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2017年10月14日大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题+答案+回忆蹲点回忆1:大陆 大作文 Some believe the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to the society. While others say the purpose is to help individual to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your opinion 小作文是表格。回忆2:阅读第一篇是关于一种horse的保护,它是last wild horse,一个科学家发现了以后,先放在zoo,再放到野外(野外的环境和这种物种的原生地蒙古很像),科学家更大的plan是让其他科学家和蒙古当地的居民一起建立讨论,共同保护吧第二篇是艺术,挺难。。。live moulding和sculpture,时代变化,现在被认为艺术的东西以前不被认可。倒数第二段好难,貌似是人们用新的视角看过去的作品。。。最后一段是different ways来判断是不是艺术?回忆3:第一篇 back to wild 第二篇 casting crafts 第三篇 关于什么塑料包装的 13简单2略难回忆4:小作文表格题 一个表 欧洲五个国家的人搬去其他彼此国家生活的人数 英国 德国 意大利 波兰 西班牙;大作文教育的意义,为了社会还是个人野心。回忆5:大作文:教育的目的是实现个人抱负还是为社会贡献? 小作文:表格 静态图 欧洲五国的移民人数比较回忆6:S1 Sandys .6 beach road .14. Wheelchair. 还有一个手机号。S4 digestive migration Europe German human 就记得这么多了…s2有个地图…s3主题是reflective啥的。全是选择 是不是很多选AB的…s4 invasive species    berry human europe pairs timber russia insects tissue migration disgestive回忆7:第一篇保护内蒙古濒危的马 第二篇艺术类关于life-casting 第三篇关于研发新材料回忆8:第一篇是野外方生的,第二篇是art,第三篇是新材料做的plastic,一三简单二小难回忆9:听力S1参观海洋馆订票1.团队来自:Sandy's College2.地址:6 Beach Road3.手机号码:0776915844.团队一共:14 people5.其中一人需要wheelchair6. Date:31st October7.method of payment: by cheque8-10.多选:在海洋馆能参加什么展览?选:8.rare fish9.coral reef10.rock pool版本二:S2配对题有5个地点,配对A-G 7个描述(描述有find lost children, listen to local bands,latest films, free parking, hot food等)11-15配对题11.选:给小孩玩的地方12.选:舞蹈教学13. 选:local band14. 选:看电影15. 选:找小孩16-20地图题16. 主干道左手边第一个 在厕所旁边17. 主干道走到一个路口左拐 厕所对面的18. 主干道与右边岔路相交的转角19. 主干道右边岔路尽头20. 主干道直走过桥 河的另一边版本二:S321-26 选择题:
21. 男生的 reflective journal 里 should first include, 选: studying aims for the module
22. 女生说她有,选: a range of resources to show him an effective communicator,technology
23. 选 Offer to lead a team…
24. 男生 decided to use: 选: listen to others
25. 讨论完后男生的 attitude, 选: he was looking forward to it
26. 男生应该在他的 reflective journal 里显示出什么?选: self-awareness
27-30 搭配题:
27. essay: 选为女生 define a problem (女生花太多时间做 research, 导致不够时间写)
28. exam: 选 gain confidence (女生拿到很高的分数,信心大增)
29. class note: 选体现出女生的 independent learning
30. presentation note: 选 find it difficult (女生发现没什么用, presentation 的时候都找不到点) 版本二:S4 入侵物种调整版本二:回忆10:大陆卷听力Section11. Sandy’s2. No.6 Beach3. 0776915844. 145. wheelchair6. 31st October7.Cheque8. Rare fish9. coral reef10. rock poolSection2A where we can buy hot foodB found the children lostC Free Parking lotsD enjoy the local bandsE dance learningF meet the children entertainmentG watch the latest films11. B12. D13. A14. G15. F16. meadow campsite17. caravan park18. green lounge19. cash point20. **** restaurantSection321. B studying aims for the module22. C a range of resources to show him a effective communicator23. B he got an offer to lead a team24. C listen to others25. B looking forward to it26. A self-awareness27. Bdefine a problem28. C gain confidence29. F find a weakness30. A learn sth from itSection431. Garden32. humans33. Europe34. timber35. insects36. Russia37. flower38.39.birds40. digestive problem回忆11:大陆卷阅读Section1: back to wild 野马保护
Section2铸造工艺答案:14. C15. E16. B17. F18. D19. NO20. NO21. NO22. NOT GIVEN23. NO24. YES25. B26. D
Section 3   (Nature works for Nature WorksPLA)AA dozen years ago, scientists at Cargill got the idea of converting lactic acid made from corn into plastic while examining possible new uses for materials produced from corn wet milling processes. In the past, several efforts had been made to develop plastics from lactic acid, but with limited success. Achieving this technological breakthrough didn’t come easily, but in time the efforts did succeed. A fermentation and distillation process using com was designed to create a polymer suitable for a broad variety of applications.BAs an agricultural based firm, Cargill had taken this product as far as it could by 1997. The company needed a partner with access to plastics markets and polymerization capabilities, and began discussions with The Dow Chemical Company. The next step was the formation of the joint venture that created Cargill Dow LLC. Cargill Dow’s product is the world’s first commercially available plastic made from annually renewable resources such as com:Nature WorksPLA is a family of packaging polymers (carbon-based molecules) made from non-petroleum based resources.Ingeo is a family of polymers for fibers made in a similar manner.CBy applying their unique technology to the processing of natural plant sugars, Cargill Dow has created a more environmentally friendly material that reaches the consumer in clothes, cups, packaging and other products. While Cargill Dow is a stand-alone business, it