admin 发表于 2020-6-8 16:31:19


2020年6月-9月雅思口语国际版雅思口语新题库真题答案(纸质+机考+IELTS Indicator)雅思口语真题精准预测答案机经2020年6月9日-11日12日,6月13日,6月18日,6月20日,6月25日,6月27日,7月2日,7月11日,7月18日,7月25日,8月6日,8月8日,8月22日,8月29日,9月10月【北美、澳洲新西兰、港澳台泰国越南马来西亚亚太地区、欧洲、非洲,中国大陆预备】雅思真题预测IRP快速提高1-3分,超高命中率,剑桥雅思考官专家权威发布,一次性攻破雅思VIP资料】------此精准雅思口语预测命中率为99%-100%,后面几个月考的同学请先按照本预测内容复习,每场考前一周有紧跟考前的最后小更新,以免来不及! 超高命中率雅思真题预测机经IRP适用(纸质+机考):全球六大雅思考区分开,A类、G类、UKVI分开,都有各自IRP雅思A类、G类、UKVI听力、口语、写作、阅读真题预测及完整答案,具体请进入本文超高命中率雅思真题预测机经适用(纸质+机考+IELTSIndicator):中国大陆雅思考区(预备使用);泰国,香港,台湾,新加坡,马来西亚,越南、迪拜、日本、韩国、印度尼西亚,澳门,台湾,阿拉伯国家等亚太考区;澳大利亚,新西兰等澳洲雅思考区;美国,加拿大等北美雅思考区,欧洲雅思考区(英国,法国,德国、西班牙、瑞士、希腊、瑞典、意大利、挪威、丹麦、荷兰、爱儿兰、葡萄牙等),非洲雅思考区,中东雅思考区,南美雅思考区等其他考区的同学,本预测资料100%适合复习.雅思考试是全球性的,统一由英国雅思考试中心出题,因此题库是一样的.预测不是一两个题目,而是个范围,由一定数量题目组成,是考试复习的重点和最可能考到的题目,希望大家按照预测认真准备,提高复习效率和质量,有的放矢,切中肯綮.本预测里面的口语,写作,听力预测题目和范围也是未来几个月的复习重点范围,后面考试的同学请按照此内容先复习。 本预测里面的所有雅思口语Part 1-3、雅思A类G类、雅思UKVI大小写作题目地道原创答案范文、听力预测版本号内容答案和阅读预测对应机经内容答案(整理好的阅读和听力机经)IRP会员有提供,可以快速提高1-3分,具体请进入或者咨询 QQ26346059, QQ504918228,咨询个人微信504918228或者ieltstofel3或者ielts2013,或者加公共微信平台ieltstofel,ielts2018 中国、澳洲、亚太、北美、欧洲、中东地区、非洲、南美洲等各考区精准雅思A类G类、UKVI真题预测机经汇总2020年6月7月8月9月10月11月12月雅思a类g类、UKVI真题预测答案范文机经请进入或者咨询 QQ26346059, QQ504918228,咨询个人微信504918228或者ieltstofel3或者ielts2013,或者加公共微信平台ieltstofel,ielts2018 全球各大考区最高命中率的雅思A类G类真题预测-雅思托福英语全球网专家提供紧跟考情的每一场考试,口语命中率为99%-100%,听力命中率为95%-100%,写作和阅读旧题命中率90-100%,历次反馈都公布在本网站论坛和博客上。 最新雅思成绩出炉!雅思7-8分经验,最新雅思短时间内提高1分到4分和4个7分,4个8分烤鸭详细实用经验请进入 雅思快速提分:对于长期困扰和急于提高雅思成绩总分1-4分的全球各地烤鸭们,Edward 艾华师提供全球性网络一对一雅思专家型授课, 无数在国内外读语言/预科,硕士博士(需要4个7,4个8移民)的学员的心声:花8-10万,几十万甚至上百万在国外学英语,还不如上Edward的几次课,具体安排和说明请进入 雅思4个7分经典VIP一对一课程:语言实力内存提升+快速提分技能+精准预测IRP 雅思冲刺快速加分套餐系列1888-2588元起:IRP资料+1对1辅导请进入 历任雅思考官和金牌雅思培训老师Edward艾华师最新提醒:最近一段时间以来 雅思口语题目和写作题目经常互相借用,拼凑组合,特别是新的写作题目经常取自于口语话题,这其实是好现象,说明我们的口语和写作是可以一起准备的,不要把他们孤立开来,Edward的IRP资料的口语和写作答案和范文是可以互相套用的.每年都有人传闻哪个月会换题或者出新题,特别是1月3月5月9月份说要出新题,而实际上每一年每个月考出来都是90%旧题。原因是:全世界有6大考区,而只有一个剑桥考试中心几个人在出题,每个考区一周平均要出一份考卷,一个月出24份考卷,考官如何保证达到难度一样呢,如何保证新题难度、准确度和评价机制公平呢,所以只能是20年来的题库旧题目的有效组合,新题不能超出10%,每份雅思卷子都是90%以上旧题。

雅思想考出好成绩,单单靠题海战术、空应试技巧和数次的反复报考是难有成效的,这种土办法使成绩每况愈下,越考越糟,信心全无,最后放弃。只有掌握地道雅思思维方式,利用剑桥英国人的风格和Edward的IRP雅思最新题库+真题预测来进行学习和脚踏实地复习,并挖掘右半脑潜能,用激情学习,热爱雅思,欣赏语言,才能一举多得,在短期时间内起到事半功倍的理想成绩。一直以来,Edward 全球网络一对一学员们和IRP会员们成绩公布后来报喜说得最高频的一句话是:老师,我考过了,省了好几万元了!这是无数在国内外读语言/预科,硕士博士(需要4个7,4个8移民)的学员的心声:花8-10万,几十万甚至上百万在国外学英语,还不如上Edward 的几次课
口语预测话题按照重点先后顺序排列,可以根据自己的时间取舍,新调整和新增题目已标出(最重点)。没时间的看:雅思新口语题库高频必考口语题目。时间充裕的同学最重点往下多准备一些,比如近期高频必考口语新题目,考前冲刺特重点。以准备Part 2为主,Part1和Part3 稍微浏览准备,IRP资料都全部配有详细答案) 雅思口语新题库出炉:最重要话题 I.   最新雅思口语题库高频必考题目(按照重点先后顺序排列)1.Part 2 Describe a journey/trip you took by publictransportationYou should say:When and where you wentWhy you chose this form oftransportationWhat you did or saw on the journey/tripAnd explain how you felt aboutthe journey/trip 2.Part 2 Describe a time you lost your way/you got lostYou should say:When it happenedWhere you wentWhat happenedAnd explain how you found theright way/the result of it 3.Part 2 Describe a mistake that you once madeYou should say:What the mistake wasWhen and where you made itWho was with youAnd explain how themistake affected