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2018年5月19日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆汇总回忆1:听力 第一篇:邮快递 (英国,瑞士, 自行车) 第二篇:烹饪旅行 (坐车,步行,地图题) 第三篇:环保砖第四篇:考古研究 (贸易,罗马,银硬币) 阅读 第一篇:脸盲? 第二篇:猛犸象? 第三篇:游乐设施?亚太区A类小作文表格+线图,大作文Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals is increasing the gap between the rich people and the poor people. Others think this has an opposite effect. Discuss both view and give your own opinion.回忆2:亚太阅读: 第一篇:脸盲症(Sorry, who you are?)文章大意:文章先用一个人的案例引出脸盲症,分析了脸盲症的出现概率,发病情况,提出先天导致与后天导致两种猜想Question 1- 7答案:1-7判断题1. F          2. F      3. NG      4. T      5. T       6. T      7. NG8-13填空题8. Animals   9.         10.         11. Gene   12. Left    13. cheating
第二篇:猛犸象灭绝MammothKillMammoth KillMammoth is any species of the extinct genus Mammuthus, proboscideans commonlyequipped with long, curved tusks and in northern species, a covering of long hair. Theylived from the Ptiocene epoch from around 5 million years ago, into the Hotocene atabout 4,500 years ago, and were members of the family Elephantidae, which contains,along with mammoths, the two genera of modern elephants and their ancestors.A Like their modern relatives, mammoths were quite large. The largest knownspecies reached heights in the region of 4m at the shoulder and weights upt0 8 tonnes, while exceptionally large males may have exceeded 12 tonnes.However, most species of mammoth were only about as large as a modernAsian elephant. Both sexes bore tusks. A first, small set appeared at aboutthe age of six months and these were replaced at about 18 months by thepermanent set. Growth of the permanent set was at a rate of about l t0 6 inchesper year. Based on studies of their close relatives, the modem elephants,mammoths probably had a gestation period of 22 months, resulting in a singlecalf being born. Their social structure was probably the same as that of Africanand Asian elephants, with females living in herds headed by a matriarch, whilsthulls lived solitary lives or formed loose groups after sexual maturity.B MEXICO CITY-Although it’s hard to imagine in this age of urban sprawl andautomobiles, North America once belonged to mammoths, camels, groundsloths as large as cows, bear-size beavers and other formidable beasts. Some11,000 years ago, however, these large bodied mammals and others-about 70species in all-disappeared. Their demise coincided roughly with the arrivalof humans in the New World and dramatic climatic change-factors that haveinspired several theories about the die-off. Yet despite decades of scientificinvestigation, the exact cause remains a mystery. Now new findings offersupport to one of these controversial hypotheses: that human hunting drovethis megafaunal menagerie ( 巨型动物兽群)to extinction. The overkill modelemerged in the 1960s, when it was put forth by Paul S. Martin of theUniversity of Arizona. Since then, critics have charged that no evidence existsto support the idea that the first Americans hunted to the extent necessary tocause these extinctions. But at the annual meeting of the Society of VertebratePaleontology in Mexico City last October, paleoecologist John Alroy of theUniversity of California at Santa Barbara argued that, in fact, hunting-drivenextinction is not only plausible, it was unavoidable. He has determined, usinga computer simulation that even a very modest amount of hunting would havewiped these animals out.C Assuming an initial human population of 100 people that grew no more than 2percent annually, Alroy determined that if each band of, say, 50 people killed15 to 20 large mammals a year, humans could have eliminated the animalpopulations within 1,000 years. Large mammals in particular would have beenvulnerable to the pressure because they have longer gestation periods thansmaller mammals and their young require extended care.D Not everyone agrees with Alroy’s assessment. For one, the results depend inpart on population-size estimates for the extinct animals-figures that are notnecessarily reliable. But a more specific criticism comes from mammalogistRoss D. E. MacPhee of the American Museum of Natural History in New YorkCity, who points out that the relevant archaeological record contains barely a dozen examples of stone points embedded in mammoth bones (and none, it should be noted, are known from other megafaunal remains)-hardly what one might expect if hunting drove these animals to extinction. Furthermore, some of these species had huge ranges the giant Jefferson’s ground sloth, for example, lived as far north as the Yukon and as far south as Mexicowhich would have made slaughtering them in numbers sufficient to cause their extinction rather implausible, he says.E MacPhee agrees that humans most likely brought about these extinctions (as well as others around the world that coincided with human arrival), but not directly. Ratherhe suggests that people may have introduced hyperlethal disease, perhaps through their dogs or hitchhiking vermin, which then spread wildly among the immunologically naive species of the New World. As in the overkill model, populations of large mammals would have a harder time recovering. Repeated outbreaks of a hyperdisease could thus quickly drive them to the point of no return. So far MacPhee does not have empirical evidence for the hyperdisease hypothesis, and it won’t be easy to come by: hyperlethal disease would kill far too quickly to leave its signature on the bones themselves. But he hopes that analyses of tissue and DNA from the last mammoths to perish will eventually reveal murderous microbes.F The third explanation for what brought on this North American extinction does not involve human beings. Instead, its proponents blame the loss on the weather. The Pleistocene epoch witnessed considerable climatic instability, explains paleontologist Russell W. Graham of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. As a result, certain habitats disappeared, and species that had once formed communities split apart. For some animals, this change brought opportunity. For much of the megafauna, however, the increasingly homogeneous environment left them with shrinking geographical ranges-a death sentence for large animals, which need large ranges. Although thesecreatures managed to maintain viable populations through most of the Pleistocene, the final major fluctuation-the so-called Younger Dryas eventpushed them over the edge, Graham says. For his part, Alroy is convinced that human hunters demolished the titans of the Ice Age. The overkill model explains everything the disease and climate scenarios explain, he asserts, and makes accurate predictions about which species would eventually go extinct.“Personally, I’m a vegetarian,” he remarks, “and I find all of this kind of gross but believable.”
答案填空题 14. Mammoth inhabited North America some 11,000 years ago.15. Mammoth died out due to human hunting. (theory one)16. An overkill model was raised. 17. A deadly disease was introduced by human. (theory two)18. There is little empirical evidence.19. The extinction was caused by considerable climate instability. (theory three)20. Their habitats were ruined.人名理论配对题 Professor AProfessor BProfessor C21. Hunting is not the reason why mammoth died out. A22. The bigger the animals are, the more room they need. B23. Human was an indirect cause of their extinction. B24. Climate changes destroyed their habitats. C25. Calculation estimate of the population could help the control of animal species. C26. B
Section 1 Shipping company enquiry
1. A bicycle
2. Weigh more than 40 kg
3. For security reasons, liquids and food are banned
4. Containers made of plastic
5. Delivery on Saturday
6. Organization of storage
7. Transport 15 kg and a violin from UK to Sweden
8. Costs about 575
9. Debit or credit card over the phone or cash to the driver
10. Photocopy of passport

