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标题: 2023年6月24日中国大陆雅思A类G类机考真题回忆+答案汇总(...

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Task 1  地图题

Task 2  重复20200816旧题
Some people think that secondary school students should study international news as one of their subjects; but others believe that it is a waste of their valuable study time. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Passage 1  主题:Making Copier
(1-6 判断)
1. False
2. Not Given
3. Not Given
4. True
5. False
6. False
(7-13 填空)
7. normal inventor
8. corperations
9. turned him own
10. commercial triumph
11. wealthy
12. possesions
13. charities

Passage 2  主题:饮食的重要性

Passage 3 主题:把传统建筑带入教学
Section 1
1. Current address: Fordyce
2. phone number: 07840051963
3. Anna is hoping to find a job as a nurse
4. she needs to find a primary school for her son
5. her preferred location is in the south of the city
6. her husband would like to be near a station
7. her son would like to be close to a park
8. she would like to live in a house
9. she would prefer 3 bedrooms
10. a small office is also desirable

Section 2
(11-14 选择)
11. What special offer is there for regular theater-goers in this season?
A. they can see a second play at a reduced price
12. What information is given about the study guides?
C. they give ideas for discussion
13. What information is given about the "bring a friend" special?
B. it applies to a number of productions
14. What does Michael say about the actor Christopher Plunket?
A. he may retire from acting soon
(15-20 匹配)
15. The Climb:
B. managing to achieve success
16. The Voyagers:
A. living in a different century
17. Joey Brown:
H. handling conflict
18. Main Street:
E. experiencing disappointment
19. Mille and Mike:
D. growing up
20. Windswept:
F. living in a magical place

Section 3
(21-26 选择)
21. the professor has read which part of the dissertation?
A. the introduction sector
22. What is the favorite part of Kathy’s dissertation?
B. layout organization
23. Kathy和导师都同意就哪方面进一步研究?
A. library research
24. Kathy希望导师就哪方面给予进一步指导
C. bibliography
25. what does Kathy want to do next herself?
A. try out software
26. tutor shared a personal experience to demonstrate
C. hope encourages students to do similar things
(27-30 匹配)
27. meeting in France/machine engineer society:
F. a way to keep useful contact with people
28. attending factory meeting:
D. hold an efficient up to date on knowledge
29. the purpose of visiting workplace:
B. broaden the practical experience in this field
30. attend an international conference:
C. publishing some essays on her own design

Section 4
31. survey for ingredients
32. stored food quality
33. cooking temperature changes affects the frozen food
34. supermarkets use images to attract customers
35. prime motivation: the source of information
36. only concern for sales
37. for entertainment activities
38. organic food in American market
39. food safety and nutrition safety in cooking process
40. health choices depend on parents
第一篇:MakingCopier 复印机的发明
A tfirst, nobody bought Chester Carlson's strange idea. But trillions of documentslater, his invention is the biggest thing in printing since Cutenburg
Copyingis the engine of civilization: culture is behavior duplicated. The oldestcopier invented by people is language, by which an idea of yours becomes anidea of mine. The second great copying machine was writing. When the Sumerianstransposed spoken words into stylus marks on clay tablets more than 5,000 yearsago, they hugely extended the human network that language had created. Writingfreed copying from the chain of living contact. It made ideas permanent,portable and endlessly reproducible.
UntilJohann Gutenberg invented the printing press in the mid-1400s, producing a bookin an edition of more than one generally meant writing it out again. Printingwith moveable type was not copying, however. Gutenberg couldn't take a documentthat already existed, feed it into his printing press and run off facsimiles.The first true mechanical copier was manufactured in 1780, when James Watt, whois better known as the inventor of the modern steam engine, created the copyingpress. Few people today know what a copying press was, but you may have seenone in an antiques store, where it was perhaps called a book press. A user tooka document freshly written in special ink, placed a moistened sheet oftranslucent paper against the inked surface and squeezed the two sheetstogether in the press, causing some of the ink from the original to penetrate thesecond sheet, which could then be read by turning it over and looking throughits back. The high cost prohibits the widespread use of this copier.
Amongthe first modem copying machines, introduced in 1950 by 3M, was the Thermo-Fax,and it made a copy by shining infrared light through an original document and asheet of paper that had been coated with heat-sensitive chemicals. Competingmanufacturers soon introduced other copying technologies and marketed machinescalled Dupliton, Dial-A-Matic Autostat, Verifax, Copease and Copymation. Thesemachines and their successors were welcomed by secretaries, who had no othermeans of reproducing documents in hand, but each had serious drawbacks. Allrequired expensive chemically treated papers. And all made copies that smelledbad, were hard to read, didn't last long and tended to curl up into tubes. Themachines were displaced, beginning in the late 1800s, by a combination of two19th century inventions: the typewriter and carbon paper. For those reasons,copying presses were standard equipment in offices for nearly a century and ahalf.
None ofthose machines are still manufactured today. They were all made obsolete by aradically different machine, which had been developed by an obscurephotographic-supply company. That company had been founded in 1906 as theHaloid Company and is known today as the Xerox Corporation. In 1959, itintroduced an office copier called the Haloid Xerox 914, a machine that, unlikeits numerous competitors, made sharp, permanent copies on ordinary paper-a hugebreakthrough. The process, which Haloid called xerography (based on Greek wordsmeaning "dry" and "writing"), was so unusual andnonnutritive that physicists who visited the drafty warehouses where the firstmachines were built sometimes expressed doubt that it was even theoreticallyfeasible.
Remarkably,xerography was conceived by one person- Chester Carlson, a shy, soft-spokenpatent attorney, who grew up in almost unspeakable poverty and worked his waythrough junior college and the California Institute of Technology. ChesterCarlson was born in Seattle in 1906. His parents-Olof Adolph Carlson and EllenJosephine Hawkinshad grown up on neighboring farms in GroveCity, Minnesota, a tiny Swedish farming community about 75 miles west ofMinneapolis. Compare with competitors, Carlson was not a normal inventor in20-century. He made his discovery in solitude in 1937 and offered it to morethan 20 major corporations, among them IBM, General Electric, Eastman Kodak andRCA. All of them turned him down, expressing what he later called "anenthusiastic lack of interest" and thereby passing up the opportunity tomanufacture what Fortune magazine would describe as "the most successfulproduct ever marketed in America."
Carlson'sinvention was indeed a commercial triumph. Essentially overnight, people beganmaking copies at a rate that was orders of magnitude higher than anyone had believedpossible. And the rate is still growing. In fact, most documents handled by atypical American office worker today are produced xerographically, either oncopiers manufactured by Xerox and its competitors or on laser printers, whichemploy the same process (and were invented, in the 1970s, by a Xeroxresearcher). This year, the world will produce more than three trillionxerographic copies and laser-printed pagesabout 500 for every human onearth.
Xerographyeventually made Carlson a very wealthy man. (His royalties amounted tosomething like a 16th of a cent for every Xerox copy made, worldwide, through1965.) Nevertheless, he lived simply. He never owned a second home or a secondcar, and his wife had to urge him not to buy third class train tickets when hetraveled in Europe. People who knew him casually seldom suspected that he wasrich or even well-to-do; when Carlson told an acquaintance he worked at Xerox,the man assumed he was a factory worker and asked if he belonged to a union."His possessions seemed to be composed of the number of things he couldeasily do without," his second wife said. He spent the last years of hislife quietly giving most of his fortune to charities. When he died in 1968,among the eulogizers was the secretary-general of the United Nations.
Do thefollowing statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes1-6 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE ifthe statement agrees with the information
FALSE ifthe statement contradicts the information
NOTGIVEN if there is no information on this
1. Theearliest languages were recorded on papyrus.
2. whenapplying Johann Gutenberg's printing machine, it requires lots of training.
3. JamesWatt invented modem steam engine before he made his first mechanical copier.
4. usingthe Dupliton copiers and follower versions are very costly.
5. Thetypewriters with carbon papers were taken place of very soon because they werenot sold well
6. TheHaloid Xerox 914 model also required specially treated paper for making copies.
Completethe notes below using No More Than Three Words from the Reading Passage.
Writeyour answers in boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet.
Calson,unlike a 20-centnry 7 , like to work on his own. In 1937, heunsuccessfully invited 20 major 8 to make his discovery. However,this action was not welcome among shareholders at beginning, all of them 9 .Eventually Calson's creation was undeniably a 10 . Thanks for thediscovery of Xerography, Calson became a very 11 person. Even so, hislife remains as simple as before. It looks as if he can live without his 12 .At the same time, he gave lots of his money to 13 .

(normal)  inventor
turned  him down
commercial  triumph




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