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2025年2月22日托福听说读写真题答案回忆蹲点汇总+解析回忆1: 托福口语“第一套” 考题分析Some people think that having a sense of humor makes it easier to deal with certaindifficult situations in life, such as conflicts with friends. Others believe itis best to approach difficult situations in a more serious manner. Which pointof view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
托福口语“第二套” 考题分析Somepeople prefer to go to the gym every day, some people prefer to go when theyhave free time, which do you prefer and why? 你比较倾向:每天都去健身房?还是用空再去健身房?
选择有空再去1.学习很忙,作业很多,每天去健身房会占用大量时间,放学回家没空去健身,否则影响学习。2.此外,健身完往往让我很疲惫,然后我就无法专心学习,还可能会受伤,影响到我的生活。 I preferto go to the gym when I have free time.
To beginwith, I'm really busy with my studies and I also have a large amount ofhomework to do every night. So, going to the gym regularly willdefinitely affect my study plans because it takes much of my time,like taking some fitness classes, or working out.
Inaddition, I'm often very tired after working out. When I come back home, Ifind it difficult to concentrate on my studies. What's more, I mayeven get injured in the gym while working out, which could further impact mystudies andacademic performance.
托福口语“第三套” 考题分析Do youagree or disagree with the following statement: it is a good idea to useeducational games in class.
选择同意1. 上课玩游戏会使课堂很有趣,学生们就会更积极参与,专心听讲,这样有助于学生更好的学习课堂知识。2. 课堂玩游戏会让学生彼此了解,增进友谊,因为一些游戏可以允许学生讨论,合作,这样的模式很适合学生。比如我小学老师经常组织这样的游戏,然后我就和我小组成员关系都很好。
I thinkusing educational games in class is a good idea.
Firstly, playinggames in class can make the class very interesting. As a result, studentswill be more actively involved and concentrate on listening to the teachers,which helps students have a better understanding of the knowledge taught inclass.
Secondly, playinggames in class enables students to get to know each other and enhance theirfriendship, because some games allow students to discuss andcooperate. For example, my primary school teacher often organized such games,and then I had a very good relationship with my group members.回忆2:综合写作 主题:马达加斯加物种起源 阅读:哺乳动物的祖先从非洲大陆到达马达加斯加岛。 1. 是通过偶然因素才会到达马达加斯加的,比如洪水,自然灾害等。2. 周围的海水是不会把动物带到岛屿的,因为海水不会朝那个方向流。3. 大陆与岛屿之间有400km,因此旅途会很长,动物活不了那么久。
听力:是有证据证明的1. 基因研究发现,岛上至少有四种物种的基因来自于大陆哺乳动物。2. 通过地形地貌变化,海水流经的位置现在是向南的,可以把动物送达马达加斯加。3. 动物在旅途中会降低自己的基础代谢,消耗很少,不会渴死饿死。
学术讨论: 教授:毕业之后想要advanced degree,是否可以full time工作的同时pursue a degree?
Andrew: 不应该边full time工作边学习,因为同时handle两件事很难,不能focus。 Claire: 这样做有一个好处是能把上课学的东西立马运用到工作中。回忆3:口语部分Task1 When meeting problems in your daily life, would you like to solve the problem suchas conflicts between friends in a humorous way, or would you like to solve itin a serious way? Use specific examples and details in your response.
Task 2- 阅读:取消writing center的walk-in- 听力反对1. 减少tutor数量
2. 如果cancel, 当学生在last minute有问题, 就无人可问 Task 3- 阅读: Trial offer: allow customer to order goods over the phone or on internetwithout paying it for a long period,- 听力: 前后对比, 教授看tv show订exercise equipment
Task4 communicationbefore hatching1. hatchat the same time eg.duck, make noises, communicate, others respond, hatch together2.prompt momeg.crocodile, signal mom, mom remove mud, free babies回忆4:听力部分C1:在这段对话中,学生Alice Parker与大学剧院经理Mr. Anderson讨论了莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》剧目排练的安排。
文章二:ethanol能源一种ethanol能源,可以通过种植corn获得,但是需要耗费大量的petroleum做的肥料,所以其实并不环保。同时这种能源的获取需要大量土地,会造成粮食价格上升等问题。巴西当地种的c植物可以提供在美国corn种植的六倍,一些美国和欧洲人准备投资。回忆6:独立口语:真题A:Some people think that having a sense of humor makes it easier to deal with certaindifficult situations in life, such as conflicts with friends. Others believe itis best to approach difficult situations in a more serious manner. Which pointof view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
真题B:Some people prefer to go to the gym every day, some people prefer to go when theyhave free time, which do you prefer and why?
真题C:Some people think that students learn better through the process of playingeducational games in groups in the classroom. Others think that playing gamesis not a good use of classroom time. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.回忆7:真题A新题: Journalism should not be included inUniversity courses? 综合写作:阅读部分:Madagascar,a large island about 400 kilometers off the coast of Africa, is home to manymammals that exist nowhere else on Earth. Genetic evidence shows that theancestors of these mammals arrived there from the African mainland between 60million and 20 million years ago. According to a popular theory, the ancestorspecies crossed the 400 kilometers by riding debris like logs or branchesfloating on the ocean. However, there are serious problems with that theory.
First,land mammals normally cross the sea only by accident. For example, a fewanimals might be swept into the water by a big storm and then somehow stayafloat on logs or plants. That does not happen frequently. In addition, inorder to reproduce and establish a population in the new location, severalindividuals of the same species would have to make the crossing together—aneven rarer accident. It seems implausible that such accidental events couldhappen often enough to give rise to the large and diverse mammalian fauna ofMadagascar. Second,the sea currents near the mainland African coast where the mammals supposedlycame from do not flow toward Madagascar. Even if some animals were thrown intothe water by storms and were able to float on debris, the currents would carrythem away from Madagascar.
Third, a400-kilometer journey would have taken too long for animals to survive.Scientists estimate that the trip takes three weeks. It is impossible to floatover the ocean for that long without any sources of food or freshwater. Theanimals that were washed out to sea would have died of hunger or thirst beforereaching the new location.
