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2017年9月16日大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总回忆1:小作文柱状图 wind energy generated by wind in India Denmark Germany the united states from1985-2000?年份有点忘……大作文a increasing number of people change their career and place of residence Is that a positive or negative development? 回忆2:小作文动态柱状图,比较四个国家1985到2000的风能变化 大作文越来越多的人改变职业和居住地,积极还是消极影响回忆3:阅读 :第一篇仿生机器人Man or MachineADuring July 2003, the Museum of Science in Cambridge, Massachusetts exhibited what Honda calls 'the world's most advanced humanoid robot', AS1MO (the Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility). Honda's brainchild is on tour in North America and delighting audiences wherever it goes. After 17 years in the making, ASIMO stands at four feet tall, weighs around 115 pounds and looks like a child in an astronaut's suit. Though it is difficult to see ASIMO's face at a distance, on closer inspection it has a smile and two large eyes' that conceal cameras. The robot cannot work autonomously - its actions are 'remote controlled' by scientists through the computer in its backpack. Yet watching ASMIO perform at a show in Massachusetts it seemed uncannily human. The audience cheered as ASIMO walked forwards and backwards, side to side and up and downstairs. After the show, a number of people told me that they would like robots to play more of a role in daily life - one even said that the robot would be like 'another person'.BWhile the Japanese have made huge strides in solving some of the engineering problems of human kinetics (n.动力学) and bipedal (adj. 两足动物的)movements, for the past 10 years scientists at MIT's former Artificial Intelligence (Al) lab (recently renamed the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, CSAIL) have been making robots that can behave like humans and interact with humans. One of MITs robots, Kismet, is an anthropomorphic (adj.拟人的) head and has two eyes (complete with eyelids), ears, a mouth, and eyebrows. It has several facial expressions, including happy, sad, frightened and disgusted. Human interlocutors are able to read some of the robot's facial expressions, and often change their behavior towards the machine as a result - for example, playing with it when it appears ‘sad’. Kismet is now in MIT’s museum, but the ideas developed here continue to be explored in new robots.CCog (short for Cognition) is another pioneering project from MIT’s former AI lab. Cog has a head, eyes, two arms, hands and a torso (n.躯干) - and its proportions were originally measured from the body of a researcher in the lab. The work on Cog has been used to test theories of embodiment and developmental robotics, particularly getting a robot to develop intelligence by responding to its environment via sensors, and to learn through these types of interactions.DMIT is getting furthest down the road to creating human-like and interactive robots. Some scientists argue that ASIMO is a great engineering feat but not an intelligent machine - because it is unable to interact autonomously with unpredictabilities in its environment in meaningful ways, and learn from experience. Robots like Cog and Kismet and new robots at MIT’s CSAIL and media lab, however, are beginning to do this.EThese are exciting developments. Creating a machine that can walk, make gestures and learn from its environment is an amazing achievement. And watch this space: these achievements are likely rapidly to be improved upon. Humanoid robots could have a plethora of uses in society, helping to free people from everyday tasks. In japan, for example, there is an aim to create robots that can do the tasks similar to an average human, and also act in more sophisticated situations as firefighters, astronauts or medical assistants to the elderly in the workplace and in homes – partly in order to counterbalance the effects of an ageing population.FSuch robots say much about the way in which we view humanity, and they bring out the best and worst of us. On one hand, these developments express human creativity - our ability to invent, experiment, and to extend our control over the world. On the other hand, the aim to create a robot like a human being is spurred on by dehumanized ideas - by the sense that human companionship can be substituted by machines; that humans lose their humanity when they interact with technology; or that we are little more than surface and ritual behaviors, that can be simulated with metal and electrical circuits.
Questions 1-6Reading passage 1 has six paragraphs, A-F.Which paragraph contains the following information?Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.NB you may use any letter more than once1 different ways of using robots2 a robot whose body has the same proportion as that of an adult3 the fact that human can be copied and replaced by robots4 a comparison between ASIMO from Honda and other robots5 the pros and cons of creating robots6 a robot that has eyebrows
Questions 7-13Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage 1, using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet.In 2003, Massachusetts displayed a robot named ASIMO which was invented by Honda, after a period of 7 in the making. The operating information is stored in the computer in its 8 so that scientists can control ASIMO's movement. While Japan is making great progress, MIT is developing robots that are human-like and can 9 humans. What is special about Kismet is that it has different 10 which can be read by human interlocutors. 11 is another robot from MIT, whose body's proportion is the same as an adult. By responding to the surroundings through 12 ,it could develop its 13 .
