雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2021-11-14 11:12:40


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非洲雅思A类G类、雅思UKVI真题预测答案(机考+纸质)2021年11月12月至2022年1月2月3月南非雅思、尼日利亚、毛里求斯雅思、坦桑尼亚雅思、安哥拉雅思、马达加斯加雅思、刚果雅思、加纳雅思、赞比亚雅思、苏丹雅思、埃及雅思、津巴布韦雅思、埃塞俄比亚雅思、肯尼亚雅思等非洲雅思考区A类G类、UKVI真题预测听力、口语、阅读、写作答案范文机经(机考+纸质)Ielts in Africa【剑桥雅思考官雅思真题预测IRP快速提高1-3分,一次性攻破雅思VIP资料】每场必中大部分考试内容,剑桥雅思考官发布Ielts Africa请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-254327-1-1.html
中东雅思考区A类G类、雅思UKVI真题预测答案范文机经2021年11月12月至2022年1月2月3月迪拜、巴林、阿联酋、伊朗、埃及、沙特阿拉伯、土耳其、伊朗科威特、伊拉克、阿曼、卡塔尔、以色列、巴勒斯坦等中东国家地区(机考+纸质)雅思真题预测机经答案雅思真题预测A类G类UKVI答案范文机经冲刺版【快速提高1-3分,IRP小范围精准版,超高命中率】Ielts in Middle East----紧跟考情每周更新请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-254326-1-1.html

2021年11月20日中国大陆雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总)回忆1:小作文地图题 bookstore in2000and now大作文优缺点题在未来城市中老年人的比例超过年轻人,你觉得这是好的还是不好的发展回忆2:听力
Section 1
1. www.greenride.com
2. a map
3. 5 hours
4. child seat
5. be a good place for bird watching
6. cost for guide
7. phone number: 026722***
8. during holiday
9. family
10. behind post office

11-15 地图
11. a student service unit: F
12. health unit/center: E
13. student center: B
14. international unit: A
15. accommodation office: C
16-20 填空
16. Every room has its own shower
17. laundry facilities situate in basement of the hostel
18. most food containers have students’ names on them
19. when you entered the dorm building: a code is needed
20. radio should be turned off after 11.30

21-26 单选
21. 作者与莎士比亚的共同之处在于?
B. appeal to the public / popular in public
22.What surprise Olive the most when she read the Christie’s book?
B. in simple words
23. What does the student say about the Christie’s biography?
A. she always keeps a traditional way of thinking
24. What does the students say about Christie’s novel being turned into a film?
C. television programs are not so successful as the cinema versions
25. What do students agree in terms of Christie’s marriage
C. her husband works have inspired her
26. What does all Olivia say about a journalists comment on Christie?
A. amused by stories a lot
27-30 匹配
27. The performance scrip – B. adapted to the local audience
28. The design of stage – F. people not surprised at all
29. The light – C. too complicated
30. The costume – D. well researched

Section 4
31-34 选择
31. the amazing part is:
C. small brain
32. How do people distinguish one bee from another
C. color stripes
33. in the experiment, how do the scientist recognize the individual bees?
B. through marks on the body
34. Bees with optic flew can
A. tell how far they have traveled回忆3:小作文:两个饼图对比,1988年和2008年的家庭用水These charts below show the percentage of residental water use in five aspects in 1988 and 2008.
The best way to solve traffic and transportation problem is to encourage people to live in cities rather than suburbs and countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?回忆4:阅读


第三篇:语言的变化(Mechanismsof linguistic change)原文:AThechanges that have caused the most disagreement are those in pronunciation.Wehave various sources of evidence for the pronunciations of earlier times, suchas the spellings, the treatment of words borrowed from other languages orborrowed by them, the descriptions of contemporary grammarians andspelling-reformers, and the modern pronunciations in all the languages anddialects concerned. From the middle of the sixteenth century, there are inEngland writers who attempt to describe the position of the speech-organs forthe production of English phonemes, and who invent what are in effect systemsof phonetic symbols. These various kinds of evidence, combined with a knowledgeof the mechanisms of speech-production, can often give us a very good idea of thepronunciation of an earlier age, though absolute certainty is never possible.BWhen westudy the pronunciation of a language over any period of a few generations ormore, we find there are always large-scale regularities in the changes: forexample, over a certain period of time, just about all the long vowels ina language may change into long vowels, or all theconsonants in acertain position (for example at the end of a word) may change into consonants. Such regular changes are often called sound laws. There are nouniversal sound laws (even though sound laws often reflect universaltendencies), but simply particular sound laws for one given language (ordialect) at one given period.COnecause which has been suggested for changes in pronunciation is geographic andclimatic, for example that people living in mountain country are subject tocertain changes in pronunciation compared to plainsmen, but the evidence forthis is unconvincing. Other people have suggested biological and racialfactors: it has been said, for example, that races with thick lips havedifficulty in producing certain speech-sounds. Once again, no really convincingevidence has been produced.But in these circumstances the theory isunnecessary: the influence of one language on another is quite enough toexplain such changes, without racial characteristics being invoked.DIt isalso possible that fashion plays a part in the process of change. It certainlyplays a part in the spread of change: one person imitates another,and peoplewith the most prestige are most likely to be imitated, so that a change thattakes place in one social group may be imitated (more or less accurately) byspeakers in another group. When a social group goes up or down in the world,its pronunciation may gain or lose prestige. It is said that, after the RussianRevolution of 1917, the upper-class pronunciation of Russian, which hadformerly been considered desirable, became on the contrary an undesirable kindof accent to have, so that people tried to disguise it. Some of the changes inaccepted English pronunciation in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries havebeen shown to consist in the replacement of one style of pronunciation byanother style already existing, and it is likely that such substitutions were aresult of the great social changes of the period: the increased power andwealth of the middle classes, and their steady infiltration upwards into theranks of the landed gentry, probably carried elements of middle-classpronunciation into upper-class speech.EA lessspecific variant of the argument is that the imitation of children isimperfect: they copy their parents’ speech, but never reproduce it exactly.This is true, but it is also true that such deviations from adult speech areusually corrected in later childhood. Perhaps it is more significant that evenadults show a certain amount of random variation in their pronunciation of agiven phoneme, even if the phonetic context is kept unchanged. This, however,cannot explain changes in pronunciation unless it can be shown that there issome systematic trend in the failures of imitation: if they are merely randomdeviations they will cancel one another out and there will be no net change inthe language. For some of these random variations to be selected at the expenseof others, there must be further forces at workFOne suchforce which is often invoked is the principle of ease, or minimization ofeffort. The change from fussy to fuzzy would be an example of assimilation,which is a very common kind of change. Assimilation is the changing of a soundunder the influence of a neighbouring one. For example,the word scant was once skamt, but the /m/ has been changed to /n/ underthe influence of the following /t/. Greater efficiency has hereby beenachieved, because /n/ and /t/ are articulated in the same place(with the tip ofthe tongue against the teeth-ridge),whereas /m/ is articulatedelsewhere (with the two lips). So the place of articulation of the nasalconsonant has been changed to conform with that of the following plosive. Amore recent example of the same kind of thing is the common pronunciation offootball as foopball.GAssimilationis not the only way in which we change our pronunciation in order to increaseefficiency. It is very common for consonants to be lost at the end of a word:in Middle English, word-final /-n/ was often lost in unstressed syllables, sothat baken ‘to bake’ changed from /’ba:kln/ to I’ba:kI, and later to /ba:k/.Consonant-clusters are often simplified. At one time there was a HI in wordslike castle and Christmas, and an initial /k/ in words like knight and know.Sometimes a whole syllable is dropped out when two successive syllables beginwith the same consonant (haplology):a recent example is temporary, which inBritain is often pronounced as if it were temporary.
Questions27-29Completethe summary below.ChooseNO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer Write your answers inboxes 27-29 on your answer sheet.Thepronunciation of living language undergo changes throughout thousands of years.Changes fromconsonants to consonants are usually called 27 …………………….There are three reasons for these changes:Firstly,the influence of one language onanother is an adequate explanation since no disagreement being put forward.Secondly, 28 ……………………. involving imitation is associated with the spread ofthis linguistic phenomenon. The incomplete imitations of children, moreover,may also contribute to this change if they are only deviations. However, forthose random variations in pronunciation, the deeper evidence lies in the 29……………………. or minimization of effort.Questions30-37Do thefollowing statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?In boxes30-37 on your answer sheet,writeTRUE ifthe statement agrees with the informationFALSE ifthe statement contradicts the informationNOTGIVEN if there is no information on this 30 Themost controversial aspect of linguistic changes is the use of word.31 It ispossible for us to know the early pronunciation of some certain words.32 Thegreat change of language is related to the rising status and fortune of middleclasses.33 Somekind of languages change more significantly than other languages.34 Allthe children learning speeches from adults cannot have the accuratepronunciation all the time.35 Theword scant can be pronounced more easily than skamt.36 The in gnat will not be pronounced in the future.37 Thesound of ‘temporary’ cannot be presented by its spelling. Questions38-40Look atthe following sentences and the list of statements below.Matcheach statement with the correct sentence, A-D.Writethe correct letter A-D,in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet. A Sincethe speakers can receive less effortB Due tothe pronunciation cannot present the spelling accuratelyC It isa language influencing other languages in a large scaleDBecause the speaker can pronounce /n/ and Itl clearly in the same place 38 As aconsequence, ‘b’ will be pronounced as ‘p’39 Thepronunciation of /m/ changed to /n/40 Theomit of ‘t’ in the sound of Christmas 答案:27. sound laws28. fashion29. principle of ease30. FALSE31. TRUE32. TRUE33. NOTGIVEN34. FALSE35. TRUE36. NOTGIVEN37. TRUE38. C39. D40. A回忆5:小作文:饼图
The best way to deal with the problem related to the traffic and transportation is to encourage people to live in cities rather than in suburbs and countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?回忆6:阅读
Passage1:The oldest leather shoes
Passage2: 宇宙空间站
27-30 填空
27.sound laws
30.principle of ease
31-37 判断
38-40 匹配
3.5 hours
4.child seat
6.post office
7.bird watching

