雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2017-2-27 11:09:12


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2017年3月4日雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总回忆1:澳洲 阅读简单:laughing owl,children comprehension on advertising,Hong kong education system(TEC) 听力简单:section1忘了…2是stanley fitness center 有地图,3history of nurse,4是design airport to mitigate Stress作文:小作文地图简单,大作文国际援助。回忆2:悉尼,听力s1 带着孩子去camping,s2 健身中心(包括地图题),s3 nursing在澳洲的发展,s4 机场设施回忆3: 堪培拉阅读 某种猫头鹰 电视广告儿童 香港某教育机构 作文college三十年结构变化 international organisationfinancial aid practical advice回忆4:澳洲作文 developing countries should require aid from international organazations. Some people think they should have aid of financial. However others think practical aid and advise are more important. Discuss both view and give you own opinion.回忆5:澳洲听力回忆:
S1: 带着孩子去camping:
S2: 健身中心(包括地图题)
S3: nursing在澳洲的发展
S4: 机场设施

P1: 猫头鹰
P2: 电视广告儿童
P3: 香港某教育机构

A类大作文:Some people think that developing countries need financial help from international organizations. Others think that it is practical aid and advice that is needed. Discuss these views and give your own opinion. 回忆6:大陆:小作文流程图,smoked fish,大作文report 年轻人对学校教育消极态度。阅读有篇:郁金香回忆7:流程图smoked fish的制作,大作文many young people leave school with negative attitudes towards learning 问reason 如何encourage positive attitude回忆8:阅读某种动物 郁金香 艺术写作 小作文:熏鱼的制作过程大作文是young people negative attitude towards learning。为什么会这样,已经如何扭成positive回忆9:国内 听力:S1 是机场调查说男的在等飞机,女的过来问他一些问题,调查问卷1.先是问在机场做什么, 回答是:transmit(转机)【C】2.然后问等待多久, 我选的 more than 3 hours【C】3.再问对机场的Voucher 【优惠券,代金券】有何意见,我选 unattractive 【B】问这男的想在机场里增加啥,给了一大堆有的没的,我选了bed,cinema还有fish tank。4.bed5.cinema6.fish tank他也说了Email设施,但是又说大多数机场都有了,所以这是个陷阱;【7-10填空】7.这男的每年要飞次,一开始先说,后来好像提到次包括了business and home trip,he takes the plane 20 times every year8.希望带什么上飞机,(有的写laptop,有的写hand-luggage)9.然后问他现在的生活状态是什么 这男的先废话了点别的,最后说enjoyable 10男的建议在10.觉得飞机应该提供什么,像食物什么的,填fruit
S2 是如何制作简历 题型: Completion /Choice 1 首先建议使用 internet 因为 newspaper 也不错 agency 不能提供你想要的职位 2 resume not too long 因为没有时间去看 求职信要 typed (注意尾音辨识 ) 3 CV layout 要好 4 避免 Incorrectness 5 列出 experience skills 6 Avoid: mistakes 7 保留自己的 contact number 8-10 多选三个在 interview 中应当问什么: 8. DTraining9. E   Sanlary10. F   Working hours/ holiday
S3 保护区旅游
S4 非洲鳄鱼

P1 新型生物材料
P2 郁金香泡沫When the Tulip Bubble Burst
Tulips are spring-blooming perennials that grow from bulbs. Depending on the species, tulip plants can grow as short as 4 inches (10cm) or as high as 28 inches (71cm). The tulip’s large flowers usually bloom on scapes or sub-scapose stems that lack bracts. Most tulips produce only one flower per stem, but a few species bear multiple flowers on their scapes (e.g. Tulipa turkestanica). The showy, generally cup or star-shaped tulip flower has three petals and threesepals, which are often termed tepals because they are nearly identical. These six tepals are often marked on the interior surface near the bases with darker colorings. Tulip flowers come in a wide variety of colors, except pure blue (several tulips with “blue” in the name have a faint violet hue).A Long before anyone ever heard of Qualcomm, CMGI, Cisco Systems, or the other high-tech stocks that have soared during the current bull market, there was Semper Augustus. Both more prosaic and more sublime (崇高的) than any stock or bond, it was a tulip of extraordinary beauty, its midnight-blue petal stopped by a band of pure white and accented with crimson flares. To denizens of 17th century Holland, little was as desirable.
