雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2019-10-5 20:50:43


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中东地区雅思A类G类真题预测答案:沙特、伊朗、科威特、伊拉克、阿联酋、阿曼、卡塔尔、巴林、土耳其、以色列等中东雅思预测机经2019年10月11月12月雅思真题预测答案范文机经汇总 请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-245642-1-1.html

2019年10月12日中国大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总回忆1:小作文:人口增长和年龄比例;大作文:电子手段获取信息和纸质媒体是否该取消回忆2:小作文两个动态图,讲一个镇的人口数量变化和年龄占比变化;大作文问面对电脑和其他电子设备的使用增长,是否应该不再使用纸质媒体回忆3:阅读第一篇mythology,kings,whistle,riots,successescensorship,acting,判断T,F,NG,T,F,NG第二篇   heading忘了, AC,CE,dry season, fuel,Asian Buffalo回忆4:阅读第一篇:剧院第二篇:人为烧森林的作用和相关研究第三篇:大脑相关研究回忆5:听力S1jackethelicopter1991suncream   desert fireworks   space museumSection2 地图题后面四本书我的答案是BCEF B是reward-winning的书;还有一本书是他的作者正在写第二部,所以它属于a part of a series其它的不记得了……回忆6:听力s1 jacket suncream 1901 fireworks helicopter golf space museum desert 92863522271s3 examples topics reports reading ideas s4 nations picture writers songs letter number negative hospital回忆7:听力
Section 1 亚马逊旅游信息
1-10 填空
1. pack a jacket
2. drive from Tucson along the desert trail
3. address: 6073 Fearnleigh Drive
4. Susie's parent's phone number: 96852271
5. especially recommend the space museum
6. damage caused by the fire in the post office
7. independence day: there will be fireworks in the evening
8. special tour by helicopter
9. the possibility of playing the golf
10. when going to the canoe, take sun-cream

Section 2 图书馆和图书摆放
11-16 地图题

11. Gardening book: H
12. art books: I
13. cookery: C
14. biography: F
15. children's reading area: E
16. self-helping book: A
17-20 匹配题
17. penny's: 选has good illustration
18. the hidden: 选a real story
19. orange moon: 选come from a part of a series
20. running boy: 选award-winning

Section 3 辅导如何写论文
21-25 选择
21. Kate thinks that the essay is inappropriate
C. refers to a range of views
22. asked the book's bibliography
A. there is a standard format
23. how did John think of the article
B. analyze more data
24. the conclusion that the professor recommended is
B. refers to the title
25. the tutor said that they could use the viewpoint in the article
B. it is helpful for the definition of the difficult task
26-30 填空
26. Kathy thinks it is a good essay to separate several sub-topics
27. the man says these articles look like reports rather than essays
28. the man thinks it is good to use as many examples as possible
29. and use connectives to link his ideas
30. the professor recommends a wide reading

Section 4 世界语起源
31-40 填空
31. Ancient languages were invented for the purposes of religion or trade
32. people need a precise language to study about science development
33. each word of a language was based on a picture
34. language also has a close connection with numbers
35. ancient people use songs to help understand languages
36. people started to write letters to friends
37. modern technology has a negative impact on languages
38. children in a hospital learned to read in new languages
39. some languages can not show emotions
40. some words were just invented by writers for entertainment回忆8:阅读
Passage3:大脑相关的研究回忆9:小作文:柱状图    讲一个镇的人口数量变化和年龄占比变化
More and more people are using computers and electric devices to access information, therefore there is no need for printed books magazines and newspapers on paper. To what extent you agree or disagree?
In the era of information technology, many traditional ways of life have turned into virtual ones, and the advent of electronic-books is a typical example. Young readers no longer restrict their reading to printed materials; instead it is common to see them reading over their mobiles or ipad screens on a bus or in the street. Consequently, some suggest that printed books have become out of date and can be substituted by their counterpart in the electronic version.

This sounds reasonable in this modern society. Despite the cut of cost on paper pulp, printing machines and transportation of products, electronic books are much economic. If we take the environmental impact into consideration, e-books would show another advantage over traditional ones which consume abundant plants. In addition, in the globalized world, easy and fast access to knowledge and information becomes increasingly significant, and this requirement can be best met by e-books which spread faster and more widely via the internet.

However, these advantages of electronic books do not necessarily mean that printed version will be completely replaced soon. Printing is a safe way of saving knowledge because it is not easy to modify the original words once they are printed on paper, which is where the authority of published paper books comes. As a traditional way of life, reading books plays an important part in the elderly population who are used to thumb a book from cover to cover. If printed books are not available any more, they would be the most frustrated group of people. There is the health issue to consider. Reading printed material is healthier than on shining screen for eyesight. Therefore, e-books are not suitable for children.

In conclusion, the fact that all writing can be stored electronically does not necessarily suggest the extinction of written books. The two forms of books can co-exist to cater for different groups of people.

2019年9月28日雅思考试总体反馈:重磅来袭!2019年9月28日雅思命中一半听力!命中多篇阅读、命中大小作文题目!命中口语绝大部分真题原题! 9月28日雅思A类G类听说读写全面大中,全面开花!(全球不同考区时差、A类、G类考生回忆不够齐全,待补充,还在不断更新中…)祝贺IRP会员将出现不少雅思高分人才!总体反馈请复制链接进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-245984-1-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-36-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-39-1.html
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查看完整版本: 2019年10月12日中国大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总
