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2019年1月5日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总回忆1:小作文 地图,是比较两个房间的设施布置 大作文是关于是否使用动物食品产品回忆2:听力预定海岛酒店,地图题,咖啡厅,非洲东南部企鹅 阅读石油,new shutter回忆3:听力第一篇是去澳洲采水果,第二篇是城市改造(?),第三篇是两个学生讨论作业,第四篇是team sports~阅读第一篇是oil,第二篇是哈欠,第三篇是新西兰电影~小作文是澳洲大学里两个房间的布局比较,大作文是是否可以不用动物制品回忆4:阅读第一篇:石油rock oil文章主旨:第一段:背景说鲸鱼数量减少,城市发展需要,所以产生对鲸鱼油代替品的需求。第二段:讲开采这种油成风了,很多人去把油用桶装回来,导致那个时候油桶比油还贵。第三段:讲一个化学检测员投资一种油,建立standard oil,有很多提炼机,成为巨富,这个人后来因为身体问题投资到医药行业,后来死了。第四段:讲一个大亨对这个行业的发展所做的事情,开发东南亚市场的过程等等。答案:1. urban development leads to the demand of the replacement of whaleoil. T 原文第一段中信息。2. the price of oil is more expensive than the containers. F 第二段末尾。3. NG 文中并未提及。4. T5. F6. F7. NG8. 问第一个石油大亨创建了什么公司? standard oil9. 问除了这个公司大亨还有什么? 25 refiners 提炼器10. 因为什么原因这个大亨投资到其它方面? medical research11. 第二个大亨的container是由什么做的? oilsh tin 是一个专属名词12. 除了油第二个大亨在回来的航线上能运输什么? sugar13. 因为那个project给公司命名为? Seashell版本二:首段:因为商业发展所以需要替代whale oil 中间:由一些药剂师用作药而发现rock oil,开采初期不顺利,后来量大。量大到油价下降,容器反而贵了。后来开发出铁路运输和出口,马车逐渐没落。 题型:t/f/ng 然后就忘记了答案:1.T    2.F    3.NG    4.T    5.F    6.F    7.NG8.standard   oil   9. 25 refiners   10.medical researcher   11.oilshtin          12.suger             13.seashell第二篇 打哈欠(The secret of the Yawn)The secret of the YawnAWhen a scientist began to study yawning in the 1980s, it was difficult to convince some of his research students of the merits of “yawning science.” Although it may appear quirky (诡异) his decision to study yawning was a logical extension to human beings of my research in developmental neuroscience, reported in such papers as “Wing-flapping during Development and Evolution.” As a neurobehavioral problem, there is not much difference between the wing-flapping of birds and the face- and body-flapping of human yawners.BYawning is an ancient, primitive act. Humans do it even before they are born, opening wide in the womb (子宫) . Some snakes unhinge their jaws to do it. One species of penguins yawns as part of mating. Only now are researchers beginning to understand why we yawn, when we yawn and why we yawn back. A professor of cognitive neuroscience at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Steven Platek, studies the act of contagious yawning, something done only by people and other primates.CIn his first experiment, he used a psychological test to rank people on their empathic (感情嵌入的) feelings. He found that participants who did not score high on compassion did not yawn back. “We literally had people saying, ‘Why am I looking at people yawning?” Professor Platek said. “It just had no effect.”DFor his second experiment, he put 10 students in an magnetic resonance imaging machine as they watched video tapes of people yawning. When the students watched the videos, the part of the brain which reacted was the part scientists believe controls empathy – the posterior cingulate (皮层的) , in the brain’s middle rear.” I don’t know if it’s necessarily that nice people yawn more, but 1 think it’s a good indicator of a state of mind,” said Professor Platek. “It’s also a good indicator if you’re empathizing with me and paying attention.”EHis third experiment is studying yawning in those with brain disorders, such as autism and schizophrenia, in which victims have difficulty connecting emotionally with others. A psychology professor at the University of Maryland, Robert Provine, is one of the few other researchers into yawning. He found the basic yawn lasts about six seconds and they come in bouts with an interval of about 68 seconds. Men and women yawn or half-yawn equally often, but men are significantly less likely to cover their mouths which may indicate complex distinction in genders.” A watched yawner never yawns,,” Professor Provine said. However, the physical root of yawning remains a mystery. Some researchers say it’s coordinated within the hypothalamus (下丘脑) of the brain, the area that also controls breathing.FYawning and stretching also share properties and may be performed together as parts of a global motor complex. But they do not always co-occur—people usually yawn when we stretch, but we don’t always stretch when we yawn, especially before bedtime. Studies by J. I. P ,G. H. A. Visser and H. F. Prechtl in the early 1980s, charting movement in the developing fetus using ultrasound, observed not just yawning but a link between yawning and stretching as early as the end of the first prenatal trimester(预产期).GThe most extraordinary demonstration of the yawn-stretch linkage occurs in many people paralyzed on one side of their body because of brain damage caused by a stroke. The prominent British neurologist Sir Francis Walshe noted in 1923 that when these hemiplegics yawn, they are startled and mystified to observe that their otherwise paralyzed arm rises and flexes automatically in what neurologists term an “associated response.” Yawning apparently activates. undamaged, unconsciously controlled connections between the brain and the cord motor system innervating the paralyzed (瘫痪的) limb. It is not known whether the associated response is a positive prognosis for recovery, nor whether yawning is therapeutic for reinnervation(再生) or prevention of muscular atrophy.HClinical neurology offers other surprises. Some patients with “locked-in” syndrome, who are almost totally deprived of the ability to move voluntarily, can yawn normally. The neural circuits for spontaneous yawning must exist in the brain stem near other respiratory and vasomotor centers, because yawning is performed by anencephalic(无脑畸形) who possess only the medulla oblongata (脊髓延髓). The multiplicity of stimuli of contagious yawning, by contrast, implicates many higher brain regions.http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201801/13/172533raazdqv0qxnvkva8.pnghttp://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201801/13/172541cpejo3vyy32voerj.pnghttp://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201801/13/172548udr9g921xbxvd5ff.png28. 