2018年10月20日托福听说读写真题答案回忆蹲点汇总+解析请看最下面欢迎美国、加拿大等北美托福考区和其它托福考区的考生积极回忆在我们微信:504918228, ieltstofel3,ielts2013,或者QQ504918228,QQ26346059上面 http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201606/14/211539zgeb598rjq9o9r8b.png http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201708/26/222840alc5ht6hlf1g9gll.png http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201708/26/222849sojg3qjkcp0jz0sj.jpg http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201606/14/211545as5e2423n5439344.jpg互动咨询微信:504918228 或 ieltstofel3或 ielts2013 或托福公共微信:tofelielts
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快速提高20到60分:TOEFL CPU托福考试真题题库答案和最新每一场托福考试预测答案范文机经说明http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-231387-1-1.html
托福冲刺快速加分30-80分套餐系列:TOEFL CPU资料+1对1托福考官专家型辅导请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-87-1-1.html
2018年10月27日托福考试听力口语写作阅读真题预测答案范文机经终结版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分-2018年10月27日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经CPU终极版--2018年10月27日托福听力口语写作阅读真题精准小范围预测答案最后版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速提高20到60分】TOFEL Prediction --2018年10月27日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准终结版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 2018托福全球网2018年10月27日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准最后版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分--2018年10月27日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-241383-1-1.html
2018年10月28日托福考试听力口语写作阅读真题预测答案范文机经终结版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分-2018年10月28日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经CPU终极版--2018年10月28日托福听力口语写作阅读真题精准小范围预测答案最后版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速提高20到60分】TOFEL Prediction --2018年10月28日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准终结版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 2018托福全球网2018年10月28日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准最后版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分--2018年10月28日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-241384-1-1.html
2018年11月4日托福考试听力口语写作阅读真题预测答案范文机经冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分-2018年11月4日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经CPU冲刺版--2018年11月4日托福听力口语写作阅读真题精准小范围预测答案冲刺版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速提高20到60分】TOFEL Prediction --2018年11月4日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准冲刺版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 2018托福全球网2018年11月4日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分--2018年11月4日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-241391-1-1.html
2018年11月10日托福考试听力口语写作阅读真题预测答案范文机经冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分-2018年11月10日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经CPU冲刺版--2018年11月10日托福听力口语写作阅读真题精准小范围预测答案冲刺版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速提高20到60分】TOFEL Prediction --2018年11月10日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准冲刺版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 2018托福全球网2018年11月10日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分--2018年11月10日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-241389-1-1.html
