雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2025-1-9 10:16:22


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Some people say the fashion industry is bad for the environment, as itencourages the consumers to buy new clothes all the time. Do you agree ordisagree?

高分作文: In contemporary society, the fashion industry has faced intense scrutiny due toits profound and largely harmful impacts on the environment. A common view isthat its continuous efforts to persuade consumers to constantly buy new clotheslead to a series of environmental problems. Although this perspective is well -founded, it's important to note that the fashion industry is now makingsignificant progress towards sustainability.
Undoubtedly,the fashion industry, especially fast - fashion, has severely damaged theenvironment. In terms of resource consumption, it requires a huge amount of rawmaterials. Cotton farming, for example, needs vast areas of land, large volumesof water, and many pesticides. Synthetic fibers like polyester rely heavily onfossil fuels, which are being rapidly depleted. As the industry constantlypromotes new trends, consumers are trapped in over - consumption, resulting inthe excessive exploitation of these precious resources.
Pollution is another serious issue. The textile dyeing and finishing processes are majorsources of water pollution. Chemical dyes and agents contain harmful substancesthat, when released into water, damage aquatic ecosystems. Also, the energy -intensive nature of the industry, especially when using non - renewable energy,increases greenhouse gas emissions, speeding up climate change.
Waste production is also a big problem. Fast - fashion brands, with their quick -changing styles, generate a large amount of clothing waste. Many clothes arethrown away after only a few wears, filling landfills and taking a long time tobreak down.
However,there is hope. In response to environmental concerns, more and more brands areadopting sustainable practices. Some use organic and recycled materials. Forexample, recycled polyester made from plastic bottles reduces the need forvirgin materials. Some companies also promote slow - fashion, encouragingconsumers to buy fewer but better - quality clothes that last longer.
In conclusion, although the fashion industry has caused environmental problems bypromoting over - consumption, it is now changing. With more sustainableinitiatives, it's possible to balance fashion and environmental protection.Instead of criticizing it, we should support its sustainable development. 高分表达: 1. faced intense scrutiny:面临严格审视2.profound and largely harmful impacts:深远且在很大程度上有害的影响3.continuous efforts to:持续努力做……4. iswell - founded:有充分依据5.making significant progress towards:在…… 方面取得重大进展6. interms of:在…… 方面7. vastareas of:大面积的8.heavily rely on:严重依赖9. being rapidly depleted:正在迅速耗尽10.trapped in over - consumption:陷入过度消费11.excessive exploitation:过度开发12.energy - intensive nature:能源密集型本质13.quick - changing styles:快速变化的风格14.speeding up climate change:加速气候变化回忆2:阅读Passage1:混凝土题型:判断+填空判断1. T2. NG3. T4. NG5. F6. T 填空7. forms8. cement9. hydration10. strength11. temperature12. dams13. porous
Passage 2:宇宙天文
Passage3:睡眠题型:匹配+填空27. C28. F
29. A30. D31. B32. E33.breathing/eating34.babies35.brain activity36.vigorous exercise
38. scanning techniques39.(new) drug40. D回忆3:听力Part1 场景:询问度假屋信息题型:5道表格填空题+5道填空题 表格填空题1. microwave2. reception (close to reception)3. shower (没有TV,但是有shower)4. lake (view of the lake. 原文说的是opposite the lake)5. 18(book10天是18%折扣,book5天是15%的折扣) 填空题6. tennis(小孩打tennis是免费的)7. fishing(possible hire for fishing equipment)8. farm (可以去附近的farm观光)9. forest (晚上可以去forest里看虫子)10. Arataki
Part 2场景:租车公司介绍 ‘Your Car’题型:4道单选题+6道匹配题单选题11. C (题目:大多数的member是谁:B. people who live near city center;C.people who don’t own a car )12. C (租一天多少钱.)13. B (如何帮助减少空气污染)14. B (以后会如何expand。B.往suburb扩展,听力中说的是on the outskirts) 人名匹配题咨询客户会Your Car租车服务的反馈15. D16. B17. E18. C(选项:有时候不太好租到particular model)19. H.(选项:得提前检查一下车)20. F
Part 3场景:两个学生讨论shipwreck题型:1组五选二的多选题 + 6道匹配题+10道题空题多选题21. B (题目:他俩都不同意啥)22. E (protected zone permits)23. B24. D 匹配题:不同材料include的不同主题25. E26. H27. I(待确定)28. C(待确定)29. A30. F
Part 4场景:he benefits of woodland题型:10道填空题 填空题31. oils32. 待回忆33. sleep34. stories35. tools36. insects37. 待回忆38. property39. shade40. bees回忆4:阅读Passage1场景:concrete题型:6道判断题 + 7道填空题 判断题1. T2. NG3. T4. NG5. F6. T 填空题7. forms8. cement9. hydration10. strength11. temperature12. dams13. porous
Passage2场景:Capture an asteroid题型:5道List of Headings+ 4道匹配题 + 4道填空题 List of Headings14. v15. viii16. i17. vii18. iv 匹配题19. E20. D21. B22. G

填空题23. base24. metals25. water26. 待回忆
Passage3场景:The science of sleep题型:6道人名匹配题+7道填空题+1道单选题 人名匹配题27. C28. F29. A30. D31. B32. E 填空题33. breathing& eating34. babies35. brainactivities36. 待回忆37. temperature38. scanningtechniques39. drug
单选题40. D(题目:作者写这个文章的目的是什么)回忆5:Task 1The diagram shows a student accommodation building in 2010 and today.
Task 2Some people say fashion industry is bad for environs as it encourages consumers tobuy clothes all the time.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?回忆6:小作文:地图题学校宿舍2010年和现在的变化
大作文:Some people say the fashion industry is bad for the environment, as it encourage the consumers to buy new clothes all the time. Do you agree or disagree?
建议思路:I tend to agree 时尚产业在某些方面的确对环境有害: 1. 快时尚的生产模式。快时尚品牌为追求快速上新,生产过程中大量使用资源,如水资源用于纺织染色,且多数快时尚衣物材质多为不可降解材料(non-biodegradable materials),增加垃圾处理负担。
2. 过度消费文化(overconsumption culture)。时尚潮流频繁更迭,鼓励消费者不断购买新衣,许多衣物穿几次就被丢弃,造成资源浪费。
3. 运输环节的碳排放。全球时尚供应链长,衣物在运输过程中产生大量碳排放,加剧气候变化(exacerbating climate change)。
然而,时尚产业对环境还是有积极作用的。 1. 环保材料的创新。不少时尚品牌开始采用有机棉(organic cotton)、再生纤维(recycled fibers)等环保材料,减少对环境的破坏。
2. 环保行动的影响力。时尚产业通过宣传环保理念,能提高大众环保意识,促使消费者更注重环保(environmentally conscious)。 Inconclusion,我比较同意市场产业由于其快生产和运输模式,以及过度消费的文化对环境造成负面影响,例如水污染,空气污染和资源浪费。但是环保材料更新和环保呼吁方面,市场产业的确也能起到某些积极的作用。回忆7:听力Part 1主题:房屋推介题型:填空1.kitchen has a fridge and a microwave2. closeto the reception3.fully-equipped kitchen and a shower4.facing to the lake5. adiscount of 18% for over ten nights6.Children can play tennis for free7. It ispossible to hire equipment for fishing for an afternoon.8. Thechildren could visit the local farm on Saturday and Sunday.9.Children can be guided to the forest every evening to see birds.10.Contact Arataki to confirm the booking.
阅读第三篇:睡眠 SLEEP原文:Historically, it was difficult to study sleep. Not much can be gleaned fromobserving recumbent persons and questionnaires are no use, because peopleremember little of their experience during sleep. The breakthrough came in the1950’s with electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings of brain electrical activity,when it was confirmed that sleep is anything but dormant.
We need sleep for biological restoration. It promotes cell growth,regeneration and memory consolidation. By shutting down most of the body’s machinery,resources can be focused on repairing damage and development. When people aredeprived of sleep for any reason, there is deterioration in performance,particularly on tasks requiring concentration, and eventually, behaviourbecomes shambolic. The individual becomes progressively incoherent andirritable and, after a few days, may experience delusions and hallucinations.The disruptive effects of sleep deprivation have even been successfully used asa basis of persuasion in interrogation.
A vital part of sleep is dreaming, which happens most intensively duringrapid eye movement (REM) sleep. We typically spend more than two hours eachnight dreaming, though this is often spread over four or five separate periods.Infants spend up to 50 per cent of their sleep time in REM sleep, which isunderstandable when one realises that REM sleep is the time used for braindevelopment, as well as learning, thinking, and organising information. Ifpeople are woken when REM sleep commences, depriving them specifically ofdream-sleep, the proportion of REM sleep increases once they fall asleep againto make up what was lost. This suggests that REM sleep is an essential aspectof sleep.
Sleep and sleep-related problems play a role in a large number of humandisorders and affect almost every field of medicine. For example, problems likea stroke tend to occur more frequently during the night and early morning, dueto changes in hormones, heart rate, and other characteristics associated withsleep. Sleep also affects some kinds of epilepsy in complex ways. REM sleepseems to help prevent seizures that begin in one part of the brain fromspreading to other brain regions, while deep sleep may promote the spread ofthese seizures. Sleep deprivation can also trigger seizures in people with sometypes of epilepsy.
The neurons that control sleep interact strongly with the immune system. Asanyone who has had the flu knows, infectious diseases tend to make people feelsleepy. This probably happens because cytokines, chemicals produced whilefighting an infection, are powerful sleep-inducing substances. Sleep helps thebody conserve energy that the body’s immune system needs to mount an attack.
Sleeping problems occur in almost all people with mental disorders,including those with depression and schizophrenia. People with depression, forexample, often awaken in the early hours of the morning and find themselvesunable to get back to sleep. The amount of sleep a person gets also stronglyinfluences the symptoms of mental disorders. Sleep deprivation is an effectivetherapy for people with certain types of depression, while it can actuallycause depression in other people. Extreme sleep deprivation can lead to aseemingly psychotic state of paranoia and hallucinations in otherwise healthypeople, and disrupted sleep can trigger episodes of mania in people with manicdepression.
Sleeping problems are common in many other disorders as well, includingAlzheimer’s disease, stroke, cancer, and head injury. These sleeping problemsmay arise from changes in the brain regions and neurotransmitters that controlsleep, or from the drugs used to control symptoms of other disorders. Inpatients who are hospitalised or who receive round-the-clock care, treatmentschedules or hospital routines also may disrupt sleep. The old joke about apatient being awakened by a nurse so he could take a sleeping pill contains agrain of truth. Once sleeping problems develop, they can add to a person’simpairment and cause confusion, frustration, or depression. Patients who areunable to sleep also notice pain more and may increase their requests for painmedication. Better management of sleeping problems in people who have a varietyof disorders could improve the health of these patients and their quality oflife.
Insomnia is a widespread affliction. It is linked with conditions such asdepression and chronic pain, but occurs also in otherwise healthy people. It isoften due to temporary life circumstances, like trouble at work or anticipationof an exciting event, however, some people just have difficulty sleepingregardless of circumstances. What is interesting is that complaints ofsleeplessness are often exaggerated, because people remember more easily thetimes they are awake during the night than the times they are asleep. Wheninsomniacs are observed in a sleep lab, their EEG records often suggest thattheir sleep pattern is fairly normal, even though in the morning they maintainthey hardly slept a wink. Various devices for monitoring one’s own sleeppatterns are now marketed, for example mobile phone apps connected withforehead electrodes.
The fact that a third of our life is spent in sleep would, in itself, besufficient justification for studying it scientifically. The discovery that itis not just a passive state, but a highly active process of profound biologicaland psychological importance, has led to great efforts in recent decades tofurther our understanding of it. Despite that, we are far from unravelling allof sleep’s mysteries.
Questions 1-7Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.
Sleep study only advanced after the electroencephalogram started to beused.Sleep is used to restore the body and cells, and strengthen the(1)......................With little sleep, people operate worse, especially when(2)...................... is needed.The effects of sleep deprivation can be severe and have been used ininterrogations.REM sleep is when dreaming occurs; important especially for(3)......................, who need a lot of REM sleep for their brains.If REM sleep is lost, the body increases the (4)......................ofREM sleep in the next sleep to make it up.Strokes are more common during or after sleep, and(5)...................... and other seizures can both be caused and preventedby sleep.Sleep is closely associated with the (6)......................, ascytokines produced while the body fights infectious disease induce sleepiness;sleeping when sick helps people save the (7)...................... to fightinfections.
Questions 8-13Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?In boxes 8-13 on your answer sheet write:TRUE               if thestatement agrees with the informationFALSE            if the statementcontradicts the informationNOT GIVEN         if there is no informationon this8.A lack of sleep can both help and hinder people suffering fromdepression.9.Better sleep routines can help people who suffer from Parkinson’sdisease.10.People who are sleep-deprived actually have a better tolerance topain.11.In spite of media reports, insomnia is not a common problem.12.Insomniacs often sleep more than they realise.13.Overuse of mobile phone apps can cause insomnia in some people.
参考答案:1. memory   2. concentration   3.infants   4. proportion   5.epilepsy    6. immune system   7. energy8. TRUE    9. NOT GIVEN    10.FALSE    11. FALSE    12.TRUE    13. NOT GIVEN回忆8:回忆9:回忆10:

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