2017年11月11日托福听说读写真题答案回忆蹲点汇总+解析请看最下面欢迎美国、加拿大等北美托福考区和其它托福考区的考生积极回忆在我们微信:504918228, ieltstofel3,ielts2013,或者QQ504918228,QQ26346059上面 http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201606/14/211539zgeb598rjq9o9r8b.png http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201708/26/222840alc5ht6hlf1g9gll.png http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201708/26/222849sojg3qjkcp0jz0sj.jpg http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/data/attachment/forum/201606/14/211545as5e2423n5439344.jpg互动咨询微信:504918228 或 ieltstofel3或 ielts2013 或托福公共微信:tofelielts
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快速提高20到60分:TOEFL CPU托福考试真题题库答案和最新每一场托福考试预测答案范文机经说明http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-231387-1-1.html
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托福全球网2017年11月18日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经终结版本-2017年11月18日托福听力口语写作阅读精准小范围预测答案最终版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速加分】TOFEL Prediction -2017年11月18日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准终极版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 20172017年11月18日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准最后版-2017年11月18日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-235961-1-1.html
托福全球网2017年11月25日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经终结版本-2017年11月25日托福听力口语写作阅读精准小范围预测答案最终版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速加分】TOFEL Prediction -2017年11月25日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准终极版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 20172017年11月25日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准最后版-2017年11月25日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-235962-1-1.html
托福全球网2017年11月26日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经终结版本-2017年11月26日托福听力口语写作阅读精准小范围预测答案最终版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速加分】TOFEL Prediction -2017年11月26日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准终极版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 20172017年11月26日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准最后版-2017年11月26日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-235963-1-1.html
托福全球网2017年12月2日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经终结版本-2017年12月2日托福听力口语写作阅读精准小范围预测答案最终版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速加分】TOFEL Prediction -2017年12月2日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准终极版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 20172017年12月2日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准最后版-2017年12月2日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-235964-1-1.html
托福全球网2017年12月10日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经终结版本-2017年12月10日托福听力口语写作阅读精准小范围预测答案最终版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速加分】TOFEL Prediction -2017年12月10日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准终极版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 20172017年12月10日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准最后版-2017年12月10日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-235965-1-1.html
托福全球网2017年12月16日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经终结版本-2017年12月16日托福听力口语写作阅读精准小范围预测答案最终版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速加分】TOFEL Prediction -2017年12月16日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准终极版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 20172017年12月16日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准最后版-2017年12月16日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-235966-1-1.html
托福全球网2017年12月17日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经终结版本-2017年12月17日托福听力口语写作阅读精准小范围预测答案最终版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速加分】TOFEL Prediction -2017年12月17日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准终极版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 20172017年12月17日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准最后版-2017年12月17日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-235967-1-1.html
托福IBT全球网 2018年1月份托福考试真题预测答案范文机经-2018年1月6日,1月13日,1月27日,1月28日托福听力口语写作阅读精准小范围预测答案最终版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速加分】TOFEL Prediction -2018年1月份托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准终极版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 20172018年1月份托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准最后版-2018年1月份托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-235729-1-1.html
托福IBT全球网 2018年2月4日托福考试真题预测答案范文机经-2018年2月托福听力口语写作阅读精准小范围预测答案最终版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速加分】TOFEL Prediction -2018年2月份托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准终极版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 20172018年2月份托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准最后版-2018年2月份托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-235730-1-1.html
托福IBT全球网 2018年3月份托福考试真题预测答案范文机经-2018年3月3日,3月10日,3月11日,3月24日,3月31日托福听力口语写作阅读精准小范围预测答案最终版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速加分】TOFEL Prediction -2018年3月份托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案范文精准终极版【托福TOFEL CPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU,TOFEL 20172018年3月份托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准最后版-2018年3月份托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【托福全球网,托福新成功TOFEL CPU资料】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPU请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-235731-1-1.html
2017年11月11日托福听说读写真题答案回忆蹲点汇总+解析回忆1:➤ Writing 1不理解埃及人停止修建金字塔的原因【阅读】修建金字塔的的技术很成熟;资金充足;为了保护法老和财物,还是有一些小的金字塔出现。【听力】反驳气温变化大使金字塔容易被破坏,但是埃及人不知道怎么防止;大量的钱被各级统治者分走,法老能支配的变少了;经常有窃贼去金字塔偷盗,所以金字塔建小了比较隐蔽。
➤ Writing 2父母是否应该给孩子零花钱?回忆2:口语➤ Task 1三选一,小区里修建哪种设施有利于孩子的成长科技中心;体育中心;艺术中心。➤ Task 2两种管理者二选一:1.频繁监督员工;2.让员工放手去做,偶尔检查一下。➤ Task 3【阅读】学校要停止time management program。【听力】女生不同意。1. 有很多同学感兴趣,只是还在等待;2. 以后再开设的话现在遇到问题的同学就很难找到解决方案了。➤ Task 4【术语】facilitator,环境遭破坏后某种生物会出现并且改善生存条件。【举例】海里的石头翻过来露出光滑的一面,一种植物的根系可以吸附在石头上面,为其他生物提供了生存环境。➤ Task 5【问题】女生要找自己的朋友去剧院,但是路上堵车了。【方案】1.换一条路,但是手机信号不好容易迷路;2.坐火车,可以很快到达,但是火车票比较贵。➤ Task 6solar road 的两个好处。1.根据天气情况调节路面;2.储存太阳能给车充电。回忆3:阅读1.珊瑚礁(coral reef )2.物种灭绝的原因3.工业革命:蒸汽动力对工业工人的影响4.Atwater的食物监测,三种物质的含量消化量5.冰川的移动以及冰川水的循环 6.平原上的食草动物组成的放牧系统7.氮气的固定8.热带雨林里的树很难确认品种9.非洲古代艺术时间测定10.生物多样性,地理隔离回忆4:听力Conversation1.和生物教授聊天,考试没有考好2.图书管理员问能不能带朋友去一个历史展览3.电磁4.关于拍摄视频申请5.女生找老师换题目,不想写回忆录,想写自传6.天文系男子借历史书籍
Lecture1.生物(biology)2.儿童文学3.艺术4.建筑历史5.风力发电机,他介绍了一种革新的发电机6.一个摄影流派,手法借助于印象画派7.是美国法律体系,国家层面和州层面的冲突和变化8.一种猫头鹰锁定猎物的方式9.间歇泉(geyser)如何形成和喷发10.美国机场建造史回忆5:口语Task 1三选一修建设施,你认为哪种有利于孩子的发展?technology workshopathletic workshoparts and crafts workshopTask2要不要监督员工两类管理者:一种经常监督(supervise)员工一种让员工自己干自己的偶尔审查Task3学校想取消 time management workshop,因为大家不感兴趣,这个学期太忙,挪到下个学期。女生反对,大家其实感兴趣,只不过没有来得及报名,大家现在就有烦恼要解决,不该拖到以后举办Task4过渡物种,帮助其他生物更好地适应环境的物种。当某块栖息地被破坏后,某种生物出现在这里,使得环境是适合后来生物居住的,例子:褐藻(brown algaes)Task5要去接朋友但路很堵 ,两种方法:一是换条路开,但是手机信号不好,容易迷路一种是坐火车,火车离得近,但是贵Task6太阳能道路(solar road)技术的优势:融冰电能回忆6:独立写作:该不该给孩子零花钱
综合写作:为啥埃及人有技术、金钱、动机但是不再修金字塔了呢?文章:埃及人停止建金字塔 ,但不能理解为啥不修建:1.technology有技术2.plenty wealth and resources他们有丰富的财富和资源3.religious宗教原因,他们觉得金字塔可以保护法老的身体和财物
听力主要观点提取总论点:埃及放弃修建金字塔并不是很难理解的。分论点一:虽然有足够的知识经验修建金字塔,但是埃及修建金字塔气候条件不好,昼夜温差特别大,白天温度可高达40摄氏度,晚上最低3摄氏度。在这样的气候条件下,修建金字塔的岩石容易受到侵蚀,金字塔很容易被摧毁,所以埃及人放弃了修建金字塔。分论点二:最初,埃及的国王掌控着很多财富,所以他们有钱修建金字塔。但是,后期的时候,埃及的国王将财富与local rules分享,所以就没有足够的钱用来为自己修建金字塔了。分论点三:埃及人发现金字塔里面的东西经常被盗,所以他们意识到最安全的还是将国王的遗体和财物放到更小的,不太引人注意的建筑里回忆8: 一篇天文学听力讲座[2014-04-27真题]
今天A卷听力一篇天文学讲座,讲的是星云(nebula)。这次专业词汇如果听不懂,影响会很大。这篇讲座提到三种星云,发射星云(Emission Nebula),反射星云(Reflection Nebula)和黑星云(Dark Nebula)。
1.What does the professor mainly discuss?
A basis for classifying types of nebulae
2.What point does the professor make about Orion’s sword?
It contains a nebula that looks like a star to the naked eye.
3.What does the professor say about the origin of the Crab Nebula?
It was created by an exploding star.
提醒注意的是:灰色字体已经提醒考生,有一个答案选项是不需要选(One of the answer choices will not be used)的。不知道今天考到这篇的考生有没有困惑。
5. What is a typical characteristic of dark nebulae?
The dust and gas they contain are too dense to let light through.
6. Why does the professor say this:
“It can be seen with the naked eye. Not from here. You can’t see from here so far north.”
To clarify his previous statement
第一个人,亚里士多德(Aristotle),是这个思想的提出者。第二个人,John Locke,他推广(popularize)了这个思想,使之被家长和学校广泛接受。第三个人,John Newberry,他是这个思想真正的实践者,他出版了很多寓教于乐的儿童文学作品。
1.What aspect of eighteenth-century England does the professor mainly discuss?