2018年11月11日托福考试听力口语写作阅读真题预测答案范文机经冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分-2018年11月11日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经CPU冲刺版--2018年11月11日托福听力口语写作阅读真题精准小范围预测答案冲刺版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速提高20到60分】TOFEL Prediction --2018年11月11日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准冲刺版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 2018托福全球网2018年11月11日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分--2018年11月11日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-241390-1-1.html
2018年11月17日托福考试听力口语写作阅读真题预测答案范文机经冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分-2018年11月17日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经CPU冲刺版--2018年11月17日托福听力口语写作阅读真题精准小范围预测答案冲刺版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速提高20到60分】TOFEL Prediction --2018年11月17日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准冲刺版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 2018托福全球网2018年11月17日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分--2018年11月17日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-241388-1-1.html
2018年11月24日托福考试听力口语写作阅读真题预测答案范文机经冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分-2018年11月24日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经CPU冲刺版--2018年11月24日托福听力口语写作阅读真题精准小范围预测答案冲刺版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速提高20到60分】TOFEL Prediction --2018年11月24日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准冲刺版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 2018托福全球网2018年11月24日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分--2018年11月24日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-241387-1-1.html
2018年11月25日托福考试听力口语写作阅读真题预测答案范文机经冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分-2018年11月25日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经CPU冲刺版--2018年11月25日托福听力口语写作阅读真题精准小范围预测答案冲刺版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速提高20到60分】TOFEL Prediction --2018年11月25日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准冲刺版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 2018托福全球网2018年11月25日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分--2018年11月25日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-241386-1-1.html
2018年12月份托福IBT考试真题预测答案范文机经快速提高20到60分冲刺版Toefl in China -托福IBT 2018年12月1日,12月8日,12月15日,12月16日托福考试听力口语写作阅读真题预测答案范文机经冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分-2018年12月份托福听力口语写作阅读真题精准小范围预测答案冲刺版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速提高20到60分】TOFEL Prediction --托福IBT 2018年12月1日,12月8日,12月15日,12月16日托福真题预测听说读写答案范文精准冲刺版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 2018托福全球网2018年12月份托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高20到60分--2018年12月1日,12月8日,12月15日,12月16日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-241385-1-1.html
2018年10月20日托福听说读写真题答案回忆蹲点汇总+解析回忆1:阅读部分 1.猫头鹰的眼睛。猫头鹰研究和大多数鸟与众不同2.中世纪繁盛 HIgh middle age3.行星的形成4.茶起源和在中国的繁荣5.wild plants domestictionqi起因,天气和偶然因素6.海星数量爆炸的自然和人文原因猜测。参考TPO317.冥王星从planet到除名8.农业的发展历史,人们如何从以畜牧为生到以农业为生9.寄居蟹10.婴儿爬行动作11.某种植物在加勒比地区的种植应用等12.陨石元素构造研究地球和外太空啥的13.工业革命的一些内容和影响14.鸟类如何进化出羽毛15.岩石矿物的3中侵蚀和一些意义16.蚂蚁对一种caterpillar的保护17. 一种蜘蛛变色来捕食昆虫18.尼罗河对埃及农业影响19.意大利的商业化,工业替代和影响手工业20.西罗马灭亡之后欧洲经济发展回忆2:独立写作 重复2008年5月30日Do you think people in the past are more friendly than they are today?人们以前比现在要更加友好.
综合写作:一种神秘的脚印是如何造成的。阅读:1、袋鼠的脚印2、热气球的bolts的印记3、报纸瞎编的听力:反对。1、袋鼠指甲锋利2、热气球绳子勾在树上3、当代人共同目睹了脚印回忆3:口 语 部 分 Task 1 你的朋友获得了很大的成就,你怎么样为她庆祝?Task 2因为很多学生都有手提电脑,学校决定撤掉电脑教室,你觉得好不好?Task 3 学校要开一个open house on gym,男的觉得好,教学生使用运动器材然后可以穿有学校logo的衣服,对学生的鼓励很大。Task 4讲了一种过滤污染物的装置,处理污染物的方法。Task 5讲了要去组队看展,但是票价没有折扣了,社团的钱没办法全部负担,要么取消这个活动,要么成员自己买票。Task 6 消极思想的两个好处:1.提前准备,比如去hiking晴天带衣服;2.不会太失望,比如找工作觉得不会被雇佣。回忆4:听 力 部 分 1.生物老师讲落叶树。2.学校的自动贩卖机坏了。3.化学教授介绍学生去一个以前学生开的Flavor food company工作。4.学生到fishery lab找工作,学校电脑故障了。5. 女生来找老师问她们社团办活动的事情,这个活动去年办过,今年想改变一下形式,然后老师建议他们和别人合作,老师还帮她给谁打电话联系。活动形式类似于在学校收集旧衣服什么的。6.有个学生要做presentation,然后要读诗,找一个老师去问怎么表现更好?另一个对话也是这个presentation,去问老师怎么准备啥啥的。7.文艺复兴的一种音乐M。
Lecture1.plato哲学的古希腊辩论规则介绍。2.探讨pl(一个三角区域)到欧洲先于欧洲到p的可能性。3.现代和古罗马建筑制造粘合剂方法比较和现在生物方法推荐。4.生物学,REM sleep rats做实验。5.地球生命对地理环境的影响。6.艺术雕塑,讲的一个日本艺术家用的新型原料做雕塑、周游世界,所以有了最新潮的想法,后面还提到了另一个人。7.温室效应,甲烷。8.提炼盐和一些器具。9.oak的一种疾病和防治方法。oak wilt,说一棵树枯萎了,会通过root system影响到其他的树,然后树上的fungi的种子会被一种beetle带走还是啥来着,然后也会造成枯萎病传播;后面就讲怎么解决这个问题,有一种是在地上挖trench(这个单词在题干里出现了)阻断root system,还有一个是用化学药剂,最后有个题比较这两种方法,问教授的观点是啥…10.Great bower bird,讨论它们变色和体型变化哪一个是为了吸引female,是体型,还有另一种鸟会装饰自己的巢,弄各种颜色。11.一种鸟的mating。12.地球诞生时间判断关于放射性定时代回忆5:独立写作:Do you think people in the past are more friendly than they are today?人们以前比现在要更加友好。
听力观点总论点:阅读中提到的三点猜测都没有说服力。解释一:人们没有发现明显的袋鼠脚印。袋鼠的脚上有短小的瓜子,如果脚印是袋鼠留下的话,那么至少某些地方会有袋鼠脚上的爪子留下的痕迹。即使居民们不知道袋鼠的脚印长什么样子,人们也一定会注意到这一写特殊的痕迹并且向记者说明。但是,并没有人这么做。解释二:在森林区域,人们发现了同样的印记,但是热气球是不能够穿过森林的。如果热气球经过森林的话,那么下面的绳子就会被挂在树枝上。在这种情况下,热气球是不能飞那么远的。解释三:历史学家已经证实了事件的真实性。历史学家发现了当时居民发给报社的信件。这个居民亲自采访了目击证人,记录下了目击证人对这些脚印的描述,并将这些都写到了信里,然后寄给了报社。回忆6:口语部分Task 1如果你的朋友得了奖或者新找到了工作,你会怎么跟他庆祝?Task2现在大多数学生都有自己的笔记本电脑,同不同意关闭学校的computer lab?Task3版本一:学校准备hold an open event in gym,男的觉得好,教学生们使用运动器材,而且然后可以穿有学校logo的衣服对学生的鼓励很大;版本二: open day on campus gym 听力赞同,介绍器械使学生更想去锻炼;奖品中有带有logo的健身服很好;Task4生物过滤。biofiltration,帮助工厂减少污染排放的过滤器,不安这个装置,味道很大,安了之后,有毒物质得到过滤,且不需要太多maintaining,work well。Task5生物俱乐部的预算不够让他们的成员参观完博物馆的门票了,要么取消这个活动,要么让成员自己买票;Task6讲了两种消极的benefits,一是避免坏情况发生,二是预想到最坏情况,即使发生了也意料之内,不会太伤心。回忆7:听力部分Conversation1、生物老师讲落叶树;2、学校的自动贩卖机坏了;3、化学教授介绍学生去一个以前学生开的Flavor food company工作;4、学生到fishery lab找工作,学校电脑故障了;5、女生来找老师问她们社团办活动的事情,这个活动去年办过,今年想改变一下形式,然后老师建议他们和别人合作,老师还帮她给谁打电话联系。活动形式类似于在学校收集旧衣服什么的;6、有个学生要做presentation,然后要读诗,找一个老师去问怎么表现更好?另一个对话也是这个presentation,去问老师怎么准备啥啥的;7、文艺复兴的一种音乐M。
Lecture1、plato哲学的古希腊辩论规则介绍;2、探讨pl(一个三角区域)到欧洲先于欧洲到p的可能性;3、现代和古罗马建筑制造粘合剂方法比较和现在生物方法推荐;4、生物学,REM sleep rats做实验;5、地球生命对地理环境的影响;6、艺术雕塑,讲的一个日本艺术家用的新型原料做雕塑、周游世界,所以有了最新潮的想法,后面还提到了另一个人;7、温室效应,甲烷;8、提炼盐和一些器具;9、oak的一种疾病和防治方法。oak wilt,说一棵树枯萎了,会通过root system影响到其他的树,然后树上的fungi的种子会被一种beetle带走还是啥来着,然后也会造成枯萎病传播;后面就讲怎么解决这个问题,有一种是在地上挖trench(这个单词在题干里出现了)阻断root system,还有一个是用化学药剂,最后有个题比较这两种方法,问教授的观点是啥…10、Great bower bird,讨论它们变色和体型变化哪一个是为了吸引female,是体型,还有另一种鸟会装饰自己的巢,弄各种颜色;11、一种鸟的mating;12、地球诞生时间判断关于放射性定时代回忆8:阅读部分1、猫头鹰的眼睛。猫头鹰研究和大多数鸟与众不同;2、中世纪繁盛 HIgh middle age;3、行星的形成;4、茶起源和在中国的繁荣;5、wild plants domestictionqi起因,天气和偶然因素;6、海星数量爆炸的自然和人文原因猜测。参考TPO317、冥王星从planet到除名;8、农业的发展历史,人们如何从以畜牧为生到以农业为生;9、寄居蟹;10、婴儿爬行动作;11、某种植物在加勒比地区的种植应用等;12、陨石元素构造研究地球和外太空啥的;13、工业革命的一些内容和影响;14、鸟类如何进化出羽毛;15、岩石矿物的3中侵蚀和一些意义;16、蚂蚁对一种caterpillar的保护;17、 一种蜘蛛变色来捕食昆虫;18、尼罗河对埃及农业影响;19、意大利的商业化,工业替代和影响手工业;20、西罗马灭亡之后欧洲经济发展。