真题BDoctorAchebeAs you approach graduation, you may be considering your next steps for further education.Some opt to enroll full-time to complete an advanced degree as quickly as possible.Others choose to work while slowly progressing towards a degree. Given theseoptions, I'm curious to know your thoughts. After finishing yourundergraduate studies, do you prefer pursuing an advanced degree full-timeor continuing work while studying part-time?
AndrewI think it's better to go to college full-time instead of trying to balance part-time classesand a full-time job. For me, l know l wouldn't be able to focus on my studiesif I was exhausted from work all the time. Full-time college allows me toput all my energy into my classes and get the most out of my education.Trying to do both college and work full-time seems way too stressful forme to handle. I would rather get my degree done faster by being afull-time student.
Kelly I think going to college part-time while working is better because l can use what l learnin class at my job right away. The classes feel more relevant when I amable to apply the material to real work situations. Instead of justmemorizing concepts, l get to see how they work in practice. And gettingwork experience while l study looks good on my resume. l think balancingthe two helps me get more out of my classes and prepares me for my careerat the same time. I'd rather take classes part-time and work thanjust study full-time.
参考思路:It is advisable to study full-time while pursuing an advanced degree.1.Undergraduates have no excuses for not completing courses, which forces them to acquire anadvanced degree.2.Consistent learning will fully guarantee learning efficiency, as it is easier for them toapply what they have obtained in future learning.
真题C重复2024年9月1号 上午原题Dr.Achebe Today,we'llbe discussing the issue of companies that provide important products andservices, but also cause environmental damage. Some people arguethat the government should impose more penalties on these companies, suchas higher taxes
and larger fines, to prevent them from causing further environmentaldamage.In your posts, i want you to discuss this policy, Do you think that thisis a good method? Why or why not?
AndrewI don't think this is a good policy.In my hometown, the company that generates alot of wastewater only needs to pay a small fine.The environmental damagecontinues and the pollution has not reduced at all. Even if the government imposestaxes, some companies will not change their behavior that harms theenvironment.
Claire I believe it's a good idea for the government to impose an environmentaltax. This kind of penalty can make companies aware of theirenvironmentally damaging practices. Also, these taxes could motivatecompanies to find more eco-friendly alternatives for their productionprocesses and reduce their negative impact on the environment.
参考思路:Whether larger fines and higher taxes should be imposed on polluting companies dependson the extent to which they have polluted the environment.
On the one hand, If companies have done significant harm to the environment, have beenrepeatedly educated, and they have taken no steps to improve the currentsituation, then much larger fines and taxes should be strictly imposed on them.
On the other hand, if businesses only pollute the environment mildly, education shouldbe prioritized over heavy taxes so that they are more likely to use theirprofits to improve their recycling technology.回忆8:综合写作第一套-翼龙从小是否需要父母指导飞行阅读支持翼龙在刚孵化出来的时候就可以飞的三个原因:1. 研究人员发现,在某一片集体的区域找到了很多翼龙的骨头,这就说明他们是群居的,所以他们可以相互帮助,所以他们可以给幼小的翼龙喂食直到他们成熟。2. 对于那一个没有长出翅膀的晚期翼龙蛋。他认为那个不是晚期的翼龙蛋,并且研究人员之后找到了真正的晚期的翼龙蛋,并且找到了在那个胚胎里面是有翅膀的。3. 因为翼龙和鸟类很像,而鸟类没有办法一出生就可以学会飞行,所以根据这一个类比,翼龙也没有办法一出生就飞行。听力:1、有很多翼龙骨头聚集在同一处地方,也并不能代表他们是居住在一起,有可能是他们本来是相互相互分开生活,但是在死后,他们的骨头被溪水和河流冲到了同一个地方。2、研究人员找到了很晚的阶段的翼龙的蛋里面,也也就是快要孵化出来的时候的易龙蛋,这个里面他是没有形成完整的翅膀的,这也就说明了翼龙没有办法一孵化就飞行。3、其实是存在一出生就可以飞行的鸟类的,因为这些鸟类有强壮的力量,并且一出生就可以将自己从地下的的蛋中爬出来,把自己挖出来。类似的,翼龙也可以具有这种特征,并且可以飞行。
file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif第二套-马达加斯加(Madagascar)物种起源,讨论哺乳动物的祖先是从非洲大陆到达马达加斯加岛。阅读:1.许多物种抵达马达加斯加岛往往是出于偶然,例如被风暴卷入海中后漂流至岛上,或被群体带到该地,以便在新环境中繁衍后代。2.周围的海水不会将动物带到岛上,因为洋流的方向与岛屿相反。3. 大陆与岛屿之间相距400公里,这段旅程漫长且缺乏食物和淡水,动物难以在这样的条件下存活。听力:1.新的证据表明,物种确实能够到达该岛,因为基因研究显示,岛上至少有四种物种的基因源自大陆哺乳动物。2. 通过地形和地貌的变化,海水流动的方向曾经与现在不同,过去可能是将动物送往马达加斯加的路径。3.一些动物在长途迁徙过程中会降低自身的基础代谢率,以应对旅途中的挑战。
第三套-three ways to eliminate velvet trees inHawaii阅读:1.拔掉-直接移除丝绒树是一种方法。2.引入一种fungus(natural enemy)。3.preventpeople from dispersing seeds-通过防止人类传播种子来控制丝绒树。听力:1. 拔了以后有很多光照,种子会发芽,为了阻止他们,要用pesticides,但是他们可以在地下存好久。2.fungus在Hawaii这种有occasional drought的地方不能make the trees infected with this fungus。3. 人只是种子传播的一个原因,其他动物例如鸟类也会传播,他们吃种子然后在他们的排泄物(waste)中排出,因为他们会飞到很多地方,所以还是会distribute seeds。
file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif讨论写作第一套-罚款征税是一种有效的限制公司污染环境的方法吗?Andrew:支持罚款征税Claire:反对解析思路:理解题目:题目讨论的是罚款和征税是否是限制公司污染环境的有效方法。需要分析这种方法的优缺点,并给出自己的观点。支持观点:支持罚款和征税:认为这样可以追究企业的责任,迫使它们改变行为,促进创新和可持续性。关键词:惩罚措施(punitive measures)、创新(innovation)、可持续性(sustainability)反对观点:反对罚款和征税:认为这可能会阻碍创新,损害经济。主张通过奖励和激励措施(如补贴和税收减免)来促进环保行为。关键词:奖励措施(incentive measures)、环保做法(environmentally friendly practices)、经济影响(economic impact)。结构建议:引言:简要介绍问题,提出自己的观点。主体:详细阐述支持自己观点的理由,引用相关例子或数据。结论:总结观点,提出建议或展望。
参考范文:Isupport Andrew’s view that fines and taxes are effective in limiting corporatepollution. While some argue that such measures may harm innovation and theeconomy, I believe they are essential for promoting environmentalsustainability.
Firstly,fines and taxes create a financial disincentive for pollution. When companiesface significant costs for harming the environment, they are more likely toadopt cleaner practices. For example, carbon taxes in Europe have successfullyreduced emissions by making pollution expensive.
Secondly,these measures can drive innovation. Rather than stifling creativity, finespush companies to develop eco-friendly solutions. The rise of electricvehicles, partly due to stricter emissions regulations, demonstrates this.Lastly,the revenue from fines and taxes can fund environmental projects, creating acycle where polluters contribute to solving the problem.
Inconclusion, while incentives like subsidies are helpful, fines and taxes arecrucial for holding companies accountable and ensuring a sustainable future. Bymaking pollution costly, we encourage businesses to prioritize the environment.
第二套-普通人可以在网上发表观点是否影响新闻行业?Lastclass, we started talking about how almost anyone today can write and post newsarticles to a Web site or even host a news podcast. People no longer need adegree in journalism or a professional connection to a news outlet to expresstheir views and ideas to a wide audience. Some people believe this developmentnegatively affects the field of journalism as well as consumers of news. Do youagree with this viewpoint? Why or why not? 解题思路:本题要探讨业余作者通过网络发表新闻文章或播客节目是否对新闻行业和新闻消费者(消费者即读者和观众)产生了负面影响。既可以支持这个观点,也可以反对它。在分析时需要清晰地表明立场,并提供合理、有力的论据加以支持。支持该观点(Agree):1.误导与缺乏规范(Misinformation and Lack of Standards):非专业人士可能缺乏数据核查(fact-checking)和深度报道(in-depth reporting)的能力,导致虚假信息(false information)传播。2.影响新闻质量(Impact on News Quality):过多的信息和个人观点可能稀释专业记者的权威性(credibility)。有些人仅为了吸引流量推送娱乐性内容,侵蚀了新闻的严肃性。3.消费者的困惑(Consumer Confusion):缺少明确的可信来源标识,消费者可能难以区分真实新闻与偏见性报道。反对该观点(Disagree):1.多元声音的重要性(Diversity of Voices):网络平台让普通人分享观点,打破了传统媒体的垄断,促进民主。社区新闻(community news)或冷门领域更容易得到覆盖。2.民主化的信息获取(Democratized Access to Information):新技术使得全球范围内信息共享更迅速,让更多人接触和发表新闻。3.读者教育与进步(Educated Consumers):读者逐渐学会批判性思考(critical thinking),分析新闻来源的可靠性。
参考范文:Thegrowing trend of non-professionals publishing news articles or hosting podcastshas negatively affected both journalism and news consumers. While this shiftallows anyone to share their opinions, it has significant drawbacks.Firstly,misinformation has become a major issue. Unlike professional journalists whofollow rigorous fact-checking standards, amateurs often spread unverified orbiased content. For instance, during major events like elections or pandemics,false narratives can go viral, leading to confusion or harm.
Secondly,the credibility of journalism has declined. Traditional media outletsprioritize accuracy and investigative depth, which are vital foraccountability. In contrast, amateur creators often focus on sensationalism toattract attention, which undermines journalism's integrity and its role as apublic watchdog.
Lastly,consumers face increased difficulty in distinguishing reliable news from biasedor false information. Without proper training or clear source indicators, evenwell-meaning readers may trust content that reinforces their biases.Inconclusion, while giving everyone a platform for expression has democratizedmedia, it has also weakened the reliability and authority of journalism,ultimately doing more harm than good.
第三套-毕业之后想要advanced degree,是否可以full time工作的同时pursue a degree?Aftergraduation, many students face a choice: should they pursue an advanced degreewhile working full-time? Do you believe this is a feasible option?
解题思路:本题要求评估在全职工作的同时攻读高等学位(advanced degree while workingfull-time)是否可行(feasible)。解答时需要考量这一选择的可行性,并结合现实情况提供论据。本文核心讨论的关键词包括:时间管理(time management)、职业发展(career advancement)、工作压力(work pressure) 和 学术结果(academic performance) 等。支持该选择(Yes, it is feasible)的解题思路:职业与学术兼顾(Balancing Career and Studies):这为专业人士提供了提高学术水平或技能的机会,同时继续积累工作经验(work experience)。例如,一些学科的知识可以直接应用到工作中,从而使学习更有实用价值(practical application ofknowledge)。灵活学习的可能性(Flexible Learning Options):许多大学现如今提供线上学习(online courses)或夜间课程(night classes),方便学生平衡工作与学习时间。长期收益(Long-term Benefits):获得更高学位能帮助员工提升工资待遇(higher remuneration)或职位晋升(greater promotion opportunities),在职业生涯中带来回报。反对该选择(No, it is not feasible)的解题思路:工作与学术冲突(Work-Study Conflicts):全职工作需要耗费大量时间和精力,高强度的学术负担可能导致时间不足(time constraints)。这种情况下,两者可能都会受到负面影响。心理压力和健康问题(Stress and Health Issues):同时管理工作和学习可能导致个体出现高水平的压力(high levels of stress)、疲劳(fatigue)或精力耗尽,从而影响效率。学术成果受影响(Impact on Academic Performance):精力分散可能无法使学生在学术上取得最佳成绩(optimal academic performance),削弱其追求额外学位的意义。
参考范文:Pursuingan advanced degree while working full-time is not a feasible option for mostpeople due to conflicting demands and the potential negative impact on bothwork and academics.Firstly,time constraints make it difficult to balance these two major commitments.Full-time jobs often require long hours, leaving little time for studying,attending classes, or completing assignments. As a result, both job performanceand academic results may suffer. For instance, students might prioritize urgentwork responsibilities over preparation for exams.
Secondly,the pressure of managing a dual workload often leads to burnout and healthproblems. Fatigue and stress can reduce focus, impairing productivity in bothareas and jeopardizing long-term well-being. Without adequate rest or leisure,individuals are unlikely to succeed in either pursuit.
Lastly,academic performance may not meet expectations in this situation. Advanceddegrees require deep involvement in coursework and research, which workingprofessionals may struggle to provide. This limits the value of the degree theyultimately obtain.
Inconclusion, balancing full-time work and higher education is unrealistic formost due to time limitations, stress, and reduced performance. Part-time studyor flexible work arrangements might offer a more practical solution.回忆9:口语Task1第一套是否应该用educational games来教学?Somepeople think that students learn better through the process of playingeducational games in groups in the classroom. Others think that playing gamesis not a good use of classroom time. Which view do you agree with? Explainwhy. 解析思路:审题与立场:题目要求考生表达是否同意“学生通过课堂上的小组教育游戏学习效果更好”这一观点。考生需要明确表达自己的立场,并提供具体的理由和例子来支持自己的观点。立场选择:同意:可以强调教育游戏能提高学习兴趣、促进团队合作和加深理解。不同意:可以强调游戏可能分散注意力、降低学习效率或偏离教学目标。论证策略:同意:提高兴趣:游戏化学习能激发学生的兴趣,使学习过程更愉快。团队合作:小组游戏能培养学生的沟通和协作能力。加深理解:通过互动和实践,学生能更好地掌握知识。不同意:分散注意力:游戏可能让学生更关注娱乐而非学习内容。效率低下:游戏可能占用过多课堂时间,影响教学进度。偏离目标:游戏设计不当可能无法有效传递知识。语言表达:使用丰富的词汇和句式:“engagement”(参与度)、“collaboration”(合作)、“knowledge retention”(知识保留)等。注意逻辑连接词的使用,如“furthermore”(此外)、“on the other hand”(另一方面)、“for instance”(例如)等。
参考范文:Ibelieve that students learn more effectively through educational games ingroups. Firstly, games increase engagement. When learning is fun, students aremore motivated to participate and retain information. For example, a math gamethat involves solving problems to advance in a virtual adventure can makeabstract concepts more relatable and enjoyable. Secondly,group games foster collaboration. Students learn to communicate, share ideas,and work together to achieve common goals. This not only enhances their socialskills but also deepens their understanding of the subject matter through peerdiscussion. Lastly,educational games provide hands-on learning experiences. By activelyparticipating, students can apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios,which reinforces their learning and improves knowledge retention.Inconclusion, educational games in groups boost engagement, promotecollaboration, and provide practical learning experiences, making them aneffective use of classroom time.
第二套在日常生活中遇到问题时,比如朋友之间的矛盾,是选择sense of humor 还是严肃对待?Whenmeeting problems in your daily life, would you like to solve the problem suchas conflicts between friends in a humorous way, or would you like to solve itin a serious way? Use specific examples and details in your response. 解析思路:审题与立场:选择“用幽默的方式”或“用严肃的方式”,并明确表达自己的偏好。建议不要犹豫,一定要明确地表明立场。组织答题结构:引言(Introduction):清楚表达选择。例如,“I prefer to solve problems in ahumorous way because…” 或 “I would choose to solveproblems seriously because…”支撑理由(Main Reasons):至少给出两点主要理由,并用连接词(例如,“First of all,”,“Additionally,”)区分。具体例子(Specific Examples):每个理由后配一个具体场景或例子是高分的关键。可以结合自己的日常生活经历,例如与朋友发生冲突或解决误解的实例。专业语言与自然表达:使用逻辑连接词和适当词汇,如:解决问题(solve a problem)、冲突(conflict)、误解(misunderstanding)、有效率的(efficient)、气氛(atmosphere)等。高分技巧:展现复杂句型和合理的词汇运用(e.g., “By lightening the mood, Ican de-escalate the tension and foster mutual understanding.”)。使用多样化句型,如从句(because, if)、被动语态、条件句等。
参考范文:I preferto solve problems, such as conflicts between friends, in a humorous way. Firstof all, using humor can help de-escalate tension and create a more relaxedatmosphere. For example, last month, I had a misunderstanding with my roommateabout cleaning duties. Instead of accusing her directly, I made a joke aboutbeing “the ghost of dirty dishes.” We both laughed, and this broke the ice,allowing us to calmly discuss responsibilities. Additionally, humor can make meappear more approachable. If I handle conflicts too seriously, it mightintimidate others, preventing open communication. A light-hearted tone, on theother hand, shows I value the relationship more than the disagreement. Forinstance, cracking a joke while addressing our issues demonstrates my intentionto resolve the matter amicably. In conclusion, humor is an efficient andeffective way to solve problems while preserving personal connections.
第三套-你是喜欢每天都去健身房锻炼,还是有空的时候才去?Which doyou prefer: go to the gym everyday or only when you are free? 解析思路:明确立场:清晰地表明偏好,例如:“I prefer to go to the gym every day...” 或 “I would rather go to the gym only when I am free...”。不要模棱两可,否则会影响评分。支撑理由(Main Reasons):至少提出两条理由,每条理由后要提供对应的生活例子或细节。例如,如果选择“每天都去”:可以强调保持健康的重要性(maintaining physical health)和增强自律能力(boosting self-discipline)。如果选择“空闲时去”:可以利用更多时间完成其他重要任务(more flexibility for personaltime management)。逻辑清晰、结构完整:引言(Introduction)清晰表明观点。主体部分(Body)提出理由并用例子支撑,用适当的连接词(例如 furthermore, additionally, forinstance)增强逻辑。结论(Conclusion)再次重申观点并总结理由。多样化词汇和语法:尽量使用精准的动词和形容词,比如“consistency”(一致性)、“commitment”(坚持)、“versatile”(灵活性)。使用不同的句式,如复合句或条件句(e.g., “If I go to the gym everyday, it helps me…”)
参考范文:I preferto go to the gym every day instead of only when I am free. First of all,exercising daily promotes a consistent routine, which is crucial formaintaining physical and mental health. For instance, last year, I developed ahabit of spending an hour in the gym every morning, which not only improved myfitness level but also energized me for the rest of the day. Secondly, going tothe gym every day fosters self-discipline. Regularly committing to a dailyworkout builds a sense of responsibility and persistence, which are essentialin other aspects of life, such as work or academics. On the other hand, goingto the gym only when I’m free may lead to inconsistency, making it harder toachieve fitness goals. To conclude, visiting the gym on a daily basis ensuresbetter results and cultivates a strong sense of discipline.
Task 2第一套-阅读:取消writing center的walk-in -听力:反对1. 减少tutor数量;2. 如果cancel, 当学生在last minute有问题, 就无人可问 第二套-阅读: Environmental science专业的学生要去参加arctic的program -听力:不同意第三套-阅读:学校报社 hire only journalism 专业的学生-听力:不同意1. 历史专业的学生, 也感兴趣2. review稿件需要花时间
Task 3第一套-阅读: 人会根据cost/profit决定自己的行为-听力: 停车场的车, 没关headlight. 如果车门开着, 路人就会帮忙关灯. 如果车门惯着, 大家就无视了. 第二套-阅读: 找符合预期的consumer, 邀请其出演广告.-听力: health bar, 顾客是年轻上班族女性. 商家找了一位年轻女性, 广告中展示她在运动前吃这家餐厅的食物, 广告很成功. 第三套- 阅读: Trial offer: allow customer to order goods over the phone or on internetwithout paying it for a long period- 听力: 前后对比, 教授看tv show订exercise equipment
Task 4第一套:communication before hatching1. hatch atthe same time eg. duck, make noises, communicate, others respond, hatchtogether2. prompt momeg. crocodile, signal mom, mom remove mud, free babies 第二套 herbivores在food方面的challenges和adaptations1. move lesseg. koala2. digestpoisonous plantseg. koala 第三套:2 ways to protect coral reef1. blocksunlight 2. use robots回忆10:阅读
Life on Mars主要围绕火星是否存在生命展开探讨。目前火星大概率无液态水,生命存在可能性低,但过去可能有流水和较浓密大气层,具备孕育生命的条件。地球上发现的部分来自火星的陨石或许能提供火星曾有生命的化石证据,其中编号为 ALH84001 的陨石引人注目。该陨石约四百万年前形成,1600 万年前从火星表面被抛射出来,1984 年在南极洲被发现。其内部含有的碳酸盐小球表明火星历史上曾有液态水,且它还存在与地球细菌产生的结构相似的物质、富含铁的化学晶体和多环芳烃,这些迹象共同暗示火星曾有生命。然而,最具争议的是在陨石碳酸盐小球内发现的类似原始生物化石的结构,因这些结构尺寸极小,且该陨石缺乏地球上最古老原始化石所具备的一些生命特征(如氨基酸、细胞壁等),许多生物学家认为其不足以证明火星曾有生命。
Art Market17世纪的艺术市场经历了显著的变化,随着更多社会阶层对绘画的兴趣增加,艺术家们开始尝试不同的风格以适应市场需求。其中,"破碎色彩(broken color)"的运用成为了一种流行的技法。与此同时,艺术买卖的方式也发生了转变,中间人(如艺术代理商)的出现促进了艺术品的交易,使市场更加活跃。此外,艺术家们还探索新的方法来降低创作成本,以吸引更广泛的买家群体。这些变化共同推动了17世纪艺术市场的多样化和商业化发展。
Nile floods尼罗河是塑造古埃及文明的重要河流,但与其他河流不同,其泛滥的季节性和频率非常规律。这种稳定性主要源于尼罗河的两大支流——青尼罗河和白尼罗河的水源补给模式。青尼罗河源自埃塞俄比亚高原,雨季(通常为6月至9月)时水量激增,导致尼罗河在埃及境内泛滥。洪水从南向北流经苏丹和埃及,为沿岸地区带来肥沃的淤泥,滋养了农业生产。古埃及人从原始的依赖自然泛滥的种植方式,逐渐发展出人为控制和引导洪水的技术。他们通过修建台阶式水位测量装置(如尼罗尺)来监测水量,预测收成,并以此为基础确定税收。这种对尼罗河的科学利用和管理,不仅推动了农业的发展,也奠定了古埃及社会和经济的基础。
拿破仑雕像在18世纪和19世纪,欧洲统治者常常借助骑马肖像来彰显自己的权威与形象。Étienne Maurice Falconet的《彼得大帝》雕像和Jacques-Louis David的《拿破仑过圣伯纳德山口》画作是这一传统的杰出代表。这些艺术作品通过精心构思的形象,传达了关于统治者的特定理念,进一步巩固了他们的权力与影响力。Falconet于1782年创作的《彼得大帝》雕像,描绘了彼得大帝骑在一匹昂首挺立的马背上,马蹄踩踏着一条象征邪恶的蛇,寓意彼得将俄罗斯带入欧洲文化的辉煌成就。雕像的设计将彼得与古罗马皇帝相提并论,但Falconet通过自然主义的马匹姿态和中性的披风,突出了彼得作为建设者和立法者的开明形象,而非仅仅是一个征服者。David于1800年创作的《拿破仑过圣伯纳德山口》,则捕捉了拿破仑在意大利战争中的关键时刻,旨在向法国公众展示他的权威与掌控力。David通过将拿破仑与历史上的伟大军事领袖查理曼大帝和汉尼拔相类比,强调了拿破仑克服困难、实现目标的能力。尽管历史准确性并非艺术家的首要考虑,David通过象征性手法成功塑造了拿破仑的英雄形象。此外,这幅画作打破了法国美术学院禁止在现代历史题材中使用现代服饰的规定,引发了艺术上的反叛,削弱了学院对艺术创作的控制。这种反叛与同时期约瑟夫二世骑马雕像中对传统罗马皇帝服饰的保守选择形成鲜明对比,体现了艺术风格中保守与创新之间的张力。
土壤微生物可以帮助磷元素释放,有利于植物生长细菌与植物的共生关系通过多种机制促进植物生长,从而减少对化肥的依赖。其中,土壤微生物(如根瘤菌和菌根真菌)在植物根系周围形成共生关系,帮助植物更高效地吸收养分。例如,某些细菌能够将土壤中的不可溶性磷转化为可溶性形式,释放出植物可利用的磷元素,从而促进植物生长。这种生物过程不仅提高了养分的利用率,还减少了对化学磷肥的需求。此外,共生细菌还能固定大气中的氮气,将其转化为植物可吸收的氮化合物,进一步减少对氮肥的依赖。通过这些机制,土壤微生物与植物的共生关系不仅增强了植物的营养吸收能力,还降低了农业生产中对化肥的使用,有助于实现更可持续的农业实践。 海洋冰川sea ice在不同季节对海洋温度的影响 荷兰中产阶级对艺术的看法 Peru的farm 和fish的产业发展 Earth's changing climate回忆11:听力1.戏剧历史课上教授对乔治・利洛(George Lillo)的戏剧《伦敦商人》(the London Merchant)的讨论。该戏剧是首部以普通人为主角的悲剧之一,当时正值 18 世纪英国中产阶级崛起,社会从封建贵族社会向资产阶级社会转变。此剧描绘了中产阶级价值观(如诚实、勤劳),中产阶级试图与贵族区分开来,这些价值观对他们至关重要。剧中还体现了 18 世纪的情感主义哲学,即认为人本性善良,犯错后可通过情感反应回归善良本性,剧中有许多情感场景,期望引发观众共鸣并促使其变好。此外,该剧 1731 年首演后大受欢迎,在之后 70 年每年特定时间上演,尤其能有效教导观众新的美德和理想 。2.学生Alice Parker与剧院经理Mr. Anderson讨论《哈姆雷特》排练安排的问题,涉及排练冲突、技术需求(如场景布置、灯光效果)、预算限制,以及与相关专业人员的沟通。3.介绍了斯特拉文斯基作品《春之祭》在1913年首演因突破传统引发轰动与争议,尽管音乐评价后来改善,但当时更多批评集中在舞蹈编排上。4.心理学教授与学生Jake讨论了其研究项目,Jake计划复制并改进一项关于都市传说可信度的研究,探索故事细节和主题对可信度及传播频率的影响。5.讲述关于人类活动和气候变化导致一个哺乳动物物种灭绝的双重原因,并强调应将关注点放在如何解决问题上。6.分析M城邦灭亡,初始假设为气候变化影响农业,后发现建筑负担过重及社会矛盾也为主要原因,通过数据模拟确认多重因素共同导致灭亡。回忆12:学术讨论写作:新闻门槛的降低是否产生了负面影响
主题:马达加斯加物种起源阅读:哺乳动物的祖先从非洲大陆到达马达加斯加岛1. 是通过偶然因素才会到达马达加斯加的,比如洪水,自然灾害等2. 周围的海水是不会把动物带到岛屿的,因为海水不会朝那个方向流3. 大陆与岛屿之间有400km,因此旅途会很长,动物活不了那么久
听力:是有证据证明的1. 基因研究发现,岛上至少有四种物种的基因来自于大陆哺乳动物2. 通过地形地貌变化,海水流经的位置现在是向南的,可以把动物送达马达加斯加3. 动物在旅途中会降低自己的基础代谢,消耗很少,不会渴死
口语部分: Task 1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Some people make it a priority to exercise or go to the gym each day. Othersexercise or go to the gym only if they have free time. Which do you think isbetter? Explain why.
Task 2Newspaper Should Hire Journalism Students阅读:学生认为校园报社应该只招记者专业的这对他们更有利,可以有更多文章发布因为他们作业也写了一些。听力男生是报社编辑反对,外专业的人也有兴趣而且他是学历史的以后也可能从事新闻工作,文章发布要很多流程,时间限制没办法审核更多稿件
Task3 Trial Offer顾客可以通过电话和网络的方式得到产品,用了一段时间后决定是否买,不买可以退回。教授说了个自己的例子。他在电视上看到一个arm exercise equipment, 用的人胳臂更壮了,说效果很好,下面有个电话。教授不确定效果,所以没买。后来又过了几天同一个产品的广告。这次除了电话还说可以先订购,使用一个月,效果不好可以退回产品,好的话付钱。教授觉得自己用了即使效果不好也没损失就订购了,用了之后感觉不错所以买了
Task 4 two strategies for scientists to protecting coral reefs回忆13: 第二套:学术讨论写作:毕业后全职攻读更高学位还是兼职学习的同时继续工作A: 全职攻读。全职攻读能够将所有的精力投入到课程中;B: 兼职学习的同时继续工作。可以实现学以致用,同时为简历增色,为职业生涯做好准备。
综合写作:【重复2019.06.01】总论点:three ways to eliminate velvet trees in Hawaii阅读:1. 直接移走2. 引入一种fungus(natural enemy)3. prevent people from dispersing seeds
听力主旨:每一个方法都有缺点1. 想要移走Velvet trees是不容易的。当树被移走后,有很多阳光会直射到地面,地面上的种子就有机会不断生长,长出成百上千的新树。这些新长出来的树虽然可以用杀虫剂pesticide消灭,但是从树上掉落的种子可以存活很多年,所以会用很多年才能清除Velvet trees。2. fungus在Hawaii这种有occasional drought的地方不能make the trees infected with this fungus3. 避免人带着Velvet trees的种子传播到新的地方作用也有限。因为种子也会沾在鸟的身上,鸟飞到其他地区的时候会将种子掉落在新的地区,Velvet trees还是会在新的地方不断生长。
口语部分:Task 1Some people think that students learn better through the process of playing educational games in groups in the classroom. Others think that playing games is not a good use of classroom time. Which view do you agree with? Explain why. 回忆14:第三套:学术讨论写作:对公司征税是否是好的阻止公司破坏环境的方式A:否。企业交了罚款,但是不会改变他们的做法,没有人受到惩罚;B:是。如果没有惩罚,公司就不会想着去找到造成污染的实践的替代做法。每个公司都担心钱。
综合写作:阅读:幼年翼龙是否无法飞行并完全依赖它们的父母pterosuars(翼龙)出生时不能飞行1. community life(居住习惯)2. embryo(胚胎)3. similarity to birds
口语部分:Task 1 Some people think we should act humorously when dealing with difficult situations in our lives while other people believe we should treat them seriously. Which opinion do you prefer, why?
Task 2 Cancel Walk-in at University's Writing Centre
Task 3 Social Exchange Theory
Task 4 two ways communication before hatching helps animals to survive.回忆15:A卷 阅读
尼罗河的洪水还有很大的不同,就是在于尼罗河的洪水非常的稳定!虽然时间有早有晚,规模有大有小,但是每年都固定会有洪水。在几百年前,非洲人开始建立观测站,来测量水位的高低,当地人会利用深坑或者井水,并且建造好楼梯,方便进行记录和标记。而且考古学家还发现,古代的法老还用洪水的大小来决定当年的税负的高低。 B卷 阅读
Task 1有人坚持每天去健身房健身,而有些人认为有空余时间再去健身房健身,你认为哪种方式更好?
Task 2学校的报纸都会聘请学生来为报纸撰写文章,而他认为只应该去邀请那些新闻系的学生来去撰写文章,因为新闻系的学生需要更多的专业练习,他可以从给报纸写文章当中来获取很多的经验,而且聘请新闻系的学生将会增加发表的文章的数量,而课程对于文章的数量有要求。听力因为其他专业的学生有可能也是很喜爱写作,哪怕他们选择自己的专业。但是仍然希望去提高他们的写作的能力,比如说他自己就是校报的编辑,但实际上他自己主修历史,但是他将来也考虑从事新闻的工作。很多编辑都是有自己的专业,但是也都热爱去撰写文章。现在实际问题是,处理投稿,时间根本就不够,而且报纸的截止时间要求的很紧,还要求报道的真实性和准确性,而且他们还有一整套修订的流程。编辑的人数多的话,将会更好的去处理这些投稿。
Task 3销售往往会遇到一个问题,就是消费者不愿意去尝试新的商品,因为他们没有真正的触及过这些商品,一种解决方式就是用一些赠品,让人们通过互联网或者电话在订购的时候,免除后顾之忧,早退货之前可以用一段时间,这种使用优惠非常有效,因为在人们决定购买之前可以先进行试用。听力教授举了一个健身器的广告,这个健身器可以增强手臂的肌肉,电视广告展示人们使用这个健身器之后,手臂非常的强壮。他可以拨打一个电话就可以订购这个健身器,但是教授不确定这个健身器是否真的有用。一个月之后教授在这个电视里看到了另外一个类似产品的广告,但是这个产品提供一个月的免费试用,如果满意之后就可以留下,他如果不满意就可以退款。然后想了想,于是就选择了订购,然后爱上了他,最终使得手臂强壮很多。
Task 4他们有两种保护珊瑚礁的方法,一种方法是降低珊瑚礁周围的水温他们。用一些遮阳的东西阻挡太阳光照射到水面来给水面降温。例子是科学家用大型的遮阳布可以放珊瑚礁的正上方的水面之上,这样的话就可以为下方的珊瑚礁遮阳。想办法修复已经受损的珊瑚礁,通过修复受损的珊瑚礁,可以阻止珊瑚礁的死亡。科学家们用的是微型水下机器人,这些机器人可以到达之前人类无法到达的水下。而且这些水下机器人可以将健康的珊瑚添加到受损的区域,这样可以帮助已经受损的珊瑚礁恢复生机。回忆17:综合写作Velvet树对夏威夷生态系统的破坏及控制方法。阅读1. 物理移除:年轻的树可以手工拔除,较大的树则需要砍伐;2. 利用天敌:科学家发现一种真菌可以感染树的叶子,导致其落叶,且不会伤害夏威夷的本土植物;3. 防止人为传播:种子容易附着在人的衣物和装备上,通过彻底清洁可以防止其传播。
听力1. 物理移除:移除后,阳光会激活地上的种子,导致新的丝绒树大量生长。虽然可以使用农药杀死新树,但种子可能在多年后再次发芽,因此需要反复喷洒农药;2. 利用天敌:夏威夷偶尔会经历干旱,真菌在干旱条件下无法感染树木,因此其效果有限;3. 防止人为传播:虽树的甜果实会吸引鸟类,鸟类通过粪便将种子传播到更广泛的区域,因此这种方法的效果也有限。
学术讨论写作是否应该在工作期间攻读高级学位?Andrew认为应该停止工作,专注于学习,因为同时工作和学习容易导致落后,不如专注于一件事。Claire则认为边工作边学习是有益的,通过这种方式将所学知识立即应用到工作中,留下了深刻印象。回忆18:口语第一套:当处理朋友发生矛盾之类的情况时,是幽默点好,还是严肃点好?(重复2024年7月13日)Somepeople think that having a sense of humor makes it easier to deal with certaindifficult situations in life, such as conflicts with friends. Others believe itis best to approach difficult situations in a more serious manner. Which pointof view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain youropinion.
第二套:每天都去健身房还是有空再去?(重复2022年8月27 口语真题第三册命中)Somepeople prefer to go to the gym every day, some people prefer to go when theyhave free time, which do you prefer and why?
第三套:每天都去健身房还是有空再去?(重复2022年8月27 口语真题第三册命中)Somepeople prefer to go to the gym every day, some people prefer to go when theyhave free time, which do you prefer and why?