Important ideas behind the emergence of children’s literature
2.What point is the professor making when she mentions Barbara Follett’s book The House Without Windows?
Children’s literature has been defined in a variety of ways.
3.What fundamental idea about childhood did John Locke promote?
Children acquire their ideas primarily through appropriate experiences.
4.What point does the professor make when she mentions the Greek philosopher Aristotle?
Locke’s ideas about educating children were not entirely his own.
5.What was Locke’s opinion about fairy tales?
They have a largely negative impact on children.
6.What was the main message of John Newbery’s first successful children’s book?
Study hard to ensure your financial success.
回忆9:口语第1题三个版本文字答案Your local community center wants to add some new workshops or programs for children which of the following do you think would be most beneficial for children’s development?- Arts craft workshop- Technology workshop- Athletic programs
1) Among all three workshops and programs, I believe that the art craft workshop will be the most influential for children’s development for two reasons. First, it is usually easier for children to cultivate their talent in art at a younger stage since most children are extremely creative when they are little. Such creativity is critical for learning and appreciating art and could gradually decrease as time goes by. Therefore, it is the best to offer such an opportunity to utilize their advantages. Also, it is important to be able to develop their own taste in art. Art is like a language and with it, children will be able to express and perceive emotions in a different way.
2) Among all three workshops and programs, I believe that the technology workshop will be the most influential for children’s development for two reasons. First, when children are little, they remain high curiosity to everything around them and have strong aspiration to knowledge. Therefore, it will be the best to offer them such source to help them with learning. Secondly, if they develop an interest in science and technology in an early stage, they are more likely to keep that interest when they grow up and they might choose to major in or even pursue a career in it.
3) Among all three workshops and programs, I believe that the athletic programs will be the most influential for children’s development for three reasons. First, exercising is important for one’s physical wellness and athletic programs will help develop the habit of working out regularly. Plus, athletic programs can help cultivate a lot of valuable traits such as persistence and patience which will benefit children in their future lives. Thirdly, athletic programs, especially team sports, will help children establish intimate relationship with peers while letting them know how to work in a team.回忆10:阅读词汇题Impact of Railroad Transportation in the United States「重复2016.08.27」immense = hugesurge = sudden increasequantify = calculateaccelerated = speeded up
Life in an Estuary「重复2014.12.27」exploit = take advantage ofoptimal = most favorableexcrete = release stationary = fixed
Nitrogen In crops 「重复2017.10.15」constraints on = limitations on appropriate = suitablesustain = continueprofoundly = deeply
Tree Species Identification in Tropical Rain Forests「重复2017.03.11」conspicuous = easily noticed endure = withstand surplus = extratask = job
Glacier Effects「重复2016.12.11」in response to = as a result of depositing = puttingsculpt = shape drastic = very significant
The Evolution of Grass and Herbivores「重复2017.02.18」intact = wholeannual = yearlysubsequent = laterobservation = findingvulnerable = unprotected
The Impact of Industrialization on Labor Systems「重复2016.03.11」components= piecespeak = maximumgradual = slowadapt = adjust
Coral Reef Communities「重复2014.07.06」mechanisms = meansultimately = eventuallykept in check = preventedsecuring = getting回忆11:综合写作话题:埃及人后来为什么不再建大型金字塔。阅读:阅读认为这个问题很难理解,因为埃及人有以下资源:1)建金字塔的技能,代代相传。2)金钱。3)宗教原因。法老依然相信通过金字塔保存尸体可实现再生。听力: 听力认为这个问题一点都不难理解。1)他们有建金字塔的技能,但他们更了解到温差会让石头膨胀、冷缩,让石头裂开。2)金钱方面。因为埃及政治结构的变化,法老要和各区统治者分钱,所以法老自己没有足够的钱建金字塔。3)宗教方面。后期的法老发现之前的金字塔被偷盗,因此为了更好地保存自己的尸体和财物,他们更愿意建更小的不引人注目的金字塔独立写作Parents give their children weekly money to buy whatever they want. Some people think this can cause bad habits and ideas about money in children. Others think the opposite. What’s your opinion?回忆12:口语Task 1 Your local community center wants to add some new workshops or programs for children, which of the following do you think would be most beneficial for children’s development?A. Art craft workshopB. Technology workshopC. Athletic programsTask 2Some managers tend to check worker’s task closely or frequently, while others tend to check them rarely or causally. Which is better for the management ?Task 3 阅读 标题:The university is going to cancel time management program原因: 因为申请的人很少,会打击工作人员的工作积极性,所以决定期中的时候再开放。听力 态度:女生反对原因1:其实想申请的人很多,但是总是会等待快截止的时候才申请,比如她自己就打算申请,但是现在却还没报名。原因2:如果现在提供这个time management program的话会更加有用,因为有很多学生已经遇到时间规划方面的问题了Task 4 阅读 标题:facilitator定义:当某块栖息地被破坏之后,某些生物来到这块地区,使得这里的环境变得适合后来的生物生存。听力例子:brown algae褐藻。海底的石头因为暴风雨而被整个翻了过来,表面很光滑,不适合生物栖息在上面。但是褐藻有很强壮的根部,可以依附在石头上面,这样石头就不那么光滑了。 其他生物就可以依附在上面生长。Task 5 问题: 女生要去另一个城市找她朋友看电影,但是高速路上堵车了。解决方案1:可以用手机导航,从另一条路过去。缺点1:路上手机信号很差,导航可能会失灵,有迷路的可能性。解决方案2:可以坐火车去。缺点2: 火车票太贵了。