雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2017-1-9 18:25:26


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2017年1月14日雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总回忆1:澳洲大作文 “为什么女生喜欢选文科 男生选理科 这个趋势需不需要改变”小作文是pie chart 4个国家electricity produced,阅读:美国图书馆;厨房与科学;还有一个很简单回忆2:听力:S1、女人要租房,咨询房间条件、租金等 S2、自行车对个人公司影响之类的
S3关于 interviewer的21.sample22.software23. observation for manager24.surveys for employers25. references 26.photo statistics27.application of.....s28.offer solution….29忘了, 刚看了楼上的没错,是说什么TAKE NOTE, 我跟楼上一样选A take note throughout30 我选那个要writea book
S4、是研究人高兴的原因31. old people are happiest32. money dost not impact happiness33. very happy people are more sociable34. negative thinking35. Rivertrip
36. human's mind is used for : 选A
37. C. set a goal
38. a realistic attitude of work
39. a health life style40. help others回忆3:阅读驾驶座位左边右边,第二篇美国的图书馆,第三篇是科学和烹饪回忆4:#澳洲回忆#1.14雅思A类小作文饼图,大作文some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subjects. What are the reasons? Do you think this trend should be changed? 回忆5:大陆小作文table题,都是钱数,大作文是工作满意度和工作安全,稳定性的discussJob satisfaction more important than job security. Or not expecting joy but finding a permanent job is more important? Discuss both and give your own opinion回忆6:阅读 bestcom 教育哲学 幸福小作文table 三年的income output profit 大作文问一个稳定的工作好还是为了兴趣工作好大作文是双方观点题,job satisfaction 和 job security回忆7:听力
阅读第一篇——儿童的发展与教育,早期幼儿园的建立   第二篇——检测和帮助人们在busy时处理来电的软件第三篇——积极心理学和脑成像研究写作小作文一个公共建筑的收支情况,table 大作文job security or job satisfaction 回忆8:阅读1儿童教育,2微软的一个系统吧什么的,3是happy ~小作文动态表格,讲收入消费,大作文是工作满意度和工作稳定性的both,in some schools and universities,some girls tend to choose arts subjects(language), but boys choose to study science subjects(physics). What are the reasons of this ? Do you think this trend should be changed?回忆9:听力回忆:
S2.介绍博物馆的展览讲的一个博物馆有什么展出11-18选择题;19-20填空题;11. 这个exhibition是put together by 谁?选BA. museum staff      B. localresidence       C. clothes manufacture12. picture graph上是谁worn?选CA. 忘了          B. professional model    C. student designer(a是local也不知道什么的people,我听到的是学生设计model穿,来展示people怎么穿in daily life)13. 这个服装展有什么特点?选BA. 忘了again      B.限制时间了      C.是给children看的14. 大家来看这个toy展是为了什么?选CA. 是为了Playby train   B. 是为了alldoll    C. 是为了board game15. 这个museum的miniature是怎么来的?选BA. 是博物馆made      B. 是博物馆borrow的       C. 是博物馆买的16. 有这个什么b***的东西是干嘛的?选BA. 是给famouspeople看的      B. 被做成different shape    C. ???17. 人们喜欢什么样子的?选AA. 不太甜的unsweetB. covered by chocolate C. 里面是cream夹心,input/inside cream 18. 人们可以怎么着这个b***,选BA. 可以品尝         B. 可以自己做         C. ???    (a是make, b是taste, c是pack)19. informationdesk20. lockers
S3.两个学生和老师探讨写论文   21. Katy觉得文章C. shows a number of ideas,教授说应该B. presenthis own view. A. two sides argument.选B22. tutor建议的一种conclusion是:A. refer totitle.23. tutor说的关于bibliography?A. there is a standard.B在这个阶段他们的论文不需要bibliopoly.C the title of the article should be underlined。24. tutor说的论文中用引文的观点,选B definition提供了难词的解释;A是说大量的引用为文章加分,文中老师对这个观点否定,说如果不理解只是伴别人的东西来的引用并不好;C是说有一个趋势:学生的文章中too few引用25. John给第一篇essay的建议:A.自己多做Research26.女的说认为论文作者的sub-topics很多很清晰27.男的说论文更像reports thanessays28. show their topic with examples29. ideas30. tutor的建议是要wide readingS4:关于两组乌龟实验的比较31. living in glass bottle covered with a layer of newspaper
32. open roof with sand
33. diet: fiber *** diet based on foods in wild
34. increase in activity especially during feeding time
35. overnight, or during particular hot weather
36. stabilize temperature
37. increase in average size faster leading to
38. From Skin: excessive loss of body fluids
39. Causing weakness in their bones
40. no tortures has kidney
第一篇 儿童的发展与教育,早期幼儿园的建立   文章背景:在17世纪,工业革命之前的前工业化时期,儿童死亡率很高,父母们最自己孩子的死亡很不在意,孩子们的童年生活极其辛苦,7岁儿童需要全天工作以养家。这种情况随着工业化的进程而得到了改善。而孩子们在工业化前期所遭受的经历启发了众多作家,和有识之士对教育的关心。一位叫做Rousseau.的作家更对该问题有独到的philosophy, 基于他的理论,很多人开始思考如何让儿童得到更好的教育,幼儿园的设立就是一个新的进步。除此之外还有教师的培养等等帮助儿童更好受到教育的进步。Education PhilosophyA In 1660s, while there are few statisticsfor child mortality in the preindustrial world, there is evidence that as manyas 30 percent of all children died before they were 14 years old. Few familiessurvived intact. All parents expected to bury some of their children and theyfound it difficult to invest emotionally in such a tenuous existence as newbornchild. When the loss of a child was commonplace, parents protected themselvesfrom the emotional consequences of the death by refusing to make an emotionalcommitment to the infant. How else can we explain mother who call the infant―it,‖ or leave dying babies in gutters, or mention the death of a child in thesame paragraph with a reference to pickles?B One of the most important social changesto