雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2023-5-13 16:15:36


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2023年5月13日中国大陆雅思A类G类机考真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总)回忆1:Task 1饼状图

Task 2
Nowadays, there are many celebrities who are famous for their glamour and wealth rather than achievements and this sets a bad example for young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?回忆2:雅思阅读
Passage 1主题:关于鲸的讨论
Passage 2主题:食品包装
Passage 3主题:英国林地衰退与保护参考答案:27.a description of careless working practices that harm woodland F28.details of landscape prior to human intervention B29.arguments against cash rewards H30.a botanical source of evidence for the appearance of primitive woodland B31.reasons for reduced economic importance of woodland E32.a reason for recent improvements of woodland management G33.an implication for people of unhealthy tree A34-40带选项的填空题(选项单词)34. species35. burning36. industry37. machines38. planting39. habitats40. grants回忆3:雅思听力
Section 1主题:找兼职工作对话
1. training
2. supermarket
3. night
4. uniform
5. furniture
6. variable
7. reliable
8. school
9. keyboard
10. transport

Section 2主题:船上改进

Section 3主题:教师教学讨论

Section 4主题:商家打折促销策略
31. coffee
32. diamonds
33. phone
34. obesity
35. fruit
36. reduction
37. 50% discount
38. gift
39. perception
40. season回忆4:小作文:饼图
Nowadays, celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example for young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?回忆5:雅思阅读部分
第三篇;英国林地衰退和现在的保护文章大意:讲的是英国森林的演变利用和最后的管理,大致文章脉络是在人类的入侵之前英国的植被覆盖情况,工业革命之后,人们对森林的掠夺从以燃烧原料和建筑材料为目的到了以工业发展为目的,后来人们意识到保护森林的重要,开始投入人力物力进行保护。  答案参考:  段落细节配对:  27 a description of careless workingpractices that harm woodland F  28 details of landscape prior to humanintervention B  29 arguments against cash rewards H  30 a botanical source of evidence for theappearance of primitive woodland B  31 reasons for reduced economic importanceof woodland E  32 a reason for recent improvements ofwoodland management G  33 an implication for people of unhealthytree A  选词填空:  Evolution of British Woodland  When woodland started to grow after last IceAge. certain 34. species naturally dominated certain regions of Britain. Peoplethen intervened to reduce the woodland by using grazing animals and methodssuch as 35. burning and coppicing. An increasing number of trees have beengrown to meet the demand of 36. Industry  Situations of woodland in Britaindeteriorated due to the use of 37. I and the rigid 38. planting patterns ofwoodland. Such practices also destroyed the 39.habits G of animals and otherwildlife.  However, in the twentieth century, the stateof woodland in Britain has been improved. 40.grants available for fundencourage people to plant trees in good quality
27-33 匹配
34-40 选择
34. L species
35. A burning
36. H industry
37. I machines
38. J planting
39. G habitats
40. F grants回忆6:听力Part 4 商家打折促销的策略
31. when people choose the tour programs, an additional charge is made for coffee
32. The price of pearl increases, when it is put beside jewelry. e.g., diamonds
33. Some free goods can charge later, e.g. customer gets a phone for free but charges a bill later
34. US family would buy discounted commodities, and food, leading to obesity and more waste
35. Due to the supermarket's promotion, people will buy larger packages of food, e.g. the 3KG of fruit
36. Stores raised the sale label price to a higher price and later do reduction.
37. 50% discount
38. Buy one get one free, or customers won't buy discounted goods just because they want free gift
39. Remold People's perception
40. Promotion will change as it depends on season回忆7:小作文饼图 3个国家的国际生在不同年份选择英语课方式的对比。

Nowadays, there are many celebrities who are famous for their glamour and wealth rather than achievements and this sets a bad example for young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Celebrities have always been a subject of fascination for people around the world. However, in recent years, the focus on celebrities has shifted from their accomplishments to their glamorous lifestyle and wealth. This has raised concerns among many that it may set a negative example for young people. Due to several reasons, I will disagree with this view.

Some celebrities are more famous for their wealth and glamour than their achievements. Many young people today aspire to be like these celebrities and try to emulate their lavish lifestyles. For example, young girls idolize famous models and actresses who flaunt their designer clothes, expensive jewellery, and luxurious vacations on social media. This creates unrealistic and unhealthy expectations among young people.

However, it is not entirely fair to blame celebrities for setting a bad example for young people. Many celebrities have worked hard to achieve success, and their wealth and glamour are merely the byproducts of their achievements. For instance, athletes who have trained rigorously for years and have won medals and trophies deserve to enjoy the fruits of their labour. Similarly, successful entrepreneurs who have built successful businesses through their hard work and dedication should be able to enjoy their wealth.

In my opinion, the problem lies not with celebrities but with the way the media portrays them. The media often focuses on their glamorous lifestyle and wealth, rather than their achievements, to attract more viewers and readers. This has resulted in the perception that celebrities are famous only for their wealth and glamour. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the media to shift the focus back to the achievements of these celebrities and highlight the hard work and dedication that went into their success.

In conclusion, it may be true that a few celebrities are more famous for their assets and glamour than their achievements, which can set a negative example for young people. However, it is not the whole picture as most celebrities work hard to gain fame and success.

set negative example for 为某人树立坏的榜样
lavish lifestyle 奢侈的生活方式
idolize somebody把某人当作偶像崇拜
fruits of labour 劳动果实
It is not the whole picture. 这是不全面的


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