B Around 1624, the Amsterdam man who owned the only dozen specimens was offered 3,000 guilders (荷兰盾) for one bulb. While there’s no accurate way to render that in today’s greenbacks, the sum was roughly equal to the annual income of a wealthy merchant. (A few years later, Rembrandt received about half that amount for painting The Night Watch.) Yet the bulb’s owner, whose name is now lost to history, nixed the offer.
C Who was crazier, the tulip lover who refused to sell for a small fortune or the one who was willing to splurge. That’s a question that springs to mind after reading Tulip mania: The Story of the World’s Most Coveted Flower and the Extraordinary Passions. It aroused by British journalist Mike Dash. In recent years, as investors have intentionally forgotten everything they learned in Investing 101 in order to load up on unproved, unprofitable dot-com issues, tulip mania (狂 热) has been invoked frequently. In this concise, artfully written account, Dash tells the real history behind the buzzword (流星鱼) and in doing so, offers a cautionary tale for our times.
D The Dutch were not the first to go gaga over the tulip. Long before the first tulip bloomed in Europe-Bavaria, it turns out, in 1559-the flower had enchanted the Persians and bewitched the rulers of the Ottoman Empire. It was in Holland, however, that the passion for tulips found its most fertile ground, for reasons that had little to do with horticulture.
E Holland in the early 17th century was embarking on its Golden Age. Resources that had just a few years earlier gone toward fighting for independence from Spain now flowed into commerce. Amsterdam merchants were at the center of the lucrative East Indies trade, where a single voyage could yield profits of 400%. They displayed their success by erecting grand estates surrounded by flower gardens. The Dutch population seemed torn by two contradictory impulses: a horror of living beyond one’s means and the love of a long shot.
F Enter the tulip. “It is impossible to comprehend the tulip mania without understanding just how different tulips were from every other flower known to horticulturists in the 17th century,”says Dash. The colors they exhibited were more intense and more concentrated than those of ordinary plants.”Despite the outlandish ( 奇异的)prices commanded by rare bulbs, ordinary tulips were sold by the pound. Around 1630, however, a new type of tulip fancier appeared, lured by tales of fat profits. These “florists,” or professional tulip traders, sought out flower lovers and speculators alike. But if the supply of tulip buyers grew quickly, the supply of bulbs did not. The tulip was a
conspirator (阴谋者) in the supply squeeze : It takes seven years to grow one from seed. And while bulbs can produce two or three clones, or “offsets,” annually, the mother bulb only lasts a few years.
G Bulb prices rose steadily throughout the 1630s, as ever more speculators (投机者) wedged (锲入) into the market. Weavers and farmers mortgaged whatever they could to raise cash to begin trading. In 1633, a farmhouse in Hoorn changed hands for three rare bulbs. By 1636 any tulip-even bulbs recently considered garbage-could be sold off, often for hundreds of guilders. A futures market for bulbs existed, and tulip traders could be found conducting their business in hundreds of Dutch taverns. Tulip mania reached its peak during the winter of 1636-1637, when some bulbs were changing hands ten times in a day. The zenith came early that winter, at an auction to benefit seven orphans whose only asset was 70 fine tulips left by their father. One, a rare Violetten Admirael vanned Enkhuizen bulb that was about to split in two, sold for 5,200 guilders, the all-time record. All told, the flowers brought in nearly 53,000 guilders.
H Soon after, the tulip market crashed utterly, spectacularly. It began in Haarlem, at a routine bulb auction when, for the first time, the greater fool refused to show up and pay. Within days, the panic had spread across the country. Despite the efforts of traders to prop up demand, the market for tulips evaporated. Flowers that had commanded 5,000 guilders a few weeks before now fetched one-hundredth that amount. Tulip mania is not without flaws. Dash dwells too long on the tulip’s migration from Asia to Holland. But he does a service with this illuminating, accessible account of incredible financial folly. I Tulip mania differed in one crucial aspect from the dot-com craze that grips our attention today: Even at its height, the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, well established in 1630, wouldn’t touch tulips. “The speculation in tulip bulbs always existed at the margins of Dutch economic life,” Dash writes. After the market crashed, a compromise was brokered that let most traders settle their debts for a fraction of their liability. The overall fallout on the Dutch economy was negligible. Will we say the same when Wall Street’s current obsession finally runs its course?
Questions 14-18
The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-I
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-I, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet
14 Difference between tulip and high-tech shares
15 Spread of tulip before 17th century
16 Indication of money offered for rare bulb in 17th century
17 Tulip was treated as money in Holland
18 Comparison made between tulip and other plants
Questions 19-23
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?
In boxes 19-23 on your answer sheet, write
TRUEif the statement agrees with the information
FALSEif the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVENif there is no information on this
19 In 1624, all the tulip collection belonged to a man in Amsterdam.
20Tulip was first planted in Holland according to this passage.
21   Popularity of Tulip in Holland was much higher than any other countries in
17th century.
22 Holland was the wealthiest country in the world in 17th century.
23 From1630, Amsterdam Stock Exchange started to regulate Tulips exchangemarket.
Questions 24-27
Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using no more than two words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 24-27 on your answer sheet.
Dutch concentrated on gaining independence by 24 against Spain in the early
17th century, consequently spare resources entered the area of 25. Prosperous traders demonstrated their status by building 26 in surroundings. Attracted by the success of profit on tulip, traders kept looking for 27 and speculator for sale.

14 I    15 D    16 B    17 G   18 F    19 TRUE   20 FALSE    21 NOT GIVEN      22 FALSE      23 Fighting      24 commerce   25 flower gardens    26 flower lovers
P3 艺术与艺术家
写作:小作文:做smoked fish流程图,切鱼-用盐和水腌鱼-放锅里烤-捞到蒸笼里-和一堆东西放到坛子里盖上木板熏-①普通熏鱼②黄色熏鱼-包装-运输
大作文:Many young people today leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. Why?What can be done to encourage a positive attitude to learning in young people?回忆10:国内大作文 many young people tend to have negative attitudes towards learning after graduation. Why is this happening?What do you think can help them develop a positive attitude?回忆11:大陆听力S1:在机场转机等待中采访


2017年2月25日雅思听力四旧、阅读两旧、口语、写作原题全面大中,全面开花!祝贺IPN会员将出现不少雅思高分人才!总体反馈请复制链接进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-234079-1-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-39-1.html特别提醒:雅思考试20多年来,有非常严格的规律性和出题思路。全世界有6大考区,而只有一个剑桥考试中心几个人在出题,每个考区一周平均要出一份考卷,一个月出24份考卷,考官如何保证达到难度一样呢,如何保证新题难度、准确度和评价机制公平呢,所以只能是20年来的题库旧题目的有效组合,新题不能超出5-10%,每份雅思卷子都是95%-99%以上旧题原题真题。多年雅思考官和专家Edward老师非常熟悉雅思出题规律和听说读写题库出题组合卷子的秘诀,IPN资料因此而诞生!具体请阅读http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.html1.2017年2月25日雅思一发命中A类大作文题目-交通车辆问题Some people think that car free dayis a useful way to decrease air pollution, but others think there are otherways。Discuss both views(港澳台,新加坡、澳洲新西兰等亚太雅思)Edward老师IPN资料A类大作文第3,4题原题命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,Edward IPN资料最重点第3题(提供免费公共交通代替小车的重要性,如何解决车辆交通问题)第4题(减少化石燃料比如汽油等,减少污染)有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用;再次在最重点预测命中到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是两个柱状图. Give information about population, birth and death rates inEngland and Wales from 1970 to 2000。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。(澳洲新西兰考区,澳洲、新西兰、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、日韩等亚太雅思考区)
2.2017年2月25日雅思命中A类大作文题目-政府投资类Some people think government shoulduse public money looking for life in other planets. others think it s a wasteof money. discuss both views and give ur opinion.(中国大陆等亚太雅思)Edward老师IPN资料A类大作文第6题原题命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,Edward IPN资料最重点第6题(政府投资某一方面的利弊)第19题(政府投资科研)第24题(太空探索利弊)有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用;再次在最重点预测命中到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是两个柱图 6个国家2003年population per kilometre(%)和change of urbanpopulation。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。国内外雅思口语真题蹲点回忆汇总2017年2月22日、23日、24日请复制链接进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-234039-1-1.html欢迎英国欧洲考区、北美考区等考生积极回忆在我们微信ielts2013,QQ504918228上面
3.2017年2月25日大陆雅思听力四部分全部命中S1=V08115S1,S2= V130525S2,S3=V100410S3,S4=V131019S4=V101218S4这四部分全部都是原题真题(旧题目),都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-234038-1-1.html, IP资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!2017年2月25日澳洲等雅思考区命中至少两部分听力S1= V120609S1=V080712S1,S2= V120209S2这两部分都是原题真题(旧题目)都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面, IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!(澳洲新西兰港澳台新加坡等亚太雅思)2017年2月18日雅思听力全部命中四部分(4sections):S1= V09115S1,S2=V111203S2=V100109S2,S3=V100710S2,S4= V121108S4,这四部分全部都是原题真题(旧题目),都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面, IP资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!2017年2月18日亚太雅思考区命中至少两部分听力V140215S1=V130216S1,V130713S4这两部分都是原题真题(旧题目)都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!(澳洲新西兰港澳台新加坡等亚太雅思)2017年2月16日雅思听力命中三部分(3sections):S1=V09114S1=V08138S1,S2=V131116S2=V100626S2,S4=V30084S4,这三部分都是原题真题(旧题目),都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面, IP资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!2017年2月16日亚太雅思考区命中三部分听力S2=V09141S2,S3=V131026S3,S4=V110604S4=V09138S4这三部分都是原题真题(旧题目)都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面, IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!(澳洲新西兰港澳台新加坡等亚太雅思)
5.2017年2月25日雅思阅读命中两篇原文原题文章:A New Ice Age可能到来的冰川,基因性格对工作的影响。详细文章回忆和答案请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-234038-1-1.html (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。2017年2月18日雅思阅读命中两篇原文原题文章:嗅觉与记忆Smell and Memory,睡眠研究Hypnotism it real or just a circus trip,详细文章回忆和答案请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-233955-1-1.html (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。2017年2月16日雅思阅读命中两篇原文原题文章passage2:教育的量化研究QuantitativeResearch in Education,passage3:Flavour味觉,详细文章回忆和答案请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-233954-1-1.html (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才), passage1Thefunction of Parks可能是新题:介绍了关于公园的作用,现代公园应该如何改进,比较简单,具体题目、题型和内容还在不断更新确认中......2017年2月11日雅思阅读命中两篇原文原题文章passage1:故事关于购物方式的变化The Innovation of GroceryStores,passage2:研究关于由于水资源缺乏利用冰川,融化和转移,详细文章回忆和答案请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-233888-1-1.html (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才), passage3可能是新题:研究关于不同领域的人,进行了合作产生的结果,具体题目、题型和内容还在不断更新确认中......;2017年2月11日澳洲新西兰、港澳台新加坡等亚太考区雅思阅读命中两篇原文原题文章Passage 2 London Swaying footbridge,Passage 3 Linguistic variety,saving endangeringlanguages详细文章回忆和答案请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-233888-1-1.html(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才), passage3可能是新题:ragworm, 具体题目、题型和内容还在不断更新确认中......2017年1月21日雅思阅读命中第1篇和第3篇:P1 火炬 P2 新西兰连锁店P3 一种insect(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。2017年1月14日雅思阅读再次命中两篇原文原题-儿童的发展与教育,汽车驾驶左右边问题 (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。 2017年1月12日雅思阅读再次命中两篇原文原题- 第一篇生态旅游,第二篇英国海岸(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才) ,另外一篇可能是新题:关于教师教育小孩子。2017年1月7日雅思阅读命中两篇原文原题- 黑猩猩The culture of Chimpanzee,新科技(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才) ,另外一篇是新题:塑料the plastics。……实际上一直以来雅思历次大部分阅读考试都是旧题目,都在我们预测中命中,接下来的考试肯定是二到三旧居多。我们IPN资料里面的阅读预测机经都有完整准确的答案,2012-2016年以来Edward 预测几乎每场平均中70-100%阅读文章和题目(每场考试平均1-3篇旧题),恭喜购买我们整理好的预测阅读机经的烤鸭和IPN会员,应该是受益非浅。
6.2017年雅思口语2月22日23日24日所有已经考完的话题,Edward再次在最重点连续全部预测命中,绝大部分是旧题和旧题目改造,IPN资料里面都有详细答案或者可以互相套同的答案,出现的新题库新题目已经更新到IPN资料:近期口语新题和高频热点题一级战备-必看最新雅思口语新题和高频题(二)1.Part2 Describe asong/describe your favorite song /Describe a song that has a special meaning toyou.2.Part 2 Describe your favorite movie/Describe aforeign film you enjoyed watching/a film about a real person or event that youhave watched3.Part 2 Describe an enjoyable time/experience in thecountryside4.Part2 Describe a polite person you know.5.WeatherPart 1 What type ofweather do you like? When are there best weather in China?What kind of weather issuitable for work?How does weather affect people?Part 2 Describe a weatheryou like /your favourite weather6.Part 2 Describe a special/difficultthing you did well.7.Part2 Describe a café you like to go/Describe your favoritecafe or restaurant.8.Part2 Describe a gift that takes a long time to prepare/describe a gift that youwant to give to someone.