文章题目:Man or Machine题目是人还是机器结构A. ASMID研制成功并向公众展示的社会影响B. CSAIL一直致力于研制拟人机器人C. Cog是有着和人来一样的比例的机器人D. 在创造类人互动机器人方面, MIT走在前端E. 类人机器人的发展空间F. 创造类人机器人的利与弊
试题分析Question 1-13题目类型:Information in relevant paragraph定位词文中对应点题目解析1.Different ways E段第4句E段开头就引出创造机器人的成就, 随后并提出这些成就有一定的发展空间, 直到第四句说明这些类人机器人have a plethora of uses,用途多样. 因此答案为E2.The same proportion...adultC段第2句C段第2句提到cog has a head...and its proportions were originally measured from the body of a researcher in the lab. 表明该机器人是按照成年人人体比例创造的, 因此答案为C3.Copied replacedF段第3句F段第三句the aim to create...by the sense human...can be substituted..., that can be simulated 都表示人类可被机器等取代.因此答案为F4.ComparisonASIMO... Pther robotsD段第2,3句D段第2句指出ASIMO is...but not an intelligent machine,because it is unable to...learn from experience.第3句又表明robots like...however, are beginning to do this. 体现出其他机器人能做到ASIMO所不能做到的自发学习. 因此答案为D5.Pros and consF段第1句F段开头指出这些机器人证明了我们看待人性的方式, bring out the best and worst of us.这半句话体现出创造机器人的利与弊. 因此答案为F6.eyebrowsB段倒数第4句B段倒数第四句提到one of MIT’S robots is...and has two eyes...and eyebrows. 因此答案BQuestion7-13 Summary from Reading Passagesummary参考解题思路: 先跳开空格把该段通读一遍, 了解大意, 发现总体是按照文章段落顺序概括的. (如有所遗忘, 再看原文各段段首句, 大概知道各句在文章的相应段落)解析: 第1句和第2句对应文章A段, 根据after a period of 7___in the making定位该段第3句, 答案为17 years. 然后根据文章倒数第四句its action are...controlled by scientists through...in its backpack.可以判断8.答案为backpack. 该题第3, 4句对应文章B段, MIT is inventing robots...with the ability to 8___humans定位该段第2句behave like humans and interact with humans.可以判断9.答案为interact with. 根据Kismet ...has various...by human interlocutors定位原文倒数第2句human interlocutors are able to read some of the robots’ facial expressions得出10.答案为facial expressions. 第5,6句对应原文C段, robot from MIT,proportion定位该段第1, 2句得出11.答案为Cog/cognition. 最后根据该段最后一句getting a robot to develop intelligence via sensors判断12.答案为sensors, 13.答案为intelligence.
参考翻译:是人还是机器A 在2003年7月,曼彻斯特的剑桥博物馆陈列了Honda称之为“世界最先进的人性机器人”:ASIMO (即“创新移动的进步之举)。Honda的智力产物正在北美巡回展示,所过之处,总能令现众开心不已。17年的辛苦制作,ASIMO高4英尺,重115磅,以小孩的形态穿着宇航服。在远距离看不清ASIMO,近距离下ASIMO面带微笑,两个大眼睛包含着摄像头。它不能自己行走,得由科学家通过机器人背包上的电脑远程控制。观察ASIMO在曼彻斯特的表演,很令人惊讶,它具有人性的特征。ASIMO走来走去的时候,上下楼梯的时候,现众总是爆发出喝彩声。展示过后,许多人跟我说,他们喜欢机器人在日常生活中起更大的作用——有人甚至说:机器人就像是人一样。B 日本人大踏步地解决人类动力学和两足动物移动的工程问題。与此同时,近十年来,MIT的前人工智能实验室AI(现在重新命名为电脑科学人工智能实验室CSAIL)—直致力于研制能够类似于人类,同时能与人互动的机器人。Kismet是MIT的拟人机器人,有一个像人一样的头,有两只眼睛(也有眼睑),耳朵,嘴巴,眉毛。它可以做好些面部表情,比如开心,悲伤,惊恐,讨厌。与之对话,我们可以获得机器人的些许面部表情,从而改换面对机器人的态度。比如说:当机器人表现出“悲伤”的时候,就与机器人玩耍.Kismet如今位于MIT的博物馆,但这里发展的理念将继续在新的机器人身上被探索。C COG(认知cognition的缩写)是另外一个前MIT智能实验室的先驱项目。有头,两条胳膊,手臂和躯干,其比例最早是由实验室研究员的身体测量而来的。COG被用来检测机器人学的体现和发展,特别是通过传感器去发展智力反应周边环境方面,以及通过互动类型学习方面。D 在创造类人互动机器人方面,MIT无疑走得最远。有些科学家争辩道:ASIMO是一个伟大的工程,但并不算是智力机器。因为它不能自动以有意义的方式与未知情况互动,也不能从经验中学习。COG和Kismet,以及在MIT的CSAIL媒体实验室的新机器人却是可以自发学习的。E 这些都是令人激动的进展。创造一个机器,能走,能做手势,能从环境中学习,这是了不起的成就。看看这种发展空间吧:这些现有成就都还能够很快地加以改进。类人机器人能在社会上具有广泛的用途:把人们从日常琐事中解放出来。举个例子:在日本,人们想创造出精密的机器人,能够与正常人做一样的工作,比如说消防队员,宇航员,工作地点和家中医护助手,以便于部分地抵消老龄化的影响。F 这些机器人证明了我们看待人性的方式,它们也表现出了我们人类中最好的和最差的方面。一方面,这些发展表达了人类创新性,也就是我们有能力去发明,实验,和延长对世界的控制。另一方面,创造类人机器人的目标被去个性化的理念所刺激。人类友情将让路于机器。当人类与技术互动时,人类失去了人性。或者说,我们人类不过是表面和楼式行为而己,能够被钢铁和电路所取代。参考答案:1.E   2.C   3.F    4.D    5.F   6.B    7.17 years   8.backpack   9.interact with10.facial expressions    11.Cog/Cognition    12.sensors    13.intelligence
第二篇philosophy and speec act 差不多这个内容 第三篇London smog伦敦雾霾文章大意:主要讲英国1991年因为四天的无风天气导致雾霾,有人因此造成呼吸困难,心脏疾病而死亡,以及后续的讨论雾霾造成人死亡的原因和政府对应对策。London SmogFor hundreds of years, the mists and fogsof Britain's major cities were all too often polluted and noxious, with Londonespecially badly affected. The fogs endangered health and also posed a threatto travellers who lost their way and thus became an easy prey to robbers.Around 1807, the smoke-laden fog of the capital came to be known as a 'Londonparticular', i.e. a London characteristic. Charles Dickens used the term inBleak House (published in 1853) and provided graphic descriptions of London'sfogs in this and other novels.