Task 6 话题:solar road 的两个好处。要点1:可以根据天气的变化自动调节路面。要点2:可以用储存的太阳能给汽车充电,减少汽油对环境的污染回忆13:听力Conversation 1话题分类:学生和工作人员内容回忆:女生去athletic center,想make a film。工作人员告诉她需要被拍摄者签consent form; 还需要manager签request form,需3个工作日处理。女生说她下周就要交film, 时间紧迫。男士说如果他亲自拿着表格让经理签名,经理可能会灵活处理早点签。男士还问女生是她一个人来拍还是和别人一块,非本校学生进入center要收钱。女生觉得要收费有点诧异,但她的2个搭档都是该校学生,所以也就无所谓Conversation 2 话题分类:学生和教授内容回忆:女生和creative writing professor的对话。教授留的作业是让大家写memoir回忆录。女生说她的人生回忆都是很可怕的事情,能不能写成关于其他人的人物传记biography。教授说他让大家写回忆录的目的主要是让大家体验不同的genre写作风格,并且相信女生能写好。之后澄清了memoir和autobiography之间的不同,并举例说明。女生听明白之后,就清楚自己的memoir怎么写了。Lecture 1标题: US government 美国政府内容回忆:美国政府有2种形式: Dual government双重政府federal government联邦政。2种政府不断有冲突。但是美国的宪法中并未清楚规定政府的职能,这也正式宪法拟定者的目的,这样才能有灵活性。当有冲突时,Supreme Court进行裁决。前期, 裁决比较倾向与federal government, 并且举出了2个例子。但后期,更侧重cooperative government。发生变化的原因是美国的经济发展:州际间的依赖增强;经济大萧条时期,州政府已无力处理相应的问题。Lecture 2标题:Barn owls的独特狩猎能力内容回忆:Barn owls能在夜间狩猎,甚至能在黑暗中抓住一片树叶?为什么它们能这样做? Barn owls的脸有facial disk(后文讲到有利于声波传播)。还有它们的耳朵和人类的不一样,不是对称地分布在头部的两侧,这样让它们在黑暗中让有敏锐的听觉。猎物在远处时,声波会在不同的时间传到2只耳朵,当猎物在附近时,2只耳朵收到的声波的时间是一样的,此时,Barn owl就可以,顺便借助视力,出手抓猎物了。Lecture 3标题:wind turbine风力涡轮机内容回忆:教授先复习了上节课所讲的一种wind turbine风力涡轮机(propeller turbines螺旋桨涡轮机),引出今天要讲的另一种wind turbine风力涡轮机: vertical turbines,并讲述了该种涡轮机的好处。 Vertical turbines 可以利用各种风速;比起propeller turbines, vertical turbines之间的间隔较小,占用空间小,在居住区和城市里内可使用。通过研究鱼群的行为,工程师们想到了更好地利用vertical turbines的方式。如果按不同方向放置,就能被更高效地使用Lecture 4 标题:Alfred Steiglitz对美国摄影的影响内容回忆:在摄影诞生之初,人们认为它不像其它的艺术形式那样需要复杂的艺术技巧,因此并不把摄影视为一种艺术。而Alfred Steiglitz发明了一种复杂的摄影方式,pictorialism,该方式可制造一种dreamy effect,梦幻效果。他的一幅作品就采取了这种方式,并借助了impressionism的技巧。Alfred Steiglitz不仅是摄影师,还是画家和画廊老板,但他性格强硬,树敌不少,但正是这种性格让他的pictorialism在摄影界产生很大影响回忆14:阅读Passage One题目:Nitrogen In Crops内容回忆:第一段:为了了解人类能量的消耗情况,研究人员研发了一种测试体系, 可以测出人体各种元素含量。第二段:该测试体系使用简单易操作的方法, 结合氮元素在特性, 通过燃烧食物, 之后减去蛋白质和灰质所剩余的部分来检测氮元素含量,从而也可以了解有多少能量被消耗了。第三段:氮元素很难被利用,很多没法直接获得。第四段:该测试体系还有不足,有进一步的研究的空间词汇题:constraints on=limitations onappropriate=suitablesustain=continueprofoundly=deeplyPassage Two学科分类:生物类题目:Tree Species Identification in Tropical Rain Forests内容回忆: Tree Species Identification in Tropical Rain ForestsIdentifying tree species in tropical rain forests may be harder than you think .Plant species identification can be difficult for all kinds of reasons even identification of trees ,which are big andconspicuous. For example, for some willow trees, both leaves and flowers may be needed for identification, but the two may not be present at the same time. Yet whatever problems may confront us in temperate climates, we can be sure that the tropics will pose far worse difficulties.In tropical rain forests, the flowers of a given tree species are typically not in bloom and so cannot be observed. In seasonal rain forests (with a distinct wet season and a distinct dry season),many trees adjust their flowering to the rains, so flowering is to some extent predictable. But much rain forest (as in much of the Amazon region) is non seasonal, and trees may flower at any time. To be sure,different trees of the same species generally flower simultaneously ,for if they did not,they could not pollinate each other. 80 they must be responding to signals from the environment at large,or else (or in addition) they must be communicating with one another. But what those signals are is unknown,at least to us. To the human observer,the flowering seems random. In any case ,in a tropical forest (at least in a secondary forest ,which is forest that is regrowing after previous harvesting or clearance) , the trees grow very close together,and most are remarkably thin,like poles,and grow straight up and disappear into the gloom,twenty meters overhead. Even if there are flowers,you would not necessarily see them.The leaves may not be accommodating either,at least when viewed from the ground. Rain-forest trees all face the same kinds of conditions and have adapted in the same general kinds of way. Rain forests are wet by definition. But in some there is a dry season,and even when there is not,it doesn't rain all the time. Thus the forest floor may be moist,but the topmost leaves of the canopy are far above it and are exposed to the fiercest sun. 80 the uppermost leaves must resist desiccation (drying out). Yet from time to time,and in due season every day,they must also endure tremendous downpours. Leaves that can cope with such contrasts tend to be thick and leathery (to resist drought) ,oval in shape,and have a prection at the end known as a drip tip to let surplus rain run off the leaf. Many hundreds of trees from dozens of only distantly related families have leaves of this general type. But even if you can distinguish individual leaves,it is hard to be certain if they belong to the tree you are interested in or to the one next to itor to some epiphyte (a plant that grows on other plants) or liana (vine) slung over its branches. Often,in short,researchers must base their identification of a tree on the bark of its trunk. The trunks of tropical trees are sometimes highly characteristic ,being deeply furrowed or twisted ,but in most species the bark is simply smooth and gray,dappled with lichen and moss.In a temperate forest you can be fairly sure that any one tree is the same species as the one next to itor,at least,it will be one of a list that is unlikely to exceed more than half a