雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2018-4-29 19:48:15


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2018年5月5日大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题+答案+回忆回忆1:折线图 四国男人平均身高traffic and housing problems moving large companies out of the major cities.回忆2:小作文折线图1775到1975四个国家男性平均身高,大作文是大公司工厂和雇员搬迁到郊区你同意吗?回忆3:大作文 Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving big companies,factories and their employees to the countryside.回忆4:小作文折线图,美国,英国,丹麦,法国四国男子的身高1775-1975.大作文:traffic and housing problems could be solved by moving large companies,factories and their employees to the countryside, agree or disagree回忆5:阅读:一首歌的传承,手势,用光来实现太空旅行回忆6:阅读now in the time这首歌,gesture、travelling in light回忆7:s1 1是老师觉得emma的表现怎么样 model 2是为什么下学期换时间上课 纠结 3是新时间是几点?4:45 4,5,6是dancing full,singing 那晚有别的活动,voice 贵。 7-10 write music/compose,85$,9.14,Curtissection2 open gallery/on the street/history maps/wild life/Steven/sports 我就记得这些不知道对没S4 deserts,seasonal ,olive oil ,square slaves goat skin,dark blue ,animals, guides 真是快啊…回忆8:section1:1.B 其他人榜样 2.C借不到音乐教室 3.4.46 4.A排满了 5.D晚上有活动 6.B太贵了 7.write music 8.85 9.14th September 10.CurtisSection2 :open gallery. On the street. Theatre. Australian. Maps. Kesteven. Picture library. Wildlife. Design. Sports.section4;deserts,seasonal ,olive oil ,square slaves goat skin,dark blue ,animals, guides回忆9:听力Section 1 Introduce some music courses and information1. The teacher praise student Emma for: B set examples to others2. Why did the course need to change time: B size of the classroom3. New class begins at: 4.45 pm4. Dance class - A the course is full5. Singing class - D she has another activity at that evening6. Vocal class - B the course fee is too expensive7. Teach children to play instruments and to write music8. Course fee: $ 859. Emma can start at 14 September10. Teacher: Jamal Curtis
Section 2 Cranworth photographic society11. What is it called in international program: Open Gallery12. What is the theme of this new competition: on the street13. In theatre foyer14. Nationality: Australian15. Interesting thing: collecting old maps16. Name: Kesteven17. Present job: running a picture library18. Wildlife photograph19. Lecturer from college of design20. Sports photograph
Section 3:一男一女一个老师讲去野外考察的经历,内容有:为什么要去这个地方考察,认为最重要的准备工作,考查时的关注点,还有考察时到的错误,和怎么样做好一个采访;四个单选+三个双选(难)

Section 4 Tribes barbers, their origin and lifestyles31. They are going to move across: deserts and mountains32. They have three kinds of ethnics: seasonal33. Vegetables and cook with olive oil34. Their houses tent are made by grass and goat skin35. Men discuss important event in center square36. Moving houses are carried by camel37. The people is descended from slaves38. Move to city with animals39. What are men called blue people: because they are wearing dark blue veil40. Some of them are granted by the government and now worked as tour guides in this area回忆10:听力

回忆11:阅读:Passage 1: Now in the hour文章大意:一个叫做Albeit的作曲家,小时候非常贫困,父亲去世后靠做音乐补贴生活。写了一首歌,后来变得非常流行。但是版权不属于自己,盈利的钱大部分被公司获取。答案: 1. T 2. NG  3. F  4. NG  5. F   6. nations  7. name   8. proof  9. lyrica  10. dancing  11. radio  12. tour  13. ClaimPassage 2:Guestures文章大意:讲解guesture的主要特点,并且和ringtone做类比。在不同文化中有不同的含义,如何去理解这些相同点和不同点。答案:  14-19:  A— key features  B— comparison  C— lose meaning  E---- individual variant  F---- different culture  G---- different 20 B  21 C  22 A  23 NG  24 Y  25 N  26 C changing meaningPassage 3:light travel文章大意:一种新型科学,类似飞行器,利用光速环游太空。但是技术不成熟,依旧处于实验中。答案: 27 Y  28 NG  29 N  30 NG 36 unknown areas    37 缺乏资金  38 failures  39 be based on 40 outline the future plan回忆12:回忆13:回忆14:


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查看完整版本: 2018年5月5日大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题+答案+回忆
