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2022年12月3日中国大陆雅思A类G类机考真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总)回忆1:小作文:表格 五个国家健康花费

Some people think watching TV is bad for children in every way. Others think it is good for developing children as they grow up. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.回忆2:阅读
Passage 1:新西兰毛利人和房屋建筑
Passage 2:食品包装
Passage3: 音乐天赋来源(The Mozart Effect)文章大意:天赋还是后天努力产生的影响更大,虽然有基因遗传的因素在,但是不间断的练习却是成为一代大家的必须条件。音乐家talent Mozart是怎么炼成的,是靠天赋还是练习。先师提出疑问,然后讲了两个关于音乐家大脑structure跟正常人不同的例子,但是无法知道是天生就不同还是练习使大脑发生了变化。接着讲了一个实验,说把一群学音乐的学生分成两组,一组是比较有talent的,一组是比较普通的,经过几年后,发现是练习最多的最成功而不是有天赋的。接着从认知神经学的角度谈到只要练习时间在10,000小时以上,就能成为任何一个方面的大师。接下来一段讲人的大脑需要经过这么长时间的训练才行,支持上一段观点。最后一段讲有人拿莫扎特的例子来反对10,000h理论,作者再次反驳说,莫扎特的第一个交响乐是在8岁而不是4岁时写的,并且这个交响乐不受待见,而且他有一个很彪悍的老爸给他训练,并且假若他从2岁开始学习,那么到8岁也差不多有10,000h。
TheMozart Effect
AMusichas been used for centuries to heal the body. In the Ebers Papyrs (one of theearliest medical documents, circa 1500 B.C.), it was recorded that physicianschanted to heal the sick (Castleman, 1994). In various cultures, we haveobserved singing as part of healing rituals. In the world of Western medicine,however, using music in medicine lost popularity until the introduction of theradio. Researchers then started to notice that listening to music could havesignificant physical effects. Therapists noticed music could help calm anxietyand researchers saw that listening to music could cause a drop in bloodpressure. In addition to these two areas, music has been used with cancerchemotherapy to reduce nausea, during surgery to reduce stress hormoneproduction, during childbirth, and in stroke recovery (Castleman, 1994 and Westley,1998). It has been shownto decrease pain as well as enhance theeffectiveness of the immune system. In Japan, compilations of music are used asmedication, of sorts. For example, if you want to cure a headache or migraine,the album suggested Mendelssohn's "Spring Song," Dvorak's"Humoresque," or part of George Gershwin's "An American inParis" (Campbell, 1998). Music is also being used to assist in learning,in a phenomenon called the Mozart Effect.
B   FrancesH. Rauscher, Ph.D., first demonstrated the correlation between music andlearning in an experiment in 1993. His experiments indicated that a 10- minutedose of Mozart could temporarily boost intelligence. Groups of students weregiven intelligence tests after listening to silence, relaxation tapes, orMozart's   Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major for a shorttime. He found that after silence, the average IQ score was 110, and after therelaxation tape, scores rose a point. After listening to Mozart, however, thescores jumped t0 119 (Westley, 1998). Even students who did not like the musicstill had an increased score on the IQ test. Rauscher hypothesized that"listening to complex, non-repetitive music, like Mozart, may stimulateneural pathways that are important in thinking" (Castleman, 1994).
CThe sameexperiment was repeated on rats by Rauscher and Hong Hua Li from Stanford. Ratsalso demonstrated enhancement in their intelligence performance. These newstudies indicate that rats that were exposed to Mozart showed" increasedgene expression of BDNF (a neural growth factor), CREB (a learning and memorycompound), and Synapsin I (a synaptic growth protein) in the brain'shippocampus, compared with rats in the control group, which heard only whitenoise (e.g. the whooshing sound of a radio tuned between stations).
D   Howexactly does the Mozart effect work? Researchers are still trying to deter-mine the actual      mechanisms for the formation ofthese enhanced learning pathways. Neuroscientists suspect that music canactually help build and strengthen connections between neurons in the cerebralcortex in a process similar to what occurs in brain development despite itstype. When a baby is born, certain connections have already been made - likeconnections for heartbeat and breathing. As new information is learned andmotor skills develop, new neural connections are formed. Neurons that are notused will eventually die while those used repeatedly will form strongconnections. Although a large number of these neural connections requireexperience, they also must occur within a certain time frame. For example, achild born with cataracts cannot develop connections within the visual cortex.If the cataracts are removed by surgery right away, the child's vision developsnormally. However, after the age of 2, if the cataracts are removed, the childwill remain blind because those pathways cannot establish themselves.
E   Musicseems to work in the same way. In October ofigg7, researchers at the Universityof Konstanz in Germany found that music actually rewires neural circuits(Begley, 1996). Although some of these circuits are formed for physical skillsneeded to play an instrument, just listening to music strengthens connectionused in higher-order thinking. Listening to music can then be thought of as"exercise" for the brain, improving concentration and enhancingintuition.
FIfyou're a little skeptical about the claims made by supporters of the MozartEffect, you're not alone. Many people accredit the advanced learning of somechildren who take music lessons to other personality traits, such as motivationand persistence, which is required in all types of learning. There have alsobeen claims of that influencing the results of some experiments.
