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Some ex-prisoners commit crimes after being released from the prison. What do you think is the cause? How can it be solved?
crime rate 犯罪率
get released from jail 从监狱释放
convict 罪犯
ex-convict 犯过罪(但现在洗心革面)的人
culprit 犯错的人
social stigma 社会歧视
emotional support 情感支持
psychological counselling 心理咨询
criminal record 犯罪记录
government’s intervention 政府介入
financial assistance 财政支持
rebuild personal relationships 重塑与他人的关系
Crime rate has increased manifold these days. In spite of the punishment, many convicts tend to repeat crimes once they get released from jail. I think there are several reasons for this behaviour. In my opinion, it is the responsibility of the government and the society to solve this problem.
There are many reasons that encourage criminals to commit crimes again. The most important ones are social stigma, lack of emotional support and poor job opportunities. Criminal background drastically decreases job opportunities as no employer prefers to appoint an employee with criminal record. This leaves them with no career options and thus no financial support.Sometimes these criminals are not accepted by their own families, which makes them lonely and homeless. In addition to this, people do not want ex-convicts to reside in their communities and treat them with suspicion. All these factors lead to hopelessness and directly or indirectly promote violence.
However, these problems can be avoided to a large extent by government’s intervention as well as changes in people’s outlook towards these culprits. Jail inmates should be taught about the best possible ways to handle life in the most difficult situations and this will prevent them from committing crimes again. The government should organise schemes that provide financial assistance and train them in useful jobs. Constant psychological counselling is necessary for the criminals and their families to rebuild personal relationships. The society should also change their mindset and attitude towards prisoners and provide them with the necessary emotional support to become responsible individuals.
To conclude, though there are quite a number of factors which encourage criminals to commit crimes again, I am of the opinion that the government and the society should take the responsibility to rehabilitate ex-criminals so as to prevent them from committing further crimes. 回忆2:阅读 Passage1:修复历史花园(New Zealand Heritage Gardens)参考答案: 1. 欧洲定居者认为木头盖房比其他材料更危险。FALSE 2. 19世纪新西兰出口的木头主要用于造船。TRUE 3. 人工种植的树木比新西兰原始森林生产出的好很多。NOT GIVEN 4. 与其他树木种类相比,松树的使用范围较小。FALSE 5. 国内房地产的发展对买房的需求下降。FALSE 6. 未来新西兰经济主要依赖出口。TRUE 7. 除了汇率的影响,还有什么因素会影响木材价格?Shipping cost 8. 哪一个经济领域可以占到第三位?Export sector 9. 到2025年就业的人数将会达到?60,000 10. 到2025年木材出口规模将会变成the biggest sector 11. 哪种木材最畅销?Soft wood 12. 新西兰木材出口的主要竞争者是哪个北半球国家?Scandinavian Countries 13. 除了有国家上的竞争,还存在什么上的竞争?Substitute
Passage3:运动和神经回忆3:听力Part1 图书馆
6.artists club
9.card number
Part2 森林河流的一个地方
Part3 音乐专业学术的讨论
Part4 工程师职业道德演变的历史
回忆4:A类小作文 线图
Some ex-prisoners commit crimes after being released from the prison. What do you think is the cause? How can it be solved? 回忆5:听力Part.1:图书馆
No.48: 2015.12.19/2016.07.16 V12144 Section 1 电话咨询附近Library信息
1-10) Completion
Minack Library
1. Located in the Skellarn Street, next to the 2. park
3. Saturday: open at 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
Children Service
4. A drama club (for 4-13 years old)
5. A singing club (for all children)
Adult Service
Book Month Club
6. Meet local artists club (about once a year)
Library Service
7. Can borrow various magazines
Computers are available
8. Borrow films CD’s Shops
9. Postcards (offer the card number)
10. maps (a wide range)
No.47 2015.12.19 V15116 Camping
11-16) Map
11. Toilet Block A
12. Shower Block C
13. Tent Site E
14. Cabins D
15. Barbecue Area F
16. Bike Trail H
17-20) Choice question
17-18. What are recommended to campers (to bring)?
A. Earplugs
B. Sunscreen (Sunblock)
C. Swimming Toy
D. Torch
E. Boots
19-20. What are the most popular concert items?
A. acting
B. dancing
C. poetry recital
D. singing
E. story telling
part 3 音乐学生讨论
No.30: 2015.12.19 V15116 Section3: A survey on students specialized in music
21-22. What two points did the students most frequently make about their music background before they entered music schools?
A. composed songs
B. had qualifications
C. they played more than one instrument
D. they had played in public
E. had piano lessons
23-24. What two points did the students most frequently make about their music practice?
A. practiced alone
B. practiced every day
C. they’re motivated by fear.
D. had not enough practice
E. they enjoyed the challenge of playing difficult pieces.
25-26. What two points did the students most frequently make about playing pieces that would be assessed?
A. they liked to hear others playing the same piece.
B. played unknown pieces
C. they played by memory
D. played a piece selected by tutor
E. played technical pieces
27-30) Matching
What comment did the students make about the following things?
27. Play solo B difficult but enjoyable
28. Choose what piece to be played. E time consuming
29. Played different musical genres. G infrequent
30. Played with someone who played the same instrument. A beneficial
Part4. 工程师职业道德
No.27: 2015.12.12 V15116 Ethics in engineering
31-40) Completion
31. Ethic was considered as a personal issue.
32. This idea didn’t change until 3 disasters happened. All of them related to the collapse of bridges.
The first one was in USA.
33. The second one in Scotland in 1879 was due to the miscalculation of the impact of wind.
34. The third one in Canada in 1907 was because the bridge couldn’t support its own weight.
Another accident related to a molasses company in Boston
35. At that time, molasses was used as sweetener in USA.
36. A tank containing 8 million liters of molasses exploded.
37. Local residents insisted on a trial to the company.
Causes of the accident :
38. Insufficient safety tests.
39. Fermentation caused the rising of pressure.
40. Now every engineer has to have a license.回忆6:小作文:折线图
Some ex-prisoners commit crimes after being released from the prison. What do you think is the cause? How can it be solved?
1. 在牢狱中普及的教育方式或深度不够,罪犯的没能得到洗涤试的教育重建三观,从而还会选择以犯罪的模式去解决问题。
2. 出狱后的人很难被社会重新接受,所以生活上容易出现问题例如无法找到工作或被社会排挤,最终不得不重新走上犯罪的道路
3. 出狱后的前罪犯周围的社交圈很有可能还有从事违法犯罪的人,从而容易受到这些人的诱惑或欺骗,从而继续犯罪。
1. 在服刑期间,政府应提供完善且积极的教育,帮助罪犯改变解决问题的观念,建立积极的生活观和正确的世界观。
2. 国家和政府应该帮助出狱后的人介绍工作,尽量保证他们的生活问题能得到解决,避免他们由于被生活所迫而犯罪。
3. 对于出狱的前罪犯自己而言,应该清理自己的朋友圈,斩断与违法人员的联系,避免自己受到欺骗和利用。重新认真开始生活。回忆7:回忆8:回忆9:回忆10: