2022年3月12日中国大陆雅思A类G类机考真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总)请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-256671-1-1.html每一场北美、欧洲、澳洲、亚太、非洲、中东雅思考区考试都期待更多的考生来回忆:A类,G类,UKVI,听说读写,最好能回忆英文题目。只有大家积极回忆,才能分享到更全面的考试回忆信息,请回复回忆在本论坛本文下面,或请加微信504918228或者ieltstofel3,QQ504918228积极回忆吧,谢谢。雅思全球各考区口语真题蹲点回忆汇总2022年3月9日、10日、11日、12日请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-256672-1-1.html或请加微信504918228, ieltstofel3,ielts2013,或QQ504918228,QQ26346059,也可以关注公共微信号ieltstofel或ielts2018或ieltsglobal http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201606/21/085237bludl6ux0gilxglq.png http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201708/21/120446zgi36ls65il6325l.png http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201708/21/120500uhisoim8xh5nmmfh.jpg http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201708/21/120520djjzh9pswpwpb79p.png互动咨询微信:504918228 或 ieltstofel3或 ielts2013或 公共微信:ieltstofe
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2022年3月12日中国大陆雅思A类G类机考真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总)回忆1:小作文是线图 英国不同年龄段看电影的大作文是政府应该帮助所有人还是仅仅本国人回忆2:阅读第1篇:新西兰的经济状况讲出口树木New Zealand Forestry wood: the treasure of New Zealand
Questions 1-6 TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN 判断题
1.欧洲定居者认为,wooden houses(木头盖的房子比其他材) are more dangerous---FALSE
2.timbres are mainly sailing vessels 19世纪新西兰出口的木头主要用于造船--- TRUE
3.plantation trees forest has the better quality人工种植的树木比新西兰(原始森林 forest出产的)好得多----Not Given原文中没有比较
4.Pine trees have limited benefits与其他(树木种类)相比,pine的使用范围smaller usage-FALSE(原文说很多用处)
5.development of domestic Housing industry国内房地产的发展对买~的需求下降----- FALSE(但是原文是增长而且达到peak)
6. economy mainly depend on the export Of goods---TRUE
Questions 7-13 Answer the questions below问答题
7 除了currency exchange rate,还有哪些因素会木材 price?:
shipping cost
9.in which economic sector哪一个经济领域可以占到第三位?
export sector
10 2025年size of workforce:就业的人数将会达到
The biggest sector
soft wood
13新西兰木材出口主要竞争北半球国家?(competitors in northern hemisphere)
Scandinavian Countries(北欧,斯堪的纳维亚国家,陷阱,原文提到的Chile,Cuba,South Africa和Australia这些都是赤道或者南半球的)
Substitute 建筑材料的替代品
15 - 21 heading匹配
15. 选 Reviewing common belief
16. 选 examples of different spiecies of bird's intelligence
17. 选 link between capacity of using tools and survival
18. 选 Physiological evidence of bird's intellgence
19. 选 link between cognitive ability and society communal performance
20. 选 white-winged chough
21. 选 how younger birds trick on others
22 -27 匹配
22. 选 New Caledonian Crows
23. 选 Black Kite
24. 选 Black Kite
25. 选 White-winged Chough
26. 选 White-winged Chough
27. 选 New Caledonian Crows
第三篇阅读:皮亚杰儿童教学教育(Children’s acquiring the principles of mathematics and science)原文:A It hasbeen pointed out that learning mathematics and science is not so much learningfacts as learning ways of thinking. It has also been emphasized that in orderto learn science, people often have to change the way they think in ordinarysituations. For example, in order to understand even simple concepts such asheat and temperature, ways of thinking of temperature as a measure of heat mustbe abandoned and a distinction between 'temperature' and 'heat' must belearned. These changes in ways of thinking are often referred to as conceptualchanges. But how do conceptual changes happen? How do young people change theirways of thinking as they develop and as they learn in school?B Traditionalinstruction based on telling students how modem scientists think does not seemto be very successful. Students may learn the definitions, the formulae, theterminology, and yet still maintain their previous conceptions. This difficultyhas been illustrated many times, for example, when instructed students are interviewedabout heat