雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2017-8-21 10:51:42


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2017年8月26日大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总回忆1:小作文饼图,大作文问full-time student该不该做其他活动回忆2:大作文 大学生该full time study 还是有必要参加其他活动,饼图 pollutants enter in the area of ocean回忆3:阅读:第一篇霸王龙的研究文章大意      恐龙研究专家及其研究项目的详细介绍。前几段主要讲该科学家的生平。毕业没有学位,但是却被自己的大学授予奖励。他没有去比较远的大的博物馆。他认为恐龙不是掠食型动物,而是吃食腐动物。从牙齿到四肢做了深入的研究。觉得其他科学家的判断恐龙的研究没有依据。但是也会接受其他科学家有根据的推测。                     T-Rex HunterAJack Horner is an unlikely academic: his dyslexia is so bad that he has trouble reading a book. But he can read the imprint of life in sandstone or muddy shale across a distance of 100m years,and it isthisgift thathasmadehim curator of palaeontology at Montana State University's Museum of the Rockies, the leader of a multi-million dollar scientific project to expose a complete slice of life 68m years ago, and a consultant to Steven Spielberg and other Hollywood figures.
BHis father had a sand and gravel quarry in Montana, and the young Horner was a collector of stones and bones, complete with notes about when and where he found them. "My father had owned a ranch when he was younger, in Montana”he says. "He was enough of a geologist,being a sand and gravel man, to have a pretty goodnotion that they were dinosaur bones. So when I was eight years old he took me back to the area that had been his ranch, to where he had seen these big old bones. I picked up one. I am pretty sure it was the upper arm bone of a duckbilled dinosaur: it probably wasn't a dinosaur but closely related to that. I catalogued it, and took good care of it, and then later when I was in high school; excavated my first dinosaur skeleton. It obviously started earlier than eight and I literally have been driven ever since. I feel I like I was born this way."Homer spent seven years at university, but never graduated. "I have a learning disability, I would call it a learning difference一dyslexia, they call it一and 1 just had a terrible time with English and foreign languages and things like that. For a degree in geology or biology they required two years of a foreign language. There was no way in the world I could do that. In fact, I didn't really pass English. So I couldn't get a degree, I just wasn't capable of it. But I took all of the courses required and I wrote a thesis and I did all sorts of things. So I have the education, l just don't have the piece of paper," he says.
CIn Montana, in those days, everybody had the right to a college education. His grades at high school had been terrible, at university, his advisers recognised that he was having a hard time, and went on helping. The dean who kept readmitting him, was to give Horner an honorary doctorate years later. As a young non-graduate, Horner wrote to every museum in the English-speaking world, asking for a job. Los Angeles County Museum and the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto made offers, but he accepted a post as technician at Princeton University because Princeton, New Jersey.
D"We definitely know we are working on a very broad coastal plain with the streams and rivers bordered by conifers and hardwood plants, and the areas in between these rivers were probably fern-covered. There were no grassesatall:just fernsand bushes一anunusuallandscape, kind of taking the south-eastern United States一Georgia, Florida一and mixing it with the moors of England andflattening it out," he says. "Triceratops is very common: they are the cows of the Cretaceous, they are everywhere. Duckbilled dinosaurs are relatively common but not as common as triceratops and T rex, for a meat-eating dinosaur, is very common. What we would consider the predator-prey ratio seems really off the scale. What is interesting is the little dromaeosaurs, the ones we know for sure were good predators, we haven't found any of them.”
EWhich is why he sees T rex not as the lion of the Cretaceous savannah but its vulture. "Look at the wildebeest that migrate in the Serengeti of Africa, a million individuals lose about 200,000 individuals in that annual migration. There is a tremendous carrion base there. And so you have hyenas, you have tremendous numbers of vultures that are scavenging, you don't have all that many animals that are good predators. If T rex was a top predator, especially considering how big it is, you'd expect it to be extremely rare, much rarer than the little dromaeosaurs, and yet they are everywhere, they are a dime a dozen," he says. A 12-tonne T rex is a lot of vulture, but he doesn't see the monster as clumsy.He insisted his theory and finding, dedicated to further research upon it, of course, he would like to reevaluate if there is any case that additional evidence found or explanation raised by others in the future.
F He examined the leg bones of the T-rex, and compared the length of the thigh bone (upper leg), to the shin bone (lower leg). He found that the thigh bone was equal in length or slightly longer than the shin bone, and much thicker and heavier. which proves that the animal was built to be a slow walker rather than fast running. On the other hand, the fossils of fast hunting dinosaurs ALWAYS showed that the shin bone was longer than the thigh bone. This same truth can be observed in many animals of today which are designed to run fast: The ostrich, cheetah, etc.
G   He also studied the fossil teeth of the T-rex, and compared them with the teeth of the Velociraptor, and put the nail in the coffin of the "hunter T-rex theory". The Velociraptor's teeth where like stake knifes: sharp, razor-edged, and capable of tearing through flesh with ease. The T-Rex's teeth were huge, sharp at their tip, but blunt, propelled by enormous jaw muscles, which enabled them to only crush bones.
HWith the evidence presented in his documentary, Horner was able to prove that the idea of the T-rex as being a hunting and ruthless killing machine is probably just a myth. In light of the scientific clues he was able to unearth,the T-rex was a slow, sluggish animal which had poor vision, an extraordinary sense of smell, that often reached its "prey" after the real hunters were done feeding, and sometimes it had to scare the hunters away from a corpse. In order to do that, the T-rex had to have been ugly,nasty-looking, and stinky. This is actually true of nearly all scavenger animal. They are usually vile and nasty looking.
题目及答案      Questions 1-7Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?In boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet,write1 Jack Horner knew exactly the bone belonged to a certain dinosaur when he was in father's ranch at the age of 8.FALSE            2 Jack Horner achieved distinctive degree in university when he graduated. FALSE3 Jack Horner is the first man that discovered T-Rex's bone in the world. Not GIVEN4 Jack Horner believes that the number of prey should be more than that of predator.TURE5 T-rex's number is equivalent to the number of vulture in the Serengeti. TURE6The hypothesis that T-rex is top predator conflict with the fact of predator-prey ratio which Jack found.   TURE       7 He refused to accept any other viewpoints about T rex's category. FALSE
Questions 8-13 SummaryComplete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage,using no more than two words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 8-13 on your answer sheet.Jack Horner found that T-rex's 8shin boneis shorter than the thigh bone, which demonstrated that it was actually a 9 slow walker    unlike other swift animals such as ostrich or 10 cheetah that was built to 11 run fast . Another explanation support his idea is that T-rex's teeth were rather 12 blunt , which only allowed T-rex to 13 crush hardbonesinstead 答案:1. FALSE    2.FALSE    3.Not GIVEN   4.TURE    5.TURE   6.TURE   7.FALSE8.shin bone      9.slow walker   10.cheetah    11.run fast   12.blunt   13.crush
第二篇是人类的五种感官(human senses)文章大意:涉及人类的感官听觉,视觉,味觉和嗅觉等,和其他动物的比较,有何不同,以及具体原因。填空题涉及到某大学教授的实验。参考答案:
14 humans perceive basic sounds of speeches more easily than other sounds TRUE 原文只能接收说话频段即20-20,000Hz
15 humans can distinguish more colours than most mammals TRUE 原文说只有squirrel, cats和prairie dogs的辨色度跟人类一样
16 humans’daylight eyesight is superior than other animals NG
17 although animals have different eating habits, they can all sense bitter, sour, sweet and salty FALSE 有些动物只能感知其中几种
配对题4 :
18 the sense varying from person to person C taste
19 the sense can only be useful for a certain point on the spectrum A hearing
20 the sense contributed to the distribution of various ethnic groups C taste
21 the sense may be ignored unless it senses something unpleasant D smell 原文用instinctive revulsion替换的unpleasant
流程图 5 :
Touch- The Least Reliable Sense ---- Tony Dickerson’s Experiment
22 give all subjects inactive ingredient
23 tells Group A they have painkillers
24 tells Group B what they have will increase their awareness of pain
25 Group A happy to switch to maximum pain level
