雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2019-12-10 10:08:49


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回忆1:机考!小作文 饼图大作文 政府要不要禁止危险运动回忆2:作文是静态bar chart➕throw away society 大作文是写throw away的原因和影响回忆3:纸笔ukvi,柱状图和throwaway society的report(causes and problems)回忆4:阅读第一篇:厄尔尼诺现象回忆5:听力s1好像是table,sep 26th,Sebastian,银行卡号,lemon,service,jazz,80,还有两个忘了是啥了S4好难,cargo,rock,light,inscription,cracks,wood,handle,eclipse(应该是?)calendar,clocks回忆6:听力S1,80 , 26th September,King room, lemon,congratulations,table, jazz ,54412008887 回忆不详,Sebastian, serviceS4最古老的机械电脑-Antikythera,cargo ,rock,light ,inscriptions,cracks.,wood,handle,eclipse ,calendar,clocks回忆7:小作文:柱图 2012年澳洲三个不同年龄段业余活占比情况,包括看电视、艺术&读书、骑自行车大作文:Nowadays people are living in a 'thrown-away”' society where they use things for a short time and then throw away. What cause this and what problem it may lead to?
8. shin bone
9. Slow walker
10. Cheetah
11. run fast
12. blunt
13. crush
Section 1
Planning a Party
1-10) Completion
1. total number of guests invited:80(at most 100, at least 50 better to book for 80
2.type of room preferred:king room
3 type of music:jazz
4.date of the party:26 September
5.meal form: table(buffet was a trap)
6.on the cake:congratulations
7. cake flavor:lemon
8. credit card number:54412008887
9.contact name:Sebastian
10. Pay Extra fee :service

Section 2
Questions 11-12
Choose the correct answer from A, B or C.
11. Joan normally gets up at
A. 5.30 am
B. 6.30 am
C. 7.30am
12. Joan’s first task when she gets up
A. clean the horses
B. organize her son
C. do farm work
Questions 13-14
Complete the notes below.
Joan’s official title in the Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) is chairperson, in her distribution area, there are at present twenty-two disabled riders and 13. 40 helpers in the volunteer list, out of whom 14. 25 are regularly present.
Questions 15-18
What is Joan’s attitude toward the following activities?
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 15-18.
A. She really likes it.
B. She doesn’t mind it.
C. She hates it.
15. correspondence   B
16. fund-raising         C
17. calling riders         A   
18. organizing accounts   C   

SECTION 3         
Questions 21-30
Questions 21 and 22
The TWO topics the aims of the geography lesson related to?
A    global inter dependency
D    transport systems
Questions 23 and 24
Which TWO problems do Dean and Hannah identify in their lesson?
B    the student grouping
E    the timing
Questions 25-30
Complete the flow-chart below..
Geography lesson plan:student activities
Locate the top 25 producers on a world map.
Discuss the pros and cons of different 26 transport methods
In groups,discuss countries' possible 27export routes to the USA.
Fill a 28 worksheet about pencil distribution within the USA.
discuss about the 29 future of pencils.
Prepare a 30 short talk

Questions 31-40
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Antikythera mechanism
-Discovered in the sea off the Greek Island
-Found in the 31 cargo of a sunken ship
-Divers took the discovered items to the museum.
-An object thought to be a block of 32 rock was sort of mechanism
The Dome
-can take photographs with a 33 light from various angles
-has made the 34 inscriptionson the mechanism clearer
The Blade Runner
-was initially made to check engines for 35 cracks
-made up of at least 30 micro gear wheels
-the mechanism was set in a 36 wood frame
-the device can operate a 37 handle to control the gear wheels
-an 38 eclipse can be predicted by the mechanism
-helped the timing of agricultural and religious festivals
-functioned as an events 39 calendar
13th -14th century
-technology have spread in western Europe
-many 40 clocks were made to provide astronomical information and tell the time
回忆10:小作文:柱状图,2012年澳洲三个不同年龄段业余活占比情况,包括看电视、艺术&读书、骑自行车大作文:In many countries today people are living in a ‘throwaway society’, where things are used in a short time and then thrown away. What are its causes? What are its problems?回忆11:小作文 柱状图
In many countries today people are living in a ‘throwaway society’, where things are used in a short time and then thrown away. What are its causes? What are its problems?
Ours is a throw-away society strongly influenced by consumerism as we value convenience over environmental protection. Even though we are environmentally conscious to some extent, we do not appear to be serious enough in taking measures to reduce consumption, let alone repairing and re-using old things instead of buying new ones. Much is known about what is happening whereas little is being done to effectively prevent the serious situation from becoming worse.

The causes of the development of the "throw-away society" are clear, so are its effects on the environment. We throw away out of convenience because societal conventions have us constantly move on to the next new fad or technology. For example, we are dumping large quantities of thrash, such as plastic bags and diapers that can pollute the environment. Likewise, we are discarding televisions, cell phones, computers and other plastics in exchange of new ones that unsurprisingly will become our future garbage. It is as if a product were designed or intended on purpose to fail or become less desirable over time, only to be thrown away after a certain amount of use. So much so, we are filling the environment with more rubbish than we can possibly dispose of, and as a result pollution is the price we are paying for the popular culture of consumerism in the age of mass production.

