雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2018-3-18 21:22:25


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2018年3月24日大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题+答案+回忆回忆1:小作文俩动态折线图,大作文是说通过看报纸获得新闻好还是别的媒体好回忆2:小作文是线图 大作文是D&G,一些人觉得报纸是获得新闻的最好途径,另一些认为人们可以通过其他媒介更有效的获取新闻回忆3:阅读 澳洲考古,冰的制备运输历史,蚂蚁巢穴回忆4:听力S1:Tuesday,8.15,TV,grocery,map,categories,labels,Egg,Juice,pizzaS4: qualification, government, business, university, social, age,   S1: Tuesday, grocery, 8:15, categories, egg, juice, pizza, labels,只记得这么多了回忆5:阅读 p1 澳洲xx人的研究(历史、迁徙与气候变化关系等) p2 ice 某个河的冰(冰的运输和交易在英国 也对比了美国) p3 名字不认识大概是某种蚂蚁?可根据地球磁极筑巢 还描述了巢的结构 作用和建造过程回忆6: 听力
Section 1 Rubbish collection and recycled service in the city children
1. Collection day: Tuesday
2. Time to collect the waste: 8.15 a.m.
3. The thing which cannot be collected: TV
4. Bags for sorting out the waste can be bought in the grocery store
5. Large garbage site can be found on the map via the internet
6. After collection the garbage should be divided into different 2 categories
7. Before throwing the bottle, people should remove the labels
8. Egg cartons
9. Juice bottles
10. Pizza boxes

Section 2 A women arranged a new job in the post office to a man
11. Receive post - A should be done today
12. Answering phones - C not his responsibility
13. Reading emails - B in a few days later
14. Update data - A should be done today
15. C accesses to authority
16. F check number
17. D make a list
18. A filling order form
19. E confirm the order contract
20. B signed delivery note

Section 3 The moa
21. Who will do research on the internet - C Robby and Jacqueline will do it together
22. Who will do research in the library - A Jacqueline will do it only
23. Who will do old materials of the city - A Jacqueline will do it only
24. Who will make interviews with old citizens - B Robby will do it only
25. Cafe/coffee shop - E
26. Prison - B
27. Railway station - G
28. Storage warehouse - D
29. C shopping
30. E medicine service

Section 3新题顺序等略有出入qualificationgovernmentboysbusinessuniversitysocialagesmallmeetingcollegerelationship回忆7:听 力Section 1一句话简介:垃圾回收咨询Garbage Collecting Company考生回忆:1-7 笔记填空题:1. Garbage collection day: Tuesday2. Time to collect the waste: 8.15am3. Bags for sorting out the waste can be bought in any grocery stores4. The ompany does not collect any TV5. Large garbage site can be found on the map via the internet6. After collection the garbage should be divided into 2 categories7. Before throwing the bottle, people should remove the labels.8-10 表格填空题:8. Egg cartons9. Juice bottles10. Pizza boxes
Section 2一句话简介:向新员工介绍工作职责考生回忆:11-14 配对题:11. Receive post - A should be done today12. Answering phones - C not his responsibility13. Reading emails - B next few days14. Update data - A should be done today15-20 流程配对:15. C acesses to authority16. F check number17. D make a list18. A filling order form19. E comfirm the order contract20. B signed delivery note
Section 3一句话简介:Jacqueline和Richard讨论小镇历史研究考生回忆:21-24 配对题:A only Jacqueline B only Richard C both Jacqueline and Richard21. research on internet: C22. research in the library: A23. check old materials of the city: B24. interview the old: B25-26 多选题:25&26 Which two topics will the focus be on?B family lifeE medical services27-30 地图题:27. Cafe B28. Prison D29. Railway Station I30. Warehouse E
Section 4一句话简介:新西兰教育研究31-40 填空题:31. too much emphasis on getting a qualification32. the government should have less influence33. boys in particular need a new type of school34. children in small schools are happier35. lessons are organized like a meeting36. a boy interested in music set up a business37-38 无39. parents are important in developing children's reading skills40. conclusions: most children are better at relationships回忆8:A类小作文:折线图The charts show infromation about service of a traincompany in October and November 2008大作文:Some people believe that newspaper is the best way to learn about news. While others believe that more effective way is through other media. Discuss both views and give your opinion.回忆9:阅读:Passage one:Mungo Man and Mungo Lady文章大意:关于澳洲考古Mungo项目的不同流派对抗与统一A Jim BowlerB Alan Thorne C Tim Flannery D Rainer Grun, u上面有2个点儿E Richard Roberts and Tim FlanneryF Judith Field and Richard Fullager 1.human didn't originate in one place B2.extinction of megafauna happened in abrief period E3.extinction is because human activity C4.same results don't guaranteevalidity   D5.how old the Mungo man is notimportant   B6.evidence disproves the extinctiontheory F7.an drastic environmental change happenedat the same time humans arrived in AustralisA8.evidence of earliest human culture inAustralia   A判断:9.objects were used to date the Mungoman   TURE10. weapons were found NOT GIVEN11.scientists agree on the age   FLASE12.Thorne studies more than onematerial TRUE13.Bowler criticized Thorne's mathod   TRUE
Passage two:ice for storing food文章大意:WenhamIce 的发展和美国冰公司List of Headings14. iv eye-catching display15. vii unjustified fame16. iii create basic requirement for ice trasport17. ii doubts about transporting ice18.vi hard won success of an ice company19.ix Wenham ice's insignificance in economy20. V new use of ice多选21&22Two things mentioned about the TutorCompanyC one cargo failed to move beyond the dockat firstE it required a lot of time and money atfirst填空:23. unstable ships24.two thirds of ice transported to india25.Norway renamed a lake26.ice is invaluable in storing food firsttransported by railway
Passage three: Termites文章大意:termites 习性研究27.shape? huge chisel blades28. nickname of Australian termites?magnetic termites29.which part of nest during the hottersthour? eastern flank 30.require which due to skin feature? humidatmosphere图片填空,字数要求3个31.insulating 32 hollow buttresses 33gaseous exchange 34 chimneys and flues 35 permanent water table、总结填空:字数要求1个36.antennae to locate next brick. Expelleda small amount of 37 fluid to serve as 38 cement. use jasw to lift 39 moist mudand use 40 head to press回忆10:听力Section 1城市垃圾回收服务答案:1-10:填空题1、collection day: Tuesday2、time to collect the waste: 8:153、thing that cannot be collected: TV4、bags for sorting out the waste can be bought in the: grocery store5、large garbage site can be found on the map via the Internet6、after collection the garbage should be divided into different 2 categories7、before throwing the bottles, people should remove the tables8、egg cartons 专门装鸡蛋的纸壳子9、juice bottles10、pizza boxes
Section 2在邮局给新员工分配工作答案:11-14:配对题给出了三个选项:A. should be done todayB. in a few days laterC. not his responsibility11、receive post —— A12、answering phones —— C13、reading emails —— B14、update data —— A15-20:采购流程题15、authority16、check number17、make a list18、filling order form19、confirm the order contract20、signed delivery note
Section 3一个百年小镇的历史变迁答案:21-24:配对题给出了三个选项:A. Jacqueline will do it onlyB. Robby will do it onlyC. Robby and Jacqueline will do it together21、Who will do research on the Internet? —— C22、Who will do research in the library —— A23、Who will check old materials of the city? —— B24、Who will make interviews with old citizens? —— B25-28:地图题25、cafe / coffee shop —— E26、prison —— B27、railway station —— G28、storage warehouse —— D29-30:多选题29、C,shopping30、E,medicine service
Section 4学校新的教育方法答案:31-40:填空题31、英国学校太注重学生取得 qualification32、教育学家认为 government 不应该过多地干预学校33、教育学家认为 small school 更利于孩子的发展34、学校里的一些课程能教学生开始自己的 business35、学校可以提供机会让学生去参观 university36、新方法导致的结果就是,一个班里学生的 age 会有差异37、教育学家认为 boys 更容易表现得差38、在 Russel School,课堂像一个 meeting39、父母在教室里可以提升学生的 reading 水平40、通过新的尝试,学生们觉得会在 colleges 里表现更好回忆11:阅读Passage 1题目:澳洲考古内容大意:待补充答案:1-8:人名配对题1、B,Alan2、E,Richard and Tim3、C,Tim4、D,Rain5、B,Alan6、F,Judith and Richard7、A,Jim8、A,Jim9-13:是非判断题9、T10、NG11、F12、T13、T
Passage 2题目:19 世纪商业冰块的应用内容大意:待补充答案:14-20:标题配对14、iv15、vii16、iii17、ii18、vi19、ix20、v21-22:选择题21、C22、E23-26:填空题23、unstable24、India25、Norway26、railway
Passage Three题目:白蚁筑巢内容大意:待补充答案:27-30:填空题27、chisel blades28、magnetic termites29、待补充30、humid atmosphere31-35:句子信息填空题31、insulate32、hollow buttresses33、gaseous exchange34、chimneys flues35、待补充36-40:流程图36、antennae37、fluid38、cement39、moist mud40、head回忆12:小作文 类型:折线图The graph gives the information about the performance of a train company in October and November in 2008.大作文Some people believe that newspaper is the best way to learn about news. While others believe that more effective way is through other media. Discuss both views and give your opinion.回忆13:回忆14:


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