68 seconds【原文参考依据——E段第八行】根据细节信息“psychology professor”和“six seconds”定位到E段第六行的“He(psychology professor)found the basic yawn lasts about six seconds and they come in bouts with an interval of about 68 seconds.”所以答案是68 seconds。29. (complex) distinction【原文参考依据——E段第十行】根据“male and female”和“gender”定位到E段第10行的“Men and women yawn or half-yawn equally often……which may indicate complex distinction in genders”,所以答案是(complex)distinction。30. breathing【原文参考依据——E段最后一行】"……the area also controls breathing”,control=have something to do with。31. stretch/stretching【原文参考依据——F段最后两行】根据“link”和“before baby was born”定位到F段最后2行“observed not just yawning but a link between yawning and stretching as early as the end of the first prenatal trimester(预产期)”,“as early as the end of the first prenatal trimester”与“before baby was born”是同义表达,所以答案是 stretching。32. brain【原文参考依据——G段第二行】"……occurs in many people ……because of brain damage caused by a stroke”。33. E【原文参考依据——E段第六至八行】E段六至八行的这句话"He found the basic yawn lasts about six seconds and they come in bouts with an interval of about 68 seconds”,打哈欠持续约6秒,两次之间间隔约68秒,说的就是打哈欠频率的一个regular pattern,与题目是同义表达,所以答案是E。34. B【原文参考依据——B段第一至二行】B段首句“Yawning is an ancient, primitive act”与题目中“an inherent ability”是同义表达,后又举了human, snakes, penguins打哈欠的例子,说明“appears in both animals and humans”,所以答案选B。35. F【原文参考依据——F段第三行】"But they do not always co-occur”,co-occur意为同时发生,所以答案选F。36. D【原文参考依据——D段最后两行】"It’s also a good indicator if you’reempathizing with me and paying attention”,a good indicator对应positive notice or response,empathizing with me and paying attention对应communicating,所以答案选D。37. H【原文参考依据——H段最后一句】"The multiplicity of stimuli ofcontagious yawing, by contrast, implicates many higher brain regions”.Contagious=infectious,higher brain regions对应superior areas in brains。38. NOT GIVEN【原文参考依据——无】尽管D段有提到“several students in Platek’s experiment”,但并没有提及学生“did not comprehend why their tutor ask them to yawn back”的内容,所以答案是NOT GIVEN。39. YES【原文参考依据——C段第二行】"He found that participants who did not score high on compassion did not yawn back”说明“there is a link between yawning and compassion”,所以答案是YES。40. NO【原文参考依据——G段倒数第三行】"it is not known whether……”,所以答案是NO。答案:28. 68 seconds          29.(comples) distinction      30.breathing   31.stretch/stretching      32.brain       33.E      34.B   35.F   36.D   37.H   38.NOT GIVEN   39.YES    40.NO
第三篇:新西兰的电影摄影发展首段:摄影师与导演的关系 然后每一段说一个电影代表一个阶段不同的特色,比如, plain,native。题目:yes,no,ng;尾段对应match题目。回忆5:听力S1 19岁女生找工作Looking for job of fruit picking1. The Central Hostel, Sydney2. age: 193. Where does she want to work? near the coast4. When to start: from the month of August (August onwards)5. Pay per hour (hour or basket)6. Type of fruit: bananas (banana, mango or avocado)7. Health problem: had problem with her back8. has medical insurance9. doesn't have truck license10. Accommodation: town nearbyS2 城市改造S3主题:学生对学校服务的问卷调查21-25 匹配题A Both of the students agree with the statement.B The students neither agree with or disagree with the statement.C The students disagree with the statement21. need advertise service more and academic support B22. course outlines are good B23. the other materials the course need to read c24. whether the tutor’s feedback for assignments is useful A25. There is not enough room in the library A26. There are not enough materials C27-28 完成句子题27. need help desk services28. 需要更多的 part-time job29-30 多选题which two parts of college should be improved?29. catering facilities30. healthcare services
S4Sports, 极限运动
31. Extreme sports is also known as lifestyle sports. (提示:注意连在一起写, 中间无空格)
32. Better equipment makes it safer.
33. Extreme sports was created by workers in 19 th century.
34. At the end of 19 th century, other sports had been created like golf in highersocial class.
35. Why don‘t people like traditional sports?
36. Reason 1: there are too many restricted regulations
37. Reason 2: it needs regular training (提示:注意拼写)
38. Help them confront to fear
39. Young people think that government should provide them with more entertainment sports instead of
individual competition.
40. They tend to think that extreme sports is not only a conflict to ourauthority, but also gives us a sense of community . 回忆6:写作Task1 Student room for two people($350 per week)/ one person($200 per week)上下房间的区别是有无桌子椅子,床和cupboard和bookshelf的数量 Task2是有人认为在现代食用动物或者使用动物制品 已经是没有必要的了 to What extent do you agree or disagree.回忆7:回忆8:回忆9:回忆10:回忆11:回忆12:

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