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2018年7月28日大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题+答案+回忆汇总回忆1:大作文是改邪归正的罪犯给学生上课好不好小作文 饼图男女生喜欢的运动回忆2:大作文 Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later.Some say that these are the best people to talk to students about the danger of committing a crime.To what extent do you agree or disagree?小作文 是个柱状图 好像是男女孩选择什么运动的比例回忆3:阅读 第一篇 一个思想超前的英国人的故事 文章大意:主要讲英国人Watkin Tench的传记。他曾参加英国的“第一舰队”,并出版了两本描述这一经历的书。答案回忆:1. A generaldeal was known about Tech before arriving to Australia.   (False)2. Tenchdraw pictures of what he saw during his journey.    (Not Given)3. Generallytreat convicts well.   (False)4. Tench’s opinion towards Aboriginalremained unchanged.   (False)5. Anaboriginals gave Tench food as a gift when they first met. (Not Given)6. Tenchheld unusual opinion in his time.   (True)7. Diaries8. 3 years9. Chains10. GovernorPhillip11. Huntingbirds12. China13. Botanybay
第二篇 science中的playful behaviour 第三篇 advertisement与copy behaviour回忆4:听力 Section 1 Part time on shore
1. Working location: Jamieson island
2. Start date: 11 July
3. Job position: waiter
4. Need to experience with children
5. Need to sing well
6. Must be able to drive
7. Offer free transport
8. Provide free meals
9. Interview appointment is on Thursday
10. Qualification: bring a CV and a photo

12 Why did they first start? commenorate a local musician
13 What do volunteers enjoy? the atmosphere
14 What improvement has been made to comfort tourists? toilets/tarnsportation/paths
15 who decide staff/public
16 tickets ticket office

21 advantage C
22 形式如何 B people are given one gift chosen by the researchers
23 B cheaper
24 C campus
25-26 AC
Women are happinest when given
27-28 problem:CE
29-30 problem:genuine smile;reason

Section 4 Monarch butterfly
21. Some butterflies in south America hibernate in the form of an egg
22. Save energy accumulated for formative stage
23. Certain caterpillars in the far North produce a chemical of blood similar to antifreeze to protect larva
24. Can’t live for long at cold condition, some mechanism can only operate warm weather
25. Monarch butterflies in winter stay in North America
26. Survival skill help can last for up to 6 months for long journey Monarch butterflies in migration
27. At night they stay on the trees
28. Finding their ways for following the rivers
29. They also orient by using sun and the possibility of flowers
30. Watching the migration can be good interest to increasing number of tourists
回忆5:小作文:本次考的是bar chart : The chart shows the percentages of boys and and girls joining in six kinds of sports in the UK in the year of 2009大作文:Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students the danger of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree?有些坐过牢的人后来变成了好市民,有些人认为让这些人曾经坐过牢的人来教育学生们犯罪的危害是最合适的。你认不认同?回忆6:回忆7:回忆8:回忆9:回忆10:


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