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网络授课:快速提高雅思1-4分Edward艾华师全球性雅思专家型网络授课一对一,一对二,一对三,一对多人说明(电脑或者手机Iphone网络QQ/SKYPE/YY语音上课) 请进入
听力Section 1
场景:住宿场景-宿舍内设施Facilities in thedormitory
Question 1 - Question 10
1. Check gas and electricity meter
2. turn of the tap water
3. telephone No. 455455
4. lease at least : for 3 months (6是干扰信息)
5. park in the : garden
6. the keys are left in the bookshelf
7. 4 weeks
8. furniture
9. cable TV
10. pets are not allowed

Section 2
场景:介绍场景-校园介绍Introduction of a school with a map.
17. Weekend at library : 9.30 a.m.- 6.30 p.m. (library weekend closed at 6.30 p.m.)
18. Have questions with assignment should look for a personal tutors
19. You should take student card to register in campus clinic
20. emergency all 455455

Section 3
Question21 - Question 30
21.nature of research
22.areas of improvement
23.research findings
24.size of sample
25.list of action
26.number of students
29.summary report
Section 4
31. population
32. participation
33. freedom to move clubs
34. new materials
35. practical outcomes
36. fashion
阅读第一篇:茶叶历史(the history oftea)
A The story of tea began in ancient China over 5,000 years ago. According to legend, ShenNung, an early emperor was a skilled ruler, creative scientist and patron of the arts. His far-sighted edicts required, among other things, that all drinking water be boiled as a hygienic precaution. One summer day while visiting a distant region of his realm, he and thecourt stopped to rest. In accordance with his ruling, the servants began to boil water for the court to drink. Dried leaves from the near by bush   fell into the boiling water, and a brown liquid was infused into the water. As a scientist,the Emperor was interested in the new liquid, drank some,and found it very refreshing. And so, according to legend,tea was created.

B Tea consumption spread throughout the Chinese culture reaching into every aspect of the society. In 800 A.D. Lu Yu wrote the first definitive book on tea, the Ch'aChing. This amazing man was orphaned as a   child and raised by scholarly Buddhist monks in one of China's finestmonasteries. Patronized by the Emperor himself, his work clearly showed the Zen Buddhist philosophy to which he was exposed as a child. It was this form of tea service that Zen Buddhist missionaries would later introduce to imperial Japan.
The first tea seeds were brought to Japan by the returning Buddhist priest Yeisei,who had seen the value of tea in China in enhancing religious mediation. As a result, he is known as the "Father of Tea" in Japan.Because of this early association, tea in Japan has always been associated with Zen Buddhism. Tea received almost instant imperial sponsorship and spread rapidly from the royal court and monasteries to the other sections of Japanese society.

C Tea was elevated to an art form resulting in the creation of the Japanese Tea Ceremony ("Cha-no-yu" or "the hot water for tea"). The best   description of this complex art form was probably written by the Irish-Greek journalist-historian Lafcadio Hearn, one of the few foreigners everto be granted Japanese citizenship during this era. He wrote from personal observation, "The Tea ceremony requires years of training and practice to graduate in art...yet the whole of this art, as to its detail, signifies no more than the making and serving of a cup of tea. The supremely important matter is that the act be performed in the most perfect, most polite, most graceful, most charming manner possible”.

Such a purity of form, of expression prompted the creation of supportive arts and services. A special form of architecture (chaseki) developed for "teahouses", based on the duplication of the simplicity of a forest cottage. The cultural/artistic hostesses ofJapan, the Geishi, began to specialize in the presentation of the tea ceremony.As more and more people became involved in the excitement surrounding tea, the purity of the original Zen concept was lost. The tea ceremony became corrupted,boisterous and highly embellished. "Tea Tournaments" were held amongthe wealthy where nobles competed among each other for rich prizes   in naming various tea blends. Rewarding winners with gifts of silk, armor, and jewelry was totally alien to the original Zen attitude of the ceremony.

Three great Zen priests restored tea to its original place in Japanese society. One of them is Sen-no Rikkyu (1521-1591)-priest who set the rigid standards for the ceremony,largely used intact today. Rikyo was successful in influencing theShogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who became Japan's greatest patron of the "art of tea". A brilliant general, strategist, poet, and artist this unique leader facilitated the final and complete integration of tea into the pattern of Japanese life. So complete was this acceptance, thattea was viewed as the ultimate gift, and warlords paused for tea before battles.
D While tea was at this high level of development in both Japan and China,information concerning this then unknown beverage began to filter back to Europe. Earlier caravan leaders had mentioned it, but were unclear as to its service format or appearance. (One reference suggests the leaves be boiled, salted, buttered, and eaten!) The first European to personally encounter tea and write about it was the Portuguese Jesuit Father Jasper de Cruz in 1560.

Portugal,with her technologically advanced navy, had been successful in gaining the first right of trade with China. It was as a missionary on that first commercial mission that Father de Cruz had tasted tea four years before.