you 4.Part2 Describe a person who taught you something important.You should say:Who the person isWhere did you meet him or herWhat did the person taughtyouAnd explain how you feelabout what he or she taught you. 5.Part 2Describe a special dinner you enjoyed/Describe a time when you invite someoneto have dinner at home or a restaurantYou should say:when it waswho you invitedwhat you atehow do you feel 6.Part 2 Describe a person in the news that you would like tomeet. You should sayWho he or she isWhat this person show up onTVHow you know this personAnd explain why you want tomeet him or her 7.Part 2 Describe an exciting event/a happy event of your life /a happy event from your childhood that you remember wellYou should say:When it happenedWhere it happenedWhat it wasand explain why this event isa happy event in your life. 8.Part 2 Describe a crowded place you went toYou should say:when you went therewhat the place waswhat you did thereand explain why you wentthere/how you felt about the crowded place. 9.Part 2 Describe a successful small company you know/a successfulfamily business you knowYou should say:What this business isHow you know itWhat kind of people theircustomers areAnd explain why this businessis successful. 10.Part 2 Describe anoccasion/experience/a time when you are not allowed to use your phoneYou should say:
when it was
where you were
why you were not allowed to use
and explain how you felt about that Part 3 How can technology make our life easier?What are some greatestinventions you know about?Why should we restrict theuse of mobile phone in public places?Why are mobile phonesgaining its popularity?Can you do without yourmobile phone? 11.Part 2 Describe a goal you want to achieve in the future.You should say:what the goal iswhat would you do to achieveitwhen will you achieveand explain why you want toachieve it. 12.Part2 Describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement/ Describe an achievement that you are proud ofYou should say:What you didWhen you celebrated itWho you celebrated it withAnd explain how you feltabout it 13.Part 2 Describe a new skill you learned that you think is importantYou should say:What it is Whether it isdifficult or not How you learned it And explain why youthink it is important 14.Part 2 Describe a change that will improve your local area.You should say:what the change iswhy the change is neededwhether there will be anyproblems associated with changeand explain how it willimprove your local area. 15.Part2 Describe an interesting wild animal in your country.You should say:What is it?What does it look like?When and where did you see it?And why is this wild animalinteresting. 16.Part 2 Describe a difficult challenge you metYou should say:What it wasWhen you met itWhere you met itAnd explain why you think itis a challenge 17.Part 2 Describe a job you don't want to doYou should say:What it isWhere you knew it fromWhy you think it is difficultor easyAnd explain why you would notlike to do it 18.Part 2 Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh/Describe a TV program that makes you laughYou should say:what the program iswhat type of program it iswhat content it hasand explain why it makes youlaugh. 