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2018年3月19日-23日、24日国内外雅思口语真题蹲点回忆汇总回忆1:1. Describe a river that is important to your country2. Describe a time you had to save money3. Describe a special day out which didn’t cost a lot4. Describe a letter that is important to you5. Describe a product you bought recently that you are happy with回忆2:1. Describe a business leader that you admire.2. Describe an activity you do to keep fit3. Describe a photo that you remember wella4. Describe something you bought that made you happy5. Describe an advertisement you have seen recently回忆3:1. Describe a businessman you admire2. Describe an unusual meal you had3. Describe a toy you had in your childhood4. Describe a historical period that you are interested in5. Describe a situation when you had to be polite回忆4:Part 1  work or study, daily routine, accommodation, teenagers, friends, jewelry, dictionary, gift, swimming, handwriting, outdoor activities, physical exercise, music, meal…Part 2  Describe a situation when someone said something positive about your work.  Describe a piece of technology you like using (not computer).  Describe a time when you taught an elderly person.  Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.  Describe a science class you had in high school.Part 3  Do people in your country like to give other people compliment?  Do you think it is necessary to encourage children?  Does the technology have any advantages and disadvantages?  Do you think young people in your country have shown enough respect for elderly people?  What is the most popular family activity in your country?  What do most people do to keep fit in your country?  Are science classes today different from those in the past?  Are boys and girls the same in terms of learning science?回忆5:1. Describe a businessman you admire2. Describe an unusual meal you had3. Describe a toy you had in your childhood4. Describe a historical period that you are interested in5. Describe a situation when you had to be polite回忆6:1. Describe something you enjoying doing with an old person in your family2. Describe a good photo of you taken by someone3. Describe a historic period that you are interested in4. Describe a TV program5. Describe a toy you had in your childhood回忆7:南京 16:40的 study or work what to do after school favourite activities topic: outdoor activities do older people spend more time on outdoor activities who have to work outside回忆8:哈尔滨,P1:家乡题:来自哪,有什么好玩的地方等等 P2:谈谈污染问题:城市,什么时候有污染,如何解决等 P3:基本就是如何解决,基本就是P2的延续,还有森林砍伐的问题回忆9:西安的 刚刚考完 part1 名字?你觉得你专业什么地方好? 会不会乐器?喜欢听什么音乐?你什么时候听音乐? 你平时用电脑做什么事?电脑对小孩子有什么影响? part2 讲环境污染 part3 你认为怎样处理空调的污染?有人向马路上扔垃圾,怎么解决?回忆10:武汉考, 英国小伙子. 第一项:介绍,我工作,紧接着问日程安排.然后是: which meal do you like,lunch or dinner,why? what music do u like,why? do people in China like taste of new food? 第二项:卡片,one thing you lost 第三项:say sth about people's attitude toward possession of sth now and past 个人感觉前两项内容都准备过,很好答,第三虽无准备,但也好回答,例子很多.我就说人们在过去及现在都想要拥有什么东西,比如年轻人的时髦,想有车和房,有些老年人还是不舍得花费,存钱养老,及为后代子孙,及消费观念上的变化等回忆11:黑龙江p1 家乡,家乡old part ,contact, drawing P2 以后想做什么工作 在哪 需要哪些技巧 P3 经常换工作的优缺点 对待工作,家庭,朋友的关系 家乡的环境污染问题回忆12:Part 1
work or study, daily routine, accommodation, teenagers, friends, jewelry, dictionary, gift, swimming, handwriting, outdoor activities, physical exercise, music, meal…
Part 2
Describe a situation when someone said something positive about your work.
Describe a piece of technology you like using (not computer).
Describe a time when you taught an elderly person.
Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.
Describe a science class you had in high school.
Part 3
Do people in your country like to give other people compliment?
Do you think it is necessary to encourage children?
Does the technology have any advantages and disadvantages?
Do you think young people in your country have shown enough respect for elderly people?
What is the most popular family activity in your country?
What do most people do to keep fit in your country?
Are science classes today different from those in the past?
Are boys and girls the same in terms of learning science?
回忆13:新西兰考场 minaum P1, where I live now P2, 喜不喜欢, travel by plane P2, something you learned not from school or teacher P3, play 是不是重要,adults can learn what from children回忆14:新西兰考场 1 P1,news, meals P2, a car journey u made P3, transport, 无人驾驶,how effect is the transportation in your country回忆15:香港考场 千禧536 P1,你的名字,工作还是上学,什么专业,为什么选择这个专业,你的名字有什么意义,中国人给孩子起名字的湿乎乎有什么特别的地方 P2,something you buy recently P3, throw away culture,为什么人们喜欢平放更换电子产品,你更换电子产品的时候会考虑环境污染的问题嘛回忆16:哈尔滨工业大学IELTS考试中心 5 P1,学生还是工作,什么时候应该送礼物,最近收到什么最喜欢的礼物,有没有收到过什么不喜欢的礼物,喜欢长途旅行吗?以后会继续旅行吗为什么,常坐飞机旅行吗,为什么 P2,描述很礼貌的场合,怎么礼貌,解释为什么要礼貌 P3,中国人怎么表示礼貌,对陌生人礼貌和对家里人礼貌有什么区别吗回忆17:东南大学 12 P1,学生还是上班族,学什么,喜欢听的音乐,在未来会不会改变你喜欢听的音乐,为什么,旅游,国外旅游还是国内旅游,有没有去过国外旅游 P2,一个你想去的地方在假期,去哪儿,和谁,在那儿能做什么,为什么想去 P3,在旅游的时候会考虑什么因素对于大众来说,在选择旅游地的时候会考虑什么回忆18:湖南大学传媒学院(南院) S2 P1,什么时候出去吃,喜欢和谁出去吃,小时候和现在喜欢吃的有没有改变,平时在家干什么,小时候和现在在家的活动有没有变化 P2,describe somebody you can learn a lot from him, who is the person, what can you learn from him, what interesting thing he has P3, 老师重要吗?有了互联网还需要老师嘛?在学校小组学习好还是个人学习好回忆19:澳洲 口语名字 购物 最近买的一个让自己开心的东西 在线购物和实体购物回忆20:新西兰口语: important event, someone popular, traditional product回忆21:1. Describe something you enjoying doing with an old person in your family2. Describe a public place that you think need improvements3. Describe a country or a city you want to work or live in the future4. Describe a memorable story told by others5. Describe a traditional product in your country回忆22:回忆23:回忆24:回民25:


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查看完整版本: 2018年3月19日-23日、24日国内外雅思口语真题蹲点回忆汇总
