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2022年5月28日中国大陆雅思A类G类机考真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总)回忆1:听力 Part1求职场景
1. Date of birth: 8th November 1987
2. 电话号码:07785206439
3. address: flat 22A
4. must have an insurance certificate
5. require a good location
6. job of doing some cleaning
7. check the health
8. have the job information from the newspaper
9. would like to attend an interview
10. time for interview: best before 9.50 pm
Part4 澳洲交通工具的发展
31. in the 1940s, 60% of users used public transport
32. the road used to be crowded and uncomfortable
33. in the 1940s, the car was associated with freedom
34. there are 5 disadvantages of car, the last one is high car taxes
35. until a new government election in 1949
36. driving affects relationships between people
37. driving affect road condition: roads are jammed and polluted
38. in the 1980s and 1990s, more lanes and road directions appeared
39. in this field, it is different from the past: the design of advertisements to attract motorists
40. less business booming development since the creation of shopping mall回忆2:小作文:饼图+柱状图
The use of cars and motorcycles causes transportation difficulty in cities. Why do people continue to use cars and motorcycles in the city? What is the best way to solve this problem?回忆3:阅读
第二篇:涂鸦A People love to make their mark, and graffitisuch as initials or drawings written or spray-painted onto subways, walls orfootpaths is a universal phenomenon. It has existed since ancient times, andone of the oldest pieces of still-existing graffiti is an advertisement for abrothel in the ancient town of Ephesus, in Greece. There are many types ofgraffiti, and also a variety of views about it. Some see it as an art form,some use it as a form of protest against authority, others regard it asneedless and destructive vandalism, and it is often seen as the precursor ofgang-related crime in a neighbourhood. B The heyday of graffiti was in New York Cityin the 1970s. At that time, there was little money for the policing ofgraffiti, and artists targeted the subways and subway cars in particular.Graffiti became so popular at this time that artists wanted to identify theirown particular work. They began to create distinctive stylised signatures andthus the art of tagging was born. Sales of spray paint increased significantlyat this time, as more and more street artists began to explore this new mediumof expression, and graffiti became bigger and more elaborate. Artists werecompeting to cover the whole city of New York with their work, and finally theMetro Transit Authority began to battle with graffiti artists, locking gatesand removing pictures from subway trains. At the same time, graffiti beganmaking its way into art galleries, as the established art world began torecognise it as a legitimate modern art form. C By the 80s, graffiti culture in New York wasbeginning to decline. It was becoming associated with the local drug scene, andlegal penalties for vandalism became more severe at this time. In particular,the MTA hugely increased its anti-graffiti budget, and it became much harderfor artists to create elaborate pieces on subway cars, so graffiti wasrestricted to the streets, where it has stayed until today. By mid-1986, the ‘war on graffiti’ was being won, and there werefewer graffiti artists in New York. In the 90s, under mayor Rudolph Guiliani,the anti-tagging task force set out to eradicate graffiti vandals by banningsales of spray paint to under 18s and by hugely increasing fines for theoffence. D Of course, graffiti is not only a NorthAmerican phenomenon, and there are thriving cultures throughout the world,especially in Brazil where graffiti is endemic. Some people say that the hugegap between rich and poor in the country has fuelled the growth of graffiti asa form of anonymous political protest against economic injustice. It is alsobecoming more common in various countries in the Middle East, probably also asa protest by people who feel marginalised or repressed by existing politicalregimes. In general, cities around the world have problems with graffitiartists, who are often seen by the establishment as mindless, drug-fuelledvandals. E This is particularly the case with tagging,as one common use of tags is as turf markers for gangs, who use them to markout territory in a neighbourhood. Tagging is seen as the first sign of gangactivity in an area and, consequently, many cities seek to stamp it out toprevent the growth of crime and lawlessness. Common methods for fightinggraffiti include banning sales of spray paint, the creation of online taggingdatabases, fines, and even imprisonment, but the taggers continue, seeing anarrest as a badge of honour rather than as a deterrent. At the same time,graffiti has become a recognised art form with commercial uses by companiessuch as Sony and even ultra-conservative IBM, which was recently fined to payfor the cleanup of a graffiti-based advertising campaign. F So is graffiti a form of mindless, criminalvandalism, or is it a vibrant and exciting modern art form? As with so manyphenomena of modern life, this is all in the eye of the observer. Multiple Choice Choose the appropriate letters A, B, C or D. 1. Graffiti includes A. drawings on walls. B. initials on footpaths. C. drawings and initials on subways. D. all of the above. 2. According to the reading passage, A. graffiti was common in ancient Greece. B. one of the oldest known examples ofgraffiti is in Ephesus. C. graffiti has only existed in the lasthundred years. D. all of the above. 3. The ‘heyday’ of graffiti means A. the time it was the most popular. B. the time there was the least graffiti. C. the way graffiti artists talked to eachother. D. all of the above. 4. ‘Tagging’ refers to A. graffiti done with spray paint. B. graffiti on subway cars and walls. C. personal stylised signatures. D. all of the above. 5. To say graffiti became a ‘legitimate modern art form’ meant A. it was often sold for large sums ofmoney. B. it was not removed, like other graffitiwas. C. some people considered it a valid styleof art. D. all of the above.
Passage1: 千禧一代与未来的领导者
Passage 2: 涂鸦
Passage3: 折射的原理答案:1-5匹配
1. x
2. v
3. ix
4. iii
5. vii
6-10 填空
6. magnification
7. a prism/prisms
8. land and language
9. Ship design
10. (the) rainbow refraction/refraction in rainbow
11-14 匹配
11. D
12. B
13. E
14. A回忆5:小作文:饼图+柱图,饼图是水占比,柱图是三个国家用水情况
大作文:The use of cars and motorcycles cause transportation difficulty in cities. Why do people continue to use cars and motorcycles in city? What is the best way to solve this problem?回忆6:小作文:组合图
Many people continue to use cars and motorcycles even though they know that they are bad for environment. Why is this? What can be done to reduce the use of these vehicles?回忆7:回忆8:回忆9:回忆10: