent)。继续工作可以让老年人保持经济独立(maintain economic independence),不需要依赖家人或社会福利(not rely on family or social welfare)。

3. 有助于经验的传承(contribute to the inheritance of experience)。老年人拥有丰富的经验和知识,继续工作可以让他们将这些经验和知识传承给年轻一代(pass these experiences and knowledge to the younger generation)。

1. 老年人的健康问题(health issues of the elderly)。随着年龄的增长(with the increase of age),身体健康可能会下降(physical health may decline),长时间工作可能会对老年人的健康产生负面影响。

2. 应该享受退休生活(retirement life)。老年人应该享受他们的退休生活,做他们喜欢的事情,而不是继续工作(instead of continuing to work)。

3. 减少年轻人的工作机会(reduce job opportunities for young people)。如果老年人继续工作,可能会占用年轻人的工作机会(may take up job opportunities for young people)。

总结,我支持老年人在身体健康的情况下继续工作(I support the elderly to continue working in the case of physical health),这样能够对他们的身心健康有益,且有助于经验传递(help to pass on experience)。但是要保持较短且合理的时间(keep a shorter and reasonable time),让他们有足够的时间享受退休生活(enough time to enjoy retirement life)和给年轻人创造更多的就业机会

PART 1主题:咨询家政
2. consultant
3. 8months
8. sick
10. gym

PART 2 主题:钓鱼
11. A a form of identification
12. B all food for both days
13. C onthe internet
14. B The fish caught will bejudged
15. G
16. A
17. C
18. H
19. D
20. B

PART 3 主题:讨论冰岛
21. A Itis the mostrelevant to their field trip
22. C They get too absorbed in their tasks
23. C Keepcollecting to a minimum
24.C taking them from man-made structures
25. B tidal movement
26-30 匹配
26. D
27. A
28. F
29. G
30. B

Part 4主题:新西兰建筑题型:填空
31. roof
32. Wood
33.square shape
35. category
37. identical
39. tower
40. Shadow

