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2017年8月19日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总回忆1:澳洲 小作文是比较Eurp的三个国家full-time和part-time,在不同男女工作时间对比的table,两个table,一个fulltime一个parttime回忆2:小作文是表格 大作文agree computer skill回忆3:小作文两张表格,描述欧洲三个国家2002年part-time full-time的男女平均工作时长,与欧洲平均相比。大作文,writing reading和maths是三大公认传统科目,computer skill也应该成为第四大科,agree or disagree回忆4:听力section1 帮女儿报学校,第一个空是Australian ,紧急联系方式留的她grandmother 的,这孩子good at reading,现在学校有502人,有挑战的科目是science ,学费是150Section2 二手房?第一个是选俩优点还是啥的 我记着是good location 和适合带孩子的家庭,时间是Wednesday lunch吧,然后后面是一个屋的平面图,顺序应该是living room .bath room 和spare room。然后是这房子的优缺点听力Section3 是一男一女 种草莓听力Section 4颜色的影响,先是足球队,然后birds ,然后还有volunteer 做的关于红和绿的不同实验…回忆5:阅读第一篇是社交网络!第二篇是南冰洋!第三篇是个讲美食的书回忆6:小作文表格大作文 writing,reading and maths are the three major subjects. Some people think that computer skills should be added as a fourth subject.What extend do you agree or disagree?回忆7:听力: enrollment of school 填空单选 radio program about selling house 多选单选地图 strawberry project 多选单选 red color 填空阅读: 人们喜欢share good news or bad news 南极洲融冰 关于世界美食的一本书小作文 the average of woking hours in part-time jobs and full-time jobs回忆8:听力回忆:
section1: 是帮女儿报学校,第一个空是Australian ,紧急联系方式留的她grandmother 的,这孩子good at reading,现在学校有502人,有挑战的科目是science ,学费是150一个女士给女儿报名学校1. 国籍是:Australian2. 地址是:65 Park Road3. 电话:0271 467674. 紧急联系人:grandmother5. allergic to nuts6. She has achieved good results in reading at HongKong school.7. 现在的学生总人数是? 答案 B 502A 480   B 502   C5608. 平均每个班的人数是? 答案 A 24A 24   B 26   C 279. What course is more challenging for Sarah? 答案: C ScienceA Cantonese   B mathematics C Science10. How much money should her parents pay if she attends to this school? 答案 B 150 poundsA nothing   B 150 pounds   C 250pounds
Section2 :房屋中介介绍房子的优缺点还有布局图先是一个男的说了一些话,然后是一个女的来介绍11 双选 A CA unusual designB 本地房子中最古老的一个C 说位置好 good locationD low price12 suitable for people with children 文中说不适合单身居住13 问什么时候对开放参观是available的 选 B Wednesday lunch timeA every weekendB Wednesday lunch timeC … afternoonD 周六周日全天然后就是填图题14 C living room15 A spare room16 D bath room然后是关于优点缺点17-18 优点是have area for parking and a good place for central location19-20 缺点是the house only have two bedrooms no garage
Section3 :是一男一女 种草莓全是选择
Section 4:颜色的影响,先是足球队,然后birds ,然后还有volunteer 做的关于红和绿的不同实验

第二篇:南极洲 Antarctica-in from the cold?  A A little over a century ago, men of the ilk of Scott, Shackleton and Mawson battled against Antarctica's blizzards, cold and deprivation. In the name of Empire and in an age of heroic deeds they created an image of Antarctica that was to last well into the 20th century - an image of remoteness, hardship, bleakness and isolation that was the province of only the most courageous of men. The image was one of a place removed from everyday reality, of a place with no apparent value to anyone.  B As we enter the 21st century, our perception of Antarctica has changed. Although physically Antarctica is no closer and probably no warmer, and to spend time there still demands a dedication not seen in ordinary life, the continent and its surrounding ocean are increasingly seen to an integral part of Planet Earth, and a key component in the Earth System. Is this because the world seems a little smaller these days, shrunk by TV and tourism, or is it because Antarctica really does occupy a central spot on Earth's mantle? Scientific research during the past half century has revealed - and continues to reveal - that Antarctica's great mass and low temperature  exert a major influence on climate and ocean circulation, factors which influence the lives of millions of people all over the globe.  C Antarctica was not always cold. The slow break-up of the super-continent Gondwana with the northward movements of Africa, South America, India and Australia eventually created enough space around Antarctica for the development of an Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACQ, that flowed from west to east under the influence of the prevailing westerly winds. Antarctica cooled, its vegetation perished, glaciation began and the continent took on its present-day appearance. Today the ice that overlies the bedrock is up to 4km thick, and surface temperatures as low as - 89.2deg C have been recorded. The icy blast that howls over the ice cap and out to sea - the so-called katabatic wind - can reach 300 km/hr, creating fearsome wind-chill effects.  D Out of this extreme environment come some powerful forces that reverberate around the world. The Earth's rotation, coupled to the generation of cells of low pressure off the Antarctic coast, would allow Astronauts a view of Antarctica that is as beautiful as it is awesome. Spinning away to the northeast, the cells grow and deepen, whipping up the Southern Ocean into the mountainous seas so respected by mariners. Recent work is showing that the temperature of the ocean may be a better predictor of rainfall in Australia than is the pressure difference between Darwin and Tahiti - the Southern Oscillation Index. By receiving more accurate predictions, graziers in northern Queensland are able to avoid overstocking in years when rainfall will be poor. Not only does this limit their losses but it prevents serious pasture degradation that may take decades to repair. CSIRO is developing this as a prototype forecasting system, but we can confidently predict that as we know more about the Antarctic and Southern Ocean we will be able to enhance and extend our predictive ability.  E The ocean's surface temperature results from the interplay between doep- wa,ter temperature, air temperature and ice. Each winter between 4 and 19 million square km of sea ice form, locking up huge quantities of heat close to the continent.Only now can we start to unravel the influence of sea ice on the weather that is experienced in southern Australia. But in another way the extent of sea ice extends its influence far beyond V Antarctica. Antarctic krill - the small shrimp-like crustaceans that are the staple diet for baleen whales, penguins, some seals, flighted sea birds and many fish - breed well in years when sea ice is extensive and poorly when it is not. Mary species of baleen whales and flighted sea birds migrate between the hemispheres and when the krill are less abundant they do not thrive.  F The circulatory system of the world's oceans is like a huge conveyor belt, moving water and dissolved minerals and nutrients from one hemisphere to the other, and from the ocean's abyssal depths to the surface. The ACC is the longest current in the world, and has the largest flow. Through it, the deep flows of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans are joined to form part of a single global thermohalinc circulation. During winter, the howling katabatics sometimes scour the ice off patches of the sea's surface leaving Large ice- locked lagoons, or 'polynyas'. Recent research has shown that as fresh sea ice forms, it is continuously stripped away by the wind and may be blown up to 90km in a single day. Since only fresh water freezes into ice, the water that remains bccom.cs increasingly salty and dense, sinking until it spills over the continental shelf. Cold water carries more oxygen than warm water, so when it rises, well into the northern hemisphere, it reoxygenates and revitalises the ocean. The state of the northern oceans, and their biological productivity, owe much to what happens in the Antarctic.  Question 14-18  The reading Passage has ten paragraphs A-J.  Which paragraph contains the following information?  Write the correct letter A-F, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.  14. introduction of a millman under awards  15. the definition of an important geographical term  16. a rival against Harrison’s invention emerged  17. problems of sailor encountered in identifying the postion on the sea  18. economic assist from another counterpart  Question 19-21  Summary  Please match the natural phenomenon with correct determined factor Choose the correct answer from the box; Write the correct letter A-F in boxes 19-21 on your answer sheet.  19. Globally, mass Antarctica’s size and _________ influence the climate change.  20. __________ contributory to western wind.  21. Southern Oscillation Index based on air pressure can predict __________ in Australia.  A Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC)  B katabatic winds C rainfall  D temperature E glaciers  F pressure  Question 22-26  Choose the correct letter, A,B,C or D.  Write your answers in boxes 22-26 on you answer sheet.  22 In the paragraph B, the author want to tell which of the  following truth about Antarctic?  A To show Antarctica has been a central topic of global warming in Mass media  B To illustrate its huge see ice brings food to million lives to places in the world  C To show it is the heart and its significance to the global climate and current  D To illustrate it locates in the central spot on Earth geographically  23 Why do Australian farmers Keep an eye on the Antarctic ocean temperature ?  A Help farmers reduce their economic or ecological losses  B Retrieve grassland decreased in the overgrazing process  C Prevent animal from dying  D A cell provides fertilizer for the grassland  24 What is the final effect of katabatic winds?  A Increase the moving speed of ocean current  B Increase salt level near ocean surface  C Bring fresh ice into southern oceans  D Pile up the mountainous ice cap respected by mariners  25 The break of the continental shelf is due to the  A Salt and density increase  B Salt and density decrease  C global warming resulting a rising temperature  D fresh ice melting into ocean water  26 The decrease in number of Whales and seabirds is due to  A killers whales arc more active around  B Sea birds are affected by high sea level salty  C less sea ice reduces productivity of food source  D seals fail to reproduce babies答案:14.D    15,F   16,E    17,C    18,A    19.D20.A
21.C    22.C   23.A    24.C    25.C   26.C
小作文两张表格,描述欧洲三个国家2002年part-time full-time的男女平均工作时长,与欧洲平均相比,大作文eading and maths are the three major subjects. Some people think that computer skills should be added as a fourth subject.What extend do you agree or disagree?回忆9:阅读Passage1是考barrel的历史Passage2考一种很神奇的植物和背后的研究什么的passage3考澳大利亚大的mammals的灭绝和研究之类的…写作小作文表格题,两个表格对比,三个欧洲国家(英国希腊荷兰)在2002年全职和兼职的男女员工每周工作时间对比…回忆10:

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查看完整版本: 2017年8月19日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题