take place in the western world in 18th century was the result of themovement from an agrarian economy to an industrial one. Increasingly, familiesleft the farms and their small-town life and moved to cities where life wasvery different for them. Social supports that had previously existed in thesmaller community disappeared, and problems of poverty, crime, sub-standardhousing and disease increased. For the poorest children, childhood could bepainfully short, as additional income was needed to help support the family andyoung children were forced into early employment. Children as young as 7 mightbe required to work full-time jobs, often under unpleasant and unhealthycircumstances, from factories to prostitution. Although such a role forchildren has disappeared in most economically strong nations, the practice ofchildhood employment has hardly disappeared entirely and remains a staple inmany undeveloped nations.C Over the course of the 1800s, the livesof children in the Unites States began to change drastically. Previously,children in both rural and urban families were expected to take part in theeveryday labor of the home, as the bulk of manual work had to be completedthere. However, establishing a background the technological advances of themid-1800s, coupled with the creation of a middle class and the redefinition ofroles of family members, meant that work and home became less synonymous overthe course of time. People began to buy their children toys and books to read.As the country slowly became more dependent upon machines for work, both inrural and urban areas, it became less necessary for children to work inside thehome. This trend, which had been rising slowly over the course of thenineteenth century, took off exponentially after the Civil War, with thebeginning of the Industrial Revolution. John Locke was one of the mostinfluential writers of his period. His writings on the role of government areseen as foundational to many political movements and activities, including theAmerican Revolution and the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. Hisideas are equally foundational to several areas of psychology. As the father of―British empiricism,‖ Locke made the first clear and comprehensive statement ofthe ―environmental position‖ and, by so doing, became the father of modernlearning theory. His teachings about child care were highly regarded duringthe colonial period in America.D Jean Jacquesd Rousseau lived during anera of the American and French Revolution. His works condemn distinctions ofwealth, property, and prestige. In the original state of nature, according toRousseau, people were ―noble savages‖, innocent, free and uncorrupted. Rousseauconveyed his educational philosophy through his famous novel Emile, in 1762,which tells the story of a boy‘s education from infancy to adulthood. Rousseauobserved children and adolescents extensively and spoke of children‘sindividuality, but he based much of his developmental theory on observation inwriting the book, and on the memories of his own childhood. Rousseau contrastschildren to Developmental Psychology in Historical Pestalozzi lived during theearly stages of industrial revolution, he sought to develop schools wouldnurture children‘s development. He agreed with Rousseau that humans arenaturally good but were spoiled by a corrupt society. Pestalozzi‘s approach toteaching cam be divided into the general and special methods. The theory wasdesigned to create a emotionally healthy homelike learning environment that hadto be in place before more specific instruction occurred.E One of the best documented cases of allthe so-called feral children concerned a young man who was captured in a smalltown in the south of France in 1800, and who was later named Victor. The youngman had seen in the area for months before his final capture-pre-pubescent,mute, and naked, perhaps 11 or 12 years old, foraging for food in the gardensof the locals and sometimes accepting their direct offers of food. Eventuallyhe was brought to Paris, where it was hoped that he would be able to answersome of the profound questions about the nature of man, but that goal wasquashed very early. Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard, a young physician who had becomeinterested in working with the deaf, was more optimistic about a future forVictor and embarked on a five-year plan of education to civilize him and teachhim to speak. With a subsidy from the government, Itard spent an enormousamount of time and effort working with Victor. He was able to enlist the helpof a local woman, Madame Gu erin, to assist in his effort and provide asemblance of a home for Victor. But, after five years and despite all of hisefforts, Itard considered the experiment to be a failure. Although Victor hadlearned some elementary forms of communication, he never learned the basics ofspeech, which, for Itard, was the goal. Victor‘s lessons were discontinued,although he continued to live with Madame Gu erin until his death,approximately at the age of 40.F Other educators were beginning to respondto the simple truth that was embedded in the philosophy of Rousseau.Identifying the stages of development of children was not enough. Education hadto be geared to those stages. One of the early examples of this approach wasthe invention of the kindergarten (―the children‘s garden‖)-a word and amovement created by Friedrich Froebel in 1840, a German-born educator. Froebelplaced particular emphasis on the importance of play in a child‘s learning. Hisinvention, in different forms, would eventually find its way aroundtheworld.Hisideasa;Questions28-31;Thereadingpassageshassev;ListofHeadings;i Reasonsofunusualexperim;ⅱChildrenhadtoworktoalle;ⅲWhychildrenarenothighly;ⅳChildrendiedinhospitala;around the world. His ideas abouteducation were initially developed through his association with Johann HeinrichPestalozzi. Froebel spent five years teaching at one of Pestalozzi‘s modelschools in Frankfurt, and later he studied with Pestalozzi himself. Eventuallyhe was able to open his own schools to test his educational theories. One ofhis innovative ideas was his belief that women could serve as appropriateeducators of young children- an unpopular view at that time. At the age of 58,after almost four decades as a teacher, Froebel introduced the notion of thekindergarten. It was to be a haven and a preparation for children who wereabout to enter the regimented educational system. A cornerstone of hiskindergarten education was the use of guided or structured play. For Froebel,play was the most significant aspect of development at this time of life. Playserved as the means for a child to grow emotionally and to achieve a sense ofself-worth. The role of the teacher was to organize materials and a structuredenvironment in which each child, as an individual, could achieve these goals.By the time of Froebel‘s death in 1852, dozens of kindergartens had beencreated in Germany. Their use increased in Europe and the movement eventuallyreached and flourished in the United Stated in 20th century.Questions 28-31The reading passages has seven paragraphs,A-E. Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-E from the list below. Writethe correct number,ⅰ-ⅶ on your answer sheet.List of Headingsⅰ Reasons of unusual experiments implemented by several thinkersⅱ Children had to work to alleviate burden on familyⅲ Why children are not highly valuedⅳ Children died in hospital at their early ageⅴ Politics related philosophy appearedⅵ Creative learning method was applied on certain wild kidⅶ Emerge and spread of called kindergarten28 Paragraph AExampleParagraph B ⅱ Children had to work29 Paragraph C30 Paragraph D31 Paragraph EQuestions 32-35Use the information in the passage to matchthe time (listed A-C) with correct event below. Write the appropriate lettersA-F in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.A 18th centuryB 19th centuryC 20th century32 need for children to work33 rise of middle class34 emergence of a kindergarten35 the kindergarten in the spread around USQuestions 36-40Use the information in the passage to matchthe people(listed A-D) with opinions or deeds below. Write the appropriateletters A-D in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet.A Jean JAcquesd RousseauB Jean-Marc- Gaspard ItardC Johan Heinrich PestalozziD Friedrich Froebel36 was not successful to prove the theory37 observed a child‘s record38 promoted some practical activitiesbetween school and family39 corruption is not a characteristic inpeople‘s nature40 responsible for the increase in thenumber of a type of school
答案:28 iii   29 v   30 i      31 vi      32 A   33 B   34 B   35 C   36 B   37 A    38 C    39 A   40 D
第二篇 检测和帮助人们在busy时处理来电的软件
第三篇 积极心理学和脑成像研究
小作文:表格 一个公共建筑的收支情况
大作文:工作满意度重要还是稳定性重要回忆10:澳洲 A类写作考题Task 1
Four pie charts, compare three electricity sectors (nuclear, fossil fuels and hydro power) in four countries (Vietnam, India, Morocco and Sweden) from 2003 to 2008.
Task 2
In schools and universities, girls tend to choose arts while boys like science. What are the reasons and do you think this trend should be changed?
