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2017年12月16日大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题+答案+回忆蹲点回忆1:小作文是折线图,health、education、roads and railways从2000到2025在国家GDP消费比例的变化。大作文是social networking sites have a huge impact on both individual and society,to what extent do you agree回忆2:阅读:nature pattern 还有一个测智商 还有一个是发明东西的回忆3:s1 3834 holidays home welcome 48 water transportation studio deposit references S2 free of charge是什么啊 S2匹配第一个是当地的东西,第二个忘掉了 然后中间的是edible和lawn alternative 最后那个是design?s4 immune irrigationchildrenorganic 还有啥 自己写的都忘了回忆4:第一篇natural pattern第二篇测智商 里面有提到一个给小孩做智商测试的实验 大致是说测智商的不确定性 第三篇开头段落匹配+给图填空+TF 大致是说交流方式 中间用蚂蚁交流举了例子 图上画的就是蚂蚁交流的三个圈 回忆5:s1交通尼泊尔什么的,s2智力,s3蚂蚁吞拿鱼回忆6:阅读一填空.charity ,markets, daily tasks,technology, standard rubber,family member,joining mechanism, cover 阅读三填空 ants, nest,core,回忆7:阅读 Passage1:nature patternPassage2:智商测试的不确定性Passage3:交流方式相关(heading+填空+判断)回忆8:听力s1租房询问房到类型和价格版本二:
s2 花园保护版本二:
s3男女生讨论课程话题: 选课场景, a man and a woman arediscussing a lecture which the man had been to but the woman hadn't
21.feedback... photocopy of ***
22.the lecturers will give ahandout
23.what does the woman think is important?
A.topic relevant part
24.what does the man think is hardest?
B. understanding theory
25.why does the lecturer think make some notes briefly when you arereading a passage is important?
C.go back for reference
on the left are the subjects, on the right are the choices
26.statistic of social science 选 be helpful for mathematics
27.quentities method 选 practical examples
28.(pure) mathematics 选 take less time thanother courses
29.basic of economics 选 the last year students
30.dissertation planning 选 good tutor 版本二:
s4新西兰植物31-40填空题:31. beneficial for the immune system32. to prevent flu33. effective to children34. The flowers of the Echinacea are are used by North American35. due to different climate of the area36. sandin the soil37. irrigation system38.D estroy weeds39. Dry rootsof dead plant40.Use the bottle with sign on to show itis organic 回忆9: 听力
Section 1
1. 3834
2. holidays
3. home welcome
4. flexible
5. Studio
6. 68
7. water
8. transportation
9. deposit
10. references
Section 2
11. C trimming branches guidance
12. D set pocket lady bugs free
13. A cafe
14. D gift shops
15. C native plants
16. can store water
17. edible plants
18. alternative to your lawns
19. organic fertiliser
20. unified design
Section 3
21. photocopy
22. handout
23. A the topic relevant-part in the material
24. B understanding theory
25. C can go back for reference in the future
26. D
27. F
28. A
29. C
30. B
Section 4
31. immune
32. flu
33. children
34. flowers
35. climate
36. sand
37. irrigation
38. weeds
39. roots
40. organic
回忆10:小作文:折线图 The graph below shows the change in proportion of GDP in three areas in a particular country between 2000 and 2020.

大作文:Some people think that social networking sites have a huge negative impact on both individual and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?回忆11:阅读Passage1: 郊区交通
3.not given
7.daily tasks

Passage2: IQ测试
Passage3: 群体移动模式回忆12:阅读Passage One   题目:Practice action文章大意:发展中国家的交通发展,不同时期不同的车辆判断41. Those policy makers have a better knowledge about transport difficulties in poor areas. false2. Moto vehicles are increasing in rural areas. TRUE3. Agricultural equipment. NOT GIVEN4.Journey of trade. TRUE填空45. Type: charity6. Markets easily7. Daily tasks quickly8. Puts people rather than technology流程图59. 轮胎made of standard+名词10. Seat for patients11. Cushions for comfort12. Adj+ mechanisms to link13. Special cover
Passage Two   题目:giftness and intelligence文章大意:IQ测试的局限性,科学家进行了不同的实验,但是现有的用途都不太符合原有目的,人们应该更多的重视能力而不只是IQA In 1904 the French minister of education, facing limited resources for schooling, sought a way to separate the unable from the merely lazy. alfred binet got the job of devising selection principles and his brilliant solution put a stamp on the study of intelligence and was the forerunner of intelligence tests still used today, he developed a thirty-problem test in 1905, which tapped several abilities related to intellect, such as judgment and reasoning, the test determined a given child's mental age'. the test previously established a norm for children of a given physical age. (for example, five-year-olds on average get ten items correct), therefore, a child with a mental age of five should score 10, which would mean that he or she was functioning pretty much as others of that age. the child's mental age was then compared to his physical age. B. A large disparity in the wrong direction (e.g., a child of nine with a mental age of four) might suggest inability rather than laziness and mean he or she was earmarked for special schooling, binet, however, denied that the test was measuring intelligence, its purpose was simply diagnostic, for selection only. This message was however lost, and caused many problems and misunderstanding later. C. Although binet's test was popular, it was a bit inconvenient to deal with a variety of physical and mental ages. so in 1912 wilhelm stern suggested simplifying this by reducing the two to a single number, he divided the mental age by the physical age, and multiplied the result by 100. an average child, irrespective of age, would score 100. a number much lower than 100 would suggest the need for help, and one much higher would suggest a child well ahead of his peer. D.This measurement is what is now termed the IQ (for intelligence quotient) score and it has evolved to be used to show how a person, adult or child, performed in relation to others. (the term IQ was coined by Lewis m. terman, professor of psychology and education of Stanford university, in 1916. he had constructed an enormously influential revision of binet's test, called the stanford-binet test, versions of which are still given extensively.) E. The field studying intelligence and developing tests eventually coalesced into a sub-field of psychology called psychometrics (psycho for ‘mind' and metrics for 'measurements'). the practical side of psychometrics (the development and use of tests) became widespread quite early, by 1917, when einstein published his grand theory of relativity, mass-scale testing was already in use. F. Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare (which led to the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915) provoked the United States to finally enter the First World War in the same year. The military had to build up an army very quickly; it had two million inductees to sort out. Who would become officers and who enlisted men? Psychometricians developed two intelligence tests that helped sort all these people out, at least to some extent, this was the first major use of testing to decide who lived and who died, as officers were a lot safer on the battlefield, the tests themselves were given under horrendously bad conditions, and the examiners seemed to lack commonsense, a lot of recruits simply had no idea what to do and in several sessions most inductees scored zero! the examiners also came up with the quite astounding conclusion from the testing that the average American adult's intelligence was equal to that of a thirteen-year-old! G. Nevertheless, the ability for various authorities to classify people on scientifically justifiable premises was too convenient and significant to be dismissed lightly, so with all good astounding intentions and often over enthusiasm, society's affinity for psychological testing proliferated. H. Back in Europe, sir cyril burt, professor of psychology at university college London from 1931 to 1950, was a prominent figure for his contribution to the field, he was a firm advocate of intelligence testing and his ideas fitted in well with English cultural ideas of elitism, a government committee in 1943 used some @ of burt's ideas in devising a rather primitive typology on children's intellectual behavior, all were tested at age eleven, the top 15 or 20 per cent went to grammar schools with good teachers and a fast pace of work to prepare for the few university places available a lot of very bright working-class children, who otherwise would never have, made it to grammar schools and universities. I. The system for the rest was however disastrous these children attended lesser secondary or technical schools and faced the prospect of eventual education oblivion, they felt like dumb failures, having been officially branded as such be science, and their motivation to study naturally plummeted, it was not until 1974 that the public education system was finally reformed. (Nowadays it is believed that burt has fabricated a lot of his data; having an obsession that intelligence is largely genetic, he apparently made up twin studies, which supported this idea, at the same time inventing two co-workers who were supposed to have gathered the results.) J. Intelligence testing enforced political and social prejudice, their results were used to argue that Jews ought to be kept out of the united states because they were so intelligently inferior that they would pollute the racial mix; and blacks ought not to be allowed to breed at all. And so abuse and test bias controversies continued to plaque psychometrics. K. Measurement is fundamental to science and technology, science often advances in leaps and bounds when measurement devices improve, psychometrics has long tried to develop ways to gauge psychological qualities such as intelligence and more specific abilities, anxiety, extroversion, emotional stability, compatibility, with marriage partner, and so on. Their scores are often given enormous weight, a single IQ measurement can take on a life of its own if teachers and parents see it as definitive, it became a major issue in the 70s, when court cases were launched to stop anyone from making important decisions based on IQ test scores, the main criticism was and still is that current tests don't really measure intelligence, whether intelligence can be measured at all is still controversial, some say it cannot others say that IQ tests are psychology's greatest accomplishments
段落细节配对3:14. Dmythology of Binet’s test15. E intelligence was regarded as a single factor16. G reasons for IQ test单选417.文章作者的purpose——IQ测试的limitation18. 发明IQ测试的目的——测试出同年龄段表现不太好需要特殊帮助的19. 测试focus on哪个方面A reading skill B mathematic skill C 根据年纪 D people from different social background have different results 判断620.Recent study是怎么考量IQ的——把IQ作为个separate element在不同环境下考虑21.只能在巴黎学校使用NG 22.IQ test 也被 army 用在 different purposeYES23.IQ其实是不能按照一个固定的因素去测量的YES24.测试学生的时候应该从学习能力和技能来测试,不仅仅是intelligence YES25.待补充26. 待补充版本二:第一题:给了段落大意选段落1:explanation of the methodology of R2: intelligence的什么来着3:inaccuracy of intelligence选择题1:purpose of the passage-limitation of iq2: 分组按照年龄干嘛-测iqyes or no or not givenB think iq can,t be measured-yesB是个chemist-not givenB的方法被用于军事-yesIq can be measured as other characteristics-no应该测小孩的学习能力而不是iq-yes40-summaryiq的limitation
Passage Three题目:pattern of nature文章大意:不同的动物在面临不同的路径时如何避免碰撞,讲了蚂蚁的排列标题727-33.待补充填空434 ants35 pattern (   )36 ()circulation判断338. NOT GIVEN39. TRUE40. FALSE

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