and temperature. It is often identified by teachers as a difficultyin applying the concepts learned in the classroom; students may be able torepeat a formula but fail to use the concept represented by the formula whenthey explain observed events.C Thepsychologist Piaget suggested an interesting hypothesis relating to the processof cognitive change in children. Cognitive change was expected to result fromthe pupils' own intellectual activity. When confronted with a result thatchallenges their thinking—that is, when faced with conflict—pupils realize that they need to think again about their own ways ofsolving problems, regardless of whether the problem is one in mathematics or inscience. He hypothesized that conflict brings about disequilibrium, and thentriggers equilibration processes that ultimately produce cognitive change. Forthis reason, according to Piaget and his colleagues, in order for pupils toprogress in their thinking they need to be actively engaged in solving problemsthat will challenge their current mode of reasoning. However, Piaget alsopointed out that young children do not always discard their ideas in the faceof contradictoryevidence. They may actually discard the evidence and keep their theory.D Piaget'shypothesis about how cognitive change occurs was later translated into aneducational approach which is now termed 'discovery learning'. Discoverylearning initially took what is now considered the: 'lone learner' route. Therole of the teacher was to select situations that challenged the pupils'reasoning; and the pupils' peers had no real role in this process. However, itwas subsequently proposed that interpersonal conflict, especially with peers,might play an important role in promoting cognitive change. This hypothesis,originally advanced by Perret-Clermont and Doise and Mugny, has beeninvestigated in many recent studies of science teaching and learning.E ChristineHowe and her colleagues, for example, have compared children's progress inunderstanding several types of science concepts when they are given theopportunity to observe relevant events. In one study, Howe compared theprogress of 8 to 12-year-old children in understanding what influences motiondown a slope. In order to ascertain the role of conflict in group work, theycreated two kinds of groups according to a pre-test: one in which the childrenhad dissimilar views, and a second in which the children had similar views.They found support for the idea that children in the groups with dissimilarviews progressed more after their training sessions than those who had beenplaced in groups with similar views. However, they found no evidence to supportthe idea that the children worked out their new conceptions during their groupdiscussions, because progress was not actually observed in a post-testimmediately after the sessions of group work, but rather in a second test givenaround four weeks after the group work.FIn anotherstudy, Howe set out to investigate whether the progress obtained through pairwork could be a function of the exchange of ideas. They investigated theprogress made by 12-15-year-old pupils in understanding the path of fallingobjects, a topic that usually involves conceptual difficulties. In order tocreate pairs of pupils with varying levels of dissimilarity intheir initial conceptions, the pupils' predictions and explanations of the pathof falling objects were assessed before they were engaged in pair work. Thework sessions involved solving computer-presented problems, again aboutpredicting and explaining the paths of falling objects. A post-test, given toindividuals, assessed the progress made by pupils in their conceptions of whatinfluenced the path of falling objects.