19.Part 2 Describe anexperience that you couldn’t do what you want becauseof the weather 20.Part 2 Describe a sky you would like to see/ Part 2 Describea time when you enjoy looking at a beautiful skyWhat it isWho you would like to seewith What you would like tosee Why you would like to see it 21.Part2 Describe a person who has apologized to youYou should say:Who this person isWhen this happenedWhat this person said forapologizingand explain how you feelabout the apology. 22.Part 2 Describe a person who likes to travel by plane
who this person is
how you know this person
where this person has travelled to
and explain why this person likes to travel by plane 23.Part 2 Describe a person who is good at his/her jobWho this person isWhat the job isHow does this person likehis/herjob Why this person is good atthis job 24.Part 2 Describe an experience that you got/get bored You should say:When it was/isWhy you were/are boredWhat you did/doAnd explain why you would/willdo 25.Part 2 Describe an occasion when you met someone for thefirst timeYou should say:Where you met him or herWen you met him or herWhat you talked aboutAnd explain how you feltabout it 26.Part 2 Describe a childhood Toy /Describe a toy that youenjoyed playing with in your childhood.You should say: what itlooked likehow you got this toywhat you did with this toyand explain why you enjoyedplaying with this toy. 27.Part 2 Describe an occasion when you lost something and thengot it backYou should say:what you lostHow you lost itWhere you found itAnd how you felt about it 28.Part 2 Describe an indoor game /Describe a game you used toplay in your childhood.You should say:What type of game it wasHow you played itWho you played it withAnd explain why you don'tplay it anymore. Part 1,3 Do you play any indoor games?Do you prefer to play indoorgames or outdoor games?What indoor games did youplay when you were a child?Is there any particularindoor games that you liked when you were a child?What sort of indoor games dochildren play now?Do you think the young peopleshould spend a lot of time on playing games? 29.Part 2 Describe an interesting house /an apartment youvisited/Describe a house /an apartment/an ideal house/ place you want to livein30.Part 2 Describe a piece of advice(suggestion) youreceived/gave to othersyou should say:What was itIn what situation did youreceive it/you gave it to othersWho gave you thisadvice/Who(m)you gave this advice toand explain what did you doafter you received thisadvice/what did him(her) do when he(she) received this advice Part3 Are young people more inclined to accept advice from theirfriends or from their parents?
31.Part 2 Describe a family member you spend most time with/youwant to work with/an interesting old person/Describe a family member who hadimportant influence on you/an old person you respect/Part3 How important is it to be patient? Do you think that Chinesepeople are very patient?