11-15 匹配
11. F
12. E
13. B
14. A
15. C
16-20 填空
16. shower
17. basement
18. food container
19. code
20. 11.30

21-26 单选
27-30 匹配

31-34 单选
34.选"we can calculate the distance"

35-40 填空


The best way to deal with the problem related to traffic and transportation is to encourage people to live in cities rather than in the suburbs and countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



主体段2:但是其实这会带来更多的问题。1. 大家都住在城里反而会增加城市交通的负担,造成更多的拥堵和问题。2. 城周住的人少反而不利于乡村的经济交通发展,也让整个国家的发展趋于不均衡

主体段3:一些其他的方法可以帮助缓解交通问题。1. 把目前的交通线路(地铁,公交)延长覆盖到乡镇。2. 增加其他的交通工具例如共享单车电动车等。回忆10:

2021年11月6日雅思考试总体反馈:重磅!2021年11月6日雅思考试IRP在最重点精准命中大小作文原题范文!命中口语绝大部分真题原题答案!命中听力三部分(3 sections)原文原题原答案!命中至少两篇阅读原文原题原答案!总体难度适中。2021年11月6日雅思听说读写全面大中,全面开花!(疫情期间,全球不同考区时差、A类、G类考生回忆数据比较少、收集不够齐全,待补充,还在不断更新中…)祝贺IRP会员将出现不少雅思高分人才!总体反馈请(复制链接)进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-255294-1-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-36-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-39-1.html特别提醒:雅思考试20多年来,有非常严格的规律性和出题思路。全世界有6大考区,而只有一个剑桥考试中心几个人在出题,每个考区一周平均要出一份考卷,一个月很多考区平均出24份考卷。(尤其是2019-2021年以来,全世界各考区和众多城市开始增加雅思机考的选择,机考的城市几乎每天都有雅思考试,一个月考官要出20几份雅思机考卷子,机考跟传统纸质考试的区别只是纸质和电脑上考试的区别,考试内容、评分标准、难度等级、考试题型、考试安全设置等方面均与现行的纸笔模式完全一致。)雅思考试如此频繁,如何保证达到难度一样呢,如何保证新题难度、准确度和评价机制公平呢,所以只能是20几年来的题库旧题目的有效组合,新题不能超出5%-10%,每份雅思卷子都是90%-99%以上旧题。每一份雅思考试试题其实是大部分旧题原题真题+个别新题目的重新组合,多年雅思考官和专家Edward老师非常熟悉雅思出题规律和听说读写题库出题组合卷子的秘诀,IRP资料因此而诞生!紧跟考情雅思真题预测答案!IRP听说读写全套!场场命中90%-100%!精准小范围!具体详细内容请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.html
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