2018年4月14日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-237452-1-1.html http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201606/21/085237bludl6ux0gilxglq.png http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201708/21/120446zgi36ls65il6325l.png http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201708/21/120500uhisoim8xh5nmmfh.jpg http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201708/21/120520djjzh9pswpwpb79p.png互动咨询微信:504918228 或 ieltstofel3或 ielts2013或 公共微信:ieltstofel
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快速提高1到3分:IPN雅思考试题库答案-提供2018年4月5月6月7月8月至12月每一场雅思预测所有口语,写作,听力,阅读等题目详细原创答案范文,整理好的更新型听力和阅读预测机经等说明请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.html或请加QQ26346059或QQ450784339;或公共微信号:ieltstofel 或个人微信:ielts2013,504918228咨询。
2018年4月11日、12日、13日、14日国内外雅思口语真题蹲点回忆汇总回忆1:1. Describe a famous athlete you know2. Describe an unusual meal you had3. Describe a toy you had in your childhood4. Describe a historical period that you are interested in5. Describe a situation when you had to be polite回忆2:1. A popular person. 2. A visitor in your home. 3. A achievable sportperson you admire. 4. A famous/important river in your country. 5. A public facility that you think need improvements. 6. A city or country you want to live the most in the future. 7. A photo that you remember well. 8. A childhood toy you had. 9. Something special that you saved money to buy. 10. A TV series/drama you enjoy watching.
回忆3:北语 下午1:40 一个中年男考官 PART1 :工作还是学习,什么工作,喜欢你的工作吗?喜欢shopping吗?喜欢买衣服吗?会花很多时间思考穿什么衣服吗?为什么? 喜欢听音乐吗?听什么类型的音乐?听的频繁吗?想不想学一种乐器? PART2:一个你喜欢与他交谈的人。PART3:跟p2完全无关的一堆问题。感觉又是一个p1!!!问:你觉得交流重要吗?为什么?你觉得一个人经过训练可以成为一个很好的交流者吗?为什么?有人认为孩子比成年人容易学习外语,你同意吗?为什么?你觉得孩子怎样才可以更好的学习语言? 回忆4: 厦门 一个很和蔼的老头,发音很好 PART 1: 你来自哪里?你的家乡是个什么样的城市?有没有什么古老的建筑?旅游业发达吗?你或你朋友有玩什么乐器吗?你喜欢什么类型的音乐?一般什么时候听? PART 2:讲一张对你而言很有意义的照片,在哪拍的,和谁,为什么对你重要? PART 3:继续讨论照片的事,你喜欢照相吗?你觉得为什么有些人很喜欢拍照?你觉得20年前的照相技术和现在有什么不同?有些人会选择录影,你觉得这和照片有什么不同之处?自己拍的生活照片和登在杂志上的照片有给你不同的感觉 吗?回忆5:厦门 501 17:20 最后一个考的...-0- 一个年轻考官,小帅气,音调也准,part1 full name,是不是学生,专业,为什么选这个专业,上过什么课程,然后说food,喜欢午餐还是晚餐,早餐对你来说重要吗,喜欢吃什么kind的食物 part2 对你来说很有意义的照片,没认真准备,只好把旅游的经历套上去,中间停了好久...-0- part3: 继续和照片有关的东西,你喜欢拍照吗,经常吗?为什么? 你认为20年前和现在人们拍照的目有什么变化,你认为未来的相机是什么样的,你认为中国人喜欢照相展出吗?为什么现在人们比较喜欢vedio回忆6:郑州亚籍女考官,发音不是很清楚 part1: where are you come from? 专业:what is your subject? is your subject porpular in your college? 音乐: how often do you listen to music? what kind of music do you like? what kind of music instruments do you want to learn? 年龄:what age do you think is the most important ? what age do you think is the hardest ? do you like your age? what age do you want to be ? 同学:do you like the people in your college? part2: which part of the world do you especially like to visit ? where how do you know it? why part3: why do people like to explore? what are important abilities a good explorer should have? what are the differences of people in different places? do the places influent people too much? do you think the differences in different places are important?回忆7:上海华师大下午两点的 part one: are you a student or worker?do you prefer to study or work? part two: describe an experience of being late?what did you feel to others when being late? part three: some questions about being late? the examiner was a gentleman, always smiling.i hope the score he gave is as gentle as he was. good luck!everybody回忆8:广外考的,那个口语考官居然是个亚洲人,郁闷死了,讲话又小声又快,主要问了住的地方,colour,clothes,shopping,第二部分是你喜欢的电视节目,第三部分是问人们以前喜欢看的电视节目和现在看的有什么不同,看电视会不会影响健康,小孩子喜欢看什么,大人喜欢看什么节目,为什么回忆9:厦大 口语蹲点
➤ 考场S01
Part 1
Hometown & gift
Part 2
Describe an important river in yourcountry?
Where is it? How long? Why it isimportant?
Part 3
Do people feel relax living near that river?
What job can people do on the river?
Part 1
Hometown & physical exercise
Part 2
Describe an electronic device
What it is? What you use it for? Why it is so important?
Part 3
What is the most popular electronic device in your country?
Do people have more free time with the development of electronics?