dozen (oak with ash in much of Britain; lodge pole pine with aspen in the northernmost reaches of North America ; alder, 8cotch pine,and spruce in the Baltic ; and so on). But in the Amazon in particular,you can be fairly sure that any one tree is not the same species as the one next to it. Often there is a third of a mile between any two trees of the same species ,and there can be up to 120 different species of trees in any one acre, 80 the task, often, is to identify an individual tree that may be not much thicker than your arm from the appearance of its bark, out of a totallist of several hundred (or thousand) possibilities which may well include some that have not been described before, so that there is nothing to refer back to.1. The word conspicuous in the passage is closest in meaning toA. close to each otherB. commonC. easily noticedD. solitary2. ln paragraph 1,why does the author discuss willow treesA. To provide an example of a tree that is unusually largeB. To explain the process of tree species identificationC. To support the idea that tropical trees can be more difficult to identify than temperate treesD. To demonstrate one reason why it can be problematic to determine what species a tree belongs to3. Paragraph 2 implies which of the following about tree flowering in seasonal rainforestsA. It is less predictable than tree flowering in tropical rainforestsB. It results from an unknown means of communication between the individual trees of each species.C. It is more useful to researchers trying to identify tree species than is the tree flowering in tropical rain forests.D. It follows the same pattern that tree flowering follows in a tropical secondary forest.4. In paragraph 2,why does the author discuss pollinationA. To provide evidence that in many tropical tree species flowering is at least somewhat predictableB. To help explain why flowers on trees in tropical rainforests can be absent most of the timeC. To help explain why different trees of the same species bloom at the same timeD. To suggest one reason why trees might benefit from adjusting their flowering to the rains5. According to paragraph 2,what is true about much of the AmazonregionA. It has tree species that adjust their pollination torainfall.B. It has not yet been harvested or cleared.C. It has trees that typically flower during periods of rain.D. It does not have separate wet and dry seasons.6. The word endure in the passage is closest in meaning toA. withstandB. benefit fromC. avoidD. respond to7. The word surplus in the passage is closest in meaning toA. heavyB. steadyC. suddenD. extra8. Paragraph 3 an explanation for each of the followingcharacteristics of rain-forest tree leaves EXCEPTA. their having a drip-tip at the endB. their thicknessC. their leathery textureD. their oval shape9. According to paragraph 3,what is one reason that looking at leaves may not be very useful when trying to determine the species of a rain-forest treeA. Leaves of rainforest trees often look very different when they are wet than when they are dry.B. Leaves that are exposed to the hot tropical sun dry out and lose their distinguishing characteristics.C. It can be hard to determine whether a leaf has a drip tip or not.D. It can be hard to determine whether a leaf belongs to a tree or to another plant growing on the tree.10. According to paragraph 3,one reason that researchers in tropical forests must often rely on a tree's bark for species identification is thatA. distinct species of tree often have similar kinds of lichens and moss growing on their trunksB. the leaves of many different tropical tree species are very similar to each other in appearanceC. many rainforest trees have neither epiphytes nor lianasD. the bark of the trees is less affected by changes in light and moisture than leaves are11. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential informationA. Different temperate forests contain different combinations of tree species but in all such forests , all the trees of any one species are likely to be found close together.B. Temperate forests rarely contain more than about six species of tree, and trees growing next to each other tend to be of the same species.C. You can easily make a list of all the tree species that are likely to be found in temperateforests, and if one tree is not on that list, you can be confidentthat the tree next to it will be.D. Forests in Britain, in North America , and in the Baltic generally contain no more than half a dozen tree species , and all these species can be found on lists.12. The word task in the passage is closest in meaning toA. difficultyB. jobC. strategyD. requirement13.Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.As a result, the topmost level of a rainforest can be desert-like.Where would the sentence best fit Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.14.Drag your choices to the spaces where they belong. To review the passage, click on View Text Answer ChoicesA. In tropical forests different trees of the same species flower at different times so they are not able to pollinate oneanother.B. Flowering in tropical trees is often unpredictable and when it occurs, the flowers themselvestend to be too high up to be clearly visible.C. Many tropical tree species have leaves that look very similar from the ground , and because the trees often grow close together, correctly matching a leaf with a particular tree can be difficult.D. The leaves and bark of a single rainforest tree are often very different at different heights due to the need to adapt to different conditions, which adds to the difficulty of species identification .E. Because trees in rain forests are spaced closely together, it is easy to tell whether neighboringplants are the same species, but that is not much help in determining which species they are.F. Often, a rain-forest tree has to be identified by its bark, but trees of like species are widely scattered , the list of possible species is very long, and many have similar-lookingbark.词汇题:conspicuous=easily noticedendure=withstandsurplus=extratask=jobPassage Three学科分类:生物类题目:Coral Reef CommunitiesCoral Reef CommunitiesCoral reefs are massive underwater structures made from the hardlimestone exoskeletons of thousands of tiny living organisms (coral polyps) produced one on top of another in warm, clear, shallow oceanwaters. Living polyps extend upward and outward from the coralcolony center and live on top of the old dead exoskeletons. Coral reef communities are crowded with other animals representing virtually every major animal phylum. Space is at a premium on reefs, corals, seaweeds (various forms of algae), sponges, or other organisms cover virtually every surface. Because both corals andalgae require light to survive, access to light, like space, is also a resource subject to competition.Fast-growing, branching corals can grow over slower-growing, encrusting, or massive corals and deny them light. In response, theslower-growing forms can extend stinging filaments from theirdigestive cavity and kill their competitor’s polyps. Undamaged polyps on the faster-growing, branching coral, however, may growvery long sweeper tentacles, containing powerful nematocysts(stingers) that kill polyps on the slower-growing form. The faster-growing form repairs the damage and continues to overgrow its competitor. In addition to sweeper tentacles and stinging filaments, corals have several other mechanisms available for attack ordefense.In general, slower-growing corals are more aggressive than fast-growing species. In cases where a competitor cannot be overcome, however, corals may survive by taking advantage of differences in local habitats. Massive corals are generally more shade tolerant andable to survive at greater depths. Therefore, on many reefs it isthe fast-growing, branching corals that ultimately dominate at theupper, shallower portion of the reef, whereas more massive formsdominate in deeper areas.Corals also must compete with other reef organisms, each with its own strategies for survival. Sponges, soft corals, and seaweeds (algae) can overgrow stony corals and smother them. Algae arecompetitively superior to corals in shallow water but less so atdepth. Survival of coral in shallow water, therefore, may depend ongrazing by plant-eating echinoderms (starfish and sea urchins) and fishes. In Jamaica, overfishing removed most of the plant-eatingfish from coral reefs. Initially, algal growth was kept in check bygrazing sea urchins, but in 1982, a pathogen reduced the populationby 99 percent. Without grazers, the algae were able to completely overgrow the coral.Competition may occur among other reef communities. Grazing by urchins and fishes is important in preventing seaweeds from overgrowing the reef. The dominant algae on a healthy reef areusually fast-growing filamentous forms or coralline algae, well protected by calcification (hardening) and the production of noxious chemicals. These algae are inferior competitors to larger, fleshier seaweeds, so grazing by urchins and fishes on the larger seaweedsallows these algae to persist. Grazing on plants is greatest in the shallow reef areas but decreases with depth, where lower temperatures and light reduce algal growth. The reef is, therefore,a mosaic of microhabitats with different levels of grazing and different algal communities.An additional complexity arises from the activity of damselfish. Because they are territorial, many damselfish species excludegrazers and other species from certain areas of the reef. Algae growrapidly in these territories, providing habitat for many smallinvertebrates but overgrowing the corals. Branching corals tend to dominate in damselfish territories because they are upright andfaster growing than the more massive or encrusting forms.Although less studied than on rocky shores, predation almost certainly has a significant influence on the community structure ofcoral reefs. Fish and other predators may preferentially prey on such competitors of corals as sponges and gorgonians, givingcompetitively inferior reef corals an advantage in securing space. Many species of fish, mollusks, and crustaceans also feed directly on coral polyps. Several surgeonfish and parrotfish may actually pass coral skeletons through their digestive tracts and add sediment to the reef. Both fish and invertebrate corallivores (coral-feeding organisms) seem to attack faster-growing, branching species preferentially, perhaps preventing slower-growing forms from beingovergrown. Corallivores, however, rarely ever completely