
标题: 2019年9月14日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题... [打印本页]

作者: 雅思高分冲锋    时间: 2019-9-10 11:14
标题: 2019年9月14日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题...

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Section  1 旅游住宿场景
1-10 填空(答案不太完整,欢迎补充)
1. October 15 日期
2. hotel 宾馆
3. fishing 钓鱼
4. sailing 航海
5. massage 按摩
6. caravan 拖车,房车
7. 175 数字
8. menu 菜单
Passage1: 水獭 otters
Otters are scmiaqualic (or in the case of the sea otter, aquatic) monirnals. rHiey ure mi'inbers of the Mustelid family which includes badgers, polecats, martens, weasels, stoats an have inluibited the earth for the last 30 million years and over the years have undergone subtle changes to the carnivore bodies to exploit the rich aquatic environment. Otters have long liiin body and short legs~ideal for pushing dense undergrowth or hunting in tunnels. An adult male may be up to 4 feet long and 30 pounds. Females are smaller, around 16 pounds typically. The Eurasian otter nose is about ihc smallest among the otter species and has a characteristic shape described as a shidlow "W".An otter's tail (or rudder, or stern) is stoul at tlie base and tapers towards the tip where il flattens. ITiis forms part of the propulsion unit when swimming fast under water. Oder fur consists of iwo types of hair: stout guard hairs which form a waterproof outer covering, and undcrfiir which is dense and fine,equivalent to an otter's thermal underwear. The fur must he kept in good condition by grooming. Sea water reduces the waterproofing and insulating qualities of otter fur when salt water gets in the fur. This is why freshwater pools are important to otters living on the coast. After swimming, they wash the salts ofT in the pools and then squirm on the ground to rub dry against vegetation.
Scent is used for hunting on land, for communication and for detecting danger. Otterine sense of smell is likely to similar in sensitivity to dogs. Otters have small eyes and arc probably short-siglited on land. Bui they do have the ability to modify the shape of the lens in the eye to make it more spherical, and hence overcome the refraction of water In clear water and good liglit, otters can hunt fish by sight. The otter's eyes and nostrils are placed high on its head so that it c-an see and breulhc oven when the rest of die body is submerg'd, "The long whiskers growing iinmnd the muzzle are used to detect the presence of fish. They detect regular vihrutions cruised by the beat of the fish's tail as it swims awuy. I'his tdlows otters to hunt even in very murky water. Underwater, the otter holds its legs against the body, except for steering, and the hind end of the body is flexed in a series of vertical undulations. River otters have webbing which extends for much of the length of each digit, though not lo the very end. Giant otters ami sea otters have even more prominent webs, while the Asian short-clawed otter lias no webbing-they hunt for shrimps in ditches and paddy fields so they need the swimming speed. Otter ears are protected by valves which close them against water pressure.
A number of constraints and preferences limit suitable liabitats for otters. Water is a must and the rivers must be large enough to support a healthy population of fish. Being such shy and wary creatures. they will prefer territories where mail's activities do nol impinge grcally. Of course, there must also be no other otter already in residence-this has only become significant again recently as populalions start to recover. A typical range for a mule river otter might he 25km of river, a female's range loss than half this. I lowcver, ihc pnMluclivity of the river affecls ihis hugely and one sitidy found male ranges between 12 and 80km. Coastal oilers havr a mucli more abundant Uwd supply aiul ranges for males and females may be just a few kilometers of coastline. Because male ranges are usually larger, a male otter may find his range overlaps with two or three females. Otters will eat anytliing that they can get hold of there are records of sparrows and snakes and slugs gobbled. Apart from fish the most common prey are crayfish, oralis and water birds. Small munmmls are occasionally taken, most mmmonly rabbits but soinelimes even moles.
Eurasian otters will bretnJ any time where food is readily available. In places where condition is more severe, Sweden for example where the lakes are frozen for much of winter, cubs arc bom in Spring, This ensures that they are wdl grown before severe weather returns. In the Shetlands. cubs are bam in summer when fish is more abundant. Though otters can breed every year, some do not. Again, this depends on food availability. Other factors such as food range and quality of the female muy have an effect. Gestation for Eurasian otter is 63 days, with the exception of North American river otter whose embryos may undergo delayed implantation.
Otters normally give birth in more secure dens to avoid disturbances. Nests are linceing the most common). For some unknown reason, a^astal otters lend to produce smaller litters. At five weeks they open their eyes~a liny cub of 700g. At seven weeks they're weaned onto solid food. At five weeks they leave the nest, blinking into daylight for the first time. After three months they finally meet the water and learn to swim. After eight months they are hunting, though the mother still provides a lot of food herself. Finally, after nine months she ttan chase them all away with a clear conscience, and relax-until the next fella shows up.
The plight of the British oiler was recognised in the early 60s,but it wasn^t until the late 70s that ihe chief cause was discovered. Pcslicides. such as diddrin and aldriiu were first used in 1955 in iigriculture and other industries--these clicmiads are very persistenl and liad already been recognised as the muse of huge declines in the population of ficregrinc falcons, sparrowhawks and oilier predators. The pesticides entered the river systems and the food chain-micro-organisms. fish and finally otters, with every step increasing ihc concentration of the chemicals. From 1962 the chemicals were phased out, but while some species recovered quickly, otter numbers did not and continued to fall into the 80s/niis was probably mainly to habitat destruction and road deaths. Acting on popuIations fragmented by the sudden decimalion in the 50s and 60s, the loss of just a handful of otters in one area can make an entire population unviable and spoil the end.
Otter numkiers anr recovering all around Britain--populations arc growing again in the few areas where they had remained and have expanded from those areas into the rest of the country. This is almost  entirely due to law and conservation efforts, slowing down and reversing the destruction of suitable otter habitat and reintroductions from captive breeding programs. Releasing captive-bred otters is seen by many as a last resort, The argument runs that where there is no suitable habitat for them they will not survive after release and when there is suitable habitat, natural populations should be able lo expand inlo the area. However, reintroducing animals into a fragmented and fragile population may add just enough im|petus for it to stabilise and expand, rather than die out. This is what the Otter Trust accomplished the 1980s. The Otter Trust has now finished its captive breeding program entirely. Great news because it means it is no longer needed.

Questions 1-9 Reading Passage 1 has seven paragraphs, A-G.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 1-9 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
1 A description of how otters regulate vision underwater
2 The fit-for-purpose characteristics of otter's body shape
3 A reference to an underdeveloped sense
4 An explanation of why agriculture failed in otter conservation efforts
5 A description of some of the otter’s social characteristics
6 A description of how baby otters grow
7 The conflicted opinions on how to preserve
8 A reference to a legislative act
9 An explanation of how otters compensate for heat loss
Questions 10-13
Answer the questions below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet
10 What affects the outer fur of otters?
11 What skill is not necessary for Asian short-clawed otters?
12 Which type of otters has the shortest range?
13 Which type of animals do otters hunt occasionally?

1.B   2.A    3.B    4.F   5.C    6.E
7.G   8.G   9.A    10.Sea wather \ salt water \ salt
11. Swimming spead    12.coastal otters   13.Small mammals

Researcher on the Tree Crown(树冠研究)
You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 14-26 which are based on Reading Passage below.
The forest canopy-the term given to the aggregated crowns of trees in a forest-is thought to host up to 40 per cent of all species, of which ten per cent could be unique to the forest roof. "We're dealing with the richest, least known, most threatened habitat on Earth," says Andrew Mitchell, the executive director of the Global Canopy Programme/ a collection of groups undertaking research into this lofty world. "The problem with our understanding of forests is that nearly all the information we have has been gleaned from just two meters above the soil, and yet we're dealing with trees that grow to heights of 60 meters, or in the case of the tallest redwood 112 meters. It's like doctors trying to treat humans by only looking at their feet."
Tropical rainforest comprises the richest of ecosystems, rivalled only by coral reel for its diversity and complex interrelationships. And a great deal of that diversity lives up in the canopy-an estimated 70-90 per cent of life in the rainforest exists in the trees; one in ten of all vascular plants are canopy dwellers; and about 20-25 per cent of all invertebrates are thought to be unique to the canopy.
The first Briton to actually get into the canopy may have been Sir Francis Drake who, in 1573, gained his first glimpse of the Pacific Ocean from a tall tree in Darien, Panama. However, the first serious effort to reach and study the canopy didn't begin until 1929. The Oxford University Expedition to British Guiana, led by Major RWG Hingston, still ended up help of locals when it came to building an observation platform. It was a successful expedition all the same, despite the colony's acting governor getting stuck high up on a winched seat during a visit. In terms of canopy access, the French have proved themselves to be excellent innovators, taking things further with the development of 'lighter-than-air platforms -balloons and related equipment, to you and me. Francis Halle; from the Laboratoire de Botanique Tropicale at Montpellier University took to a balloon in the mid-1980s in order to approach the canopy from above. His work in French Guiana was inspired by the use in Gabon of a tethered helium balloon by Marcel and Annette Hladick. Halle went one further by using a small purpose-built airship-a cigar-shaped balloon with propellers to aid manoeuvrability. "We suddenly had a mobile system that could move around the treetops; there was no other means of doing this," says Mitchell.
From this, two balloon-dependent features have developed: the radeau or raft, and the luge or sledge. The raft is a 'floating' platform, employed by French academics Dany Cleyet-Marrel and Laurent Pyot and is essentially an island in the treetops. Made of kevlar mesh netting and edged with inflated neoprene tubes, it rests on top of the canopy, allowing sampling (mostly of plants and insects) to take place at the edges of the platform, and can stay in position for several days. The luge, on the other hand, is an inflated hexagon similar to a traditional balloon basket but with a hole in the bottom covered with Kevlar mesh. Such techniques aren't without their problems, however, "balloons can cover larger areas, especially for collection purposes, but they are extremely expensive- Jibe raft alone cost 122,000 [euro] (86,000 [pounds sterling]) in 2001], nut very effective because you can only reach the tops of the trees, and are highly dependent on the weather, " says Dr Wilfried Morawetz, director of systematic botany at the University of Leipzig. “Balloons can usually only be used in the early morning for two to four hours. Last time, we could only fly three times during a whole week." Given these factors, it comes as no surprise that operations involving these balloons numbered just six between 1986 and 2001.