Questions28-30ChooseTHREE letters, A-F.The listbelow contains some possible statements about learningWhichTHREE of these statements are attributed to Piaget by the writer of thepassage?ATeachers play a big role in learning by explaining difficult concepts.B Mentalchallenge is a stimulus to learning.CTeaching should be consistent in order to easily acquire knowledge.DChildren sometimes ignore evidence that conflicts with their original believes.EChildren can help each other make cognitive progress.FCognitive progress is mainly relied on children's own intellectual activity. Questions31-33ChooseTHREE letters, A-F.WhichTHREE of these statements describe Howe's experiment with 8-12-year-oldschildren?A Thedifference of learning progress between groups was obvious.B Themost active children made the least progress.C Thechildren were evaluated on their abilities to understand a physics phenomenon.D Theteacher aided the children to understand a scientific problem.E Atotal of three tests were given to the children.F Allthe children were working in mixed-ability groups. Questions34-37Do thefollowing statements agree with the hypothesis of the psychologist Piaget?In boxes34-37 on your answer sheet, writeTRUE ifthe statement is trueFALSE ifthe statement is falseNOTGIVEN if the information is not given in the passage34facing incompatible problems in different disciplines, students may be requiredto rethink their approach to solve the problem35Pupils learn new solutions by keep questioning their original ways of thinking.36 Withclear instructions, students could acquire new concepts with few problems.37 Youngchildren are less likely to change their concepts in problems of science thanin mathematics. Questions38-40Choosethe correct letter. A, B, C or D.Writethe correct letter in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.38 TheTone learner' route is an educational approach whichA is themain approach for discovery learning in many teaching nowBrequires help from the pupils' peers.C relieson how the teacher guides the students heavily.D missedan important part for discovery learning.39 itcan be inferred from the passage as experiment in paragraph EA thatchildren acquire more when learning in groups.B Thatchildren opposing each other would learn slower.CResearches should check feedback right after the first test.D Therecan be a satisfying result thanks to the duration of it.40 Howeset out the pair work experiment in order toA studyhow 12-15-years old pupils learn scientific concepts.B assesswhether teammates would have the features of exchange ideas.Cinvestigate pupils the ability of solving physics problems.Dpredict and explain the path of falling objects.
