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2018年1月6日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总回忆1:澳洲 写作A,task1, 折线图, task2, 运动 team有益还是individual sport有益,给出你的观点回忆2:澳洲: 大作文 play sports in a team VS individual sport~ Discuss both and give your own opinion回忆3:A类 小作文三根线图 分析打电话写邮件和个人咨询旅游的问题 大作文团体运动比如足球受益多还是个人运动比如游泳网球受益多 听力第一部分买床第二部分草莓工厂选择加地图第三部分分析实验报告   第四部分可持续发展阅读第一篇意大利的建筑师第二篇英国小丑?文化的发展第三篇字典地标回忆4:大作文 Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams like football while other people think that take part in individual sports is better like swimming .discuss boss and give your own opinion小作文 线图   三根线图 分析打电话写邮件和个人咨询旅游的问题 回忆5:听力 s1家具 s2草莓园 s3化学实验 s4可持续发展回忆6:听力:
第一部分 买床
第二部分 草莓工厂
第三部分 分析实验报告
第四部分 可持续发展

第一篇 意大利的建筑师
第二篇 英国小丑?文化的发展
第三篇 字典地标

小作文:线图 分析打电话写邮件和个人咨询旅游的问题
大作文:Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams like football while other people think that take part in individual sports is better like swimming .discuss boss and give your own opinion回忆7: 澳洲阅读:
Passage 1: Palladio architect   意大利建筑师AVicenza is a pleasant, prosperous city in the Veneto, 60km west of Venice. Its grand families settled and farmed the area from the 16th century. But its principal claim to fame is Andrea Palladio, who is such an influential architect that a neoclassical style is known as Palladian. The city is a permanent exhibition of some of his finest buildings, and as he was born—in Padua, to be precise—500 years ago, the International Centre for the Study of Palladio’s Architecture has an excellent excuse for mounting la grande mostra, the big show.BThe exhibition has the special advantage of being held in one of Palladio’s buildings, Palazzo Barbaran da Porto. Its bold fagade is a mixture of rustication and decoration set between two rows of elegant columns. On the second floor the pediments are alternately curved or pointed, a Palladian trademark. The harmonious proportions of the atrium at the entrance lead through to a dramatic interior of fine fireplaces and painted ceilings. Palladio’s design is simple, clear and not over-crowded. The show has been organised on the same principles, according to Howard Burns, the architectural historian who co-curated it.CPalladio’s father was a miller who settled in Vicenza, where the young Andrea was apprenticed to a skilled stonemason. How did a humble miller’s son become a world renowned architect? The answer in the exhibition is that, as a young man, Palladio excelled at carving decorative stonework on columns, doorways and fireplaces. He was plainly intelligent, and lucky enough to come across a rich patron, Gian Giorgio Trissino, a landowner and scholar, who organised his education, taking him to Rome in the 1540s, where he studied the masterpieces of classical Roman and Greek architecture and the work of other influential architects of the time, such as Donato Bramante and Raphael.DBurns argues that social mobility was also important. Entrepreneurs, prosperous from agriculture in the Veneto, commissioned the promising local architect to design their country villas and their urban mansions. In Venice the aristocracy were anxious to co-opt talented artists, and Palladio was given the chance to design the buildings that have made him famous —the churches of San Giorgio Maggiore and the Redentore, both easy to admire because they can be seen from the city’s historical centre across a stretch of water.EHe tried his hand at bridges— his unbuilt version of the Rialto Bridge was decorated with the large pediment and columns of a temple— and, after a fire at the Ducal Palace, he offered an alternative design which bears an uncanny resemblance to the Banqueting House in Whitehall in London. Since it was designed by Inigo Jones, Palladio’s first foreign disciple, this is not as surprising as it sounds.FJones, who visited Italy in 1614, bought a trunk full of the master’s architectural drawings; they passed through the hands of the Dukes of Burlington and Devonshire before settling at the Royal Institute of British Architects in 1894. Many are now on display at Palazzo Barbaran. What they show is how Palladio drew on the buildings of ancient Rome as models. The major theme of both his rural and urban building was temple architecture, with a strong pointed pediment supported by columns and approached by wide steps.GPalladio’s work for rich landowners alienates Palladio’s work for rich landowners alienatesunreconstructed critics on the Italian left, but among the papers in the show are designs for cheap housing in Venice. In the wider world, Palladio’s reputation has been nurtured by a text he wrote and illustrated, “Quattro Libri dell’ Architettura”. His influence spread to St Petersburg and to Charlottesville in Virginia, where Thomas Jefferson commissioned a Palladian villa he called Monticello.HVicenza’s show contains detailed models of the major buildings and is leavened by portraits of Palladio’s teachers and clients by Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto; the paintings of his Venetian buildings are all by Canaletto, no less. This is an uncompromising exhibition; many of the drawings are small and faint, and there are no sideshows for children, but the impact of harmonious lines and satisfying proportions is to impart in a viewer a feeling of benevolent calm. Palladio is history’s most therapeutic architect.I“Palladio, 500 Anni: La Grande Mostra” is at Palazzo Barbaran da Porto, Vicenza, until January 6th 2009. The exhibition continues at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, from January 31st to April 13th, and travels afterwards to Barcelona and Madrid。答案:
8. Stonemason
9. Gian Giorgio Trissino
10. Inigo Jones
11. Temple
12. Quattro Libri dell’s Architettura
13. Benevolent clam
Passage 2:英国小丑文化发展
Passage 3: language and landscapes
回忆8: 亚太卷听力
Section 1
1. 140
2. 265
3. natural
4. light
5. glass
6. drawer
7. Rogala
8. GX368PE
9. morning
10. garage
Section 4
31. confusion
32. generations
33. environment
34. rights
35. living
36. time
37. accept
38. roads
39. corn
40. diet



雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2018-1-6 10:47:36

澳洲 写作A小作文 line, 大作文 individual sports VS team sports, both views
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查看完整版本: 2018年1月6日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题
