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2019年2月14日中国大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总回忆1:大作文 new technologies 改变了孩子的free time 利大于弊么 大概这样小作文 表格题回忆2:阅读:第一篇阅读讲睡眠缺失 第二篇是讲饰品 也就是那种 交易 第三篇是编织物小作文table大作文是问new technologies changed the way children spend their spare time回忆3:听力S1 讲的是到一个游乐场一样的地方求工作,女的介绍了一些vacancies,有for children,会drive,会sing,最后要thursday下午2点来面试,要带a photoS2   一个健身项目11. 活动对象:designed forA. parents and childrenB. people who are extremely fitC. tourists who are not familiar with the city and want to know the city12. 活动人数maximum:A. 180B. 250C. 28013. 什么情况下会要求退出活动?A. people who cannot answer safety instructional questionsB. those who cause a lot trouble14. Why cancelled for years?A. heavy rainsC. insufficient15. Badges could be obtained?A. order in advance.B. immediately after the race.C. one week after finish the race.16-20 搭配题16. thick trousers: C-not recommended17. drink: B-up to the customer18. torch: C- not recommended19. mobile phone: A- recommended20. rucksack: A- recommended
S4 老师布置关于monument的作业,有四部分要求,one word only填空。31-40填空题31. 要说明它的成就success32. 建筑有什么social influences33. 要有建造它的plans34. influence35. 说明它的建筑材料materials36. 特殊工艺skills37. reasons38. 对公众情感emotional方面的影响39. 是否与周边环境和谐environment40. 需要good analysis回忆4: 阅读
第一篇:睡眠缺失AIt is not unusual to have sleep troublesfrom time to time. But, if you feel you do not get enough sleep or satisfyingsleep, you may have insomnia, a sleep disorder. People with insomnia have oneor more of the following: difficulty falling asleep, waking up often during thenight and having trouble going back to sleep, waking up too early in themorning and unrefreshing sleep. Insomnia is not defined by the number of hoursyou sleep every night. The amount of sleep a person needs varies. While mostpeople need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night, some people do well withless, and some need more.BInsomnia occurs most frequently in peopleover age 60, in people with a history of depression, and in women, especiallyafter menopause. Severe emotional trauma can also cause insomnia with divorced,widowed and separated people being the most likely to suffer from this sleepdisorder.Stress, anxiety, illness and other sleepdisorders such as restless legs syndrome are the most common causes ofinsomnia. An irregular work schedule, jet lag or brain damage from a stroke orAlzeimer’s disease canalso cause insomnia as well as excessive use of alcohol or illicit drugs. Itcan also accompany a variety of mental illnesses.CThe mechanism that induces sleep is notknown. When it becomes dark, the pineal gland in the brain secretes a hormonecalled melatonin, which is thought to induce sleep. Exactly why sleep isnecessary for good health and efficient mental functioning is unknown. We doknow that sleep consists of two very different states: rapid eye movement (REM)sleep and non-REM sleep. In REM sleep, dreams occur, the eyes move under theclosed lids and there is an increase in oxygen consumption, blood flow andneural activity. REM sleep occurs four or five times during a night.Beginning periods last about ten to fifteenminutes but the periods get longer as the night goes on. The periods of REMsleep alternate with longer periods of non-REM sleep, when body functions slow.Non-REM sleep has four stages. During the deepest stages (3 and 4) it is hardto rouse a sleeper. As the night goes on, the periods of non-REM sleep becomeprogressively lighter.Sleep in stages 1 and 2 are felt to be restorativeas during this time the body repairs itself utilising a hormone calledsomatostatin. Lack of stage 4 sleep is believed to be important in chronicallypainful conditions such as fibromyalgia.DHealthcare providers diagnose insomnia inseveral ways. One way is to categorize insomnia by how often it occurs. Anotherway is to identify the insomnia by what is causing the sleep deprivation. Thetwo main types of insomnia have been described as Primary Insomnia andSecondary Insomnia. Primary Insomnia is a chronic condition with littleapparent association with stress or a medical problem. The most common form ofprimary insomnia is psychophysiological insomnia. Secondary insomnia is causedby symptoms that accompany a medical condition such as anxiety, depression orpain.EImproving one’s sleep hygiene helps improve insomnia in all patients. Relaxingduring the hour before you go to sleep and creating a comfortable environmentsuited for sleep can be helpful. Older people who wake up earlier than normalor have trouble falling asleep may need less sleep than they used to. Changingone’s sleeppattern, either by going to bed later or waking up earlier, can be effective indealing with insomnia in older people. Therapy also depends on the cause andseverity of the insomnia. Transient and intermittent insomnia may not requireany direct action since these conditions last only a few days at a time.However, if insomnia interferes with a person’s daily activities, something should be done. Usually the best methodof dealing with insomnia is by attacking the underlying cause. For example,people who are depressed often have insomnia and looking at this problem mayeliminate it.FNot getting enough sleep can make you lessproductive, irritable and unable to concentrate. Lack of sleep can make it seemas if you “got up out ofthe wrong side of the bed.” Early morning headaches and waking up feeling as if you never wentto sleep can result in frustration. Stress can cause insomnia but insomnia alsoincreases stress. Insomnia can make driving unsafe as well. Insomnia can resultin missed work, which can cause you to become less productive and misspromotions. It can leave you feeling as if you just can’t get enough done. Insomnia canalso mask serious mental disorders. People with insomnia may think that notgetting enough sleep is their only problem, but the insomnia may actually beone symptom of a larger disorder, such as depression. Studies show that peoplewith insomnia are four times more likely to be depressed than people with ahealthy sleeping pattern. In addition, lack of sleep can tax the heart and leadto serious conditions like heart disease. All of these are important problemsthat can affect every part of your life.GEstablishing certain set routines can helpinsomniacs get better sleep. Examples of these routines include: going to bedand getting up at the same time every day, avoiding napping, avoiding caffeine,nicotine, alcohol and eating heavily late in the day, exercising regularly andmaking your bedroom comfortable in terms of the bed, noise and temperature.Insomniacs should also only use their bedroom for sleep so that their bodiesassociate the room with sleep. Finally, if you can’t get to sleep, don’t toss and turn all night. Get upand read or do something that is not overly stimulating until you feel reallysleepy again.Questions 1 - 14The reading passage on Insomnia has 7paragraphs (A – G).From the list of headings below choose themost suitable headings for paragraphs B – G.Write the appropriate number (i – xi) in boxes 14 – 19 on your answer sheet.NB There are more headings than paragraphs,so you will not use them all.Example AnswerParagraph A ivi The Role of Sleepii Insomnia Medicationiii Habits to Promote a Good Night’s Sleepiv What is Insomniav Complications for Insomniacsvi Government Actionvii Available Treatment for Insomniaviii The Causes of Insomniaix Therapy Solutionsx Types of Insomniaxi Current Research1.Paragraph B  2.Paragraph C  3.Paragraph D  4.Paragraph E  5.Paragraph F  6.Paragraph GQuestions 7 - 14Do the following statements agree with theviews of the writer of the reading passage on Insomnia?In Boxes 7 - 14 write:YES if the statement agrees with the writerNO if the statement doesn’t agree with the writerNOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say whatthe writer thinks about this7. Someone who only gets four hours ofsleep a night must be suffering from insomnia.8. Travelling can cause insomnia.9. REM sleep is felt to be the mostimportant for the body’s rest.10.Secondary insomnia is far more commonthan primary insomnia.11.Sufferers of insomnia can attendspecialist sleep clinics.12. Many people suffering from insomnia don’t realise that they suffer from it.13.There is no actual correlation linkinginsomnia and depression.14. Sleeping during the day can makeinsomnia worse.

小作文是表格:8个国家在1990和2000年每一千个人的motor vehicle使用数量 大作文new technology对children好不好回忆5:A类小作文:表格图。大作文:New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?回忆6:听力 Section1 求职场景
1-10 填空
1. working location: Jamieson Island
2. starting date: 11th July
3. Vacancy one: waiter
4. Vacancy two: need experience with children
5. Vacancy three: need to sing
6. Vacancy four: be able to drive
7. offer free transport
8. meals are provided
9. interview appointment is on Thursday
10. should bring a CV and a photo.

Section 2 步行活动
11-15 单选题
11. the activity is designed for
A. parents and children
12. the maximum number of participants is
C. 280
13. 组织者将主动要求哪些人退出活动?
B. those who cause a lot of trouble.
14. Why the activity is canceled for years?
C. insufficient
15. badges could be obtained?
A. order online in advance.
16-20 匹配题
16. thick trousers: C. not recommended
17. drink: B. up to the customer
18. torch: C. not recommended
19. mobile phone: A. recommended
20. rucksack: A. recommended

Section 4 建筑设计评估
31-40 填空
31. the determining factor is the success of the design
32. designers need to think and combine historical and social influence.
33. the authority should consider the planning carefully
34. also take into consideration of the weather/climate influence
35. when designing a building, the skills of the architect is also very important
36. choice of materials for the building
37. within the budget and pay attention to the building cost
38. need to consider the emotional effect on local residents
39. buildings should go well with the environment.
40. experts should do a comprehensive analysis of the geological features of the chosen site.
回忆7:R1 学生睡眠 判断T;NG;后三个FTT;找词简单,有个big drop in 的空下面是小孩和成年的时间不确定填什么,求大神告知;R2贸易 主题句 4;3;我选的古代介绍;研究方法;2;选词有cities;value小作文表格动态;八个国家每千人有摩托的数量;大作文科技 孩子 空闲时间 优缺点;回忆8:回忆9:回忆10:回忆11:回忆12:
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