Section 2 Cookery course
11. Northern California - C offer individual class
12. New Orlene - H offer afternoon bus tour
13. Italy - F healthy meal
14. Budget feasts - E save-time meal
15. Meals for two - G offer guided walks
16. Variations - A use particular ingredient
17. Oven - H
18. Refrigerator - F
19. Demonstration kitchen - D
20. Utensils cabinet - B

Section 3 环保砖
21. Why does the girl read this article: C for seminar on her topic
22. What does this girl think about feature the brick company: A all use entirely recycled
23. What kind of characteristic of the brink makes the man surprised: C easy to absorb
24. How did the student do the survey: B applied existed method
25. What is the advantage of the material: A no chemical reaction
26. Why did the magazine introduce the material applied in hospital: A how much material is applied
27. B smelly
28. D better colors
29. A architects are willing to try new materials
30. E government incentives will work

Section 4 Research on a French Castle
31. He also found a lot of pottery inside it
32. Some archaeologists came over to conduct a survey on it
33. Experts found evidence of the existence of textile industry
34. People come to collect water
35. Next to a bridge on the river
36. People found some silver coins
37. Public square in local market
38. The sculpture of the lions
39. Western area
40. Another sculpture for the Roman emperor
回忆4:小作文 表格+折线图 大作文 科技发展是否扩大了贫富差距回忆5:坐标澳洲,阅读考的第一篇染料,第二篇大脑,第三个是偶然科学。。回忆6:回忆7:回忆8回忆9:回忆10:


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