26 Group B find mild shock intolerable
第三是电影与艺术A,disappear image什么的,电影的消失。C 那种画需要co-ordinated expertise,D painting和cinema comparison,E,possibility and risk,F individual extreme scenario, G, individual and group cinematic relationship参考答案:
List of Headings 7:
27 Paragraph A vi Images of a lost technology
28 Paragraph C i the need to coordinate expertise
29 Paragraph D iv Painting and cinema - comparison explained
30 Paragraph E ii Possibility and risks of imposing individual view
31 Paragraph F vii An extreme case
32 Paragraph G ix true meaning of the film-producing
33 Paragraph Hiii film-making as a collaborative process
34 One problem of the fresco painting is B finished at one place
35 One advantage of oil paining is G painters can change their painting
36 One common aspect of fresco and traditional filming C need more than one person to produce
37 In the case of oil painting and digital filming F possibility of imposing to individualistic view
38 The film-making process is deemed interactive process A is suggested by Coppola
39 The author thinks the best movie should enable the audience to benefit from D an individual view from the production of many people
40 In the last paragraph, the author thinks that digital filming will lead to
A. a reduction of focus in production 回忆4:第一篇霸王龙 第二篇感官第三篇油画还有电影院相关回忆5:s1:Elsinore077896245waiterbaseball coachbeachdivingoctober saturday 6 radios2B ABCBFpopulartastephoto feedbacks3 有undeveloped community training FiveS4 sustainable sale energy insects potatoes 10 grass ABA还是aca的忘了回忆6:s1地名 电话号码 baseball october diving friday radio s2选择题 和朋友开 6周?(不确定)爱尔兰 taste feedback photo s3s4 potato grass 10 conservation range 最后几个选择题 india可能higer yield/ 要full describtion of eco… (不确定)/ disadvantage回忆7:大陆:大作文:Full time students should take a lot of time to study,but it is also essential to be involved in other activities, what extent do you agree or disagree?小作文:饼图1997和2007年海洋某地区排入各种污物的百分比变化。 The charts show pollutants entering a particular area of ocean in 1997 and in 2007回忆8: 听力回忆
Section 1 求职1. Address: Elsinore
2. Cell phone number: 077896245
3. He once worked part time job as waiter
4. He once worked at a high school as baseball coach
5. Other relevant working experience: worked at the beach
6. Other relevant skills: diving
7. Need certificate: it will expire in: October
8. Preferred working time: Saturday mornings
9. He can start to work at 6 o’clock
10. Source of information: radio
Section 2 一个交换的网站网上物品交换介绍online exchange business11-14选择题;15-16多选题;17-20填空题11. 网站和谁办的: 选BA. Family members B. Friends C. Business man12. 网站operate多久了:选CA. 3 weeks B. 3 months C. 6 months13. 现有多少注册用户:选CA. 1000 B. 1500 C. 200014. 最多人数的国家:选BA. UK B. Ireland C. Canada最受欢迎的交换物品7选2:A.childrens book, B.textbook, C.computer games, D.DVD player,E...F...G...15. children’s books16. computer games17. 需要交换popular item18. 不要以为自己没用的别人也会不喜欢,因为每个人的taste不一样19. advertisement里面要include什么: photo20. 为什么会被放在网站上,因为大家都会看到,顾客会给feedback
Section 3 两个学生跟老师讨论ecotourism21、经济旅游关注的地方 通常是undeveloped areas22、后面什么 a wide range of accommodation 23、owned by local community文章说会增加当地经济效益24、training (说生态旅游为没有专业背景的员工提供培训)25、Big Five普通旅游经常会关注的方面 举了几个例子the big five是整个在“”引号中的26、经济性旅游通常关注的是local housing 27、conservation翻过来三个选择,老师认为学生没有表达disadvantage 28、B(有sustainable的那个,那个导师问考虑这种生态旅游是否有可持续发展的情景)29、C(economical travel有比较明确的定义之类的)30、A(缺乏旅游造成的负面影响)
Section 4 有机农业介绍31. grass32. pomato33. 10 (%)34. sustainable35. 中间三个并排的是soil worms; (insects); weeds36. energy37.c38. A39. C (whether the organic farming is beneficial to wildllife)40.A (depends on the consumers)
第一篇 化石
第二篇 人的五种感官
第三篇 绘画和电影
小作文 饼图,pollutants enter in the area of ocean,1997和2007年海洋某地区排入各种污物的百分比变化。
大作文 大学生该full time study,还是有必要参加其他活动。Full time students should take a lot of time to study,but it is also essential to be involved in to other activities, what extent do you agree or disagree?



雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2017-8-26 13:27:21

阅读第三篇配对,problem需要很多人一起工作,advantage是好像创作过程可以一直改什么的。共同点是one meaning multiple methods什么的,想不起来那句话怎么说了。后面好像还有一题是关于digital的?我选了too much individual view什么的,最后两题都选了A,coppola那个,蒙对一个是一个。最后一题选择题A
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