词汇题(回忆版)1. reflected = shown2. flourishes = does very well3. autonomy = self-rule4. pervasive = widespread5. exceedingly = extremely6. compressing = squeezing together7. complicated = difficult to understand8. contract = become smaller9. accommodated = allowed10. detected = noticed11. debate = argue about12. devastated = severely damaged13. inherently = naturally14. prolonged = extended15. boosting = increasing16. monumental = enormous17. manipulated = skillfully used18. pursue = practice19. subsistence = survival回忆9:综合写作重复2016.05.28大陆托福真题
范文:The writer comes up with three theories to explain the mystery of theprints. On the contrary, the speaker thinks that none of these theories is convincing.Firstly, the author indicates that the footprints were made by a kangaroo. Nevertheless, the professor argues that there are no claw marks. The fact is there should be some deep marks from the kangaroo’s powerful claws at some points. Although residents didn’t know what kangaroos’ footprints looked like, the claw marks were so distinctive that someone could notice them and report this. But the problem is no one did this.Additionally, the passage states that the metal bolts left impressions in the snow when the hot air balloon flew across the Devon. However, the professor points out that hot air balloon couldn’t travel for 100 kilometers. The reason is the prints appeared in forested areas, whereas, if a balloon flew over a forest, the rope dragged behind the balloon would get stuck in the trees. Consequently, the balloon wouldn’t travel far enough to make all those prints.Finally, the reading suggests that this story was invented to attract readers. As a matter of fact, the speaker presenting that historians have confirmed the story was real. It is because the letters sent to the newspaper by a resident were found. This resident had personally interviewed eyewitnesses, collected the descriptions of the prints, written a letter and sent to the newspaper. Therefore, this report was reliable. 回忆10:综合写作题型Integrated Writing
1. put trap with toxic chemical substance;
2. cut down board-leaves trees which is the ants' favorite habitat
3. limiting human activities
1. toxic will hurt the native ants which people want to protect. 阅读里举的例子澳洲一个岛用这种方式能成功是因为那里have no other native ant
2. 砍树会产生open areas with direct sun lines,也是ants favorite habitat
题型 Independent Writing
Taking risk
To stand out in a largely competitive environment, people nowadays have no choice but to stay innovative. A simple repeated process of others’ achievements is never to be successful because it is so hard to compete with those companies which have been proved their products in the market and established their brand image in consumers’ consciousness. Taking smartphone as an example, Apple company would have hardly been so famed if it had not created the concept of this new type of mobile phone. Rather than developing traditional phones, Apple company decided to make a scientific breakthrough and has changed the way of communication for human beings.