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. Smith had the idea of using a static crane to get into the treetops. Un-tethered balloons may allow widely distributed sites to be sampled, but cranes allow scientists to study an area of at least a hectare from soil to canopy throughout the year, year after year. "Cranes beat any other access mode. They are cheap, reliable and fast. In two minutes I can reach any point in our forest, which is essential for comparative measurements across species," says Professor Christian Korner of the University of Basel. Korner is using a static crane in a unique carbon dioxide-enrichment experiment in Switzerland, in an attempt to discover how forests might respond to the global increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (see Swiss canopy-crane carbon experiment, right). For reasons of convenience, cranes are generally situated close to cities or a research center. Leipzig University has a crane not far from the town, the Location allowing scientists to study the effect of city pollutants on forests. In order to increase the amount of canopy a crane can access, some have been mounted on short rail tracks. In "1995, Dr Wilfried Morawetz was the first to use this technique, installing a crane on 150 meters of track in Venezuelan rainforest. “In my opinion, cranes should be the core of canopy research in the future," he says.
It appears that the rest of the scientific community has now come around to Mitchell's way of thinking. "I think most scientists thought him mad to consider such a complex field station at first," says internationally respected 'canopist' Meg Lowman, the executive director of the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. "However, we've all come to realize that a combination of methods, a long-term approach to ecological studies and a collaborative approach are the absolute best ways to advance canopy science. A permanent canopy field station would allow that to happen." With A dedicated group of canopy scientists working together and a wide range of tools available for them to get into the treetops, we're now finally on our way towards a true understanding of the least-known terrestrial habitat.

Questions 14-18
The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-F
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-F, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet
14. The Scientific significance for committing canopy study.
15. The first academic research attempt mentioned to get to the top canopy.
16. The overview idea of forest canopy and the problem of understanding the forests.
17. A recognition for a long term effect and cooperation.
18. An innovation accessing to treetop which proved to be an ultimate solution till now.
Questions 19-22
Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using No More than Two words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 19-22 on your answer sheet.
Scientists keep trying new methods to access to the canopy of the treetop. Though early attempt succeeded in building an observation platform yet the help from the 19 was imperative; further innovators made by the French who built a platform with equipment by using 20 . Later, the ‘floating’ platform of 21 is serving as an island in the treetops. Then finally, there came the next major breakthrough in Panama. Scientists applied 22 to access to the treetops, which are proved to be the center of canopy research in today and in the future.
Questions 23- 27
Use the information in the passage to match the category (listed A-F) with opinions or deeds below. Write the appropriate letters A-F in boxes 23-27 on your answer sheet.
NB you may use any letter more than once
A. Sir Francis Drake
B. Wilfried Morawetz
C. Dany Cleyet-Marrel
D. Francis Halle
E. Christian Korner
F. Alan Smith
23. Scientist whose work was inspired by the method used by other researchers.
24. Scientist who made a claim that balloon could only be used in a limited frequency or time.
25. Scientist who initiated a successful access mode which is cheap and stable.
26. Scientist who had committed canopy-crane experiment for a specific scientific project.
27. Scientist who initiated the use of crane on the short rail tracks.

14. B
【原文参考依据-B段】Tropical rainforest comprise the richest of ecosystem, revalled only by coral reel for its diversity and complex interrelationships. And a great deal of that diversity lives up in the canopy--an estimated 70-90 percent of life in the rainforest exists in the trees; one in ten of all vascular plants are canopy dwellers; and about 20-25 per cent of all invertebrates are thought to be unique to the canopy. B段说了地球上最富裕的生态系统,而且很多特征独一无二。好多树上的生命占了百分之好几十好多好多。热带雨林拥有最丰富的生态系统。总之就是热带雨林很重要。重要当然就有研究的必要性了。 正好对应对canopy研究的生态意义。
15. C
【原文参考依据-C段前两句】The first Briton to actually get into the canopy may have been Sir Francis Drake who, in 1573, gained his first glimpse of the Pacific Ocean from a tall tree in Darien, Panama. However, the first serious effort to reach and study the canopy didn't begin until 1929.
16. A
【原文参考依据-A段】 The forest canopy--the term given to the aggregated crowns of trees in a forest--is thought to host up to 40 per cent of all species, of which ten per cent could be unique to the forest roof. "We're dealing with the richest, least known, most threatened habitat on Earth," ..... "The problem with our understanding of forests is that ....... and yet we're dealing with trees that ......."
17. F
【原文参考依据-F段5-7行】 "However, we've all come to realise that a combination of methods, a long-term approach to ecological studies and a collaborative approach are the absolute best ways to advance canopy science.
18. E
【原文参考依据-E段5-7行】"Un-tethered balloons may allow widely distributed sites to be sampled, but cranes allow scientists to study an area of at least a hectare from soil to canopy throughout the year, year after year."Cranes beat any other access mode.
原文见E段第6行,...year after year,"cranes beat any other access mode" .... "beat any other" 打败其他所有的方式--最好的,最佳的;E段最后一句话 加引号那个。ultimate solution对应原文core research 。... in the future对应till now吧。并且段中大量提到了crane现在的应用之广,也能体现tilll now,甚至未来很长一段时间都是最佳的选择
19. locals
【原文参考依据-C段5-6行】The Oxford University Expedition to British Guiana, led by Major RWG Hingston, still ended up requiring the help of locals when it came to building an observation platform.
20. balloons
【原文参考依据-C段9-11行】In terms of canopy access, the French have proved themselves to be excellent innovators, taking things further with the development of 'lighter-than-air platforms'--balloons and related equipment, to you and me.
21. raft/rafts
【原文参考依据-D段第2句】The raft is a 'floating' platform, employed by French academics Dany Cleyet-Marrel and Laurent Pyot and is essentially an island in the treetops.
22. (static)crane/cranes
【原文参考依据-E段第2句】The next major innovation came from Alan Smith, who worked at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. Smith had the idea of using a static crane to get into the treetops.此类填空答案应从核心词往回数,要求几个词就数几个词,冠词可忽略。比如,此道题核心词为crane,要求two words,所以crane或static crane都是正确答案。当然,建议写static crane,要求几个写几个,较保险。
23. D
【原文参考依据-C段12-14行】Francis Halle; from the Laboratoire de Botanique Tropicale at Montpellier University took to a balloon in the mid-1980s in order to approach the canopy from above.
24. B
【原文参考依据-D段倒数第6行】"....not very effective because you can only reach the tops of the trees, and are highly dependent on the weather," says Dr Wilfried Morawetz, director of systematic botany at the University of Leipzig. "Balloons can usually only be used in the early morning for two to four hours.
25. F
【原文参考依据-E段前两句+5-6行】The next major innovation came from Alan Smith, who worked at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. Smith had the idea of using a static crane to get into the treetops. Un-tethered balloons may allow widely distributed sites to be sampled, but cranes allow scientists to study an area of at least a hectare from soil to canopy throughout the year, year after year. "Cranes beat any other access mode. They are cheap, reliable and fast.
E段的第1行(Alan smith 首先运用的起重机,innovation 是创造,不但是 innovative idea,事实上Alan Smith 是一个发明者)+5行(便宜稳定,是korner的评价,但还是Alan applied过的)原文解释
26. E
【原 文参考依据-E段8-10行】Korner is using a static crane in a unique carbon dioxide-enrichment experiment in Switzerland, in an attempt to discover how forests mightrespond to the global increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (see Swiss canopy-crane carbon experiment, right). Korner利用起重机做了一个二氧化碳的实验
27. B
【原文参考依据-E段末尾】In order to increase the amount of canopy a crane can access, some have been mounted on short rail tracks."In 1995,Dr Wilfried Morawetz was the first to use this technique, installing a crane on 150 metres of track in Venezuelan rainforest. "In my opinion, cranes should be the core of canopy research in the future," he says.