GFurthermore,many people are critical of the role the media had in turning an isolated studyinto a trend for parents and music educators. After Mozart Effect was publishedto the public, the sales of Mozart CDs stayed on the top of the hit list forthree weeks. In an article by Michael Linton, he wrote that the researchthat began this phenomenon (the study by researchers at the University ofCalifornia Irvine) showed only a temporary boost in IQ, which was notsignificant enough to even last throughout the course of the experiment. Usingmusic to influence intelligence was used in Confucian civilization and Platoalluded to Pythagorean       music when hedescribed is ideal state in The Republic. In both of these examples, music didnot have caused any overwhelming changes, and the theory eventually died out.Linton also asks, "If Mozart's Music were able to improve health, why wasMozart himself so frequently sick? If listening to Mozart's music increasesintelligence and encourages spirituality, why aren't the world's smartest andmost spiritual people Mozart specialists?" Linton raises an interestingpoint, if the Mozart effect causes such significant changes, why isn't theremore document evidence?
HThe"trendiness" of the Mozart Effect may have died out somewhat, butthere are still strong supporters (and opponents) of the claims made in 1993.Since that initial experiment, there has not been a surge of supportingevidence. However, many parents, after playing classical music while pregnantor when their children are young, will swear by the Mozart Effect. A classmateof mine once told me that listening to classical music while studying will helpwith memorization. If we approach this controversy from a scientific aspect,although there has been some evidence that music does increase brain activity,actual improvements in learning and memory have not been adequatelydemonstrated.
SECTION1: QUESTIONS 1-13Questions1-5ReadingPassage 1 has eight paragraphs A-H.Whichparagraph contains the following information?Writethe correct letter A-H in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.1 _____________A description of how music affects the brain development of infants2 _____________Public’s first reaction to the discovery of theMozart Effect3 _____________The description of Rauscher’s original experiment4 _____________The description of using music for healing in other countries5 _____________Other qualities needed in all learningQuestions6-8Completethe summary below.Choose NOMORE THAN ONE WORD from the passage for each answer.Writeyour answers in boxes 6-8 on your answer sheet.Duringthe experiment conducted by Frances Rauscher, subjects were exposed to themusic for a 6 _________________ period of time before they weretested. And Rauscher believes the enhancement in their performance is relatedto the 7 _________________ , non-repetitive nature of Mozart’s music. Later, a similar experiment was also repeated on 8 _________________Questions9-13Do thefollowing statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?Inboxes 9-13 on your answer sheet, write
TRUEif thestatement agrees with the information
FALSEif thestatement contradicts the information
NOTGIVENIfthere is no information on this
9 _________________All kinds of music can enhance one’s brain performance to somewhatextent.10 _________________There is no neural connection made when a baby is born.11 _________________There are very few who question the Mozart Effect.12 _________________Michael Linton conducted extensive research on Mozart’s life.13 _________________There is not enough evidence in support of the Mozart Effect today.
答案:1.D    2.G   3.B    4.A    5.F    6.short    7.complex   8.rats    9.T    10.F    11.F    12.NG    13.T回忆3:听力
1. flat 6A
2. 07841233809
3. 16th October,1980
4. supermarket
5. September
6. call center
7. hospital
8. Spanish
9. 11.15 a.m.
10. school record


P3:wells museum

31. access
32. storage
33. warning
34. dark
35. boxes
36. circulation
37. stickers
38. bins
39. durable
40. legal
table chart

Some people think watching television is bad for children in every way. Others think it is good for children to get knowledge. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.回忆5:雅思听力部分
Part 1 兼职工作
1-10. 填空
1. Address: Flat 6A, West House, Modern Street
2. Telephone number: 07841233809
3. Birthday: 16th October, 1980
4. Evening job in a supermarket
5. When work to begin: September
6. Previous work in a call centre of a bank
First choice: in a bookshop
7. Second choice: in a hospital
8. Skill: Spanish
9.Time: 11.15 a.m. tomorrow
10. Please bring school record if she does not have a driver license

Part 2 答案缺失

Part 3 答案缺失

Part 4 城市市政交通规划
31. buildings affect pedestrian access instead of traffic most
32. take into account of the storage/parking
33. set up enough warning signs
34. signpost in the dark area must be obvious
35. some cameras were applied in the past, now boxes for security are installed
36. city planning aims to improve the traffic circulation
37. remove the graffiti and stickers
38. bins should be well-arranged
39. all furniture in the street must be durable
40. introduction of regulation and legal requirement回忆6:听力

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