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Some people say that history provides little or nothing to us, while others argue that we must learn history to understand the present. Discuss both views and give your opinion回忆2:阅读部分
Part 1 小学咨询
1. from 8.40 to 9.00 am
2. school will contact parents on the phone instead of email
3. parents can attend art course with their kids
4. next gathering for parents: July
5. new gym next to the canteen and sports field in the back
6. need not wearing the uniform with name on the coats
另一版本的回忆为:do not wear boots
7. activities: cooking, music, and chess
8. summer camp in the countryside
9. a professional dentist
10. when they ride the bike to school, students should wear bright clothes and a helmet
Part 2 防火安全知识讲座
11-14 选择
11. The company is having this meeting because
C. there have been changes in the building
12. There has been a recent improvement to
A. the alarm
13. the problem with office staff was that they
C. did not move too much away from the building
14. During the minor fire in January, some staff working in the factory
B. were unwilling to start the alarm
15-20 匹配
15. Ensuring there are no obstacles in fire escape routes: A. it should be done immediately
16. Showing staff how to do first aid: B. it will be dealt with by an outside specialist
17. Checking that fire doors are easily opened: A. it should be done immediately
18. Training staff to use fire extinguishers: B. it will be dealt with by an outside specialist
19. Checking that fire liquids are properly stored: C. it need not take care much at present
20. Checking that staff are aware of emergency exit: A. it should be done immediately
Part 3 答案缺失
Part 4 新西兰艺术家介绍
31. painting
32. material such as glass and plastic
33. shells
34. made of electrical items, e.g. light bulbs
35. displayed his photographs
36. pencil
37. movies
38. his long-time interest in travel
39. sense of humor
40. he expresses that feeling of loss回忆4:小作文饼图
Some people say that history provides little or nothing to us, while others argue that we must learn history to understand the present. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Discuss & give opinion题型二三段是可以选择两边都支持的,然后最后可以给出个人的想法,因为some people和others既然这样说肯定有他们各自的道理,考查的是你是否能够和对方有同理心。本题所讨论的历史很明显肯定是有用的,但也看是谁去读历史以及用历史来干什么,比如对于想要在未来选到好专业和好职业的中学生来说,历史作为一个科目相比于其他学科来说作用就很局限,且那些非常小的学生根本没有能力去完全理解历史。而对于大部分人而言历史就很重要了,因为以史为镜可以知兴替,比如政府在运行一个国家的时候,过往领导层的历史经验和教训一定可以作为现在决策的借鉴,做到取其精华去其糟粕。
plays a vital role in… 在…中扮演举足轻重的角色
modern world 当今世界
existence of humankind 人类的生存
thrive to live 茁壮成长
govern peacefully 和平治理(国家、地区等)
predecessor n.前任,前辈,前身
rule a nation 统治一个国家
acquaint with… 熟悉,了解…
of pivotal importance 至关重要
make blunders 犯错误
Undoubtedly, history plays a vital role in gaining information about nations and their cultures. Some scholars opine that studying historical events and remembering years is a daunting task that this generation does not require. However, others believe that current scenarios could be better understood with vast knowledge of previous happenings. Both viewpoints shall be discussed along with my point of view.
To begin with, a plethora of other subjects have become an indispensable part of the school curriculum such as science and technology. Moreover, to comprehend the modernized world, schools have inclined towards present demanding subjects and are neglecting history because teachers as well as pupils, finding it challenging to cram the dates and years. In a recent survey, for example, it was seen that students at a tender age had the least interest in the past as they do not find it useful for their bright future. Therefore, performing experiments and following the demanding subjects from childhood would assist them in a secure job.
On the other hand, to apprehend the existence of humankind and the way people have been thriving to live on this planet one must study history. For instance, if governments want to govern peacefully, they ought to find out the mistakes which their predecessors had made. Is it even possible to rule a nation without knowing about its past events? Thus, every nation has its own culture and traditions which citizens must be acquainted with.