Passage3: 格林童话
27 利用题目信息定位于第二段“Such lasting fame would have shocked the humble Grimms.”因此,正确答案为NO。
  28 利用题目信息定位于第二段“They began their work at a time when Germany had been overrun by the French under Napoleon, who were intent on suppressing local culture. As young, workaholic scholars, single and sharing a cramped flat, the Brothers Grimm undertook the fairy-tale collection with the goal of serving the endangered oral tradition of Germany.因此,正确答案为NOT GIVEN。
  29 利用题目信息定位于第三段“ Even today some protective parents shy from the Grimms’ tales because of their reputation for violence.”
  30 利用题目信息定位于第四段“The brothers had not foreseen that the appearance of their work would coincide with a great flowering of children's literature in Europe. English publishers led the way, ”,因此,正确答案为NOT GIVEN。
  31 利用题目信息定位于第五段,“ Inevitably the boy and girl fall in love and live happily ever after. And parents keep reading because they approve of the finger-wagging lessons inserted into the stories: keep your promises, don’t talk to strangers, work hard, obey your parents. According to the Grimms, the collection served as "a manual of manners".因此,正确答案为YES。
  32 利用题目信息定位于第6段,“ Inevitably the boy and girl fall in love and live happily ever after. And parents keep reading because they approve of the finger-wagging lessons inserted into the stories: keep your promises, don’t talk to strangers, work hard, obey your parents. According to the Grimms, the collection served as "a manual of manners".因此,正确答案为NO。
  33 利用题目信息定位于第4段,‘’The brothers had not foreseen that the appearance of their work would coincide with a great flowering of children's literature in Europe. English publishers led the way,”因此,正确答案为A。
  34 利用题目信息定位于第4段“ Once the Brothers Grimm sighted this new public, they set about refining and softening their tales”,因此,正确答案为C。
  35 利用题目信息定位于第6段,‘’Marie's wonderful stories blended motifs from the oral tradition and from Perrault's influential 1697 book, Tales of My Mother Goose“,因此,正确答案为D。
  36 利用题目信息定位于第7段,“ Very, says scholar Heinz Rolleke. Love of the underdog, rustic simplicity, creative energy—these are Teutonic traits.”因此,正确答案为D。
  37 利用题目信息定位于第7段,“Throughout Europe children were often neglected and abandoned, like Hansel and Gretel”,因此,正确答案为A。
  38 利用题目信息定位于第8段,“Bernhard Lauer points to the “universal style” of the writing. you have no concrete descriptions of the land, or the clothes, or the forest, or the castles. It makes the stories timeless and placeless,”,因此,正确答案为H。
  39 利用题目信息定位于第9段,”They show a striving for happiness that none of us knows but that we sense is possible. We can identify with the heroes of the tales and become in our mind the masters and mistresses of our own destinies."因此,正确答案为E。
  40 利用题目信息定位于第9段, ‘’Bruno BcttelHeim famously promoted the therapeutic of the Grimms’ stories,calling fairy tales the "great comforters. By confronting fears and phobias. symbolized by witches, heartless stepmothers,and hungry wolves,children find they can master their anxieties."因此,正确答案为B。

大作文:Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed when they are used as money-making machines aimed at tourists, other people believe that it is the only way to save such conditions in the world today. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


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