回忆11: 大陆 听力S1S2S3S4
A类小作文 表格:表格三年的income output profit
A类大作文Some people believe that job satisfaction is more important than job security. Others believe that people cannot always enjoy their jobs and that a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

2017年1月7日雅思听力三旧、阅读两旧、写作口语原题A类G类全面大中,全面开花!2017雅思首战告捷,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少雅思高分人才!总体反馈请复制链接进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-233692-1-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-39-1.html(特别鸣谢北美加拿大IPN会员Tanya-Tang在微信上多次提供的北美雅思考区一手考试回忆)特别提醒:近期(近几个月来),北美雅思考区-加拿大、美国等,和澳洲新西兰考区,和香港、澳门、台湾、泰国、迪拜、越南、马来西亚等(除中国大陆外)亚太考区,笔试口语都是统一卷,口语跟中国大陆也很接近。1.2017年1月7日雅思命中A类大作文原题-艺术课程的重要性Art classes like painting anddrawing is important to students'development and it should be compulsory inhigh school. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Edward老师IPN资料再次原题命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,Edward IPN资料最重点第3题有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用;再次在最重点预测命中到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是流程图,smoked fish的流程图。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
2.2017年1月7日雅思命中澳洲亚太A类大作文原题目-网络教育问题-Manyuniversities offer online courses to student instead of deliverying on campus.So you think is a positive or negative development?(北美考区、澳洲新西兰考区,澳洲、新西兰、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、日韩等亚太雅思考区),Edward老师IPN资料再次原题命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,Edward IPN资料最重点第9题(网络利弊),第11题(大学科目课程选择),第12题(网络教育利弊)有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用;再次在最重点预测命中到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是柱状图,四个城市写空气污染两种气体最大最小。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
3.2017年1月7日雅思听力命中三部分旧题S1=V09145S1,S2=V30041S2,V140109S3=V110219S3都是旧题目,北美澳洲新西兰等亚太考区命中至少一半听力S3=V110924S3=V09138S3,S4=V110820S4=V09106S4都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!(澳洲、新西兰、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、日韩等亚太雅思考区) 2016年12月17日雅思听力全部命中-四部分都是旧题S1=141101S1,S2=V120922S2,S3=V130928S3,S4=V100619S4=V08136S4,都是旧题目,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!2016年12月15日雅思听力命中三部分旧题:S1=V120825S1=V09103S1S3=V130518S3,S4=V100805S4,都是旧题目,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!(中国大陆等亚太雅思考区)。2016年12月15日澳洲亚太雅思听力命中两部分旧题:S1=V130727S1=V09144S1S4=V110514S4=V09111S4都是旧题目,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!(澳洲、新西兰、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、日韩等亚太雅思考区);2016年12月10日澳洲亚太雅思听力命中三部分旧题:S2=V120707S2=V110430S2S3= V07111S3=V30076S3,S4=V100227S4都是旧题目,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!(澳洲、新西兰、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、日韩等亚太雅思考区);2016年12月10日中国大陆雅思听力命中三部分旧题:S1=V30079S1S2=V09137S2=V08146S2,S4=V100916S4都是旧题目,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!一直以来Edward 预测听力几乎每场平均中两个到四个部分的旧题目,有购买我们整理好的预测听力机经的烤鸭和IPN会员应该是受益非浅。
4.2017年1月7日命中雅思G类大作文原题-旅游利弊(北美、中国、澳洲、新西兰香港、澳门、台湾、中国等考区)Edward老师再次命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,EdwardG类预测IPN资料最重点原题命中, IPN资料G类大作文范文有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用; 再次在最重点预测到课堂中多次讲练过G类小作文书信-你租了个flat,然后你在厨房发生了small accident 然后给房东写信,信中包括1. 发生了什么 2.什么东西坏了 3.要房东做些什么。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员G类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该书信写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。上一场2016年12月10日再次命中雅思G类大作文题目-孩子受父母老师影响Somepeople believe that young people should make the decision fortheir career,while others think that their parents and teachers should do so.Discuss bothviews and give your own opinion.(中国、澳洲、新西兰香港、澳门、台湾、中国等考区)Edward老师再次命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,EdwardG类预测IPN资料最重点第3题命中, IPN资料G类大作文范文第3题有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用; 再次在最重点预测到课堂中多次讲练过G类小作文书信-写信给public service ,说明你的experience和需要improve的地方。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员G类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该书信写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