回忆11:阅读A卷Passage 1题目大致内容猫头鹰研究和大多数鸟与众不同(题目)有助于他们在视觉上深度的延伸(题目)因为眼睛眼球形状也不一样(题目)脖子还可以270度转,背后的眼睛mark会警示predator(题目) 。两种cells:一个是关于颜色的,人有3种,有些鸟有4种,但是猫头鹰很少。它多的是另一种,这就是为什么他们对光很敏感。 还有块tissue。
Passage 2题目大致内容茶起源和在中国的繁荣
Passage 3题目大致内容农业的发展历史人们如何从以畜牧为生到以农业为生
B卷Passage 4题目大致内容海星数量爆炸的自然和人文原因猜测
Passage 5题目大致内容冥王星从planet到除名
Passage 6题目大致内容北美的intensified农业,讲了劳动力有限要利用水资源来提高生产力。
C卷Passage 7题目大致内容寄居蟹会排队等壳不会kill snails除了一种左撇子寄居蟹
Passage 8题目大致内容一种天体没有melt过,时间又久,所以可以用来研究地球的构成。这些天体的density挺不一样的因为含有的金属成分和含量不同。
Passage 9题目大致内容风化主要分为化学的和生物的,化学的包括氧化、碳化、还有一个大意是自己exposed(单词题)太久就自然风化了。生物风化就是植物的根会穿过已经不太行的石头,这个好处就是植物可以汲取风化后土壤里的矿物质,但这里强调植物的根没有那么厉害什么都能穿,通常生物和化学风化是相
D卷Passage 10题目大致内容中世纪繁盛
Passage 11题目大致内容蚂蚁对一种caterpillar的保护
Passage 12题目大致内容婴儿的language spurt,开始的内容有点记不清了,最后几十秒说一个人分析其他人做的实验数据,证明这个spurt并不是普遍现象。
E卷Passage 13题目大致内容意大利的商业化,工业替代和影响手工业
Passage 14题目大致内容鸟类如何进化出羽毛
Passage 15题目大致内容意大利的商业化,工业替代和影响手工业回忆12:听力A卷Section 1题型Conversation 1题目大致内容学生是在实习的老师,他先聊了参加展览会的细节,看到好多教学工具。然后聊到,他之前一直没有上课,因为带他的人太忙了。马上要上课了,来问教授小组讨论要注意些什么。教授说,要注意每个team都有好学生和程度相对薄弱的学生学生,要关注到每个team。题型Lecture 1题目大致内容plato哲学的古希腊辩论介绍
题型Lecture 2题目大致内容探讨Polynesia这样一个三角区到美洲先于欧洲到美的证据
Section 2题型Conversation 2题目大致内容老师介绍化学的学生去自己以前学生的food company工作题型Lecture 3题目大致内容现代和古罗马建筑制造水泥方法比较和现在最流行方法的比较和介绍,最后一种方法好。
Lecture 4题目大致内容生物学 REM sleep rats做实验
B卷 Section 1 题型Conversation 1题目大致内容学生组织了一个哲学club活动特别成功,大家都很喜欢,但好像社团人数不够,和教授商量明年怎么办这个活动。
题型Lecture 1题目大致内容Great bower bird,讨论它们变色和体型变化哪一个是为了吸引female,是体型,还有另一种鸟会装饰自己的巢,弄各种颜色。
题型Lecture 2题目大致内容地球生命对地理环境的影响。Section 2题型Conversation 2题目大致内容生物老师讲落叶树。题型Lecture 3题目大致内容艺术雕塑,讲的一个日本艺术家用的新型原料做雕塑、周游世界,所以有了最新潮的想法,后面还提到了另一个人。题型Lecture 4题目大致内容oak的一种疾病和防治方法。oak wilt,说一棵树枯萎了,会通过root system影响到其他的树,然后树上的fungi的种子会被一种beetle带走还是啥来着,然后也会造成枯萎病传播;后面就讲怎么解决这个问题,有一种是在地上挖trench(这个单词在题干里出现了)阻断root system,还有一个是用化学药剂,最后有个题比较这两种方法,问教授的观点是啥…
C卷 Section 1 题型Conversation 1题目大致内容学校的自动贩卖机坏了。
题型Lecture 1题目大致内容地球诞生时间判断关于放射性定时代.
题型Lecture 2题目大致内容温室效应,甲烷。Section 2题型Conversation 2题目大致内容学生到fishery lab找工作,学校电脑故障了。题型Lecture 3题目大致内容一种鸟的mating。题型Lecture 4题目大致内容希腊博物馆与庙的遗迹回忆13:口语
Task 1Independent Speaking
If one of your good friends has got a great achievement (like gaining an award or finding a job), what will you do to celebrate the achievement and why?
The way to celebrate: To organize a party for him/her; To treat him/her with a great dinner; To buy a special gift like a smart phone or computer or something else he/she likes for him/her;
以to organize a party for him/her为例:
SD: ① Party which involves more people to join will let my good friend feel more encouraged and acknowledged by others, so that it can help to build up his/her confidence to be better;
② Party is a good way to relax him/her after he/she just accomplishes an important challenge, which will help to release his/her pressure from hard word and be more efficient in the future;
Task 2Independent Speaking
Since most of the students have their own laptops, your school is planning to eliminate the computer lab. Do you think it’s a good idea and why?
SD: ① It’s a good way for school to save the cost and maybe can have more space for other use like experimental lab or language lab;
② It’s a kind of cost-wasting since not many students use the lab as most students have their own laptops.
2. Disagree:
SD: ① Computer lab is not only a place for students to complete assignment, but also a place to discuss for their academic problems;
② Though most students have their own laptops, there are still some students who do not have, which means it will be totally inconvenient for them;
③ The computer lab can be as a necessary back-up for students whose computers break down;
Task 3Integrated Speaking Task
阅读:【学校通知】学校准备hold an open event
in gym,运动还有奖品。
理由1. 教学生们使用运动器材;
理由2. 学生们可以穿有学校logo的衣服,对学生
Task 4Integrated Speaking Task
Task 5Integrated Speaking Task
Task 6Integrated Speaking Task
方式1: motivate,他们预防坏结果,
方式2. 不怕坏结局,
回忆14:阅读 P1.The High Middle Ages
西罗马帝国灭亡之后,欧洲经济经历了数百年的停滞(stagnation),直到公元1000年才迎来复苏,此后持续了300多年的繁荣,这个时期(1000-1300)被称为中世纪的鼎盛期(the High Middle Ages)。鼎盛期的出现原因有三。一是心理原因(psychological reason)。当时广为流传的预言(the widespread prophecies)说世界将在公元1000年毁灭,但实际并未发生。于是人们重拾对生活的信心。二是政治原因。当时欧洲大范围的外族入侵停止了(foreign incursions had ceased)。三是农业技术的提高。三田轮耕系统(a three-field system)取代了先前的二田轮耕系统。土地每三年休耕一次(uncultivated every third year),而不是每两年就休耕一次,这导致农业生产大大增加。此外,农业工具犁也从木制改为铁制,并且耕畜(draft animal)从牛改为马,生产效率大大提高。
中世纪鼎盛期的经济繁荣带来的一个主要结果是人口增长。人口的增长反过来(in turn)又产生两个进一步的影响,即人们需要消费更多的商品,并且需要开垦更多的土地(more land reclamation)。人们围海围湖造田,并且在森林覆盖的地区,开辟出新的农场和村庄。各个地区之间的陆地贸易和河流贸易都大幅提高,贸易的持续发展使人们相信经济的持久繁荣,这种信念向外呈现在追求事物的永恒(the permanency of things),如当时城堡、教堂和私人住宅(private dwellings)的建立越来越采用石头材料,希望其永远存在。
flourishes=does very well兴盛
P2.Planetary Formation
compressing=squeezing together压缩
complicated=difficult to understand复杂难懂的
contract=become smaller压实、使紧凑
P3.Pluto’s Status
冥王星的体积很小,有些小行星都比它大。冥王星在刚被发现时被认为体积很大,一方面跟reflectivity有关,一方面跟它的质量(mass)有关。有些人提出冥王星一直保持围绕太阳运转的轨道,这一特征可使其被归为太阳系的第十大行星。关于冥王星的争议在于,有人认为它已经长时间被认为是行星就应继续这样,也有人认为判断一个天体是不是行星,应该看它的重量是否足够达到受gravity的影响,从而形成一个球体。所以最终冥王星的归宿是一个新的天文学分类——矮行星(dwarf planet,介于行星planet和小行星asteroid之间)。
debate=argue about认为、主张
P4.Crown of Thorn Starfish Populations
devastated=severely damaged毁坏
Crown of Thorns Starfish and Coral Reefs
The crown of thorns starfish, Acanthaster Tlanci, is large, twenty-five to thirty-five centimeters in diameter, and has seven to twenty-one arms that are covered in spines. It feeds primarily on coral and is found from the Indian Ocean to the west coast of Central America, usually at quite low population densities. Since the mid-1950s, population outbreaks at densities four to six times greater than normal have occurred at the same time in places such as Hawaii, Tahiti, Panama, and the Great Barrier Reef. The result has often been the loss of a fifty percent to nearly one hundred percent of the coral cover over large areas.
A single Acanthaster can consume five to six square meters of coral polyps per year, and dense populations can destroy up to six square kilometers per year and move on rapidly. Acanthasters show a preference for branching corals, especially Acroporids. After an outbreak in a particular area, it is common to find that Acroporids have been selectively removed, leaving a mosaic of living and dead corals. In places where Acroporids previously dominated the community devastation can be almost complete, and local areas of reefs have collapsed.
Areas of dead coral are usually colonized rapidly by algae and often are later colonized by sponges and soft corals. Increases in abundance of plant-eating fish and decreases in abundance of coral-feeding fish accompany these changes. Coral larvae settle among the algae and eventually establish flourishing coral colonies. In ten to fifteen years the reefs often return to about the same percentage of coral cover as before. Development of a four-species diversity takes about twenty years.
Two schools of thought exist concerning the cause of these outbreaks. One group holds that they are natural phenomena that have occurred many times in the past, citing old men's recollections of earlier outbreaks and evidence from traditional cultures. The other group maintains that recent human activities ranging from physical coral destruction through pollution to predator removal have triggered these events.
One theory, the adult aggregation hypothesis, maintains that most species is more abundant than we realize when a storm destroys coral and causes a food shortage. The adult Acanthasters converge on remaining portions of healthy coral and feed hungrily. Certainly there have been outbreaks of Acanthaster following large storms, but there is little evidence that the storms have caused the enough reef damage to create a food shortage for these starfish.