Nevertheless, there are no ready solutions to consumerism-related problems due mainly to the fact that the "throw-away" habits die hard, especially when often it could be more costly to repair old products than to buy new ones. Consequently, although many people have a critical view of over-consumption and excessive production of short-lived items, few people are actually able to resist the systematic attempts of business to make us wasteful as well as debt-ridden and permanently discontented individuals. To relieve the environmental impacts, we pretend to believe that one ideal solution should rest on educating consumers to voluntarily do "positive" buying--recycled and re-used. Without a doubt, this might be nothing but wishful thinking since such a measure is easier said than done in a well-to-do society, imagining that only extreme poverty could perhaps stop the "throw-away" trend. Fortunately, the good news is that there exist some kinds of technological know-how that may kindle the hope of finding a "green" solution, commonly called Waste-To-Energy (WTE) plants. Of course, it remains to be seen how efficiently those WTE plants can reduce waste volume and also contribute to resource recovery, thereby protecting the environment.

What with education and what with technology, it is expected that more could be done to combat the key problems in the "throw-away society". To be sure, environmental awareness alone is not enough to spare our planet from being further damaged if we do not change that consumer lifestyle which is not doing any favor to the environment. In a society gradually being used to obsessive consumerism, the cruel reality is that too many people now prefer convenience to environmental protection, while too few measures are likely to become effective anytime soon.回忆12:听力部分
Section 1 为妻子准备surprise party
1. number: 80 people
2. date: Friday 26th September
3. room type: king room
4. type of cake: lemon
5. 写在蛋糕上:congratulation
6. type of music: jazz
7. 餐饮类型:table
8. card number: 54412008887
9. name: Sebastian
10. Pay extra fee: service

Section2 介绍某个帮助残疾人的组织
21-22 单选
21. Joanna normally gets up at?
B. 6.30 am
22. Joanna's first task of the day is
B. organize his sone
23-24 填空
23. have 22 riders and 40 helpers on the list
24. with 25 of whom on regular
25-28 匹配
25. correspondence: B. she does not mind it
26. fundraising: C. she hates it
27. calling riders: A. she likes it
28. accounts: C. she hates it
29-30 多选
29-30. Things that RDA should improve
B. raise fund more efficiently
E. recognizes the difficulties for disabled riders

Section 3 课堂讨论
21-24 多选
21-22. Which two topics were the aims of the geography lesson related to?
A. international reliance
E. development of writing tools
23-24. which two problems do the students agree to identify in their lesson?
B. student grouping
E. timing
25-30 流程图填空
25. mark the top producers on the world map
26. advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of transport
27. history of pencil making
28. complete the worksheet of pencil coat
29. predict the future of pencil
30. give a talk at the end

Section 4 最古老的机械电脑
31-40 填空
31. it was in the cargo of a ship that sank about 2000 years ago
32. people find an item that was assumed to be a lump of rock
33.one machine, called a Dome, can take photographs withlight coming from diffrerent angles
34. this has made far more of the inscriptions on the mechanism legible
35. the blade runner was originally designed to examine engines for cracks
36. the mechanism is thought to have been mounted in a wood frame
37. the person simply rotated a handle to operate the gear wheels
38. the mechanism could predict when an eclipse
39. it helped in planning the timing for the agricultural and religious calendar of events
40. a number of clocks were made,providing astronomical information as well as showing the time of day回忆13:

2019年12月7日雅思考试总体反馈:重磅来袭!2019年12月7日雅思命中大小作文题目!命中全部听力(2-4 sections)听力!命中多篇阅读原文原题原答案!命中口语绝大部分真题原题! 12月7日雅思A类G类听说读写全面大中,全面开花!(全球不同考区时差、A类、G类考生回忆不够齐全,待补充,还在不断更新中…)祝贺IRP会员将出现不少雅思高分人才!总体反馈请复制链接进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-246969-1-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-36-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-39-1.html特别提醒:雅思考试20多年来,有非常严格的规律性和出题思路。全世界有6大考区,而只有一个剑桥考试中心几个人在出题,每个考区一周平均要出一份考卷,一个月很多考区平均出24份考卷。(尤其是2018-2019年以来,中国大陆的广州、北京、上海、重庆,还有北美、澳洲、亚太、欧洲意大利罗马等城市考区开始增加雅思机考的选择,机考的城市几乎每天都有雅思考试,一个月考官要出20几份雅思机考卷子,机考跟传统纸质考试的区别只是纸质和电脑上考试的区别,考试内容、评分标准、难度等级、考试题型、考试安全设置等方面均与现行的纸笔模式完全一致。)雅思考试如此频繁,如何保证达到难度一样呢,如何保证新题难度、准确度和评价机制公平呢,所以只能是20年来的题库旧题目的有效组合,新题不能超出5%-10%,每份雅思卷子都是90%-99%以上旧题。每一份雅思考试试题其实是大部分旧题原题真题+个别新题目的重新组合,多年雅思考官和专家Edward老师非常熟悉雅思出题规律和听说读写题库出题组合卷子的秘诀,IRP资料因此而诞生!具体请阅读http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.html
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