The smoke-laden fog that shrouded thecapital from Friday 5 December to Tuesday 9 December 1952 brought prematuredeath to thousands and inconvenience to millions. An estimated 4,000 peopledied because of it, and cattle at Smithfield, were, the press reported,asphyxiated. Road, rail and air transport were almost brought to a standstilland a performance at the Sadler's Wells Theatre had to be suspended when fog inthe auditorium made conditions intolerable for the audience and performers.
The death toll of about 4,000 was notdisputed by the medical and other authorities, but exactly how many peopleperished as a direct result of the fog will never be known. Many who diedalready suffered from chronic respiratory or cardiovascular complaints. Withoutthe fog, they might not have died when they did. The total number of deaths inGreater London in the week ending 6 December 1952 was 2,062, which was close tonormal for the time of year. The following week, the number was 4,703. Thedeath rate peaked at 900 per day on the 8th and 9th and remained above averageuntil just before Christmas. Mortality from bronchitis and pneumonia increasedmore than sevenfold as a result of the fog.
The fog of December 1952 was by no meansthe first to bring death and inconvenience to the capital. On 27 December 1813fog was so dense that the Prince Regent, having set out for Hatfield House, wasforced to turn back at Kentish Town. The fog persisted for almost a week and onone day was so thick that the mail coach from London to Birmingham took sevenhours to reach Uxbridge. Contemporary accounts tell of the fog being so thickthat the other side of the street could not be seen. They also tell of the fogbearing a distinct smell of coal tar. After a similar fog during the week of7?13 December 1873, the death rate in the Administrative County of Londonincreased to 40 per cent above normal. Marked increases in death rate occurred,too, after the notable fogs of January 1880, February 1882, December 1891,December 1892 and November 1948. The worst affected area of London was usuallythe East End, where the density of factories and domestic dwellings was greaterthan almost anywhere else in the capital. The area was also low-lying, whichinhibited fog dispersal.
In early December 1952, the weather wascold, as it had been for some weeks. The weather of November 1952 had beenconsiderably colder than average, with heavy falls of snow in southern Englandtowards the end of the month. To keep warm, the people of London were burninglarge quantities of coal in their grates. Smoke was pouring from the chimneysof their houses and becoming trapped beneath the inversion of an anticyclonethat had developed over southern parts of the British Isles during the firstweek of December. Trapped, too, beneath this inversion were particles and gasesemitted from factory chimneys in the London area, along with pollution whichthe winds from the east had brought from industrial areas on the continent.
Early on 5 December in the London area, thesky was clear, winds were light and the air near the ground was moist.Accordingly, conditions were ideal for the formation of radiation fog. The skywas clear, so a net loss of long-wave radiation occurred and the ground cooled.The moist air in contact with the ground cooled to its dew-point temperatureand condensation occurred. Cool air drained katabatically into the ThamesValley. Beneath the inversion of the anticyclone, the very light wind stirredthe saturated air upwards to form a layer of fog 100?200 metres deep. Alongwith the water droplets of the fog, the atmosphere beneath the inversioncontained the smoke from innumerable chimneys in the London area and fartherafield. Elevated spots such as Hampstead Heath were above the fog and grime.From there, the hills of Surrey and Kent could be seen.