destroy acoral colony except in cases where tropical storms or humans have already done severe damage. The fact that almost all smallinvertebrates on reefs are so well hidden or highly camouflaged is another indicator of how prevalent predation is on reefs and its importance in determining reef structure.Paragraph 1Coral reefs are massive underwater structures made from the hardlimestone exoskeletons of thousands of tiny living organisms (coral polyps) produced one on top of another in warm, clear, shallow oceanwaters. Living polyps extend upward and outward from the coralcolony center and live on top of the old dead exoskeletons. Coral reef communities are crowded with other animals representing virtually every major animal phylum. Space is at a premium on reefs, corals, seaweeds (various forms of algae), sponges, or other organisms cover virtually every surface. Because both corals andalgae require light to survive, access to light, like space, is also a resource subject to competition.1. According to paragraph 1, all of the following are true of coral reefs EXCEPT:¡ Coral reefs grow biggest in the deepest waters of the ocean.¡ The organisms living around coral reefs compete for limitedresources.¡ There are many different organisms in coral reef communities.¡ Coral reefs consist of the outer skeletons of small livingorganisms.Paragraph 2Fast-growing, branching corals can grow over slower-growing, encrusting, or massive corals and deny them light. In response, theslower-growing forms can extend stinging filaments from theirdigestive cavity and kill their competitor’s polyps. Undamaged polyps on the faster-growing, branching coral, however, may growvery long sweeper tentacles, containing powerful nematocysts(stingers) that kill polyps on the slower-growing form. The faster-growing form repairs the damage and continues to overgrow its competitor. In addition to sweeper tentacles and stinging filaments, corals have several other mechanisms available for attack ordefense.2. According to paragraph 2, how do fast-growing branching coralsdefend themselves from attacks by slower-growing corals?¡ By producing stinging sweeper tentacles¡ By growing on top of the slower-growing corals¡ By blocking the light to the slower-growing corals¡ By destroying the stinging filament of the slower-growing corals3. The word "mechanisms " in the passage is closest in meaning to¡ adaptations¡ weapons¡ parts¡ meansParagraph 3In general, slower-growing corals are more aggressive than fast-growing species. In cases where a competitor cannot be overcome, however, corals may survive by taking advantage of differences in local habitats. Massive corals are generally more shade tolerant andable to survive at greater depths. Therefore, on many reefs it isthe fast-growing, branching corals that ultimately dominate at theupper, shallower portion of the reef, whereas more massive formsdominate in deeper areas.4. The word "ultimately " in the passage is closest in meaning to¡ naturally¡ eventually¡ quickly¡ clearlyParagraph 4Corals also must compete with other reef organisms, each with its own strategies for survival. Sponges, soft corals, and seaweeds (algae) can overgrow stony corals and smother them. Algae arecompetitively superior to corals in shallow water but less so atdepth. Survival of coral in shallow water, therefore, may depend ongrazing by plant-eating echinoderms (starfish and sea urchins) and fishes. In Jamaica, overfishing removed most of the plant-eatingfish from coral reefs. Initially, algal growth was kept in check bygrazing sea urchins, but in 1982, a pathogen reduced the populationby 99 percent. Without grazers, the algae were able to completely overgrow the coral.5. The phrase "kept in check " in the passage is closest in meaning to¡ limited¡ prevented¡ allowed¡ stimulated6. In paragraph 4, why does the author discuss the effects of removingplant-eating fish and sea urchins from coral reefs?¡ To identify a situation that contributes to the dominance of coralsin shallow waters¡ To demonstrate the importance of grazing on seaweeds for thesurvival of some corals¡ To provide evidence that seaweeds are better competitors than coralat depth¡ To argue that sea urchin pathogens also attack corals7. According to paragraph 4, all of these pairs of organisms are incompetitionEXCEPT¡ corals and sponges¡ algae and corals¡ echinoderms and corals¡ sea urchins and algaeParagraph 5Competition may occur among other reef communities. Grazing by urchins and fishes is important in preventing seaweeds from overgrowing the reef. The dominant algae on a healthy reef areusually fast-growing filamentous forms or coralline algae, well protected by calcification (hardening) and the production of noxious chemicals. These algae are inferior competitors to larger, fleshier seaweeds, so grazing by urchins and fishes on the larger seaweedsallows these algae to persist. Grazing on plants is greatest in the shallow reef areas but decreases with depth, where lower temperatures and light reduce algal growth. The reef is, therefore,a mosaic of microhabitats with different levels of grazing and different algal communities.8. According to paragraph 5, fast-growing filamentous or coralline algaeare usually the dominant algae on healthy coral reefs in part because they¡ are not affected by noxious chemicals produced by other organisms¡ are less attractive as food for sea urchins and fishes than bigger seaweeds are¡ occupy the areas of coral reefs that have lower temperatures and less light¡ can live in a wider variety of microhabitats than their competitors canParagraph 6An additional complexity arises from the activity of damselfish. Because they are territorial, many damselfish species excludegrazers and other species from certain areas of the reef. Algae growrapidly in these territories, providing habitat for many smallinvertebrates but overgrowing the corals. Branching corals tend to dominate in damselfish territories because they are upright andfaster growing than the more massive or encrusting forms.9. According to paragraph 6, which of the following is an effect of the activity of damselfish on the reef environment?¡ Encrusting corals dominate in damselfish territories.¡ The damselfish attract many species of grazers.¡ Algae grow rapidly.¡ Algal diversity is greater than in other parts of the reef.Paragraph 7Although less studied than on rocky shores, predation almost certainly has a significant influence on the community structure ofcoral reefs. Fish and other predators may preferentially prey on such competitors of corals as sponges and gorgonians, givingcompetitively inferior reef corals an advantage in securing space. Many species of fish, mollusks, and crustaceans also feed directly on coral polyps. Several surgeonfish and parrotfish may actually pass coral skeletons through their digestive tracts and add sediment to the reef. Both fish and invertebrate corallivores (coral-feeding organisms) seem to attack faster-growing, branching species preferentially, perhaps preventing slower-growing forms from beingovergrown. Corallivores, however, rarely ever completely destroy acoral colony except in cases where tropical storms or humans have already done severe damage. The fact that almost all smallinvertebrates on reefs are so well hidden or highly camouflaged is another indicator of how prevalent predation is on reefs and its importance in determining reef structure.10. The word "securing " in the passage is closest in meaning to¡ looking for¡ getting¡ maximizing¡ sharing11. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essentialinformation.¡ The presence of only very small invertebrates on a reef is anindication of widespread predation.¡ Most reefs are structured in a way which allows small invertebrates to remain hidden or camouflaged.¡ Almost all small invertebrates are hidden or camouflaged, indicatingthe extent and importance of predation to reef structure.¡ Almost all of the small invertebrates on reefs are difficult to find because they are so highly camouflaged.12. Paragraph 7 mentions all of the following as effects of predation onthe community structure of coral reefs EXCEPT:¡ Corals are advantaged when predators prefer to attack competitors orcorals.¡ Faster-growing corals are prevented from overgrowing slower-growingcorals when faster-growing species are preferred by competitors.¡ Predation contributes to the sediment deposit of the reef.¡ Small invertebrates are exposed to competitively superior organisms.Paragraph 3In general, slower-growing corals are more aggressive than fast-growing species.■In cases where a competitor cannot be overcome, however, coralsmay survive by taking advantage of differences in local habitats.■Massive corals are generally more shade tolerant and able to survive at greater depths. ■ Therefore, on many reefs it is thefast-growing, branching corals that ultimately dominate at theupper, shallower portion of the reef, whereas more massive forms dominate in deeper areas. ■13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.For example, different species of corals have different needs forlight.Where would the sentence best fit?14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of thepassage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in thepassage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary becausethey express ideas that are not presented in the passage or areminor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Drag your choices to the spaces where they belong. To review the passage, click on View Text.Answer Choices¡ In order to keep from being overgrown, the different species of coral kill each other’s polyps, or live in differentlocal habitats within the reef community.¡ Competition among the different species of corals is more intense than that between corals and other coral reef inhabitants.¡ Predation shapes reef structure by getting rid of competitors of corals, but coral polyps themselves are also eaten, as are many reef inhabitants.¡ Coral reefs are divided into a shallow upper portion and a deeper lower portion with branching corals dominating in the lowerportion.¡ Grazing by fishes and urchins prevents algae and seaweedsfrom overgrowing the corals, although damselfish exclude grazers from some areas.¡ Fish and invertebrate corallivores are the most common cause of coral colony destruction, followed by tropical storms and damage by humans.词汇题:mechanisms=meansultimately=eventuallykept in check=preventedsecuring=getting回忆15:回忆16:
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