雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2018-4-8 17:45:56


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2018年4月14日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆汇总回忆1:大作文:生活中 艺术能给我们什么而科学不能 小作文:柱状图和表格回忆2:In today's world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot? 动态吧 高速网络在五个国家使用人数 两年的比较回忆3:听力S1 打电话报名烹饪课程1-5搭配题;6-10填空题
1. 报名满了的 选B
A. Thai Cookery B. Italian cookery C. French Cookery D.All three
2. 有晚上上课的 available in theevening选D
3. beginner可以学的 选A
4. 有优惠的Discount 选C
5. 和老师相同国家tutor fromrelevant country 选C
6. 男子名叫 Furness
7. 出生日期:16th October 1987
8. 住在运河大街River Avenue
9. 怎么通知你 Messages
10. 问credit card有没有额外优惠Cash

S3 讲出海看鲸鱼 observations of whales先要设计个survey 表格的表头1.watch time(观察的次数,原文说 the time of watch)2. the state of sea, eg: calm (风平浪静), or choppy (波涛汹涌)3.visibility 可见度: nearest 100 metres, 原文女孩子说填50米,男孩认为应写1004. the presence of fishingboats接着要是记录的内容有:5.apprearance6.behaviour\behavior7.group size8-10.是三种鲸鱼的描述与图对照A.体形只是a quarter of that of blue whale, and with wavy fins on B.是withhump back fins which are wavy;C. 是withoutfins;D. 是withwavy fins on the back, and the largest one in the ocean8.minke whale 小须鲸 对应B9.northem right whale对应C10.sperm whale 对应A 还有一个bluewhale 对应D 选项如下: A. Sperm Whale 抹香鲸 S4 介绍盐的历史填空题: 31. Salt is essential for the health 32. English word ― salary ‖ derived from the Latin word used to describe the payment made to Roman soldiers 33. Fresh meat just available in October 34. Animal are fed in the local surrounding forests during the summer 35. Record has been used widely: we can tell from the diet of king of Sweden 36. Beer consumption is large because the food was so salty 37. Sweden needs to produce its shipping to import commodity 38. Salt sources: from basin *** in desert locations 39. Warm climate: salt from spring water is more concentrated and purer (提示: 注意尾音辨识) 40. Salt trade became a nature mean of transport
回忆4:小作文:柱状图和表格 高速网络在五个国家使用人数 两年的比较
大作文:In today's world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?
回忆5:听力Section 1 打电话报名学习烹饪1. Full registration - B Italian cookery2. Available in the evening - D All three3. For beginners - A Thai cookery4. Have a discount - C French cookery5. Tutor from the same country - C French cookery6. His name: Furness7. Date: 16th October 19878. Address: River Avenue9. How to contact: leave a message10. Pay by cash
Section 3 Observations of whales21. Watch time   22. The state of sea: calm or choppy23. The state of weather24. Visibility: 100 meters25. The presence of fishing boats26. Appearance and behaviour27. Group size   28. North right whale - C29. Sperm whale - B30. Mink whale - A
Section 4 History of salt31. Salt is essential for human’s health32. Origin for English word salary33. Animals are fed in the local forests during the summer34. The fresh meat is available in October only35. We can tell from the diet of king of Sweden36. Beer consumption is large because the food was so salty37. Sweden needs to protect its shipping 38. From basins in desert location39. Salt from spring water is more concentrated 40. Salt trade cities formed due to a nature mean of transport回忆6:回忆7:回忆8:回忆9:回忆10:

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查看完整版本: 2018年4月14日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题