In conclusion, in my perspective, although people ponder that science is of pivotal importance, history has its own fundamentals which every living being should know about. Nevertheless, historical events evolves itself and people are more likely to make blunders if they do not acknowledge past faults.回忆5:阅读 Passage1 新西兰庄稼
4道段落细节信息匹配题 + 4道人名观点匹配题(有NB) + 5道摘要填空题
14. C段:介绍关于如何分配农业灌溉用水量
15. A段:举例说明Canterbury地区的农夫们正在使用的一些新术语
16. D段:呼吁加强对这个地区农业行为的监管
17. B段:介绍这个地区比起世界上其它地方的一个得天独厚的优势
18. B人名:之所以采用现在的做法是因为周围邻居们都在采用这个做法
19. E人名:现在的一些生态问题其实根源在于更早期时候而非最近的农业发展
20. B人名:农夫们其实在如何用水方面比非农夫们以为的要考虑得更多
21. D人名:当地的生物多样性正在受到现行农业的影响而数量锐减
22. 除了乳制品产业的发展给当地带来了繁荣之外,还有一些产业也贡献了力量,例如wine产业
23. 此外,tourism的发展在最近几十年也给当地带来了繁荣,甚至引发了交通拥挤
24. 有一些自称是lifestylers的人从城里搬到了这里居住(虽然这个词打在word文档里会出现红色下划线,提示这是一个拼写错误,但答案千真万确就是这个呀)
25. 这些新来的人与当地农夫关于庄稼上所使用的chemicals有着不同的意见
26. 雇佣一些migrants来做原本是本地农夫做的工作,也引起了他们的不满
Passage 2 拥挤的人口
Passage3 地图设计
27. TRUE在Mercator之前绘制地图的人,通常都是绘制孤立的、小片区域的地图。
28. NOT GIVENMercator对他同时代的地图绘制者们持批评意见。
29. TRUEMercator的一生经历了极大的波折起伏。
30. NOT GIVENMercator所有出版了的地图和作品基本都完好无损地保留到了今天。(这道题非常tricky,原文是说他有40多封信件、以及几乎所有作品的examples都完整保留到了今天,但是是否所有成品都保留下来了呢?没有足够的信息)
31. FALSEMercator在开始他的cosmography之后不久,开启了一个新的projection工程。(是在这之前就commenced也就是开启了这个projection)
32. FALSEMercator的创新动作立刻就被视作是一个大突破。(原文说同时代的大多数同行其实都不太弄得懂他这个做法)
33. FALSEMercator知道他能绘制出一副正确的全球地图。(原文是areal map of the world)
34. TRUEMercator在绘制地图的时候参考了多个资源。
35. Mercator想要将世界地形呈现在一张two-dimensional的地图上
36. Mercator所创新设计的这个绘制地图方法有个问题,就是船按照标注的经度和纬度无法走出一条straight line
37. 按照Mercator的方法,地图上呈现出来的视觉效果会有areal distortion
38. 并且polar areas会占据整个地图的全部宽度
39. Mercator进行这种创新绘制,起初是为了实现navigation的目的
40. 有一些后来的绘图者用他的方法来制作了North America的地图
Some people think history has nothing or little to tell us. Others believe that studying the past history can help us better understand the present. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.回忆7:Task 1 Pie Charts
Task 2
Some people say that history provides little or nothing to us, while others argue that we must learn history to understand the present. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Passage 1:新西兰某地农作物
Passage 2:拥挤人口TheBiology and Psychology of Crowding in Man and AnimalsA Of thegreat myriad of problems which man and world face today, there are threesignificant trends which stand above all others in importance: theunprecedented population growth throughout the world — a net increase of1,400,000 people per week —and all of its associations and consequences; theincreasing urbanisation of these people,so that more and more of them arerushing into cities and urban areas of the world; and the tremendous explosionof communication and social contact throughout the world, so that every part ofthe world is now aware of every other pan. All of these trends are producingincreased crowding and the perception of crowding.B It isimportant to emphasise at the outset that crowding and density are notnecessarily the same. Density is the number of individuals per unit area orunit space. It is a simple physical measurement. Crowding is a product ofdensity, communication, contact, and activity. It implies a pressure, a force,and a psychological reaction. It may occur at widely different densities. Thefrontiersman may have felt crowded when someone built a homestead a mile away.The suburbanite may feel relatively uncrowded in a small house on a half-acrelot if it is surrounded by trees, bushes and a hedgerow, even though he livesunder much higher physical density than did the frontiersman. Hence, crowdingis very much a psychological and ecological phenomenon, and not just a physicalcondition.C Aclassic crowding study was done by Calhoun 54,who put rats into a physicalenvironment designed to accommodate 50 rats and provided enough food, water,and nesting materials for the number of rats in the environment. The ratpopulation peaked at 80, providing a look at cramped living conditions.Although the rats experienced no resource limitations other than spacerestriction, a number of negative conditions developed: the two most dominantmales took harems of several female rats and occupied more than their share ofspace, leaving other rats even more crowded, many females stopped buildingnests and abandoned their infant rats; the pregnancy rate declined; infant andadult mortality rates increased; more aggressive and physical attacks occurred;sexual variation increased, including hyper-sexuality, inhibited sexuality,homosexuality, and bisexuality.D Calhoun'sresults have led to other research on crowding’s effects on human beings, andthese research findings have suggested that high density is not the singlecause of negative effects on humans. When crowding is defined only in terms ofspatial density (the amount of space per person), the effects of crowding arevariable. However, if crowding is defined in terms of social density, or thenumber of people who must interact, then crowding better predicts negativepsychological and physical effects.E Thereare several reasons why crowding makes us feel uncomfortable. One reason isrelated to stimulus overload — there are just too many stimuli competing forour attention. We cannot notice or respond to all of them. This feeling istypical of the hurried mother, who has several children competing for herattention, while she is on the phone and the doorbell is ringing. This leavesher feeling confused, fatigued and yearning to withdraw from the situation.There are strong feelings of a lack of privacy — being unable to pay attentionto what you want without being repeatedly interrupted or observed by others.F Fieldstudies done in a variety of settings illustrate that social density isassociated with negative effects on human beings. In prison studies, malesgenerally became more aggressive with increases in density. In male prison,inmates living in conditions of higher densities were more likely to sufferfrom fight. Males rated themselves as more aggressive in small rooms (asituation of high spatial density), whilst the females rated themselves as moreaggressive in large rooms (Stokols et al. 1973). These differences relate tothe different personal space requirements of the genders. Besides, Baum andGreenberg found that high density leads to decreased attraction, both physicalattraction and liking towards others and it appears to have gender differencesin the impact that density has on attraction levels, with males experiencing amore extreme reaction. Also, the greater the density is, the less the helpingbehaviour. One reason why the level of helping behaviour may be reduced incrowded situations links to the concept of diffusion of responsibility. Themore people that are present in a situation that requires help, the less oftenhelp is given. This may be due to the fact that people diffuse responsibilityamong themselves with no-one feeling that they ought to be the one to help.G Facingall these problems, what are we going to do with them? The more control aperson has over the crowded environment the less negatively they experience itthus the perceived crowding is less (Schmidt and Keating). The ability to copewith crowding is also influenced by the relationship the individual has withthe other people in the situation. The high density will be interpreted lessnegatively if the individual experiences it with people he likes. One of themain coping strategies employed to limit the impact of high density is socialwithdrawal. This includes behaviours such as averting the gaze and usingnegative body language to attempt to block and potential intrusions. ReadingPassage 3 has nine paragraphs, A-G.Choosethe correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. Writethe correct number, I -XI, in boxes on your answer sheet.List ofHeadingsI Thedifference between crowding and densityII Theeffects of crowding in different situations on human beingsIII Theterrible results of the crowding studyIV Theeffective solutions to the crowding problemV Thereasons of increasing crowdingVI Thebest strategy to cope with the crowding problem一social withdrawal VII Differentdefinitions of crowding and their effects on human beingsVI Theonly reason why people feel badIX Thereasons why crowding affects people's feelingsX Threemost important trends that people may face todayXI Whatis crowding14 Paragraph A15 Paragraph B16 Paragraph C17 Paragraph D18 Paragraph E10 Paragraph F20 Paragraph GCompletethe sentences below.ChooseNO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from Reading Passage 3 for each answer.Writeyour answers in boxes on your answer sheet.Calhoun'sstudy about rats shows that they may become aggressive despite no21、When the definition of crowding concerns with _______, or interaction, it may affects people both psychologically and physically.22、Crowding makes people feel insufficient_______,because people cannot do what they23、That males are more aggressive in small rooms and females are moreaggressive in large rooms shows the different ______ of genders.24、High density may reduce helping behaviour due to the ______.25、 People feel less crowding if they can ______ more over the situation.26、 The most effective way to reduce the effect of high density on humanbeings is ______.
