admin 发表于 2015-7-4 12:07:43

2015年7月2日-4日5日雅思所有已经考完的口语话题,Edward 再...

2015年7月2日-4日5日雅思所有已经考完的口语话题,Edward 再次在最重点连续预测命中,IPN资料里面都有详细答案或者可以互相套同的答案,出现了部分新题目已经更新到IPN资料: Part 2 Describea place to relax/describe your favorite park/garden/Describe a place full of colors/Describe an exciting sport you would like to play/Describe oncea childmade you laugh /Describe a café you like to go/Describe yourfavorite cafe or restaurant/Describe a person you had disagreementwith/Describe a person who you dislike but have to be friendly toDescribe an occasion you got up extremely early/Describe a happy event from your childhood that you rememberwell/Describe a change of a local area/Describea paid job you or someone else did/Describe an indoor game(not a sport) when uwere child/in your childhood./ Part2 Describe a useful pieceof advice/ Describe a piece of advice someone gave you/ Describe a touristattraction/Describe a seaside place you want to visit /Describe somethinginteresting you want to learn more /about/describe an interesting thing you learned from internet/ Describe a song/describe yourfavorite song /Describe a song that has a special meaning to you./Describe ahappy event from your childhood that you remember well/Describe an electronicmachine you want to buy/Describe an occasionyou got up extremely early/Describea time when you felt surprised to meet someone/ Describe a person you know whocan speak a second languageDescribe an educational trip you took/Part2 Describea fashionable person/a person who dresses well/Part2Describe a small but successfulcompany/Part 2 Describe a place to relax/describe your favoritepark/garden/ Part 2 Describe someone you know who is good at cooking/Part 2 Describea friend who you think is a good leader/Describe an important stage in yourlife /Part 2 Describe a person you had disagreement with /Describe a person who you dislike but have to be friendly to
/ Describe a person you know who has an important jo/Part 2 Describe an indoorgame(not a sport) when u were child/in your childhood/Describe a series of /an educational TV program that you like to watch…..等等,具体请看2015年7月8月9月10月11月12月口语新题库、预测和配套答案 更多2015年7月4日、5日国内外雅思口语真题最新蹲点回忆请看下面评论栏...... 2015年7月4日国内外雅思笔试真题回忆蹲点最全汇总请进入 或 雅思a类g类真题权威预测答案范文机经2015年7月8月9月10月11月12月和2016年1月2月3月至12月
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查看完整版本: 2015年7月2日-4日5日雅思所有已经考完的口语话题,Edward 再...