综合口语:Task 2阅读:学生认为校园报社应该只招记者专业的这对他们更有利,可以有更多文章发布因为他们作业也写了一些。听力男生是报社编辑反对,外专业的人也有兴趣而且他是学历史的以后也可能从事新闻工作,文章发布要很多流程,时间限制没办法审核更多稿件
Task 3Trialoffer。顾客可以通过电话和网络的方式得到产品,用了一段时间后决定是否买,不买可以退回。教授说了个自己的例子。他在电视上看到一个arm exercise equipment, 用的人胳臂更壮了,说效果很好,下面有个电话。教授不确定效果,所以没买。后来又过了几天同一个产品的广告。这次除了电话还说可以先订购,使用一个月,效果不好可以退回产品,好的话付钱。教授觉得自己用了即使效果不好也没损失就订购了,用了之后感觉不错所以买了
Task 4Two strategys to protect coral reefs,有个细节是用robot去到人达不到的地方,然后add some new coral让整个活过来回忆19:第一套【综合写作】马达加斯加物种起源阅读:哺乳动物的祖先从非洲大陆到达马达加斯加岛1.是通过偶然因素才会到达马达加斯加的,比如洪水,自然灾害等2.周围的海水是不会把动物带到岛屿的,因为海水不会朝那个方向流3.大陆与岛屿之间有400km,因此旅途会很长,动物活不了那么久
第二套阅读three ways to eliminate velvet trees inHawaii1.拔掉2.引入一种fungus(natural enemy)3.preventpeople from dispersing seeds
听力一一反驳:1.拔了以后有很多光照,种子会发芽,为了阻止他们,要用pesticides,但是他们可以在地下存好久2.fungus在Hawaii这种有occasional drought的地方不能make the trees infected with this fungus3.人只是种子传播的一个原因,其他动物例如鸟类也会传播,他们吃种子然后在他们的排泄物(waste)中排出,因为他们会飞到很多地方,所以还是会distribute seeds
ProfessorAfter graduation, if you have a plan to pursue further education and obtain anadvanced degree, would you choose to study while working full-time or become afull-time student?
AndrewI think it is better to be a full-time student and it is not advisable to workfull-time and study at the same time because handling both tasks simultaneouslyis difficult and it hinders focus.
ClaireIacknowledge that pursuing a higher degree while working full-time is achallenging task, but I still believe it is a better approach. One advantage ofdoing so is that you can immediately apply what you learn in class to your job.
【学术讨论】DoctorAchebeMany companies provide important products and services but at the same time causeenvironmental damage. Some people believe the way to prevent these companiesfrom damaging the environment is for the government to require more penaltiesfrom them, such as higher taxes and larger fines. Do you think it is a goodidea?
AndrewA lot ofcompanies make helpful products but hurt the environment too. I think thegovernment should punish them more, like raising their taxes and fines, to stopthe damage. Doing that would hold corporations accountable and force them tochange in an impactful way. We can have both innovation and sustainability ifgovernments incentivize it properly through penalties.
ClaireI disagree that we should penalize corporations more for environmental damage.Many companies are already taking steps to adopt greener practices, and highertaxes or fines could discourage innovation and hurt the economy. Instead ofpunishing businesses, I believe the government should reward and incentivizesustainable choices through subsidies and tax breaks.回忆20:阅读1.Perucivilization的农业兴起和渔业衰落2.Ethanol清洁能源3.海洋冰盖融化4.Dutch艺术品5.彼得大帝的雕塑和拿破仑画像骑马6.月亮的形成The origin of the moon7.尼罗河the Nile River8.火星生物 解剖火星上的陨石9.土壤微生物可以帮助磷元素释放,有利于植物生长10.艺术 词汇题:feasibleresembleavidfractureVariant回忆21:听力【第一套】C1:戏剧类学科对话,学生与大学剧院经理讨论了莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》剧目排练的安排。L1:音乐史,这段讲座内容介绍了斯特拉文斯基的作品《春之祭》的首演及其引发的轰动反响。虽然《春之祭》标志着一个新的现代音乐时代的开始,但许多人认为,观众的愤怒更多是因为舞蹈的编排,而非音乐本身。直到约一年后,作品没有舞蹈演出时,音乐才得到了应有的认可。C2:心理学学科对话,学生和老师讨论都市传说,以及细节是否影响学生对都市传说的相信程度。
2025年1月11日托福考试总体反馈-2025年1月11日托福CPU资料命中独立和综合大作文真题原题(都是旧题),命中多篇阅读真题原题(出现多篇阅读旧题原题),命中口语、听力各四到五部分,总体难度适中、旧题非常多,口语写作多题重复旧题,听力稍难。CPU资料阅读、写作、听力、口语等全面大中,全面开花!2025年1月11日的托福考试,依然是几套试卷组合,大量重复实用旧题,这种模式会一直持续下去。近年托福考试几大特点:(1)听力、口语、写作、阅读老题重复量巨大。(2)在大部分考试中,写作听力一直是四项难度最大,并且对话难度超过讲座)(3)阅读、独立和综合写作重复老题,是我们TOEFL CPU资料里面的。2025年1月11日托福考试大部分题目都在我们CPU资料原题命中!祝贺CPU会员将出现不少100-110分以上托福天才!本次考试口语阅读里大多是老题,仍然大量重复2014-2024年的老题,尤其是我们CPU托福资料的真题。今天口语和写作也是老题居多。ETS今年虽然在考试形式上变化很多,但其实使用的新题非常少,大都是在重复2014-2024年大陆考过的新题。这一方面说明,ETS出题成本太高(80万美金一套),所以出题量小。另一方面说明,托福考试的整体趋势还是稳定的。形式上的变化(多套试卷,阅读加试,听力非经典加试),并不能改变这个考试的内在。今天听力,口语,阅读和写作都重复老题。总体反馈请复制链接请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-266863-1-1.html 和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-120-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-133-1.html特别提醒:托福考试几十多年来,有非常严格的规律性和出题思路。全世界有6到10个托福大考区,而只有一个美国托福考试中心几个人在出题,每个考区每个月要出2-4份考卷,一个月出12-24份考卷,考官如何保证达到难度一样呢,如何保证新题难度、准确度和评价机制公平呢,所以只能是几十年来托福真题题库旧题目的有效组合,新题不能超出10%。事实上每份托福真题卷子都是80%-90%以上旧题原题真题。近年来,阅读几套卷里大多是老题,ETS今年虽然在考试形式上变化很多,但其实使用的新题非常少,大都是在重复2014-2024年大陆考过的老题。这一方面说明,ETS出题成本太高(80万美金一套),所以出新题量小。另一方面说明,托福考试的整体趋势还是稳定的。形式上的变化(多套试卷,阅读加试,听力非经典加试),并不能改变这个考试的内在。除了阅读之外,听力,口语和写作都大部分是重复老题。多年托福考官和专家Edward老师非常熟悉托福出题规律和听说读写题库出题组合卷子的秘诀, CPU资料因此而诞生,可以快速帮助考生提高20-60分!具体请阅读http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-231387-1-1.html