雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2018-7-29 22:27:01


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2018年8月2日大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题+答案+回忆汇总回忆1:大陆 小作文线路production of fuel大作文modern games和traditional games哪个对孩子发展技能有益。回忆2:听力 S1greenride   internet   child seat    bird watching      post office   还有啥? s4music genetic language triangle mechanism unimportant(不确定) 还有啥忘了Task1:线形图,比较英国三种能源的产量变化 Task2: 现代游戏和传统游戏哪个对培养儿童的技能更好回忆3:小作文线图 英国三种主要燃料产量变化1981-2000 大作文 传统游戏和现代游戏哪个更锻炼孩子技能回忆4:听力趴一咨询旅游信息,趴二图书馆捐钱,趴三换专业,趴四颜色与数字。阅读趴二古迹,耗时多。作文燃料产出对比,大作文古今游戏对比。。回忆5: 听力
Section1: 咨询旅游讯息(填空)
Section2: 描述图书馆各种配套设施(匹配+选择)
Section3: 讨论换专业
Section4: 音乐数字和颜色之间的联系(填空)机经参考:music,ability, unimportant,evolution,mechanism,memories,genetic,display,random,triangle

Passage1: 海狸
Passage2: 讲一处遗址古迹(难屎了)
Passage3: 研究人的味蕾

Task1: 线图 对比1981年和2000年英国石油、天然气、和煤炭的产量变化情况
Task2: some people say modern children's game do not develop a wide range of skills, while traditional games can be much better for developing such skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?有人认为现代游戏能培养孩子的技能,有人则认为传统游戏更好,同意不同意
回忆6: 听 力 Section 1:咨询旅游信息(填空题)难度小1.map2.greenride3.child seat4.bird watching5.weather6.post office7.Internet8.电话号码9.holiday10.5 hours
Section 2:图书馆捐钱(填空题、匹配题)难度一般11. Citizen's Club: money12. Merrytime Bank: land13. Dorson Manu facture: equipment14. Ancry industries: labor15. National telephone: furniture16. Jordan insurance: Art17-18. What the two features of the garden?A. it is uniqueD. it can't be seen from the street19-20. What the two things are talked about of the Art Center?B. the paintings are removed regularlyD. the artists have to be waiting
Section 3:换专业 (多选题) 难度高,尤其是女说话者,语速快21-24 Multiple choice(单)21. Why does the man want to change the course?Simon said that he wants go abroad. And this course can help working around the world especially in New Zealand.22. What does the man think about the course economics?B. Boring and dull (Uninteresting as a course because he already learned it at high school and he's not interested in it)23. The man asks the woman's opinion about choosing the courseC. The woman says it's up to you because it's optional24. Why does the woman Anna want to learn the foreign language course?C. She thinks that business and commerce are useful (she mentioned travel of first but it was wrong)25-26 Multiple choice(多)25-26. What do they think about the lecturer?A. They think that the professor (lecturer) should encourage student to have free thought (motivated to think critically)B. The professor is enthusiastic about the lecture27-30 MatchingFour courses match with their benefits27. Communication -- Help speak in public28. Psychology -- Help in large group and team work29. Interpretation -- Help in cooperation30. Communication -- Help reduce quarrel caused by the culture difference
Section 4:颜色与数字(填空题)难度适中31.music32.genetic33.language34.triangle35.mechanism36.unimportant37.ability38.evolution39.display40.memory回忆7: Section 3 课程选修场景
21. Why does the man want to change the course: A go abroad and get a work from other country
22. What does the man think about the course: B uninteresting
23. The man asks the woman’s opinion about choosing the course: C optional
24. Why does the woman Anna want to the Foreign Language Course: C business and commerce
25. A they think that the professor should encourage student to have free thought
26. B the professor is enthusiastic about the lecture
27. Communication1 - help speak in public
28. Psychology - team work
29. Interpretation - cooperation
30. Communication3 - culture difference

Section 4 颜色和人类情感的关系研究
31. In the past, the research focus on when people hearing music which relates to color
32. The maximum of study ability to handle multiple tasks
33. Unexpected phenomenon which is unimportant
34. Evolution of language
35. The links are simple memories
36. We should find out the science mechanism to explain the whole thing
37. People using language/it is a genetic origin
38. They are conducting experiments in computer screen they display
39. Let the numbers appear randomly, the fives are in a random arrangement
40. The number 2 has the shape: the 2s are shaped such as a triangle

回忆8: 小作文:英国三种能源的产量变化)
大作文: Some people think modern games can help children to develop a wide range of skills, but others argue that traditional games can be much better for developing such skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



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