Do you think that electronic devices have positive results?
Part 1
Work or study & computer & training
Part 2
Describe a special day when you spend alittle money.
When and whether it happened?
What you did?
Explain why it was special?
Part 3
Why do people like going outdoor?
How can people save money?
Part 1
Hometown& outdoor activities
Part 2
Describe a holiday you would like tohave in the future.
When and where you would like to go?
Who would you like to go with?
What you would like to do there?
Why you would like to go there?
Part 3
What holidays are there in your country?
Does the money influence the quality ofyour life?
➤ 考场S02
Part 1
Accommodation & work or study
Part 2
Describe a business man you look up to
Part 3
Is it easy to start a business?
What qualities are needed?
What king of business does young peoplelike to do?
Part 1
Work or study & Teacher
Part 2
Describe an occasion when you helpedsomeone.
When is happened? Where? How did youhelp him/her? How do you feel about helping others?
Part 3
Do you think people help others lessthan before?
Should children be taught to helpothers?
➤ 考场S03
Part 1
Hometown & POP star
Part 2
Describe a car journey you have had.
Where you went? Who you went with? Howlong it took? How you feel about it?
Part 3
What do you think is the perfect age todrive?
Why do some people allow younger peopleto drive?
How is the public traffic in yourcountry?
➤ 考场S04
Part 1
Hometown & Outdoor activities
Part 2
Describe a terrible shopping experience you havebeen through recently?
When? What did you bought?Whyit is terrible?
Part 3
Is it true that the products with higherprices are better than those with lower prices?
Does the customer service or servicemanner matters so much?
Part 1
Work or study &punctuality
Part 2
Describe a story some told you that you remember very well
Who told you?What is the main characters?What was the story about?Why you rememeber it very well?
Part 3
What kind of stories do children like?
Should parents tell stories to children?
What is the standard of a good story?
➤ 考场S01
Part 1
Hometown & gift
Part 2
Describe an important river in yourcountry?
Where is it? How long? Why it isimportant?
Part 3
Do people feel relax living near that river?
What job can people do on the river?
Part 1
Hometown & physical exercise
Part 2
Describe an electronic device
What it is? What you use it for? Why it is so important?
Part 3
What is the most popular electronic device in your country?
Do people have more free time with the development of electronics?
Do you think that electronic devices have positive results?
Part 1
Work or study & computer & training
Part 2
Describe a special day when you spend alittle money.
When and whether it happened?
What you did?
Explain why it was special?
Part 3
Why do people like going outdoor?
How can people save money?
Part 1
Hometown& outdoor activities
Part 2
Describe a holiday you would like tohave in the future.
When and where you would like to go?
Who would you like to go with?
What you would like to do there?
Why you would like to go there?
Part 3
What holidays are there in your country?
Does the money influence the quality ofyour life?
➤ 考场S02
Part 1
Accommodation & work or study
Part 2
Describe a business man you look up to
Part 3
Is it easy to start a business?
What qualities are needed?
What king of business does young peoplelike to do?
Part 1
Work or study & Teacher
Part 2
Describe an occasion when you helpedsomeone.
When is happened? Where? How did youhelp him/her? How do you feel about helping others?
Part 3
Do you think people help others lessthan before?
Should children be taught to helpothers?
➤ 考场S03
Part 1
Hometown & POP star
Part 2
Describe a car journey you have had.
Where you went? Who you went with? Howlong it took? How you feel about it?
Part 3
What do you think is the perfect age todrive?
Why do some people allow younger peopleto drive?
How is the public traffic in yourcountry?
➤ 考场S04
Part 1
Hometown & Outdoor activities
Part 2
Describe a terrible shopping experience you havebeen through recently?
When? What did you bought?Whyit is terrible?
Part 3
Is it true that the products with higherprices are better than those with lower prices?
Does the customer service or servicemanner matters so much?
Part 1
Work or study &punctuality
Part 2
Describe a story some told you that you remember very well
Who told you?What is the main characters?What was the story about?Why you rememeber it very well?
Part 3
What kind of stories do children like?
Should parents tell stories to children?
What is the standard of a good story?
Part 1
Hometown & dictionary
Part 2
Describe a TV series or dramayou enjoy watching.
What kind of TV series it is?
Who the main characters are?
What it is about?
Why you like this program?
Part 3
What kind of TV programs arepopular in your country?
Why do people like watchingreality show?
Why don’t young people likewatching educational programs now?
➤ 考场S05
Part 1
Accommodation & friends
Part 2
Describe a book you enjoyed reading
What the book is?
When did you read it?
Why you enjoyed reading it?
Part 3
Who reads more? Men? Women?
What kind of book do people in youcountry like to read?
Would you go to watch the movie afteryou watch it?
➤ 考场S06
Part 1
Hometown& Dictionary
Part 2
Describe your favorite season.
What season? What’s the weather?Why it is your favorite?
Part 3
Do people do different things in different seasons?
Do weather affect people’s work a lot?
Part 1
Accommodation & friends
Part 2
Describe a business man youadmire.
Part 3
Is it easy to start abusiness?
What qualities are needed?
What king of business does youngpeople like to do ?