本次综合写作的内容与近期的话题都有所不同,主要是讲Franklin号上的食品罐头中可能含铅,并导致的船员的死亡。Reading对此结论持否定态度,Listening一如既往地否定Reading。其实铅中毒是一个常识性的话题,reading和listening里都没有什么较难的词汇,所以总结起来难度也不高。 Okay, time to have a look!
1. The outside of the cans were sealed with lead, but it could not actually get in the containers. 铅被用来封装罐头,但是不会进入罐头内部。
1. The workers were under pressure and had to work long hours, hence some cans were not properly sealed. 工人们压力大, 工作时间长,一些罐头并没有密封好。
2. There were no actual signs of any such incidents from other ships. 其他船上没有出现同类事件,所以可能性不大。
2. No prompt reports or tests were carried out to show other symptoms of lead poisoning. 没有在其他船上进行报告与检查,所以一些铅中毒的表现被忽略。
3. There could have been other sources such as water purifiers as the pipes were made of lead. 有可能是其他来源,比如船上铅制净化水管道。
3. Water ran through the lead pipes was for the ship engines, drinking water was of a different source. 铅管道净化水是给发动机用的,饮用水来自于其他渠道。
1. It’s any government’s responsibility to fund public facilities and internet today is of top priority in terms of public communications.
1. A government exists on taxpayers’ money. Every tax, every bill is vital to its next available budget or possible cut. No individual should be made to dodge any fee.
2. Internet, without a doubt, ranks among the most cutting edge technologies we possess today. Such advanced technology should as well be controlled and its use regulated by the government, the fees should hence be covered by the ruling class.
2. Internet itself is such a cutting edge technology that huge sums of money is required to maintain its service. No government is able to keep it running for infinite time without consumers themselves making a contribution to it.
3. Although it seems reasonable for us to pay the fees as we already do with our other bills, the ownership of the internet is now increasingly being vied for by large corporations who may in the future overcharge the customers and current prices already seem unreasonable.
3. While to some, governments seem to be making a mint from deals made with internet providers, it’s but superficial as statistics show that private ownership has taken the liberty and gets the lion share of the total earnings. More regulations can be made to benefit the consumers and penalize the providers, but the cost should never be cut to 0.