32.Part 2 Describe an occasion you got up early.You should say:   When this happenedWhat you needed to do thatdayWho you were withAnd explain how you feltabout getting up so early on that day. Part 3Who usually get up early,young people or old people?
Do young Chinese people stay up late at night?
Will working late at night influence the next day’s work?
Can you sleep well if there is noise around?
Is it easy to get up early for you?
What do you do to guarantee a good sleep?

33.Part 2 Describea leisure activity you do withyour family.You should say:what it is when you do ithow you do it andexplain how you feel about it 34.Part2 Describe achild/someone or something that made you laugh.You should say:When it wasWhere you wereWho the child wasWhat the child didAnd explain why you laughed 35.Part 2 Describe an occasion you got up early.You should say:   When this happenedWhat you needed to do thatdayWho you were withAnd explain how you feltabout getting up so early on that day. Part 3Who usually get up early,young people or old people?
Do young Chinese people stay up late at night?
Will working late at night influence the next day’s work?
Can you sleep well if there is noise around?
Is it easy to get up early for you?
What do you do to guarantee a good sleep?

36.Part 2 Describe a place youwant to travel to/Describe an idea ofvacation away from home/a free day
You should say:
Where will you go
Who will you go with
When will you go
What will you do there Part 3 Why do we need leisureactivities?what are leisure activities? What leisure activities may peopletake?How do people plan their daily routine?How do you think a person canfind the right balance between work time and family time? 37.Part 2 Describe a subject you used to dislike but now haveinterest inYou should say:What the subject isWhy you disliked itWhat you are interested innowAnd explain why you becomeinterested in it 38.Part 2 Describe aninteresting house /an apartment you visited/Describe a house /an apartment/anideal house/ place you want to live in 39.Part2 Describe a person who encouraged and helped you toachieve a goal(new)You should say:Who this person isWhat this person encouragedyou to doHow this person helped youAnd explain why thisencouragement helped you to achieve the goal 40.Part 2 Describe an outdooractivity that you like doing (or do regularly)You should say:what this activity iswhere you do itwhen you do it (or, how oftenyou do it)and explain why you like it.     41.Part 2 Describe an advertisement that impresses you/ youlike.You should say:what type of advertisement itiswhat product it advertiseswhere you first saw itAnd explain why you thinkthis advertisement is effective. 42.Part 2 Describe your favorite park/garden/a quiet place/Describe a place to relax/ 43.Part 2 Describe an occasionwhen you got incorrect informationYou should say:Why you got itWhen you got itHow you got itHow you found it wasincorrectAnd how you felt about it 44.Part 2 Describe an interesting subject that you learnt in theschoolWhat the subject wasWhat you teacher was likeHow long you learnt thissubjectand explain why you thoughtit was interesting 45.Part 2 Describe an experience that the vehicle you took brokedown in your travelYou should say:Where it happenedWhen it happenedWho you were with at thattimeAnd what impacts thisbreakdown had 46.Part 2 Describe a performance that you enjoyed watching.You should say:what kind of performance itwaswhen and where you saw itwho the performer(s) was(were)and explain how you feltabout this performance. 47.Part 2 Describe a film you would like to share with yourfriends You should say:Where you watched it What it was aboutWho you watched it withAnd why you want to share itwith friends 48.Part2 Decribe a famous foreign person you would like to meet/Describe aforeign celebrity/a famous person who is not from your country, and u like tomeetYou should sayWho the person ishow you first learned abouthim or herwhy this person is famousand explain why you wouldlike to meet this person 49.Part 2 Describe a place you remember which is full of colorYou should say:where the place iswhat you did therewhy you went thereand explain why this place isfull of color. 50.Part 2 Describe your favoritepiece of clothing/clothesYou should say:What it looks likeWhere did you get itWhy do you like itAnd when do you wear it 51.Part2 Describe an impressive trip/an experience that youvisited a friend You should say:Where you wentWhen you went thereWho you were withWhat you did thereAnd explain why it is unusual 52.Part 2 Describe a place where you can read and writeYou should say:where it is how often you gothere who you go there with and explain how you feel about this place 56.Part 2 Describe a new skill you learnt that you think isimportant/a practical skill/a skill that took you a long time to learn.
You should say:
what skill it was;
how long it took you to learn it;
how you learnt it;
and explain how useful the skill was. 57.Part2 Describe anexperience that you went through adifficult challenge/Describe a time you solved aproblem through the InternetYou should say:What the problem wasHow you solved this problemHow long it took to solvethis problemAnd how you felt about it 58.Part 2 Describe an excitingevent that you had/you have been through/an experience that you won aprize You should say:What the prize was When you won it How do you won itAnd how you felt about it 59.Part 2 Describe a job you would like to do in the future/ aninteresting job/a well paid job/a perfect job you would like to have in thefuture.What it isHow you can get this jibWhat kinds of work you woulddo for the jobAnd explain why you want tohave it 60.Part 2 Describe atime when you invite someone to have dinner at home or a restaurantYou should say:when it waswho you invitedwhat you atehow do you feel 61.Part 2 Describe an interesting conversation you had withsomeone You should saywho the person waswhere the conversation tookplacewhat you talked aboutand explain why you found theconversation interesting. 62.Part 2 Describe a piece of important news you got through atext message.You should say:what it waswhen you got itwho you got it fromand explain why you thoughtit was important 63.Part2 Describe an impressive team You should say:when the team was formedwho else participated in itwhat you did thereand explain why you became part of the team. Part 3 Do you think team-working is important? 64.Part 2 Describe a special day(experience) that youremember wellYou should say:Where you wereWho you were withWhat you didAnd explain why you rememberit well 65.Part2 Describe a person you know who can speak a secondlanguage/Describe a person who speaks a foreign language very well.You should sayWho this person isHow you know themWhat language they speakAnd explain why you thinkthis person can master this language II.Part 1 高频题目 1.Part1NameWhat is your name? How should I call you? Does your name have any specialmeaning or significance? 2.Part 1 Personal Present SituationAre you a student or do youhave a job? StudyWhat kind of school do you attend? What do youlike most about your studies? What is your major? Is that a very popularsubject to study in your country? Is your subject very challenging (ordifficult) to study? What do you do when you have a difficulty with yourstudies? Why did you choose your major? What's more important whenstudying - the student or teacher? place/house/apartmentPart 1/Part3 Do you live in a house or aflat/apartment? What is your house/flat like? What furniture or appliances doyou have in your home? which part of the apartment do you want to make a change?What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future? Do you likethe decoration in your home? Why or why not? Will you move to another house orflat in the near future? What do you think of the neighborhood where you live?How long have you lived there? How do you like it? What are your neighborslike? 4.Part 1 HometownPart1 Where are you from?What’sthe most impressive/interesting part of your hometown? Has your hometownchanged in recent years? 5.Part1 Do you have a lot of friends? What does friendship mean to you?What do you usually do with your friends? Do you prefer to be alone or to bewith friends?

6.Part 1 ChocolateDo you like chocolate?Howoften do you eat chocolate?What’s your favourite flavor?Is chocolate expensivein China?When was the first time you ate chocolate?Is chocolate popular inChina? 7.Part 1 BooksPart 1 What kinds of books do you like to read? Are you reading any books atthe moment? 8. Part 1/3 TeenagerWhat activities do teenagersin your country like to do?Do you often spend time withteenagers?What is the best part ofbeing a teenager in your country?Do you think it is good to bea teenager? 9.Part 1 SleepWhen do you usually go tobed?Is it necessary to sleepenough?Is it necessary to take a napevery day?How long should people sleepfor the benefit of their healthDo you think the old shouldsleep more than the young,Why? 一般重点高频旧题1.Part 2 Describe somethingyou want to do but you do not have time /Describe something you want to do butdon’t have time forYou should say:What it isWhere do you want to doitHow easy /difficult isitAnd explain why do you wantto do it 2.Part 2 Describe a situation that others didn’t tell you thewhole truth/you were cheated.You should sayWhat the situation was?Who was involved?Why they didn’t tell you thewhole truth?And explain how you felt whenyou found out you were not told the whole truth.Part 3 What are theadvantages and disadvantages of telling lies? What are the impact of technologyon truth? 3.Part2 Describe a time that you looked for information from theInternet You should say:When it happenedWhat you were looking forWhere you were searching onthe InternetAnd how you felt about theinformation Part 3 What ways can people getinformation these days?What are the differencesbetween getting information from library and getting information fromnewspaper?Do you think writing emailshas strenghtend or weakened people’s writing skills?What according to you are thedisadvantages of Internet?What are some of thedisadvantages of emails? 4.Part 2 Describe a person whom youlike to work or study with.
You should say:
who is he/she
when you work/ study together
what do you often do together
and explain why do you like to work with him/herPart 3 Do you think managerscan be friends with their subordinates? 5.Part 2 Describe anewly built facility/Describe a leisure facility you like to have in yourhometownYou should say:What is it?Where you wouldlike it to be? When you would like to have it?And explain why youwould like to have it? 6.Part 2 Describe a good law in your country.You should say:what the law ishow you first learned aboutthis lawwho benefits from this lawand explain why you thinkthis is a good law. 7.Part 2 Describe a person who you want to be similar to/Describea person you want to be when you grow upWho this person wasHow you knew this personWhat impressed you about thisperson And explain why you want tobe similar to this person 8.Part 2 Describe your grandparent’s jobYou should say:What it wasHow long he or she had thisjobHow he or she got the jobAnd whether you would like tohave this job 9.Part 2 Describe an intelligent person you know.You should say:who this person iswhen and where you first metthemwhat kind of person they areand explain why you thinkthis person is intelligent. 10.Part 2 Describe a female leader you admire/you wouldlike to meetYou should say:Who she isWhat she doesWhat she is likeAnd explain why youwould like to meet her 11.Part 2 Describe a water sport /a water sport you want to tryin the futureYou should sayWhat it isWhere would you like to tryitHow difficult it isWhy you would like to try itPart3Do women have moreresponsibility for taking care of children?Do you think thereis equality in the workplace for men and women nowdays? 12.Part 2 Describe an occasion you met someone for the firsttime You should say:When this happened Who you met at thattime What you didAnd explain how you feltabout this occasion 13.Part 2 Describe an important technological product youboughtYou should say:What it isHow you use itWhy you bought itAnd explain why youthink it is important 14.Part 2 Describea historical building/attaction/siteYou should say:what it iswhere it iswhat does it look likewhat is it used for now 15.Part 2 Describea film/book you would like to share with your friends.You should say:where you watched it,what itwas about who you watched it with and explain why you want to share it with friends. 16.Part 2 Describe a person you know who is beautiful orhandsome.You should say:who the person iswhen you met the person atthe first timewhat the person's characterand explain how you feelabout the person 17.Part 2 Describe an experience that you taught a teenager somethingYou should say:Who you taughtWhat you taughtHow you felt about the teach Part 1,3 What activities do teenagersin your country like to do?Do you often spend time withteenagers?What is the best part ofbeing a teenager in your country?Do you think it is good to bea teenager?How to Have a Good Teen Life? 18.Part 2 Describe a bad service/Describe a complaint that youmade and you were satisfied with the resultYou should say:who you complained to;what you complained about;why you complained;and explain how you feltabout the result. 19.Part 2 Describe a souvenir/Describe something special thatyou took home from a tourist attractionYou should say:What it wasWhen you bought itWhere you bought itWhat it was likeAnd explain why you think itwas special 20.Part 2 Desribe a piece of good news you got from TV orinternet.
You should say:
what the news was about;
when you got this news;
where you got this news from;
and explain why you think it was a good piece of news. 21.Part 2 Describe a situation that others didn’t tell you thewhole truth1/a situation you had to lieYou should sayWhat the situation was?Who was involved?Why they didn’t tell you thewhole truth?And explain how you felt whenyou found out you were not told the whole truth.Part3: Why do people liesometimes? 22.Part 2 Describe somethingyou do to stay healthy/Describe an article you read from the internet or booksabout healthy life 23.Part 2 Describe a partythat you have joined in
you should say:
when did the party hold?