题目类型:题号定位词文中对应点题目解析28-30Piaget段落CA选项:教师通过解释难的概念在学习中扮演重要角色。原文没提到。B选项:智力挑战促进学习。段落C倒数第三句。C选项:为了容易获得知识,教学必须一致。原文没提到。D 选项:儿童有时会忽略与其原始理念违背的证据。段落C倒数两句。E选项:儿童可以相互帮助达成认知进步。原文没提到F选项:认知进步主要依赖于儿童自我的智力活动。段落C第二句。31-33Howe8-12段落EA选项:两组学习进步的差别很明显。E段落倒数第二句。B选项:最积极的学生进步最少。原文没提到C选项:儿童被评估理解物理现象的能力。E段第二句理解斜坡上的移动。D选项:教师辅助学生理解科学问题。有问题,原文没提到。E选项:总共三个测试给到学生。原文没提到F选项:所有的儿童在有各种能力层次的组中学习。原文没提到34Facingproblem段落C第三句面对不同原则下的不同问题,学生可能要重新考虑解决问题的方法。对应段落C第三句,当面临挑战他们想法的结果,即面对冲突时,学生必须意识到他们需要重新思考解决问题的方法。因此答案为true.35Questioningoriginal way段落C第三句学生通过质疑原始的思维方式习得新的解决方案。同上。因此答案为true.36Clearinstruction 有着清晰的指导,学生在习得新概念时问题更少。有问题,原文没提到,答案应该是not given.37Challengeconcepts段落C第三句相比数学,学生在面对科学问题的时候更不可能改变其观念。regardless of whether…science,不管是数学还是科学,所以比较错误。答案应该是false.38Lonelearner段落D第二句第二句开始介绍lone learner. 讲到发现式学习最初采用现在被认为是“单独学习者”的方法。在这种情况下,老师在没有学生同伴时,挑战学生的理解。A选项:是现在许多发现式教学的主要方法。没有大的问题,故比较下来选A。B选项:需要来自于同伴的帮助。矛盾,故不选。C选项:十分依赖于老师指导学生的程度。没提到,故不选。D选项:遗漏了发现式学习很重要的一步。矛盾,故不选。39段落E中实验段落E段落E讲了比较两组学生的进步情况,一组为争议大,一组为无争议,得出争议大的组进步大这一结论。但是因为并没有在实验后马上检验,没有证据支持。A选项:组团学习的儿童获得更多知识。两组都有组团,故不选。B选项:相互反对的儿童学得更慢。矛盾,故不选。C选项:研究者应该在第一次实验结束后马上检测反馈。对D选项:由于实验的持续性,应该有一个满意的结果产生。没提到,故不选。40Pairwork experiment 段落F第一句通过研究12-15岁学生理解物体降落的进步,调查通过通过交换意见是否有助于取得进步。实验前,先做了评估,再去检测进步。A选项:研究12-15岁学生学习科学概念。研究内容而不是目的,故不选。B选项:研究队员是否有交换想法的特点。C选项:研究学生解决物理问题的能力。研究内容而不是目的,故不选。D选项:预测和解释下降物体的途径。研究内容而不是目的,故不选。
参考译文:(儿童)数学与科学的学习原理A已经有研究指出,学习数学和科学不像学习思考一样那么直观:也有人强调,学习科学知识的时候,人们往往不得不改变他们在普通的情况下的思维方式。(1题)例如,为了理解如热量和温度这样简单的科学概念,温度作为热量的衡量单位的思維方式必须被抛弃,‘温度’和‘热’之间的区别也必须学习。这些思维方式的变化通常被称为概念上的变化。但概念上的变化是怎么发生的呢?在青年人发展脑部和在校学习的时候,他们是如何改变思考方式的呢?B以传统的教学方法告诉学生现代科学家的思考方式似乎并不很成功。(2题)学生可以学习定义、公式和术语,但仍然维持其先前的概念。这个困境已经被说明很多次。例如,当被告知关于热能和温度后的学生受访时,教师往往发现同学在课堂上应用科学概念是会出现困难的。(10题)学生可以重复使用公式,但他们在使用公式背后的概念来解释观察到的现象时就不是很成功。C心理学家Piaget提出了一个在儿童认知转变的过程中的有趣的假设。认知转变被认为是自身智力行为的结果。当学生面临着一个挑战自己的想法的结果时,也就是说发生思想冲突的时候。不论这个是数学还是科学上的问题,学生就会发现他们需要重新思考他们解决问题的方法。(35题)他假设,冲突带来了不平衡,并触发了一个平衡过程,这也最终产生了认知转变。(3题)出于这个原因,Piaget和他的同事们认为学生为了让他们的思想进步,他们需要积极参与解决问题,挑战他们目前的推理模式。(9题)然而,Piaget还指出,在面对矛盾的证据时,年轻的孩子并不容易放弃自己的想法。实际上,他们还可能会放弃证据,并保持他们本来的理论。DPiaget的对于认知转变的假说后来被转化成现在被称为“发现学习”的教育方法。最初“发现学习”走了一条现在被称为“孤独学习”的道路。(4题)教师负责设定情况以挑战学生的推理能力,而其他同学是没有任何实质的角色的。然而,很多人随后提出人与人之间的冲击,尤其是同龄的人,可以对认知转变发挥到重要的作用。(39题)这一假说由Perret-Clermont(1980)和Doise与Mugny(1984)作了进一步研究,而这假说也被很多目前的科学教育所采用。EChristineHowe 和她的同事给予了小孩观察一些关于几个科学概念的事件时,对比了小孩们的认知进度。其中一个研究中,Howe在一群8到12岁的儿童理解什么因素影响山坡运动的进度时进行了对比。(5题)为了确定小组内会存在冲击,他们根据预测把小孩分成了两组:其中一组的孩子有不同的意见,另一组则抱有差不多的观点。Howe发现了支持他们观点的证据。(6题)组中儿童的不同看法使他们的培训课程比那个看法相似的组别更有效果。然而,Howe未能发现任何证据来支持孩子们是在课堂辩论中学到新的概念,这是因为后来的测试未有在第一时间进行,而是在小组讨论后的四个星期。(40题)F在另一项研究中,Howe着手调查两个人一起学习是否能够借交换意见来推进学习进度。(7题)他们调查了 12-15岁的学生在理解物体坠落的路径的过程。这个主题在概念上很容易出现认知困难,为了把学生分成一对一对在概念的程度上相异,Howe在学生分组前为学生的预测和解释物体坠落的路径进行了评估。学生的学习课程中需要解答在电脑上展示的难题,这也一样需要预测和解释物体坠落的路径。最后,学生会单独进行一个课后测试,评估他们对于什么影响到物体坠落的路径的概念上的进展。
参考答案:儿童数学教育28.B 29.D 30.F 31.A 32.C 33.D 34T.rue 35.True 36.False 37.Not Given 38.D 39.C 40.B
回忆3:听力p1是搬家p2匹配好难 p3是学术讨论 p4是儿童笑声回忆4:小作文:折线图
People living in 21st century have a better life quality than the people who lived in the previous centuries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?回忆5:阅读
Passage 1:新西兰木制品工业
1-6 判断
7-13 填空
7. shipping cost
8. export sector
9. 60,000
10. the biggest sector
11. soft wood
12. Scandinavian Countries