14-20 匹配
14.iv Problems that result in crowding
15.vii Definitions of crowding and density
16.x Nature and results of Calboun's experiment
17.i Other experiments on the base of Calboun's experiment
18.vi What cause the upset feel of crowding
19.ii The effects of crowding on people
20.viii Advice for crowded work environment
21-26 填空
22.male prison
23.personal space
Passage 3:map wars回忆9:Task 1
The charts give information about new car sales in Australia in April 1994, 2004 and 2013.
Task 2
Some people say history tells us little or nothing. Others believe we need to study the past to understand the present.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.回忆10:阅读
Passage 1 主题:关于crowding and density
题型:6道List of Headings + 7道填空题
List of Headings
很显然,List of Headings的选项并不重要,看选项内容远为更重要的多;文章的第一段给了选项例子,所以题目是从B段开始的file:///C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\QQTempSys\5C062Z@`4W
1. B段:对重要术语的定义(具体就是说,crowding和density是不一样的)
2. C段:Calhoun所做实验的性质和结果
3. D段:基于Calhoun实验上的其它研究发现
4. E段:会令人产生crowding之感的场合
5. F段:crowding对人产生的各种影响
6. G段:对于处在困难环境(difficult situations,其实也就是指那些不得不处在非常拥挤环境中的人)中的一些应对建议
7. 当我们的注意力放在experience而不是场合(situations)上时,就会产生拥挤之感
8. 觉得自己失去了control也会令人觉得拥挤
9. 当没有得到足够量的privacy时,人们也会感觉到拥挤
10. 当处在拥挤感环境之下时,人们就会感觉彼此没有那么attracted
11. 这种情况在males身上更加常见
12. 这也许能解释为什么在male prisons更容易发生暴力事件
13. 人们在感到拥挤时,不但更容易出现攻击行为,而且也更不愿意去help别人
Passage 2主题:关于新西兰Canterbury地区农业新发展的介绍
题型:4道段落细节信息匹配题 + 4道人名观点匹配题(有NB) + 5道摘要填空题
14. C段:介绍关于如何分配农业灌溉用水量
15. A段:举例说明Canterbury地区的农夫们正在使用的一些新术语
16. D段:呼吁加强对这个地区农业行为的监管
17. B段:介绍这个地区比起世界上其它地方的一个得天独厚的优势
18. B人名:之所以采用现在的做法是因为周围邻居们都在采用这个做法
19. E人名:现在的一些生态问题其实根源在于更早期时候而非最近的农业发展
20. B人名:农夫们其实在如何用水方面比非农夫们以为的要考虑得更多
21. D人名:当地的生物多样性正在受到现行农业的影响而数量锐减
22. 除了乳制品产业的发展给当地带来了繁荣之外,还有一些产业也贡献了力量,例如wine产业
23. 此外,tourism的发展在最近几十年也给当地带来了繁荣,甚至引发了交通拥挤
24. 有一些自称是lifestylers的人从城里搬到了这里居住(虽然这个词打在word文档里会出现红色下划线,提示这是一个拼写错误,但答案千真万确就是这个呀)
25. 这些新来的人与当地农夫关于庄稼上所使用的chemicals有着不同的意见
26. 雇佣一些migrants来做原本是本地农夫做的工作,也引起了他们的不满
Passage 3主题:关于绘制世界地图的鼻祖Gerardus Mercator的生平介绍
题型:8道判断题 + 6道填空题
27. TRUE在Mercator之前绘制地图的人,通常都是绘制孤立的、小片区域的地图。
28. NOT GIVENMercator对他同时代的地图绘制者们持批评意见。
29. TRUEMercator的一生经历了极大的波折起伏。
