
标题: 托福听力出题考点解析 [打印本页]

作者: 雅思高分冲锋    时间: 2024-3-21 10:32
标题: 托福听力出题考点解析



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1. 专有名词


ProfessorGood, that’s a prominent constellation. Let’s take a look at Orion. Thename refers to a hunter in Greek mythology. Orion is usually visible in thenight sky from November to February when it’s winter in the norther hemisphereand summer in the southern hemisphere.  
题目问 提及猎户星座的原因:
1. Whydoes the student mention Orion
A. Toexplain how she became interested in astronomy
B. Topoint out that the pattern of stars in a constellation can be difficult toidentify
C. Togive an example of a constellation named after a mythological figure
D. Toask a question about the names of constellations

So, inthe 1920s the international astronomical union or IAU came up with an officiallist of 88 constellations.The IAU first had to agree on a list ofconstellations that combined traditional constellations with constellationsthat had been established more recently.Then, they defined precise boundariesfor each constellation.

2.Accordingto the professor, what were the accomplishments of the International AstronomicalUnion in the 1920s
Click on2 answers.
A.Assigning scientific names to the traditional constellations
B.Determining the approximate number of stars in each constellation
C.Deciding which star configurations should be considered constellations
D.Dividing the night sky into well-defined regions


任何类型的lecture题目当中都有可能会考到此类问题。一般来讲,在托福听力中,表示原因的听力内容值得我们的关注,在托福听力有较多的表达原因的逻辑词,常常我们都会误以为只有because会考到,这是由于我们日常接触的原因类的词汇只有一个。事实上有sinceas for the reason is that 等表达方式都表示原因,这需要我们的日常积累。

TPO 18European History:
It’scommonly said that medieval Europeans wanted spices to cover up the taste ofspoiled meat. But this isn’t really true. Anyone who had to worry about spoiledmeat couldn’t afford spices in the first place. If you could afford spices, youcould definitely afford fresh meat.
We alsohave evidence that various medieval markets employed a kind of police to makesure that people did not sell spoiled food, and if you were caught doing it,you were subject to various fines, humiliating public punishments. So whatactually was true was this: In order to have meat for the winter, people wouldpreserve it in salt, not a spice. Spices actually aren’t very effective aspreservatives.


What twofactors explain why medieval Europeans did not use spices to cover the taste ofspoiled meat? Click on 2 answers
AFresh meat was less expensive than spices were.
BSpices were mainly used in incense and perfume.
CThe sale of spoiled food was prohibited.
DSalt was cheaper than most spices were.

1. 香料的价格比肉贵;
2. 有严格的惩罚。

3. 例子

在托福听力中,通常会使用不同的例子来加强教授内容的学术严谨性,论证教授的观点所以当听力中出现for example for instance let’s say, let’s put it this way, just likejust as, as we all know 等说法时我们一定要保持足够的警觉。

In otherwords, these same basic strategies are used by the chameleons and frogs and insectswe talked about. And by larger animals as well, for example the tiger’s exampleof black stripes on a lighter background is a form of disruptive coloration…

Lecture 中讲述了不仅变色龙、青蛙和昆虫会使用这些技巧。一些大型动物也会使用伪装技巧,于是提到了老虎的例子来佐证

1. Whydoes the professor mention the tiger
A. Toillustrate that the results of the cephalopod research can be extended to manyother animals
B. Togive an example of an animal whose crypsis strategy has been extensivelystudied
C. Topoint out how different its crypsis strategy is from the strategy used bysmaller animals
D. Toargue that predators rely on crypsis less than prey species do



ProfessorYeah, and that’s the beauty of the synthesizer.  You can make sounds faster,slower, higher pitched, lower pitched, you can of course change the volume. You can make a single chord reverberate through an entire song, somethingthe best musicians can’t do with a conventional instrument. And all of this canbe done as you can imagine relatively quickly.  No more tape splicing.It’s kind of like making furniture using modern power tools instead of handtools.  The difference is that dramatic.



1. Whydoes the professor mention furniture making  
A. Toexplain that creativity is required whether composing music electronically ortraditionally
B. Toemphasize the relative ease of composing music on a synthesizer
C. Tosuggest that given the right tools, almost anyone can compose music
D. Todemonstrate that electronic music is a unique art form


4. 数字

此类题目一般会出现我们所谓的多选题,一般会考到具体的细节的作用、表现形式、逻辑关系等。比如音乐发展史的听力文本中提及了three breakthroughs


ProfessorProbably the most important musical development of the twentieth centurywas the emergence of electronic music. The ability to generate soundelectronically opened up many new possibilities for composers.  So, let’slook at three major breakthroughs in this area.

这是一篇关于音乐发展史的lecture,其中提到了three breakthroughs,预示了文章的结构走向。












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