continues to leverage the agricultural processing, manufacturing and polymer expertise of the two parent companies in order to bring the best possible products to market. DThe basic raw materials for PLA are carbon dioxide and water. Growing plants, like com take these building blocks from the atmosphere and the soil. They are combined in the plant to make carbohydrates (sucrose and starch) through a process driven by photosynthesis. The process for making Nature Works PLA begins when a renewable resource such as corn is milled, separating starch from the raw material. Unrefined dextrose, in turn, is processed from the starch.ECargill Dow turns the unrefined dextrose into lactic acid using a fermentation process similar to that used by beer and wine producers. This is the same lactic acid that is used as a food additive and is found in muscle tissue in the human body. Through a special condensation process, a lactide is formed. This lactide is purified through vacuum distillation and becomes a polymer (the base for NatureWorks PLA) that is ready for use through a solvent-free melt process. Development of this new technology allows the company to “harvest” the carbon that living plants remove from the air through photosynthesis. Carbon is stored in plant starches, which can be broken down into natural plant sugars. The carbon and other elements in these natural sugars are then used to make NatureWorks PLA.FNature Works PLA fits all disposal systems and is fully compostable in commercial composting facilities. With the proper infrastructure, products made from this polymer can be recycled back to a monomer and re-used as a polymer. Thus, at the end of its life cycle, a product made from Nature Works PLA can be broken down into its simplest parts so that no sign of it remains.GPLA is now actively competing with traditional materials in packaging and fiber applications throughout the world; based on the technology’s success and promise, Cargill Dow is quickly becoming a premier player in the polymers market. This new polymer now competes head-on with petroleum-based materials like polyester. A wide range of products that vary in molecular weight and crystallinity can be produced, and the blend of physical properties of PLA makes it suited for a broad range of fiber and packaging applications. Fiber and non-woven applications include clothing, fiberfill, blankets and wipes. Packaging applications include packaging films and food and beverage containers.HAs Nature Works PLA polymers are more oil- and grease-resistant and provide a better flavor and aroma barrier than existing petroleum-based polymers, grocery retailers are increasingly using this packaging for their fresh foods. As companies begin to explore this family of polymers, more potential applications are being identified. For example, PLA possess two properties that are particularly useful for drape fabrics and window furnishings. Their resistance to ultraviolet light is particularly appealing as this reduces the amount of fading in such fabrics, and their refractive index is low, which means fabrics constructed from these polymers can be made with deep colors without requiring large amounts of dye. In addition, sportswear makers have been drawn to the product as it has an inherent ability to take moisture away from the skin and when blended with cotton and wool, the result is garments that are lighter and better at absorbing moisture.IPLA combines inexpensive large-scale fermentation with chemical processing to produce a value-added polymer product that improves the environment as well. The source material for PLA is a natural sugar found in plants such as com and using such renewable feedstock presents several environmental benefits. As an alternative to traditional petroleum-based polymers, the production of PLA uses 20%-50% less fossil fuel and releases a lower amount of greenhouse gasses than comparable petroleumbased plastic; carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is removed when the feedstock is grown and is returned to the earth when the polymer is degraded. Because the company is using raw materials that can be regenerated year after year, it is both cost competitive and environmentally responsible.答案:
27.B28.C29. F30. A31. starch32. fermentation33. condensation34. ploymer35. B36. C37. A38. D39. A40. C回忆12:小作文:表格题 一个表 欧洲五个国家的人搬去其他彼此国家生活的人数

大作文:Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare people to be useful members for society. Others say that the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.回忆13:

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