9.Part 2 Describe a happy event from your childhood that you remember well10.Part2 Describea kind of food you first ate/An occasion when you ate something for the firsttime /A meal you like11.Part 2 Describe a shopyou like to go to12.Part2 describe an interesting neighbourPart 3 City dwellers seldom socialize with their neighbors today andthe sense of community has been lost. Why has this happened and how to solvethis problem?How has the relationshipbetween neighbours changed between now and the past?13.Part 2 Describe a goodservice provided by a restaurant or a company.14.Part 2 Describe a tallbuilding/an important/a modern building.一级战备-必看最新雅思口语新题和高频题(一)1.Part 2 Describe an interesting house /anapartment you visited/Describe a house /an apartment/an ideal house/ place youwant to live in2.Part 2 Describe a timeyou wait for something special to happen3.Part2 Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future/Describe a free day youwant to enjoy/what you would do if you have a day off from your work or school4.Part2Describe a useful website that you like to visit. (Or, that you have visited)5.Part2 Describe a placewhere you often go swimimg/Describe a place near water/ Describe a historicalattraction/Describe a tourist attraction/Describe a seaside place you want tovisit /Describe an interesting place you would like to visit6.Part 2 Describe a timewhen you were very busy.7.Part 2 Describe a specialtrip/a long journeybr car /trainyou enjoyed.8.Part 2 Describe a long car journey9.Part 2 Describe your favorite movie/Describe aforeign film you enjoyed watching/a film about a real person or event that youhave watched.10.Part 2 Describean equipment in the house/an electronic machine you want to buy11.Part2Describe a book you like to reread/read again.12.Part2 Describe an important event in history in your country13.Part 2 Describe a well paid job/a perfect job youwould like to have in the future.14.Part 2 Describea place to relax/describe your favoritepark/garden.15.Part 2Describe an interesting tradition in your country.16.Part 2 Describea wedding you attended

17.Part 2 Describe a leader whoyou admire/Describe a famous person (for example, in sport, business orpolitics)part3 What are the abilities of a good leader?Would you like to be a leader?Would you like to be a leader?18.Part2Describea foreign celebrity/a famous person who is not from your country, and u like tomeet19.Part2 Describean interesting wild animal in your country.20.Part 2 Describe aperson who you have met before and you want to know more about.21.Part 2 Describe a family member who had important influence onyou/an old person you respect/ a family member you spend much time with/youwant to work withPart3 How important is it to be patient? Do youthink that Chinese people are very patient?
22.Part2Describe a special dinner/Describeyour favorable meal/a memorable meal or dinner you had.国内外雅思口语真题蹲点回忆汇总2017年2月22日、23日、24日请复制链接进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-234039-1-1.html欢迎英国欧洲考区、北美考区等考生积极回忆在我们微信ielts2013,QQ504918228上面2017年2月25日国内外雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总请复制链接进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-234038-1-1.html快速提高雅思1到3分:IPN雅思考试题库答案-提供2017年-2018年每一场雅思预测所有口语,写作,听力,阅读等题目详细原创答案范文,整理好的更新型听力和阅读预测机经等请看最下面说明或者进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.html或http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8d3b8c5a0102wkk4.html 请加QQ26346059, QQ504918228;或公共微信号ieltstofel或个人微信:ielts2013,504918228咨询。中国、澳洲、亚太、北美、欧洲、非洲、南美洲等各考区精准雅思A类G类真题预测机经汇总(紧跟各考区城市每一场考试)2017年2月3月4月5月6月7月8月至12月雅思a类g类真题预测答案范文机经请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-231231-1-1.html或http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8d3b8c5a0102wkk4.html
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