The Portuguese developed a trade route by which they shipped their tea to Lisbon,and then Dutch ships transported it to France, Holland, and the Baltic countries. (At that time Holland was politically affiliated with Portugal. When this alliance was altered in 1602, Holland, with her excellent navy, entered into full Pacific trade in her own right.)

E Because of the success of the Dutch navy in the Pacific, tea became very fashionable in the Dutch capital, the Hague. This was due in part to the high cost of the tea (over $100 per pound) which immediately made it the domain of the wealthy.

F Slowly, as the amount of tea imported increased, the price fell as the volume of sale expanded. Initially available to the public in apothecaries along with such rare and new spices as ginger and sugar, by 1675 it was available incommon food shops throughout Holland. As the consumption of tea increased dramatically in Dutch society, doctors and university authorities argued back and forth as to the negative and/or positive benefits of tea. Known as "tea heretics",the public largely ignored the scholarly debate and continued to enjoy their new beverage though the controversy lasted from 1635 to roughly 1657.Throughout this period France and Holland led Europe in the use of tea.

G As the craze for things oriental swept Europe, tea became part of the way of life. The social critic Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, the Marquise de Seven makes the first mention in 1680 of adding milk to tea. During the same period, Dutchinns provided the first restaurant service of tea. Tavern owners would furnish guests with a portable tea set complete with a heating unit. The independent Dutchman would then prepare tea for himself and his friends outside in thetavern's garden. Tea remained popular in France for only about fifty years,being replaced by a stronger preference for wine, chocolate, and exotic coffees.

Great Britain was the last of the three great sea-faring nations to break into the Chinese and* East Indian trade routes. This was due in part to the unsteady ascension to the throne of the Stuarts and the Cromwellian Civil War. The first samples of tea reached England between 1652 and 1654. Tea quickly proved popular enough to replace ale as the national drink of England.

As in Holland, it was the nobility that provided the necessary stamp of   approval and so insuredits acceptance. King Charles II had married, while in exile, the Portuguese Infanta Catherine de Braganza (1662). Charles himself had grown up in the Dutch capital. As a result, both he and his Portuguese bride were confirmed tea drinkers. When the monarchy was re-established, the two rulers brought this foreign tea tradition to England with them.

H Imperial Russia was attempting to engage China and Japan in trade at the same time as the East Indian Company. The Russian interest in tea began as early as 1618 when the Chinese embassy in Moscow presented several chests of tea to Czar Alexis. By1689 the Trade Treaty of Newchinsk established a common border between Russiaand China, allowing caravans to then cross back and forth freely. Still, the journey was not easy. The trip was 11,000 miles long and took over sixteen months to complete. The average caravan consisted of 200 to 300 camels. As aresult of such factors, the cost of tea was initially prohibitive and available only to the wealthy. By the time Catherine the Great died (1796), the price had dropped some, and tea was spreading through out Russian society. 参考答案:
Tombs 206AD在汉朝发掘古墓时发现茶叶
Books 8世纪第一本讲茶叶的书
Smuggling taxation很高,人民铤而走险走私茶叶,英国不得不减税
FALSE 16世纪,茶在英国很受欢迎,原文否定
NOTGIVEN 茶叶在欧洲比咖啡更流行,原文未提及
FALSE 茶叶在所有阶层都很普及,原文中说只有上流社会普及
TRUE adulteration是导致政府减税的一项原因。
NOTGIVENf astest vessel owned by America,原文未提及
TRUE initial problems when tea was planted outside China

Passage 2:
内容:关于打哈欠传染的研究(the nature of yawning)
14. C imagining leads to yawning
15. D occupation and inclination to yawning
16. A overview of research
17. B body temperature and yawning
18. B disapprove of a theory
19. B not difference in gender
20. C mental disorder 文中定位:autism
21. A the way we breathe 文中定位:inhale
22. B trained yawn more than the untrained
23. bond用来联系人类情感
24. danger危险的时候警示别人
25. rest特别是需要休息的时候
26. non-verbal是人类肢体语言的一种
Passage 3:
题目:the nature ofmusic
27. C 定位词:第一段中的nature of music,答案:many elements
28. D 定位词:language and music,答案:STEVE
29. A 定位词:Neanderthals 答案:show reactions
30. C 定位词:Neanderthals and homo sapiens 答案:for partners
31. D 定位词:feature and music,答案: change in allcultures
32. C 定位词:Mithen,答案:reference forother people
33. A 定位词:precious research,答案: limited inthe range of research
34. E 定位词:power of emotion,答案:long history
35. B 定位词:reviewer disagrees with Mithen,答案:modern speech影响音乐
36. TRUE most discussion ignore physical factors
37. TRUE shared features/small societies/remote areas
38. NOT GIVEN people talk to babies/similar to/Neandethalsmusic
39. FALSE Mithen support Steve
40. NOT GIVEN modern peopledepend heavily on electronic music

TASK 1 关于四个国家在renewable energy research的花费
The graphshows the spending on research into renewable energy of four countries from 1975 to 2000.大作文: Some people say that criminals who went to prison but become good citizens now are the best people to educate school students about consequences of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?雅思成绩出炉!雅思成功之路-最新实用雅思高分成功经验分享




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