13. substitude
Passage 2: 鸟类使用工具的行为
14-20 段落匹配
14. 匹配“Reviewing common belief”
15. 匹配“Examples of different species of birds' itelligence”
16. 匹配“Link between capacity of using tools andsurvival”
17. 匹配“Physiological evident of birds'itlligenco”
18. 匹配“Link between cognitive abllity and soclety communal performance”
19. 匹配“Chicks”
20. 匹配“How younger birds trick on others”
21-26 匹配
21. NXC
22. BK
23. BK
24. WC
25. C
26. NX
(BK for black kite 黑鸢
WC for White-winged tools 白翅拟鸦
NXC for New Caledonian crows 乌鸦)
Passage3: 孩子们比想象得更聪明回忆6:听力
1. Makora
2. 7149CF
3. city
4. glass
5. oven
6. umbrella
7. table
8. bikes
9. total
10. stone
11-16 匹配
11. H
12. F
13. B
14. C
15. G
16. 选择选项“birds life”
17-20 多选
17-18. BD
19-20. BD
21-22 填空
21. photocopy
22. handout
23-25 单选
23. A
24. B
25. C
26-30 匹配
26. D
27. F
28. E
29. C
30. B
31. jokes
32. groups
33. parents
34. action
35. chicken
36. person
37. adults
38. gender
39. pictures
40. danger回忆7:听力 Part1 搬家咨询
1. current address: 79 Makora road
2. the booking number: 7149CF
3. be charged then what we call city Items to be careful of
4. things made from glass
5. items not to be moved: oven Remember to move items such as
6. umbrella in the garden
7. table in the corner
8. bikes in the garage
9. a more secured policy called total
10. you will find a spare key under a stone by the back door
Part2 苏格兰南部旅游
11-16 匹配
11. the sheepgol: H.garden on hills
12. the Aurden: F. wild flowers
13. the Stone: B. nature reserve
14. the Grossoil: C. baby deer
15. the Eastlake: G. old ruins
16. the Brown Wage: D. bird life
17-20 多选
17-18. what two are needed on a weekly basis?
B. hostel
D. cottage
19-20. 会员享有哪两种福利?
B. magazines
D. free tour guide
Part3 学校选课(女性咨询男性某门课程)
21-22 填空
21. feedback…photocopy of ***
22. the lecturer will give a handout
23-25 单选
23. what does the woman think is important?
A. topic relevant part
24. what does the man think is hardest
B. understanding theory
25. why does the lecturer think making some notes briefly when you are reading a passage is important?
C. go back for reference
26-30 匹配题
26. statistics of social science: D. Be helpful for mathematics
27. quantitative method: F. Practical examples
28. pure mathematics: E. Take less time than other courses
29. basic of economics: C. The last year students
30. dissertation planning: B. Good tutor
Part4 儿童幽默研究
31. researches into what kind of jokes was the most popular
32. researchers divided child-interviewers into groups
33. parents keep a diary like this for half a year
34. children are nervous when being unsure what action is suitable
35. the child will laugh at unusual cases, such as tied chicken
36. another interesting area is what sort of person makes children laugh most
37. children find situations funny if involve adults looking foolish
38. gender does not seem to make a difference
39. they laugh more at pictures than words
40. surprisingly, children find something based on danger is funny回忆8:回忆9:回忆10: