雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2024-4-9 15:41:15


2024年4月13日中国大陆雅思A类G类纸质真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总)请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-264074-1-1.html每一场北美、欧洲、澳洲、亚太、非洲、中东雅思考区考试都期待更多的考生来回忆:A类,G类,UKVI,听说读写,最好能回忆英文题目。只有大家积极回忆,才能分享到更全面的考试回忆信息,请回复回忆在本论坛本文下面,或请加微信504918228或者ieltstofel3,QQ504918228积极回忆吧,谢谢。Email: yeyibin2001@163.com 或504918228@qq.com
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2024年4月13日中国大陆雅思A类G类纸质真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总)回忆1:阅读Passage1:明星(Star Performance) Passage2:草药 Passage3:橡胶(Rubber)回忆2:听力P1:酒店预订题型:填空1.power2.04163340823.Ascot4.6 July5.250
P2:The Barry Caves11-15 选择11.CScotland12.Bretired there13.A thehotel was too expansive14.Cfrom bedding15.B hebathed outside16-20 匹配16.Ehistory17.Acakes18.Danimals19.Fhighest point20.Ccanoe
P3:澳洲艺术家21-25 匹配21.urbanscene22.emptylandscape23.individualportrait24.flowwater25.colorfulfood
26-30 选择26.surprisingaction27.disagreementof realism28.thepainting was donated by his wife29.theartist was successful due to his logo design30.hewas criticized for his attitude towards the war

7-13 填空
7.waterproof cloth8.wastestrips9.rigid10.stabilize11.steamengines12.firstpneumatic tyre13.massproduction

Passage 2:Herbal medicine14-17 匹配14.D15.A16.E17.D
18-21 填空18.pain19.book20.law21.course
22-26 匹配22.A

Passage3:Star performers明星员工AThedifference between companies is people.With capital and technology in plentifulsupply,the critical resource for companies in the knowledge era will be humantalent.Companies full of of achievers will,by definition,outperformorganisations of plodders.Ergo,compete ferociously for the best people. Poachand pamper starts;ruthlessly weed out second-raters.This in essence has beenthe recruitment strategy of the ambitious company of the past decade.The“talent mindset” was given definitive form in two reports by the consultancyMcKinsey famously entitled The War for Talent.Although the intensity of the warfaresubsequently subsided along with the air in the internet bubble,it has beenwarming up again as the economy tightens: labour shortages,for example,are thereason the government has laid out the welcome mat for immigrants from the newEurope.BYet whilethe diagnosis--people are important--is evident to the point of platitude,theapparently logical prescription--hire the best--like so much in management isnot only not obvious:it is in fact profoundly wrong.The first suspicions dawnedwith the crash to earth of the dotcom meteors,which showed that dump is dumbwhatever the IQ of those who perpetrate it.The point was illuminated inbrilliant relief by Enron,whose leaders,as a New Yorker article called “TheTalent Myth” entertainingly related,were so convinced of their own clevernessthat they never twigged that collective intelligence is not the sum of a lot ofindividual intelligences.In fact in a profound sense the two areopposites.Enron believed in stars,noted author Malcolm Gladwell,because they didn`tbelieve in systems.But companies don`t just create: “they execute and competeand co-ordinate the efforts of many people,and the organisations that are mostsuccessful at that task are the ones where the system is the star”.The truth isthat you can`t win the talent wars by hiring stars--only lose it.New light onwhy this should be so is thrown by an analysis of star behaviour in thismonth`s Harvard Business Review.In a study of the careers of 1,000 star-stockanalysts in the 1990s,the researchers found that when a company recruited astar performer,three things happened.CFirst,stardomdoesn`t easily transfer from one organisation to another.In many cases,performance dropped sharply when high performers switched employers and in someinstances never recovered.More of success than commonly supposed is due to theworking environment--systems,processes,leadership,accumulated embedded learningthat are absent in and can`t be transported to the new firm.Moreover,preciselybecause of their past stellar performance,stars were unwilling to learn newtricks and antagonised those (on whom they now unwittingly depended) who couldteach them.So they moved,upping their salary as they did-36 per cent moved onwithin three years,fast even for Wall Street.Second,group performance sufferedas result of tensions and resentment by rivals within the team.One respondentlikened hiring a star to an organ transplant.The new organ can damage others byhogging the blood supply,other organs can start aching or threaten to stopworking or the body can reject the transplant altogether,he said. “You shouldthink about it very carefully before you do a transplant to a healthy body.”Third,investors punished the offender by selling its stock.This ironic,sincethe motive for important stars was often a suffering share price in the firstplace.Shareholders evidently believe that the company is overpaying,the hire iscashing in on a glorious past rather than preparing for a glowing present,and aspending spree is in the offing.DTheresult of mass star hirings as well as individual ones seem to conform suchdoubts.Look at County NatWest and Barclays de Zoete Wedd,both of which hiredteams of stars with loud fanfare to do great things in investment banking inthe 1990s.Both failed dismally.Everyone accepts the cliche that people make theorganisation--but much more does the organisation make the people.Whenresearchers studied the performance of fund managers in the 1990s,theydiscovered that just 30 per cent of variation in fund performance was due tothe individual,compared to 70 per cent to the company-specific setting.EThatwill be no surprise to those familiar wit systems thinking.W Edwards Demingused to say that there was no point in beating up on people when 90 per cent ofperformance variation was down to the system within which theyworked.Consistent improvement,he said,is a matter not of raising the level ofindividual intelligence,but of the learning of the organisation as a whole.Thestar system is glamorous--for the new.But it rarely benefits the company thatthinks it is working it.And the knock--on consequences indirectly affecteveryone else too.As one internet response to Gladwell`s New Yorker article putit:after Enron, “the rest of corporate America is stuck with overpaid,arrogant, underachieving, and relatively useless talent.” FFootballis another illustration of the stars vs systems strategic choice.As withinvestment banks and stockbrokers,is seems obvious that success shouldultimately by down to money.Great players are scarce and expensive.So the clubthat can afford more of them than anyone else will win.But the performance ofArsenal and Manchester United on one hand and Chelsea and Real Madrid on theother proves that it`s not as easy as that.While Chelsea and Real Madrid havethe funds to be compulsive star collectors--as with Juan Sebastian Veron--theyare less successful than Arsenal and United which,like Liverpool beforethem,have put much more emphasis on developing a setting within which stars-in-the-makingcan flourish.Significantly,Thierry Henry,Patrick Veira and Robert Pires aremuch bigger starts than when Arsenal bought them,their value (in all sense)enhanced by the Arsenal system.At Chelsea,by contrast,the only context is thestars themselves--managers with different outlooks com and go every couple ofseasons.There is no settled system for the stars to blend into.The Chelseacontext has not only no added value,it has subtracted it.The side is less thanthe sum of its exorbitantly expensive parts.Even Real Madrid`s galacticos,themost extravagantly gifted on the planet,are being outperformed by less talentedbut better-integrated Spanish sides.In football,too,stars are trumped bysystems. G Soif not by hiring stars,how do you compete in the war for talent?You grow youown.This worked for investment analysts,where some companies were not onlybetter at creating stars but also at retaining them.Because they had a muchmore sophisticated view of the interdependent relationship between star andsystem,they kept them longer without resorting to the exorbitant salaries thatwere so destructive to rivals. Questions14-17TheReading Passage has seven paragraphs A-G.Whichparagraph contains the following information.Writethe correct letter A-G,in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet. 14 Oneexample from non-commerce/business settings that better system wins biggerstars ..............15 Onefailed company that believes stars rather than system ..............16 Onesuggestion that author made to acquire employees then to win the competitionnowadays ..............17 Onemetaphor to human medical anatomy that illustrates the problems of hiringstars. .............. Questions18-21Do thefollowing statement agree with the information given in Reading Passage?Inboxes 18-21 on your answer sheet,write TRUEifthe statement agree with the informationFALSEifthe statement contradicts the informationNOTGIVENif the information is not given in the passage 18 McKinseywho wrote The War for Talent had not expected the huge influence made by thisbook. ..............19 Economiccondition becomes one of the factors which decide whether or not a countrywould prefer to hire foreign employees. ..............20 Thecollapse of Enron is caused totally by a unfortunate incident instead ofcompany`s management mistake. ..............21 Footballclubs that focus making stars in the setting are better than simply collectingstars. .............. Questions22-26SummaryCompletethe following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage,using NO MORETHAN TWO WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer.Write your answerin boxes 22-26 on your answer sheet. Aninvestigation carried out on 1000 23.............. participants of a survey byHarvard Business Review found a company hire a 22.............. has negativeeffects.For instance,they behave considerably worse in a new team than in the24.............. that they used to be.They move faster than wall street andincrease their 25.............. Secondly,they faced rejections or refuse fromthose 26.............. within the team.Lastly,the one who made mistakes hadbeen punished by selling his/her stock share.答案:27-32 匹配27.A28.E29.B30.F31.C
33-35 简答33.16
36-40 判断
大作文:Some people think most crimes are theresult of circumstances like poverty and other social problems. Others believethat they are caused by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both viewsand give your own opinion.回忆5:小作文:流程图。易拉罐回收过程。 大作文Some people think most crimes are the resultof circumstances like poverty and other social problems. others believe thatthey are caused by people who are bad in nature. Discuss both views and giveyour opinion.回忆6:听力Part 1 住宿咨询题型:填空1.Nameof the room selected: power2.Contactnumber: 04163340823.Name:Ethan Ascot4.Bookingdate: 6 July5.Costper night: $ 2506.lt hasgood view of a river7.Typeof package: value8.Location:in the east9.Requirement:near the beach10.A map isprovided
Part 2:洞穴介绍11-15.选择11.Wherewas Robert Barry originally from?C.Scotland12.Barry bought a piece of land andB.retired there13.Barry chose to live at the jail in the winter because he thoughtA. thehotel was too expensive14. Theclothes that Barry wore were madeC. frombedding15.Whatdid we learn about Barry from his own writing?B. Hebathed outside16-20.匹配16.Foothill Paths: E. ride and learn about the past17.FamilyPlace: A. buy baked goods18.Barry Trail: D.learn about local wildlife19.Mountain Caves: F. hike to the mountain top20. FreeSpirit Tours: C. try different types of boating
Part 3:澳洲艺术家21-25 匹配21.urbanscene22.emptylandscape23.individualportrait24.flowwater25.colorfulfood26-30 选择26.suprisingaction27.disagreementof realism28.thepainting was donated by his wife29.theartist was successful due to his logo design30.hewas criticized for his attitude towards the war
Part 4 : 太空站和字航31. theair is fresh32. foodin the international station is variety33.communication betweenearth and space station is stable34.sleep is a big issue because of the noise35.objectsare floated36. water isa different mixture which blocks the pipes37. tools arehard to use38.follow instructions is the priority39.sincepeople come from different countries, there are different accents40.paymuch attention to safety issues回忆7:小作文:流程图易拉罐回收的过程。

大作文:Some people think most crimes are the resultof circumstances like poverty and other social problems. Others believe thatthey are caused by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both views andgive your own opinion.

建议思路:比较新颖的一个考题,讨论的是引发犯罪的原因是外在环境还是内在品质。 观点一:犯罪(crime)是环境因素(environmental factors),如贫困(poverty)和其他社会问题(social issues)的结果1. 研究(research)表明贫困地区的犯罪率(crime rate)通常高于富裕地区(wealthy areas)。主要是由于人们为了满足温饱(basic needs),不得不进行偷窃(theft),抢劫(robbery)等犯罪,从而走上了不可回头的犯罪道路(path of crime)。2. 教育机会的不平等(inequality in educational opportunities),也是造成犯罪的因素之一。例如,那些没有接受良好教育(good education)的人可能会找不到合适的工作(suitable job),由于缺乏收入(lack of income)或因感到社会不公(social injustice)而可能会转向犯罪。3. 社会压力(social pressure)和心理健康问题(mental health issues)也容易导致犯罪。人们可能会因为压力过大或无法处理心理问题,但没有正确的途径进行疏导(proper channels for venting),从而从小的伤害行为(minor harmful behaviors)逐渐演变成为犯罪行为(criminal behavior)。例如自残(self-harm)和虐待小动物(animal abuse),最终演变为伤害他人(harming others)。 观点二:犯罪是由天性恶劣的人(naturally bad people)所引起的1. 某些人从小性格可能有更高的冲动性(impulsivity)或攻击性(aggression),或者难以控制自己的冲动情绪(difficulty controllingimpulsiveemotions),这可能使他们更容易犯罪。2. 讨论道德(morality)和价值观(values)同样重要。如果一个人缺乏对他人的尊重(lack of respect for others)和同情(lack of empathy),他可能更容易犯罪。3. 家庭教育的引导(family education guidance)。如果一个人在成长过程中没有接受到良好的教育和指导(good education and guidance),容易被培养出不正确的价值观(wrong values),他可能会发展出犯罪倾向(criminal tendency)。 总之,引发犯罪的原因既有本身性格和价值观的原因(personalityand value reasons),也有外在的原因例如贫困,缺乏教育,心理问题等原因(external reasons such as poverty, lack ofeducation, mental problems).回忆8:回忆9:回忆10:

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