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2018年9月8日大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总回忆1:小作文组合图大作文报告类的题 问大家爱扔东西的原因和后果throwaway society(use for short time),what are the causes,what it may lead to?回忆2:total value and sources of fishing import to U.S between 1996 to 2007回忆3:听力s4:nesting fishing farming mining gas liquid noise sharks rats还有一个忘了回忆4:阅读 1telegraphy,2.pottery ware 3.大恐龙....回忆5:阅读第一篇:电报的发展The History of building telegraph linesA The idea of electrical communication seems to have begun as long ago as 1746, when about 200 monks at monastery in Paris arranged themselves in a line over a mile long, each holding ends of 25 ft iron wires. The abbot, also a scientist, discharged a primitive electrical battery into the wire, giving all the monks a simultaneous electrical shock. "This all sounds very silly, but is in fact extremely important because, firstly, they all said 'ow' which showed that you were sending a signal right along the line; and, secondly, they all said 'ow' at the same time, and that meant that you were sending the signal very quickly, "explains Tom Standage, author of the Victorian Internet and technology editor at the Economist. Given a more humane detection system, this could be a way of signaling over long distances.B With wars in Europe and colonies beyond, such a signalling system was urgently needed. All sorts of electrical possibilities were proposed, some of them quite ridiculous. Two Englishmen, William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone came up with a system in which dials were made to point at different letters, but that involved five wires and would have been expensive to construct.C Much simpler was that of an American, Samuel Morse, whose system only required a single wire to send a code of dots and dashes. At first, it was imagined that only a few highly skilled encoders would be able to use it but it soon became clear that many people could become proficient in Morse code. A system of lines strung on telegraph poles began to spread in Europe and America.D The next problem was to cross the sea. Britain, as an island with an empire, led the way. Any such cable had to be insulated and the first breakthrough came with the discovery that a rubber-like latex from a tropical tree on the Malay peninsula could do the trick. It was called gutta percha. The first attempt at a cross channel cable came in 1850. With thin wire and thick installation, it floated and had to be weighed down with lead pipe.E It never worked well as the effect of water on its electrical properties was not understood, and it is reputed that a French fishermen hooked out a section and took it home as a strange new form of seaweed The cable was too big for a single boat so two had to start in the middle of the Atlantic, join their cables and sail in opposite directions. Amazingly, they succeeded in 1858, and this enabled Queen Victoria to send a telegraph message to President Buchanan. However, the 98-word message took more than 19 hours to send and a misguided attempt to increase the speed by increasing the voltage resulted in failure of the line a week later.F By 1870, a submarine cable was heading towards Australia. It seemed likely that it would come ashore at the northern port of Darwin from where it might connect around the coast to Queensland and New South Wales. It was an undertaking more ambitious than spanning an ocean. Flocks of sheep had to be driven with the 400 workers to provide food. They needed horses and bullock carts and, for the parched interior, camels. In the north, tropical rains left the teams flooded. In the centre, it seemed that they would die of thirst. One critical section in the red heart of Australia involved finding a route through the McDonnell mountain range and then finding water on the other side.G The water was not only essential for the construction team. There had to be telegraph repeater stations every few hundred miles to boost the signal and the staff obviously had to have a supply of water, lust as one mapping team was about to give up and resort to drinking brackish water, some aboriginals took pity on them. Altogether, 40, 000telegraph poles were used in the Australian overland wire. Some were cut from trees. Where there were no trees, or where termites ate the wood, steel poles were imported.H On Thursday, August 22, 1872, the overland line was completed and the first messages could be sent across the continent; and within a few months, Australia was at last in direct contact with England via the submarine cable, too. The line remained in service to bring news of the Japanese attack on Darwin in 1942. it could cost several pounds to send a message and it might take several hours for it to reach its destination on the other side of the globe, but the world would never be same again. Governments could be in touch with their colonies. Traders could send cargoes based on demand and the latest prices. Newspapers could publish news that had just happened and was not many months old.
Questions 1-61 In the research of French scientists, the metal lines were used to send message 2 Abbots gave the monks an electrical shock at the same time, which constitutes the exploration on the long-distance signaling. 3 Using Morse Code to send message need to simplify the message firstly 4 Morse was a famous inventor before he invented the code 5 The water is significant to early telegraph repeater on continent. 6 US Government offered fund to the I st overland line across the continent Questions 7-14Answer the questions below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 7-14 on your answer sheet.7. Why is the disadvantage for the Charles Wheatstone's telegraph system to fail in the beginning?8. What material was used for insulating cable across the sea?9. What was used by British pioneers to increase the weight of the cable in the sea?  10. What did Fisherman mistakenly take the cable as?  11. Who was the message firstly sent to across the Atlantic by the Queen?  12. What giant animals were used to carry the cable through desert?  13. What weather condition did it delay the construction in north Australia?  14. How long did it take to send a telegraph message from Australia to England? 答案:1. T      2.T      3.F    4.T   5.T    6.NG7. It's expensive       8. latex      9. Lead ripe      10. Unusual seaseed 11. President Buchanan    12. camels      13. Tropical rain      14. Several hours
第三篇:大型恐龙回忆6:小作文图表题第一张是表格,1998.2002.2007美国进口鱼的总价值 好像是6.8million,7.8million,10million。第二张饼图表示进口来源,加拿大,中国和其他地区,加拿大中国占比接近百分之五十。 大作文分析“throwaway society” 成因及影响回忆7:小作文 表格total value of imports to us 饼图是不同国家出国占比 大作文thrownaway society 的原因和影响回忆8:小作文:饼图 Sources of the fish imports to US and the total value offish imports in US.
大作文:Nowadays people always throw old things away,what causes this problem? What effects does the phenomenon lead to? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.回忆9:听力S1 旅游咨询,预订1. type of holiday: surfing2. meal: includes breakfast3. facilities: gym4. price: 3605. shared room6. type of insurance: Basic7. 758.price: 42.509. taxi10. Pay: cheque or check
S2 evening class instructor介绍课程11. 去年哪门课程最流行?选:B. photography12. 拉丁舞课程为什么这学期取消了?选:C. 老师不能来,因为broke her leg13. 为什么晚课的时间不一致?选:B. 本学期是short term14. 说话人推荐学生晚上干什么?选:B. 和teacher交流(机会难得)15. 学生可以向谁咨询课程的问题?选:A. 一个特定的老师16. 谁可以得到折扣?选:A. 新注册的学生17-20配对题:A. new to the university         B. appeared in a magazineC. appeared in a TV program    D. hasworked for 25 yearsE. contribute to a charity          F. has famous relativesG. published a book17. Mark         选:C18. Tina         选:G19. Garla      选:D20. Tony         选:E
S4 关于环保问题的report, 全部填词only oneword工业情况31. We can't construct things whenbirds are nesting
32. through collecting feedbacks from thepublic comments
33. this project is outstandingbecause: no-native animals and farming
Two industries:
34. 1930s: fishing
35. 1950s: mining
Wildlife on island:
36. remove gas from ocean
37. convert plants to a liquid
38. noise form ocean in Australia
39. turtles attacks predators like: crocodiles will attack when turtles are laying eggs
40. personal pets whill have impacts;especially the rats willatttack baby turtles.
回忆10:阅读Passage1: 电缆铺设
Passage2: 日本传统的手工艺术品陶器
Passage3: 大型恐龙回忆11:听力
Section 1 Hotel reservation and telephone
1. What type of holiday: surfing
2. The package prize is cheap, this package price include: breakfast
3. The original package includes a gym
4. Discount from 360 reduce to 315
5. You have to share/ a shared room
6. One week of rent for equipment (surfboard): 75 Euros
7. Insurance type: the basic cover
8. The insurance premiere’s price: 47.5 Euros
9. Go to London airport, what is the cheapest transport: the taxi
10. If you pay by cheque, no extra fee, credit card should pay extra fee