Passage3:公司管理(Fatherof Modern Management)
PeterDrucker was one of the most important management thinkers of the past hundredyears. He wrote about 40 book and thousands of articles and he never rested inhis mission to persuade the world that management matters. “Management is anorgan of institutions … the organ that converts a mob into an organisation, andhuman efforts into performance.” Did he succeed? The range of his influence wasextraordinary. Wherever people grapple with tricky management problems, frombig organizations to small ones, from the public sector to the private, andincreasingly in the voluntary sector, you can find Drucker’s fingerprints.
Hisfirst two books – The End of Economic Man (1939) and The Future of IndustrialMan (1942) – had their admirers, including Winston Churchill, but they annoyedacademic critics by ranging so widely over so many different subjects. Still,the second of these books attracted attention with its passionate insistencethat companies had a social dimension as well as an economic purpose. His thirdbook, The Concept of the Corporation, became an instant bestseller and hasremained in print ever since.
The twomost interesting arguments in The Concept of the Corporation actually hadlittle to do with the decentralization fad. They were to dominate his work. Thefirst had to do with “empowering” workers. Drucker believed in treating workersas resources rather than just as costs. He was a harsh critic of theassembly-line system of production that then dominated the manufacturing sector– partly because assembly lines moved at the speed of the slowest and partlybecause they failed to engage the creativity of individual workers. The secondargument had to do with the rise of knowledge workers. Drucker argued that theworld is moving from an “economy of goods” to an economy of “knowledge” – andfrom a society dominated by an industrial proletariat to one dominated by brainworkers. He insisted that this had profound implications for both managers andpoliticians. Managers had to stop treating workers like cogs in a huge inhumanmachine and start treating them as brain workers. In turn, politicians had torealise that knowledge, and hence education, was the single most importantresource for any advanced society. Yet Drucker also thought that this economyhad implications for knowledge workers themselves. They had to come to termswith the fact that they were neither “bosses” nor “workers”, but something inbetween: entrepreneurs who had responsibility for developing their mostimportant resource, brainpower, and who also needed to take more control oftheir own careers, including their pension plans.
However,there was also a hard side to his work. Drucker was responsible for inventingone of the rational school of management’s most successful products –“management by objectives”. In one of his most substantial works, The Practiceof Management (1954), he emphasised the importance of managers and corporationssetting clear long-term objectives and then translating those long-termobjectives into more immediate goals. He argued that firms should have an elitecorps of general managers, who set these long-term objectives, and then a groupof more specialised managers. For his critics, this was a retreat from hisearlier emphasis on the soft side of management. For Drucker it was allperfectly consistent: if you rely too much on empowerment you risk anarchy,whereas if you rely too much on command-and-control you sacrifice creativity.The trick is for managers to set long- term goals, but then allow theiremployees to work out ways of achieving those goals. If Drucker helped makemanagement a global industry, he also helped push it beyond its business base.He was emphatically a management thinker, not just a business one. He believedthat management is “the defining organ of all modern institutions”, not justcorporations.
Thereare three persistent criticisms of Drucker’s work. The first is that he focusedon big organisations rather than small ones. The Concept of the Corporation wasin many ways a fanfare to big organisations. As Drucker said, “We know todaythat in modern industrial production, particularly in modern mass production,the small unit is not only inefficient, it cannot produce at all.” The bookhelped to launch the “big organisation boom” that dominated business thinkingfor the next 20 years. The second criticism is that Drucker’s enthusiasm formanagement by objectives helped to lead the business down a dead end. Theyprefer to allow ideas, including ideas for long-term strategies, to bubble upfrom the bottom and middle of the organisations rather than being imposed fromon high. Thirdly, Drucker is criticised for being a maverick who hasincreasingly been left behind by the increasing rigour of his chosen field.There is no single area of academic management theory that he made his own.
There issome truth in the first two arguments. Drucker never wrote anything as good asThe Concept of the Corporation on entrepreneurial start-ups. Drucker’s work onmanagement by objectives sits uneasily with his earlier and later writings onthe importance of knowledge workers and self-directed teams. But the thirdargument is short- sighted and unfair because it ignores Drucker’s pioneeringrole in creating the modern profession of management. He produced one of thefirst systematic studies of a big company. He pioneered the idea that ideas canhelp galvanise companies. The biggest problem with evaluating Drucker’sinfluence is that so many of his ideas have passed into conventional wisdom. Inother words, he is the victim of his own success. His writings on theimportance of knowledge workers and empowerment may sound a little banal today.But they certainly weren’t banal when he first dreamed them up in the 1940s, orwhen they were first put in to practice in the Anglo-Saxon world in the 1980s.Moreover, Drucker continued to produce new ideas up until his 90s. His work onthe management of voluntary organisations remained at the cutting edge.
  Questions 27-32
  Reading Passage has six paragraphs, A-F
  Choose the correct heading for eachparagraph from the list below.
  Write the correct number, i-ix, inboxes 27-32 on your answer sheet.
  List of Headings
  i The popularity and impact ofDrucker’s work
  ii Finding fault with Drucker
  iii The impact of economicglobalisation
  iv Government regulation of business
  v Early publications of Drucker’s
  vi Drucker’s view of balancedmanagement
  vii Drucker’s rejection of big business
  viii An appreciation of the pros andcons of Drucker’s work
  ix The changing role of the employee
  27 Paragraph A
  28 Paragraph B
  29 Paragraph C
  30 Paragraph D
  31 Paragraph E
  32 Paragraph F
  Questions 33-36
  Do the following statements agree with theinformation given in Reading Passage 3?
  In boxes 33-36 on your answersheet, write
  YES if the statement agrees with whatis stated in the passage
  NO if the statement counters to what isstated in the passage
  NOT GIVEN if there is no relevantinformation given in the passage
  33 Drucker believed the employeesshould enjoy the same status as the employers in a company
  34 Drucker argued the managers andpoliticians will dominate the economy during a social transition
  35 Drucker support that workers are notsimply put themselves just in the employment relationship and should developtheir resources of intelligence voluntarily
  36 Drucker’s work on the management isout of date in moderns days
  Questions 37-38
  Choose TWO letters from A-E.
  Write your answers in boxes 37 and 38 onyour answer sheet.
  Which TWO of the following aretrue of Drucker’s views?
  A. High-rank executives and workers shouldbe put in balanced positions in management practice
  B. Young executives should be given chancesto start from low-level jobs
  C. More emphasis should be laid on fosteringthe development of the union.
  D. Management should facilitate workers withtools of self-appraisal instead of controlling them from the outside force
  E. Leaders should go beyond the scope ofmanagement details and strategically establish goals
  Questions 39-40
  Choose TWO letters from A-E.
  Write your answers in boxes 39 and 40 onyour answer sheet.
  Which TWO of the following arementioned in the passage as criticisms to Drucker and his views?
  A. His lectures focus too much on bigorganisations and ignore the small ones.
  B. His lectures are too broad and lack ofbeing precise and accurate about the facts.
  C. He put a source of objectives more oncorporate executives but not on average workers.
  D. He acted much like a maverick and did notset up his own management groups
  E. He was overstating the case for knowledgeworkers when warning business to get prepared.
  Answer keys
  27 i
  28 v
  29 ix
  30 vi
  31 ii
  32 viii
  35 YES
  36 NO
  37 A
  38 E
  39 A
  40 C





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