雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2023-8-23 11:10:49


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Some people think that the government should provide free housing, while others think that it is not the government's responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Part 1 假日旅行住宿预定
1. location for children is very safe
2. has a swimming pool that is heated
3. provide meal with milk, tea and other beverages
4. special for a collection of family games
5. kitchen facility can be used: microwave
6. supermarket is not far away
7. take 40 minutes to drive to nearest town
8. a bicycle can be rented
9. other facility: cinema
10. cost: discounted price 915

Part 2 蜂蜜公司
11-15 选择(选项标号可能有误)
11. Before she opened the Papakura Honey Company, Lucy was
A. a chef
12. What did Lucy find about bees that surprised her
A. they have to learn how to make honey
13. What aspect of the company does Lucy want to develop in the future?
A. the range of flavors available
14. What type of honey has the company introduce most recently?
B. clover
15. What is Lucy’s favorite way to eat honey?
C. with cheese
16-20 地图
16. Candle making area: E. 地图东边中间位置
17. Honey production area: C. 地图中间,桥的东边,池塘西边
18. Bee hives: B. 地图东北角,Clover patch的下边
19. Restaurant: A. 地图北边,桥的西边
20. Gift shop: G. 地图中间,池塘下边,分岔路上

Part 3 Global plant Service
21-25 选择
21. What do the GPS doctors carry out their work?
C. they meet farmers in public places
22. Before GPS, what was the situation like for smallholder farmers?
A. services were badly organized
23. What are GPS plant doctors unlikely to have
A. a degree in agricultural science
24. According to the tutor, the testing of soil samples
C. would involve extra cost
25. What good news has Jennifer received about the country where has been working?
B. plant clinics will soon be available nationwide
26-30 匹配
26. Mango: G. harvest early
27. Cassava: E. allow weeds to grow around the crop
28. Sugar cane: A. grow a different type
29. Oranges: D. place food nearby
30. Okra: B. improve the soil

Part 4 户外广告对人们消费的影响
The important factors to consider
31. the distance customers must travel affects the probability that they will buy the product (也有同学回忆答案为increase)
Methods of communication
32. advertising slogans are easier to remember if there is a sound played with them
33. Many’s Candy Store appeals to people’s sense of chocolate to draw in customers
34. to an ad campaign for digital products, it is flexible that is extremely important
Effect on your product sales
35. the customer reactions after he or she experiences the ad is the most important
Marketing strategies
36. on international flights, it is wise for advertisements to be displayed in the common languages of most passengers
37. very few young people buy newspaper
38. the UNESCO website would be a good place to advertise for companies aiming to improve the environment
39. one good location to place ads for sunscreen is the swimming pool
40. a good scene for a water purification commercial would be national parks回忆4:【小作文】 表格

Some people think that the government should provide free housing, while others think that it is not the government’s responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.回忆5:阅读
1-9 填空
5.native Americans
6.prescribed burns
10-13 判断


27-34 标题匹配
27.i potential threat to buildings and crops despite of benefit
28.v the explanation of sand composition
29.x the most common sand type
30.vii other types of sand dunes
31.ix reasons why sand dunes form
32.ii the cycle of sand moving forward with wind
33.vi singing sand dunes
34.iv scientists simulate sand move and build model in lab
35-36 单选
35.B Gypsum
36.C Overlap
37-40 summary选词填空
37.B shape
38.G minerals
39.H sing
40.D tone回忆6:阅读第一篇:遗落的森林 (Saving a Forgotten forests-- The longleaf pine)原文:  Found only in the Deep South of America, longleaf pine woodlands have dwindled to about 3percent of their former range, but new efforts are under way to restore them.  AThe beauty and the biodiversity of the longleaf pine forest are well-kept secrets, even in its native South. Yet it is among the richest ecosystems in North America, rivaling tall grass prairies and the ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest in the number of species it shelters. And like those two other disappearing wildlife habitats, longleaf is also critically endangered.  BIn longleaf pine forests, trees grow widely scattered, creating an open, park like environment, more like a savanna than a forest. The trees are not so dense as to block the sun. This openness creates a forest floor that is among the most diverse in the world, where plants such as many-flowered grass pinks, trumpet pitcher plants, Venus flytraps, lavender ladies and pineland bog-buttons grow. As many as 50different species of wildflowers, shrubs, grasses and ferns have been cataloged in just a single square meter.  COnce, nearly 92 million acres of longleaf forest flourished from Virginia to Texas, the only place in the world where it is found. By the turn of the 21st century, however, virtually all of it had been logged, paved or farmed into oblivion. Only about 3 percent of the original range still supports longleaf forest, and only about 10,000 acres of that is uncut old-growth—the rest is forest that has regrown after cutting.  DFiguring out how to bring back the piney woods also will allow biologists to help the plants and animals that depend on this habitat. Nearly two-thirds of the declining, threatened or endangered species in the southeastern United States are associated with longleaf. The outright destruction of longleaf is only part of their story, says Mark Danaher, the biologist for South Carolina’s Francis Marion National Forest. He says the demise of these animals and plants also is tied to a lack of fire, which once swept through the southern forests on a regular basis. "Fire is absolutely critical for this ecosystem and for the species that depend on it," says Danaher.  EName just about any species that occurs in longleaf and you can find a connection to fire. Bachman’s sparrow is a secretive bird with a beautiful song that echoes across the longleaf flatwoods. It tucks its nest on the ground beneath dumps of wiregrass and little bluestem in the open under-story. But once fire has been absent for several years, and a tangle of shrubs starts to grow, the sparrows disappear. Gopher tortoises, the only native land tortoises east of the Mississippi, are also abundant in longleaf. A keystone species for these forests, its burrows provide homes and safety to more than 300 species of vertebrates and invertebrates ranging from eastern diamond-back rattlesnakes to gopher frogs. If fire is suppressed, however, the tortoises are choked out. "If we lose fire," says Bob Mitchell, an ecologist at the Jones Center, "we lose wildlife.’  FWithout fire, we also lose longleaf. Fire knocks back the oaks and other hardwoods that can grow up to overwhelm longleaf forests. "They are fire forests," Mitchell says. "They evolved in the lightning capital of the eastern United States." And it wasn’t only lightning strikes that set the forest aflame. “Native Americans also lit fires to keep the forest open," Mitchell says. “So did the early pioneers. They helped create the longleaf pine forests that we know today."  GFire also changes how nutrients flow throughout longleaf ecosystems, in ways we are just beginning to understand. For example, researchers have discovered that frequent fires provide extra calcium, which is critical for egg production, to endangered red-cockaded woodpeckers. Frances James, a retired avian ecologist from Florida State University, has studied these small black-and-white birds for more than two decades in Florida’s sorawling Apalachicola National Forest. When she realised female woodpeckers laid larger clutches in the first breeding season after their territories were burned, she and her colleagues went searching for answers. "We learned calcium is stashed away in woody shrubs when the forest is not burned," James says. "But when there is a fire, a pulse of calcium moves down into the soil and up into the longleaf." Eventually, this calcium makes its way up the food chain to a tree-dwelling species of ant, which is the red-cockaded’s favorite food. The result: more calcium for the birds, which leads to more eggs, more young and more woodpeckers.  HToday, fire is used as a vital management tool for preserving both longleaf and its wildlife. Most of these fires are prescribed burns, deliberately set with a drip torch. Although the public often opposes any type of fire—and the smoke that goes with it—these frequent, low-intensity bums reduce the risk of catastrophic conflagrations. "Forests are going to bum," says Amadou Diop, NWF’s southern forests restoration manager. "It’s just a question of when. With prescribed bums, we can pick the time and the place."  IRestoring longleaf is not an easy task. The herbaceous layer—the understory of wiregrasses and other plants, also needs to be re-created. In areas where the land has not been chewed up by farming, but converted to loblolly or slash pine plantations, the seed bank of the longleaf forest usually remains viable beneath the soil. In time, this original vegetation can be coaxed back. Where agriculture has destroyed the seeds, however, wiregrass must be replanted. cost solutions.  JBringing back longleaf is not for the short-sighted, however. Few of us will be alive when the pines being planted today become mature forests in 70 to 80 years. But that is not stopping longleaf enthusiasts. "Today, it’s getting hard to find longleaf seedlings to buy," one of the private landowners says. “Everyone wants them. Longleaf is in a resurgence."
Questions 1-6  Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.  Write your answers in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.  Forest fire ensures that:  • it help the Birds locate their 1____ in the ground.  • The burrows of a species of 2_____ provide homes to many other animals. Hardwoods such as 3_____ don’t take over.  Apart from fires lit by 4____.  • Fires are created by 5____ and European settlers.  • Fires deliberately lit are called 6____  Question 7-9  Complete the flow-chart below.  Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.  Write your answers in boxes 6-9 on your answer sheet.  How to increase the number of cockaded woodpeckers Calcium stored in shrubs  ↓  Shrubs are burned  Calcium released into 7.......  And travel up to the leaves  ↓  8........ are eaten  ↓  Number of 9....... increases  ↓  More cockaded woodpeckers  Questions 10-13  Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?  In boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet, write  TRUE if the statement agrees with the information  FALSE if the statement contradicts the information  NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this  10 The sparse distribution of longleaf pine trees leads to the most diversity of species.  11 It is easier to restore forests converted to farms than forests converted to plantations.  12 The technology in recreating the herbaceous layer will phase out in near future due to the high cost  13 Few people in this restoration program will see the replanted forest reach its maturity
答案:1.nests    2.tortoise   3.oaks    4.lighting    5.natvie Americans   6.prescribedburns   7.soil      8.ants         9.eggs   10.TRUE          11.FALSE      12.NOT GIVEN      13.TRUE
回忆8:小作文 表格
As housing is a basic need for people, the government should provide free housing for everyone who cannot afford it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

建议思路:I disagree

1. 提供住房需要大量的资金,会给政府增加很大的经济负担。目前的税收还有很多别的事情需要去做例如完善公路,公共交通,发展经济等。所以不可能免费的提供住宿。
2. 买不起房的人有很多,其中不乏懒惰不愿意工作的人,所以很难界定经济困难是否真实。而且房屋的质量,地域,大小等房屋价值不同,也无法满足每个人的需求。所以为每个人提供住房也是不可行的。
3. 这一措施需要大量的土地来建造房屋,市中心不可能有这么多的地用于盖房,就算迁移到城市周边,也需要大量的用地才能满足每个人的住房需求。所以这也是无法实现的。

1. 许多人也许因为政府这一举措而懈怠工作甚至直接不工作,等待政府免费提供住房。而那些买的起住房的人也会觉得不公平,与其辛苦攒钱买房,不如等待政府分配。这样会大大降低国民的生产力和劳动力,从而阻碍了国家经济的发展。
2. 房价会受到很大影响。由于大量免费的住房被提供,房价会跌落的很严重,而且很多人都不买房了。这会严重的影响国家经济的发展和社会经济的稳定。


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