Where did the party hold?
Whose party?
What you did at the party? 24.Part 2 Describe an occasion when you lost something and thengot it backYou should say:what you lostHow you lost itWhere you found itAnd how you felt about it III.Part1新题
Do you often use maps?
How often do you use it?
When did you learn how to use maps?
Do you prefer paper maps or E-maps?
Which one is convenient for you?

Did you save money when you were a child?
Have you give money to other children?
Do you think parents should teach children tosave money

Have you tried foreign foods?
What kinds of foreign kinds you can find here?
Have you ever tried some strange foreign foods?

Do you have plants at home?
Do you have plants when you are young?
Do you know much about plants?
Do some people send plants as gifts? 5.TravelDo you like travelling?In which seasons do youprefer to travel?Would you say your countryis a good place for travellers to visit? 临场提醒:1.不少考生反应考场上用的铅笔不习惯以至于影响发挥,所有希望大家平时要有意识的训练铅笔答题; 2.考前要调节好生物钟,很多烤鸭都有熬夜读书习惯,早晨反而精神不佳,这跟雅思考试很不相称,希望调节好。3.考前看公共微信ieltstofel的蹲点口语,雅思托福英语全球网雅思综合栏目里面的考试流程和考前注意事项,以及听说读写各种题型临场解题技巧。雅思考场必备:雅思考试当天全方位解析每个细节 点赞雅思8分:她用雅思4个7分划上一个圆满句号,迎接海外新征途!具体内容请进入 雅思4个7分备考全攻略-Legend of Ielts Transformation 纵然雅思虐我千百遍,我待之如初恋-详细内容请进入 三个月雅思从6分到7分以上经验分享(两项8分)-春风何解红尘苦,一夜催开花万树,详细内容请进入 雅思超过4项7分、雅思8分学员Ailsa经验分享:跟对老师,高效复习内存输入、大量练习、自信考试!具体内容请进入 雅思8分学霸帅哥:一举拿下听力8.5分口语阅读双8分,冲破雅思4个7分梦想, 两考雅思遇瓶颈,选择英联雅思VIP寻求突破“勤能补拙是良训,一份辛劳一份才”,详细内容请进入 雅思高分之适者生存篇:Joyce Li拿下4个7分、突破4个8分经验-她是如何弥补写作和口语不足的?具体内容请复制链接进入 Vivian雅思IELTS 8分,听说读写7分以上–Use herexperience to raise your own score! 详细内容请进入 三个月雅思从6分到7分和8分:谈谈我的雅思进行时与完成式,详细内容请进入 雅思终结者-雅思4项7分(听力、阅读、写作7.5,口语7分),让幸福的花儿在奋斗中绽放,详细内容请进入 雅思4个7分备考全攻略-Legend of Ielts Transformation 纵然雅思虐我千百遍,我待之如初恋-详细内容请进入 三个月雅思从6分到7分以上经验分享(两项8分)-春风何解红尘苦,一夜催开花万树,详细内容请进入 雅思超过4项7分、雅思8分学员Ailsa经验分享:跟对老师,高效复习内存输入、大量练习、自信考试!具体内容请进入 雅思8分学霸帅哥:一举拿下听力8.5分口语阅读双8分,冲破雅思4个7分梦想, 两考雅思遇瓶颈,选择英联雅思VIP寻求突破“勤能补拙是良训,一份辛劳一份才”,详细内容请进入 雅思高分之适者生存篇:Joyce Li拿下4个7分、突破4个8分经验-她是如何弥补写作和口语不足的?具体内容请复制链接进入 雅思安好,明日辉煌-雅思4个7,雅思8分达人详解听说读写备考经验,详细内容请复制链接进入 香港雅思4项7分,敲响新年幸福的钟声!详细经验分享请进入

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查看完整版本: 2020年6月-9月雅思口语国际版雅思口语新题库真题答案(纸...