Section 2 Introduction to a evening training course
11. Which course was the most popular last year: B photograph
12. The course have changed because: C fit better with public transport
13. Why Latin course is not going to open this year: C teacher is not available
14. What does the tutor recommend to do tonight: B communicate with the teachers
15. To whom they may consult information from: C full time officers
16. Discount: A introduce new student to enroll the course
17. Mark William - C appeared in a TV program
18. Tina Kaste - G published a book
19. Carla Celludorf - D has worked for 25 years
20. Wilson Lutton - E contribute to a charity

Section 3
21 为什么要今天决定如何选择选修课 B very quick to be filled up
22 哪一门课是必修课 C 数学
23 如果哟啊选择一门新的课程,他们会? A 咨询一些高年级同学的意见
24 他们认为statistics这课怎么样? A useful
25 男生对艺术课的看法? A suprise
26 男生的问题 A 如何注册
27 D harder than excepted
30 A

Section 4 Ecology and wildlife, protection of an unique island
31. We cannot construct things when birds are nesting
32. Through collecting feedback from the public
33. This project is outstanding because the farming
34. 1930s: fishing / 1950s: mining
35. by of development of the streets transport
36. Remove gas from ocean
37. Convert plants to a liquid
38. Noise form ocean in Australia
39. Turtles attract predators like crocodiles
40. Personal pets will have impacts: especially the rats



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