During the day on 5 December, the fog wasnot especially dense and generally possessed a dry, smoky character. Whennightfall came, however, the fog thickened. Visibility dropped to a few metres.The following day, the sun was too low in the sky to make much of an impressionon the fog. That night and on the Sunday and Monday nights, the fog againthickened. In many parts of London, it was impossible at night for pedestriansto find their way, even in familiar districts. In the Isle of Dogs, thevisibility was at times nil. The fog there was so thick that people could notsee their own feet! Even in the drier thoroughfares of central London, the fogwas exceptionally thick. Not until 9 December did it clear. In central London,the visibility remained below 500 metres continuously for 114 hours and below50 metres continuously for 48 hours. At Heathrow Airport, visibility remainedbelow ten metres for almost 48 hours from the morning of 6 December.
Huge quantities of impurities were releasedinto the atmosphere during the period in question. On each day during the foggyperiod, the following amounts of pollutants were emitted: 1,000 tonnes of smokeparticles, 2,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, 140 tonnes of hydrochloric acid and14 tonnes of fluorine compounds. In addition, and perhaps most dangerously, 370tonnes of sulphur dioxide were converted into 800 tonnes of sulphuric acid. AtLondon's County Hall, the concentration of smoke in the air increased from 0.49milligrams per cubic metre on 4 December to 4.46 on the 7th and 8th.
Legislation followed the Great Smog of 1952in the form of the City of London (Various Powers) Act of 1954 and the CleanAir Acts of 1956 and 1968. These Acts banned emissions of black smoke anddecreed that residents of urban areas and operators of factories must convertto smokeless fuels. As these residents and operators were necessarily giventime to convert, however, fogs continued to be smoky for some time after theAct of 1956 was passed. In 1962, for example, 750 Londoners died as a result ofa fog, but nothing on the scale of the 1952 Great Smog has ever occurred again.回忆4:大作文 An increasing number of people today change the career and place of residential several times during their lives. Is it a positive or negative development?小作文:柱状图,比较四个国家风能变化回忆5:听力 S1: personal,80,mail,day,week,parkhurst,normal,color,check(我没加s,我听到它说了次s说了次没s的),还有一个不记得了…s2 bones, footprints , night, rest area , blue, permit , boat有几个忘了填的什么了,反正都不太难回忆6:听力
S1 一个女人向报社要儿子刊登的照片
1.相片出现在报纸的 front page
2.Photo subject: ...athlete of week
3.Newspaper story: James Parkhurst
4.Photo use: personal
5.Image Type: colour
6.Processing method size: normal
7.Price: 80
8.Payment: check/cheque
9.Delivery method: by mail
10.Reading newspaper frequency: every day

S2 关于加拿大英属哥伦比亚省的恐龙博物馆的介绍
11. bone 可以看到很多恐龙的骨头
12. footprints (提示:注意连在一起写,中间无空格)
13. early
14. minerals resources and then … development of local …
15. 开车并且 stop at Rest Area
16. artificial tour recommended to you
17. blue in color
18. one of the cleanest rivers
19. permit 去 *** 玩需要许可
20 .by boat
注意动物和博物馆等场景名词: 比如 bone, footprint, minerals, artificial 等。

S3 本地历史的学生课题讨论
21 Tina thinks the local history project has become more popularC because students can find information more easily22 In the second week of the project, studentsA have to decide on their group responsibilities,替换为tasks和roles23 Feedback of the project will be givenC on a mark sheet24 Tina thinks which part of the Going Public project is important?A supervisors can access it25 Henry thinks that students nowadaysA have posses different strengths from students in the past, 这个strengths特指的是information gathering skills,在配对题还有呼应26 Students in the project C develop IT skills27 Local council staff G relate history to the present28 supervisors of the project A benefit the government29 students from other universities E view things from varied perspectives30 potential students F it is uniqueS4
1. driving 一个人每天吃的饭产生的二氧化碳和开车是一样多的
2. coffee 每一百克的咖啡能产生140的二氧化碳
3. meat 生产肉类会产生更多的二氧化碳
4. cooking 烹饪肉类也会产生更多
5. packing 也会产生二氧化碳
6. transportation 过程中也会产生
7. forest 被破坏
8. farming
9. 举例,生产鸡肉,首先要为鸡提供food
The chart below shows the energy(million unites)generated by wind in four different countries in 1985 and 2000.大作文:越来越多的人改变职业和居住地,积极还是消极影响An increasing people change their career and place of residence several times during their lives.Is it a positive or negative development?回忆8:回忆9:回忆10:回忆11:回忆12:



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