Two other hypotheses attempt to explain the increased abundance of Acanthaster after episodes of high terrestrial runoff following storms. The first hypothesis is that low salinity and high temperatures favor the survival of the starfish larvae. The second hypothesis emphasizes the food web aspect, suggesting that strong fresh water runoff brings additional nutrients to the coastal waters, stimulating phytoplankton production and promoting more rapid development and better survival of the starfish larvae.
Those favoring anthropogenic (human influenced) causes have pointed to the large proportion of outbreaks that have been near centers of human populations. It has been suggested that coral polyps are the main predators of the starfish larvae. Destruction of coral by blasting and other bad land use practices would reduce predation on the starfish larvae and cause a feedback in which increases in Acanthaster populations cause still further coral destruction. Unfortunately, there are too few documented instances of physical destruction of coral being followed by outbreaks of Acanthaster for these hypotheses to be fully supported.
Another group of hypothesis focuses on removal of Acanthaster's predators. Some have suggested that the predators might have been killed off by pollution whereas others have suggested that the harvesting of vertebrate and invertebrate predators of Acanthaster could have reduced mortality and caused increased abundance of adults. The problem with this group of hypothesis is that it is difficult to understand how reduced predation would lead to sudden increases in Acanthaster numbers in several places at the same time in specific years. It seems probable that there is no single explanation but that there are elements of the truth in several of the hypotheses. That is there are natural processes that have led to outbreaks in the past, but human impact has increased the frequency and severity of the outbreaks.
P5.The Origins of Plant and Animal Domestication
manipulated=skillfully used操纵
The Origins of Plant and Animal Domestication
The emergence of plant and animal domestication represented a monumental change in the ways that humans interacted with Earth’s resources: the rate at which Earth’s surface was modified and the rates of human population growth. The development of agriculture was accompanied by fundamental changes in the organization on human society: disparities in wealth, hierarchies of power, and urbanization.
Phrases like “plant and animal domestication” and “the invention of agriculture” create the impression that humans made the transition to cultivating plants and tending animals rather abruptly, maybe with a flash of insight. Most scholars don’t think so. It seems more likely that humans used and manipulated wild plants and animals for many hundreds of thousands of years. The transition to gardens, fields, and pastures was probably gradual, the natural outgrowth of a long familiarity with the environmental requirements, growth cycles, and reproductive mechanisms of whatever plants and animals humans liked to eat, ride, or wear.
For years, scholars argued that the practices of cultivation and animal domestication were invented in one or two locations on Earth and then diffused from those centers of innovation. Genetic studies are now showing that many different groups of people in many different places around the globe learned independently to create especially useful plants and animals through selective breeding. Probably both independent invention and diffusion played a role in agricultural innovation. Sometimes the ideas of domestication and cultivation were relayed to new places. In other cases the farmers or herders themselves moved into new zones, taking agriculture or improvements such as new tools or new methods or new plants and animals with them.
Scholars used to assume that people turned to cultivating instead of gathering their food either because they had to in order to feed burgeoning populations, or because agriculture provided such obviously better nutrition. It now seems that neither of these explanations is valid. First of all, the risk attached to exploring new food sources when there were already too many mouths to feed would be too great. Second, agriculture did not necessarily improve nutrition or supplies of food. A varied diet based on gathered (and occasionally hunted) food probably provided a wider, more secure range of nutrients than an early agriculturally based diet of only one or two cultivated crops. More likely, populations expanded after agricultural successes, and not before.
Richard MacNeish, an archaeologist who studied plant domestication in Mexico and Central America, suggested that the chance to trade was at the heart of agricultural origins worldwide. Many of the known locations of agricultural innovation lie near early trade centers. People in such places would have had at least two reasons to pursue cultivation and animal raising; they would have had access to new information, plants, and animals brought in by traders, and they would have had a need for something to trade with the people passing through. Perhaps, then, agriculture was at first just a profitable hobby for hunters and gatherers that eventually, because of market demand, grew into the primary source of sustenance. Trade in agricultural products may also have been a hobby that led to trouble.
E. N. Anderson, writing about the beginnings of agriculture in China, suggests that agricultural production for trade may have been the impetus for several global situations now regarded as problems: rapid population growth, social inequalities, environmental degradation, and famine. Briefly explained, his theory suggests that groups turned to raising animals and plants in order to reap the profits of trading them. As more labor was needed to supply the trade, humans produced more children. As populations expanded, more resources were put into producing food for subsistence and for trade. Gradually, hunting and gathering technology was abandoned as populations, with their demands for space, destroyed natural habitats. Meanwhile, a minority elite emerged when the wealth provided by trade did not accrue equally to everyone. Yet another problem was that a drought or other natural disaster could wipe out an entire harvest, thus, as ever larger populations depended solely on agriculture, famine became more common.
(猫头鹰话题重复2018-07-07 依靠听觉捕猎Hunting by Ear)
P9.Hermit Crabs
寄居蟹(hermit crabs)会排队等壳。它们不会捕杀蜗牛,一种左撇子寄居蟹除外。
11.Chemical and Biological Weathering
(风化作用话题重复2018-08-28/2016-05-28/2014-07-12 泥土如何形成 How Soil is Formed)
土壤的风化作用主要分为两类:化学风化(chemical weathering)与生物风化(biological weathering)。化学风化作用包括氧化、碳酸化(carbonation)以及自然风化。有的岩石较难发生风化作用,比如石英(quartz)。而有些岩石较易风化,留下多孔的痕迹。比如石灰石(limestone)接触到空气中的氧气,加上环境湿润,就会逐渐风化。而干旱的环境则不太容易发生。
14.The Origin of Flight
(鸟的飞行起源话题重复2017-09-16/2017-09-09/2017-08-26上午场/2016-12-17年度新题The Origin of Flight in Birds)
intermediate=between stages中级的
(埃及农业话题重复2018-09-09埃及农业的起源及发展,2018-01-28 Early Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa)
19.The Second Technological Wave
先介绍第二次工业革命产生的背景,并分析对制造业和劳动人民的影响:机械化的广泛应用、传统行业衰退、相关工人失业)。下文进一步说明机械化的应用,举例流水线作业使得人们的劳动更加流程化,更少思考,使半熟练技工(semi-skilled worker)流行起来。
2018年10月13日托福考试总体反馈-2018年10月13日托福命中ABCD卷多篇阅读真题原题(大量阅读旧题),命中独立和综合大作文真题原题(都是旧题),命中口语四部分和听力四篇旧题,听力最难,CPU资料阅读、写作、听力、口语等全面大中,全面开花!今天的托福考试,依然是几套试卷组合,这种模式会一直持续下去。今天托福考试几大特点:(1)听力、口语、写作、阅读老题重复量巨大。(3)在大部分考试中,听力一直是四项难度最大,并且对话难度超过讲座)(4)独立和综合写作重复老题,是我们TOEFL CPU资料里面的。今天大部分题目都在我们CPU资料原题命中!祝贺CPU会员将出现不少100-110分以上托福天才!今天听力阅读里大多是老题,仍然大量重复2015-2017年的老题,尤其是我们CPU托福资料的真题。今天口语和写作也是老题居多。ETS今年虽然在考试形式上变化很多,但其实使用的新题非常少,大都是在重复2014-2017年大陆考过的新题。这一方面说明,ETS出题成本太高(80万美金一套),所以出题量小。另一方面说明,托福考试的整体趋势还是稳定的。形式上的变化(多套试卷,阅读加试,听力非经典加试),并不能改变这个考试的内在。今天听力,口语,阅读和写作都重复老题。总体反馈请复制链接进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-241602-1-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-241180-1-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-133-1.html
特别提醒:托福考试几十多年来,有非常严格的规律性和出题思路。全世界有6到10个托福大考区,而只有一个美国托福考试中心几个人在出题,每个考区每个月要出2-4份考卷,一个月出12-24份考卷,考官如何保证达到难度一样呢,如何保证新题难度、准确度和评价机制公平呢,所以只能是几十年来托福真题题库旧题目的有效组合,新题不能超出10%。事实上每份托福真题卷子都是80%-90%以上旧题原题真题。近年来,阅读几套卷里大多是老题,ETS今年虽然在考试形式上变化很多,但其实使用的新题非常少,大都是在重复2014-2017年大陆考过的老题。这一方面说明,ETS出题成本太高(80万美金一套),所以出新题量小。另一方面说明,托福考试的整体趋势还是稳定的。形式上的变化(多套试卷,阅读加试,听力非经典加试),并不能改变这个考试的内在。除了阅读之外,听力,口语和写作都大部分是重复老题。多年托福考官和专家Edward老师非常熟悉托福出题规律和听说读写题库出题组合卷子的秘诀, CPU资料因此而诞生!具体请阅读http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-231387-1-1.html