5.2017年1月7日雅思阅读命中两篇原文原题- 黑猩猩The culture of Chimpanzee,新科技(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才) ,另外一篇是:塑料the plastics,具体题目、题型和内容还在不断更新确认中.......上一场2016年12月17日雅思阅读命中两篇原文原题- 家庭替代疗法,影响孩子的因素(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才) ,另外一篇是新题:棱皮海龟。2016年12月15日雅思阅读全部命中三篇原文原题- -郁金香,cave art,关于英国的运河canal还有船(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。 2016年12月10日雅思阅读命中全部三篇原文原题- Healthin the Wild(野生动物健康),电话电报的发明, 同声传译(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。 2016年12月3日雅思阅读命中原文原题-猛犸象灭绝Mammoth Kill,社会聚落的发展演变 (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才),另外一篇是-新能源使用,具体题目、题型和内容还在不断更新确认中(中国大陆等亚太雅思考区)……2016年12月3日雅思阅读命中原文原题-英国的罗马宫殿,另外两篇是:关于季节的研究,关于思考与选择的研究,题型有填空,对错判断,段落匹配,选择题 (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才),具体题目、题型和内容还在不断更新确认中(澳洲新西兰考区,澳洲、新西兰、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、日韩等亚太雅思考区)……2016年11月26日雅思阅读命中两篇文章原题Passage1Newzealandfish新西兰水产鱼,Passage2The Discovery of Gobekib Tepe 失落的城市(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才),另外一篇是Passage3 Linguistics 语言学类,具体题目、题型和内容还在不断更新确认中……2016年11月19日雅思阅读原题命中两篇文章Passage1timekeeper,Passage3关于大象感知声音Elephantcommunication (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才),另外一篇是Passage2 Activitiesfor children英国学生健康运动问题。实际上一直以来雅思历次大部分阅读考试都是旧题目,都在我们预测中命中,接下来的考试肯定是二到三旧居多。我们IPN资料里面的阅读预测机经都有完整准确的答案,2012-2016年以来Edward 预测几乎每场平均中70-100%阅读文章和题目(每场考试平均1-3篇旧题),恭喜购买我们整理好的预测阅读机经的烤鸭和IPN会员,应该是受益非浅。6.2017年雅思口语1月4日5日6日7日所有已经考完的话题,Edward再次在最重点连续全部预测命中,绝大部分是旧题和旧题目改造,IPN资料里面都有详细答案或者可以互相套同的答案,出现的新题库新题目已经更新到IPN资料:近期口语新题和高频热点题一级战备-必看最新雅思口语新题和高频题1.Part2 describe aninteresting neighbourPart 3 City dwellers seldom socialize with their neighbors todayand the sense of community has been lost. Why has this happened and how tosolve this problem?How has the relationship between neighbours changed betweennow and the past?2.Part2 Describe a book you like to reread/readagain.3.Part 2 Describe an important eventin history in your country4.Part 2 Describe a well paid job/aperfect job you would like to have in the future.5.Part 2 Describeaplace to relax/describe your favorite park/garden.6.Part 2Describe an interesting tradition in your country.7.Part 2Describe a wedding you attended

8.Part 2 Describea leader who you admire/Describe a famous person (for example, in sport,business or politics)part3 What are the abilities of a goodleader?Would you like to be aleader?Would you like to be a leader?9.Part2Describe a foreign celebrity/a famousperson who is not from your country, and u like to meet10.Part2 Describean interesting wild animal in your country.11.Part 2 Describe a person who you have met before and youwant to know more about.12.Part 2 Describe a family member who had important influenceon you/an old person you respect/ a family member you spend much time with/youwant to work withPart3 How importantis it to be patient? Do you think that Chinese people are very patient?
13.Part2 Describe an interesting house /an apartment you visited/Describe a house /anapartment/an ideal house/ place you want to live in14.Part 2 Describe a holiday youwant to go on in the future/Describe a free day you want to enjoy/what youwould do if you have a day off from your work or school15.Part2 Describe a kind of food you first ate/Anoccasion when you ate something for the first time /A meal you like16.Part2 Describea special dinner/Describe your favorable meal/a memorable meal ordinner you had.17.Part 2 Describe atall building/an important/a modern building.2017年1月7日国内外雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总请看http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-233646-1-1.html2017年1月7日国内外雅思G类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总请看http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-233685-1-1.html2017年1月4日、5日、6日国内外雅思口语真题蹲点回忆汇总请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-233647-1-1.html

雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2017-1-14 14:07:21

小作文:The table below show the income and expenditure in a three-year period in Brockley Hall,… 大作文:有人认为job satisfaction比job security 跟重要,有人认为permanent job更好,disscuss both
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