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非洲雅思A类G类、雅思UKVI真题预测答案(机考+纸质)2022年8月9月10月11月12月南非雅思、尼日利亚、毛里求斯雅思、坦桑尼亚雅思、安哥拉雅思、马达加斯加雅思、刚果雅思、加纳雅思、赞比亚雅思、苏丹雅思、埃及雅思、津巴布韦雅思、埃塞俄比亚雅思、肯尼亚雅思等非洲雅思考区A类G类、UKVI真题预测听力、口语、阅读、写作答案范文机经(机考+纸质)Ielts in Africa【剑桥雅思考官雅思真题预测IRP快速提高1-3分,一次性攻破雅思VIP资料】每场必中大部分考试内容,剑桥雅思考官发布Ielts Africa请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-254327-1-1.html
中东雅思考区A类G类、雅思UKVI真题预测答案范文机经2022年8月9月10月11月12月迪拜、巴林、阿联酋、伊朗、埃及、沙特阿拉伯、土耳其、伊朗科威特、伊拉克、阿曼、卡塔尔、以色列、巴勒斯坦等中东国家地区(机考+纸质)雅思真题预测机经答案雅思真题预测A类G类UKVI答案范文机经冲刺版【快速提高1-3分,IRP小范围精准版,超高命中率】Ielts in Middle East----紧跟考情每周更新请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-254326-1-1.html


Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned.Others, however, think the people should have freedom to choose sports activities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


1. 许多危险的运动例如蹦极,滑雪等,安全性难以保证。具体来说,运动的器材或者设备安全性不到位导致人们受伤或者有生命危险。
2. 很多运动对场地有要求,而有的商家为了赚钱,忽视了场地的局限性,例如滑冰滑雪等,场地不合规范,例如冰面不够坚硬等,容易导致人们受伤。
3. 有些运动应该循序渐进的练习,缺乏系统的训练和专业的指导而自己盲目从事容易受伤。

1. 选择适合自己的运动是人们的基本权利,不应该干涉。
2. 人们在做自己喜欢的运动的时候就更又可能遇到和自己志同道合的朋友,相互交流经验,更有利于身心健康。
3. 任何运动都有危险性,但是人们参加符合规定的课程,循序渐进地练习,准备专业的器材设备后,所有的运动都可以尝试。回忆2:阅读
Passage 1:Natural Pesticides in India
1-4 判断
5-11 填空
6.natural pesticides
9.neem cake
12-14 简答
12. In 2000
13. Neem seeds
14. Water purification

Passage 2:水下考古

Passage3: Twin Study:Two of a kind原文:Youshould spend about 20 minutes on Question 14-26 which are based on ReadingPassage below.AThescientific study of twins goes back to the late 19th century, when FrancisGalton, an early geneticist, realized that they came in two varieties:identical twins born from one egg and non-identical twins that had come fromtwo. That insight turned out to be key, although it was not until 1924 that itwas used to formulate what is known as the twin rule of pathology, and twinstudies really got going.BThe twinrule of pathology states that any heritable disease will be more concordant(that is, more likely to be jointly present or absent) in identical twins thanin non-identical twins—and. in turn, will be moreconcordant in non-identical twins than in non-siblings. Early work, forexample, showed that the statistical correlation of skin-mole counts betweenidentical twins was 0.4, while non-identical twins had a correlation of only0.2. (A score of 1.0 implies perfect correlation, while a score of zero impliesno correlation.) This result suggests that moles are heritable, but it alsoimplies that there is an environmental component to the development of moles,otherwise the correlation in identical twins would be close to 1.0.CTwinresearch has shown that whether or not someone takes up smoking is determinedmainly by environmental factors, but once he does so, how much lie smokes islargely down to his genes And while a person's religion is clearly a culturalattribute, there is a strong genetic component to religious fundamentalism.Twin studies arc also unraveling the heritability of various aspects ofhuman personality. Traits from neuroticism and anxiety to thrill-and novelty-seeking all have large genetic components. Parenting matters, butit does not determine personality in the way that some had thought.DMoreimportantly, perhaps, twin studies arc helping the understanding of diseasessuch as cancer, asthma, osteoporosis, arthritis and immune disorders. And twinscan be used, within ethical limits, for medical experiments. A study thatadministered vitamin C to one twin and a placebo to the other found that it hadno effect on the common cold. The lesson from all today's twin studies is thatmost human traits are at least partially influenced by genes. However, for themost part, the age-old dichotomy between nature and nurture is not very useful.Many genetic programs are open to input from the environment, and genes arc frequentlyswitched on or off by environmental signals. It is also possible that genesthemselves influence their environment. Some humans have an innate preferencefor participation in sports. Others are drawn to novelty. Might people also bedrawn to certain kinds of friends and types of experience? In this way, aperson's genes might shape the environment they act in as much as theenvironment shapes the actions of the genes.EIn thepast, such research has been controversial. Josef Mengele, a Nazi doctor workingat the Auschwitz extermination camp during the Second World War, was fascinatedby twins. He sought them out among arrivals at the camp and preserved them fromthe gas-chambers for a series of brutal experiments. After the war, Cyril Burt,a British psychologist who worked on the heredity of intelligence, tainted twinresearch with results that appear, in retrospect, to have been rather too good.Some of his data on identical twins who had been reared apart were probablyfaked. In any case, the prevailing ideology in the social sciences after thewar was Marxist, and disliked suggestions that differences in human potentialmight have underlying genetic causes. Twin studies were thus viewed withsuspicion.FTheideological pendulum has swung back; however, as the human genome project andits aftermath have turned genes from abstract concepts to real pieces of DNA.The role of genes in sensitive areas such as intelligence is acknowledged byall but a few die-hards. The interesting questions now concern how nature andnurture interact to produce particular bits of biology, rather than which ofthe two is more important Twin studies, which are a good way to ask thesequestions, are back in fashion, and many twins are enthusiastic participants inthis research.GResearchat the Twinsburg festival began in a small way, with a single stand in 1979.Gradually, news spread, and more scientists began turning up. This year, half adozen groups of researchers were lodged in a specially pitched research tent.In one corner of this tent. Paul Breslin, who works at the Monell Institute inPhiladelphia, watched over several tables where twins sat sipping clear liquidsfrom cups and making notes. It was the team's third year at Twinsburg. DrBreslin and his colleagues want to find out how genes influence humanperception, particularly the senses of smell and taste and those (warmth, cold,pain, tingle, itch and so on) that result from stimulation of the skin.Perception is an example of something that is probably influenced by both genesand experience. Even before birth, people are exposed to flavours such aschocolate, garlic, mint and vanilla that pass intact into the bloodstream, andthus to the fetus. Though it is not yet clear whether such pre-natal exposureshapes taste-perception there is evidence that it shapes preferences for foodsencountered later in life.HHowever,there are clearly genetic influences at work, as well—for example in the ability to taste quinine. Some people experience this asintensely bitter, even when it is present at very low levels. Others, whosegenetic endowment is different, are less bothered by it. Twin studies make thisextremely clear. Within a pair of identical twins, cither both, or neither,will find quinine hard to swallow. Non-identical twins will agree lessfrequently.IOn theother side of the tent Dennis Drayna, from the National Institute on Deafnessand Other Communication Disorders, in Maryland, was studying hearing. He wantsto know what happens to sounds after they reach the car. It is not clear, hesays, whether sound is processed into sensation mostly in the ear or in thebrain. Dr Drayna has already been involved in a twin study which revealed thatthe perception of musical pitch is highly heritable. At Twinsburg, he isplaying different words, or parts of words, into the left and right ears of histwinned volunteers. The composite of the two sounds that an individual reportshearing depends on how he processes this diverse information andthat, Dr Drayna believes, may well be influenced by genetics.JElsewherein the marquee, Peter Miraldi, ofKent State University in Ohio, was trying to findout whether genes affect an individual's motivation to communicate with others.A number of twin studies have shown that personality and sociability archeritable, so he thinks this is fertile ground. And next to Mr. Miraldi was ateam of dermatologists from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Theyare looking at the development of skin diseases and male-pattern baldness. Thegoal of the latter piece of research is to find the genes responsible formaking men's hair fall out.KThebusiest part of the tent, however, was the queue for forensic-science researchinto fingerprints The origins of this study are shrouded in mystery For manymonths, the festival's organizers have been convinced that the Secret Service—the American government agency responsible for, among other things, thesafety of the president—is behind it. When The Economistcontacted the Secret Service for more information, we were referred to SteveNash, who is chairman of the International Association for Identification(LAI), and is also a detective in the scientific investigations section of theMarin County Sheriffs Office in California. The LAI, based in Minnesota, is anorganization of forensic scientists from around the world. Among other things,it publishes the Journal of Forensic Identification.
Questions14-18Thereading Passage has paragraphs A-KWhichparagraph contains the following information?Writethe correct letter A-K, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheetNB Youmay use any letter more than once.14.Mentioned research conducted in Ohio15.Medical contribution to the researches for twins.16.Research situation under life threatening conditions17. Dataof similarities of identical twins18.Reasons that make one study unconvincing
Questions19-20Completethe following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using No More ThanTwo Words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes19-20 on your answer sheet.Thefirst one that conducted research on twins is called 19 . He separated twinsinto two categories: non identical and identical twins. The twin research wasused in medical application in as early as the year of 20 .
Questions21-23Choosethe correct letters in following options:Writeyour answers in boxes 21-23 on your answer sheet.Pleasechoose THREE research fields that had been carried out in Ohio, Maryland andTwinsburgh?A SenseB CancerC Beallergic to Vitamin DD MoleheredityE SoundFBoldness of men
Questions24-26Choosethe correct letters in following options:Writeyour answers in boxes 24-26 on your answer sheet.Pleasechoose THREE results that had been verified in this passage.A Non identicaltwins come from different eggs.BGenetic relation between identical twins is closer than non-identical ones.CVitamin C has evident effect on a cold.DGenetic influence to smoking is superior to environment'sE If apregnant woman cats too much sweet would lead to skin disease.F Hairloss has been found to be connected with skin problem.
14-18 匹配
14. J
15. D
16. E
17. B
18. E
19-20 填空
19. Francis Galton
20. 1924
21- 26 多选
21-23 AEF
24-26 ABD


21-26 选择
21. B
22. 选download a template and revise some part
23. C
24. C
25. A
26. A
27-30 匹配
27. 选too complicated
28. 选not well organized and better delete something
29. 选need a wider range of reference
30. 选repeat it next time

31. roads
32. extinct
33. pairs
34. tails
35. traffic
36. color
37. difficulty
38. nature
39. edges
40. 待回忆回忆4:小作文 表格题 4个城市的咖啡价、油价、电影票价、租房价格对比

Some people think that the government should ban dangerous sports, but others think that people should have freedom to do whatever sport activities they choose. Discuss both views and give your opinion.范文:回忆5:听力
Part 1:健身房报名
1. 021314092
2. stress
3. swimming
4. soccer
5. dance
6. neck
7. ankle
8. boxin
9. diet
10. boss

Part 2:儿童历史设施

Part 3:植物研究的谈话
21. B
22. 选download a template and revise some part
23. C
24. C
25. A
26. A
27. 选too complicated
28. 选not well organized and better delete something
29. 选need a wider range of reference
30. 选repeat it next time

Part 4:动物适应城市变化
31. roads
32. extinct
33. pairs
34. tails
35. traffic
36. color
37. night
38. nature
39. edges
40. difficult

5. evergreen
6. natural pesticides
7. powder
8. overnight
9. neem cake
10. doubles
11. nitrogen
12. In 2000
13. Neem seeds
14. Water purification


28. J
29. D
30. E
31. B
32. E
33. Francis Galton
34. 1924
35-37 AEF
38-40 ABD

2022年8月20日雅思考试总体反馈:重磅!2022年8月20日雅思考试IRP在最重点精准命中至少两部分听力原文原题原答案(2 sections)!精准命中阅读原文原题原答案!精准命中大小作文原题答案范文!精准命中口语99%-100%真题原题答案!对于大部分考生来说,本次考试总体上较难,但是对于购买了我们IRP资料的会员考生来说,这是简单轻松的一场考试,直接神操作写上原题答案。2022年8月20日雅思听说读写全面大中,全面开花!(疫情期间,全球不同考区时差、A类、G类考生回忆数据比较少、收集不够齐全,待补充,还在不断更新中…)祝贺IRP会员将出现不少雅思高分人才!总体反馈请(复制链接)进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-258147-1-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-36-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-39-1.html特别提醒:雅思考试20多年来,有非常严格的规律性和出题思路。全世界有6大考区,而只有一个剑桥考试中心几个人在出题,每个考区一周平均要出一份考卷,一个月很多考区平均出24份考卷。(尤其是2019-2022年以来,全世界各考区和众多城市开始增加雅思机考的选择,机考的城市几乎每天都有雅思考试,一个月考官要出20几份雅思机考卷子,机考跟传统纸质考试的区别只是纸质和电脑上考试的区别,考试内容、评分标准、难度等级、考试题型、考试安全设置等方面均与现行的纸笔模式完全一致。)雅思考试如此频繁,如何保证达到难度一样呢,如何保证新题难度、准确度和评价机制公平呢,所以只能是20几年来的题库旧题目的有效组合,新题不能超出5%-10%,每份雅思卷子都是90%-99%以上旧题。每一份雅思考试试题其实是大部分旧题原题真题+个别新题目的重新组合,多年雅思考官和专家Edward老师非常熟悉雅思出题规律和听说读写题库出题组合卷子的秘诀,IRP资料因此而诞生!紧跟考情雅思真题预测答案!IRP听说读写全套!场场命中90%-100%!精准小范围!快速提升雅思1-4分!具体详细内容请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.html
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