30. NOT GIVENMercator所有出版了的地图和作品基本都完好无损地保留到了今天。(这道题非常tricky,原文是说他有40多封信件、以及几乎所有作品的examples都完整保留到了今天,但是是否所有成品都保留下来了呢?没有足够的信息)
31. FALSEMercator在开始他的cosmography之后不久,开启了一个新的projection工程。(是在这之前就commenced也就是开启了这个projection)
32. FALSEMercator的创新动作立刻就被视作是一个大突破。(原文说同时代的大多数同行其实都不太弄得懂他这个做法)
33. FALSEMercator知道他能绘制出一副正确的全球地图。(原文是areal map of the world)
34. TRUEMercator在绘制地图的时候参考了多个资源。
35. Mercator想要将世界地形呈现在一张two-dimensional的地图上
36. Mercator所创新设计的这个绘制地图方法有个问题,就是船按照标注的经度和纬度无法走出一条straight line
37. 按照Mercator的方法,地图上呈现出来的视觉效果会有areal distortion
38. 并且polar areas会占据整个地图的全部宽度
39. Mercator进行这种创新绘制,起初是为了实现navigation的目的
40. 有一些后来的绘图者用他的方法来制作了North America的地图回忆11:听力
Part 1场景:一位女士给自己的一个男性朋友介绍一所小学的情况
1. 这家学校有一点很好,早上8.40到9点之间,早去的孩子可以待在resource room里;
2. 如果当天孩子不能上学,家长需要用phone而不是email告知学校和老师
3. 学校在招募一些家长参与art课程;
4. 下一次家长参与活动会在July;
5. 学校最近新建成了一座gym;
6. 学校不要求孩子穿制服,所以要求孩子的名字标签要出现在孩子的衣物上,例如coats和毛衣(sweaters)上;
7. 在学校建筑内部孩子们不可以穿boots;
8. 学校每年组织的夏季camp非常受欢迎;
9. 学校还会定期邀请一位dentist来给孩子们进行检查,而且还免费;
10. 骑自行车来上学的孩子应该穿鲜艳颜色的衣服,而且要戴helmet。
Part 2 场景:一位男士介绍fire wardens的职责情况
题型:4道单选题 + 6道匹配题
11. 为什么要举办这次的说明介绍会?
12. 什么东西最近进行了更新?
正确答案:火警警报系统fire alarm
13. 上次一月份发生了一个小火灾的时候,当时的消防员出现了什么问题?
14. 上次那场火灾中,公司职业的哪个做法不够妥当?
A 应该由fire wardens来重点执行的工作
B 会邀请一个外来专家处理的工作
C 不需要专门去关注的事务
15. 确保火灾疏散通道上没有什么障碍物
16. 确保火灾逃生门很好打开
17. 教职员们如何在逃生中彼此照顾
18. 教职员如何正确使用灭火器
19. 确保职员们都知道逃生出口的位置
20. 确保那些易着火的液体都安全处理了
Part 3 场景:一男一女讨论他们参与的一个role play活动
题型:6道单选题 + 4道匹配题
21. 他俩打算用什么样的形式给教授反馈此次活动?
正确答案:in writing form (三个选项都被提到了,他俩最终决定写下来,这样能更有条理)
22. 他俩一致同意这次活动最大的收获是什么?
23. 女生觉得自己组员在哪个环节上浪费了时间?
正确答案:a tax benefit for a program(这个正确答案跟原文script说的内容其实很接近,可见并非所有选择题的正确答案都一定会被同义替换得面目全非,还是实力为王啊)
24. 男生在小组里担任的是什么角色?
正确答案:marketing manager
25. 男生从这个活动中获得的最大心得是什么?
26. 女生给未来的建议是什么?
27. role-play interview
28. debate
29. inbox exercise
30. 名称忘了,但不重要,看答案比较重要,嘻嘻~
Part 4 场景:介绍一位新西兰本土的艺术家Will Burton
31. 他一开始学习的是painting,但后来发现这个领域太受限制了;
32. 他会从家庭垃圾中寻找材料来制作作品,例如玻璃和plastic;
33. 他还会使用一些“天然垃圾”,例如在海滩上捡到的shells;
34. 他会去垃圾桶里收集材料,尤其是electrical设备,因为这在当时还不怎么常见;
35. 他拍摄的一些关于旧灯泡的photographs现在可以在展览馆里看到;
36. 他在学校里还是学了一些正式技能的,例如学会了如何使用computer;
37. 他原本也可以选择movies作为另一个职业发展方向;
38. 他发展出了对travel的终身兴趣;
39. 他会在作品中使用written words来表达他的humour/humor;(雅思接受英式或美式拼写,所以考生写这两个中的哪一个都可以得分滴)
40. 他还用作品表达了loss的感觉。回忆12: