2018年2月10日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆请看最下面,欢迎英国欧洲考区、北美考区等考生积极回忆在我们微信504918228,ieltstofel3,ielts2013,QQ504918228,QQ26346059上面2018年2月7日、8日、9日、10日国内外雅思口语真题蹲点回忆汇总请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-236644-1-1.html http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201606/21/085237bludl6ux0gilxglq.png http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201708/21/120446zgi36ls65il6325l.png http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201708/21/120500uhisoim8xh5nmmfh.jpg http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201708/21/120520djjzh9pswpwpb79p.png互动咨询微信:504918228 或 ieltstofel3或 ielts2013或 公共微信:ieltstofel
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2018年2月10日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总回忆1:小作文是饼图 大作文是家庭聚餐的传统在消失 说原因和影响回忆2:写作是the tradition of eating meals with families is disappearing. why? The effects on families and on the society?回忆3:阅读history of pencil,第二篇是讲运动员altitude和比赛成绩的,第三篇planet 回忆4: 地图题 作文是饼图和tradition family get together to eat meals is disappearing. why? effects回忆5:听力回忆:
Section1: 小孩买礼物
Section2: 地图动物园
Section3: energy相关
Section4: 自行车历史
第一篇:history of pencil(铅笔的历史)文章大意:铅笔是由一次极端的天气,树被闪电劈坏了,人们在根部找到了一种物质,就是石墨,可以留下黑色的痕迹。开始是牧羊人用它给羊做记号。后来意大利人发明了外层用木头包裹石墨制成铅笔,后来德国人开始铅笔的大规模制造,而法国人发明了用两片木头把石墨夹在中间的制作方法。铅笔的军事用途,可以用在炮弹中,政府开始保护石墨矿。铅笔后来的发展:人们发现石墨加入粘土,可以使痕迹更加清晰(HB)。关于铅笔广泛流传的传说,比如美国和俄罗斯的宇航员一次上太空就用铅笔,而现在太空已经不适用铅笔了,人们的生活也出现了其他的笔。但铅笔的产业不会没落,因为在绘画和简单记录中还是有用途的P1: how graphite was foundP2: the early use of graphiteP3: graphite used in military andcontrolled by the governmentP4: earliest pencilP5: how HB system was appliedP6: pencils used in the early spaceresearch
Lead pencils, of course, contain no lead. The writing medium is graphite, a form of carbon. Writing instruments made from sticks cut from high quality natural graphite mined at Cumberland in England and wrapped in string or inserted in wooden tubes came into use around 1560. The term "black lead pencil" was in use by 1565.By 1662, pencils were produced in Nuremberg, in what is now Germany, apparently by gluing sticks of graphite into cases assembled from two pieces of wood. By the early 18th century, wood-cased pencils that did not require the high quality graphite available only in England were produced in Nuremberg with cores made by mixing graphite, sulfur and various binding agents. These German pencils were inferior to English pencils, which continued to be made with sticks cut from natural graphite into the 1860s.The 1855 catalog of Waterlow & Sons, London, offered "Pure Cumberland Lead Pencils."
In 1795, French chemist Nicholas Jacques Conté received a patent for the modern process for making pencil leads by mixing powdered graphite and clay, forming sticks, and hardening them in a furnace. According to Petroski (pp. 70-71), "the brittle ceramic leads…were inserted in wooden cases of a modified design, one used by some early German pencil makers to encase their sulfur-and-graphite leads. The piece of wood into which the leads were placed has a groove about twice as deep as the thickness of the rod of lead. A slat of wood was then glued in over the lead to completely fill the groove, and the pencil was ready to be finished to the desired exterior shape."
In the U.S., wood-cased lead pencils were produced in the Boston area by William Munroe beginning in 1812. Munroe’s cores were made from dried graphite paste and were not hardened in a furnace. Between the early 1820s and 1850s there were several small pencil makers near Boston, including William Munroe, John Thoreau, Joseph Dixon, and Benjamin Ball. Munroe, of Concord, MA, exhibited lead pencils at of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanical Association in and around Boston in 1837, 1839, and 1841.Thoreau and then John Thoreau & Son, also of Concord, MA, exhibited their pencils at these exhibitions in 1837 and 1844. The pencils they produced were inferior to those made in England from natural graphite and in France and Austria using the Conté process. The photograph to the right shows a bundle of pencils manufactured by Ball.Holden & Cutter, Boston, MA, advertised French and English lead pencils c. 1840-60; Grigg & Elliot, Philadelphia, PA, advertised lead pencils c. 1850-60; John W. Clothier, Philadelphia, PA, advertised Faber's, Guttknecht, and Brookman & Lagdon's lead pencils c. 1858. (Hagley Museum and Library)
In 1847, Dixon set up a new factory just outside New York City that used graphite to manufacture crucibles for melting metals, polish for cast iron stoves, and, on a limited scale, pencils. However, most lead pencils sold in the U.S. were still imported from Europe, increasingly from Germany as the quality of German pencils improved with adoption of the Conté process. In 1861, Eberhard Faber set up a factory in New York that made pencils using leads from Germany, and in 1862 pencils made by another New York company, the Eagle Pencil Co., won an award in London.The American Lead Pencil Co. and the Joseph Dixon Crucible Co. started making lead pencils in 1865 and 1872, respectively. (Supplement to Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th ed., Vol. 4, 1889)
Mass production of lead pencils began in the U.S. after the Civil War. During 1864-67, several patents were granted for machinery for making lead pencils , including a Dixon wood planing machine for shaping pencils that produced 132 pencils per minute. U.S. production of pencils was encouraged by the import tariff of 1865 as well as increasing demand, and the four companies that were the principal manufacturers of lead pencils throughout the latter 19th century and early 20th century—the Eagle Pencil Co., Eberhard Faber, the American Lead Pencil Co., and the Joseph Dixon Crucible Co.—all set up or expanded pencil factories in the New York/New Jersey area.
American Lead Pencil Company, 1872
According to Petroski (p. 169), "The demand for pencils seems to have been growing at an unprecedented rate at the time, and in the early 1870s it was estimated that over 20 million pencils were being consumed in the United States each year." In 1887, a Dixon Crucible ad stated:
In 1868 we commenced building machinery for making lead pencils, and on November 18, 1872, we shipped the first invoice of one gross to Voorhees Bros., Morristown, N. J. Now our sales are beyond what our wildest expectations were then. We began in a building 25 x 25, with four or five hands, and now use one hundred thousand square feet of floor space and employ four hundred hands. In the beginning we had only three or four kinds for business and school uses; now we make hundreds of different kinds for business offices, schools, drawing classes, artists, architects, and mechanical draughtsmen, besides making a large variety of pen-holders, point protectors, slate pencils, artist’s cases, special leads, assortment boxes, erasive rubbers, etc., etc.
In 1878, Charles J. Cohen, Philadelphia, PA, advertised Dixon American Graphite lead pencils. By 1891, Dixon Crucible was issuing stock certificates. In 1892, Dixon Crucible alone manufactured more than 30 million pencils. Petroski (p. 182) reports that "One observer, writing in 1894, noted that in twenty years the cost of pencils had been reduced by 50 percent, at least in part because of the invention of machinery such as that used by Dixon.". Petroski (p. 205) reports an estimate that in 1912 U.S. and world production of pencils were 750 million and two billion pencils, respectively.
答案:14. tree15. sheep16. strings17. government18. steal19. grease20. TRUE21. NOT GIVEN22. FALSE23. TRUE24. NOT GIVEN25. TRUE26. FALSE
第三篇:planet formation回忆7:听力的话section1是玩具,section2是地图题,布里斯班动物园,section3好像是两个人在讨论科技,第四个是单车回忆8:阅读:铅笔历史 sports运动员精神 天文回忆9:听力Section 1 玩具Section 2 关于澳洲一家动物园的介绍11. Monkey Zone – A12. Insects – C13. *****14. Snake House – F15. Kangaroo Area – B16. Tiger – H17. Zone evening – A Prize/award winner18. Artist festival – F Restart this year19. Zoo twilight – B Occur annually20. Birthday gale – C Have a free toy
Section 3 21世纪新发明的讨论21. energy harvest – G Used in smallelectric equipment22. thin film solar panel – F Can bemanufactured economically23. sport shoes – C Technology from space24. wind turbine – A Meets energy demandglobally25. hi-tech fruit package – D Improve theirquality26. electric sport car – B Betterappearacnce27. A store the seeds and kept them stable28. C countries that buried seeds in them29. A he has limited knowledge30. C money can be used in better ways
Section 4 自行车的历史31. faster and requires less effort than walking32. 1860s 33. rubber tyres/go much further34. for smoother ride35. a chain36. it’s safer than precious models37. still uncomfortable to ride becausethe wheels are too small38. rate of speed39. key pedal which help go downhill40. loads can be carried over the backwheel回忆10:澳洲场听力S1是讲一个买礼物送给她的侄子。 S2是布里斯班动物园的地图题。 S3讲的是两个学生在讨论他们准备要做的technology presentation. S4 讲的是history of bicyle大作文是: some people think that high taxes are necessary that government can have enough money to provide good public services, but some disagree. Disscuss both views and give your own opinions回忆11:香港 作文1是静态图 两种学生对it support offed 和 current opening hours的态度 Quite not at all very 作文2 是一起吃饭的传统消失 原因 对社会家庭的影响回忆12: