雅思4个9~ 发表于 2016-5-3 17:39:22



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2016.04.30 A类大作文范文
In some countries,university students live at home, whereas in other countries university students go to other cities and do not live with family. Do you think the advantages for living away from home during university outweigh the disadvantages?

With the proliferation of reputable universities around the world, many tertiary students have made the choice to travel abroad to further their education. Some argue that this experience is beneficial for young adults to do so, whilst others believe thatliving away from their families is disadvantageous. I personally believe that the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the negative factors.
【相信如何写一个简洁又明了的introduction段落都难不倒烤鸭小伙伴们。但是Introduction中一定要注意Paraphrase哦!比如说,tertiary students就可以用来替换university students;further可以用作动词。这些都是大家可以摘录下来,下次用在自己文中的表达哦!】

On the one hand, the advantages of travelling overseas for university study can foster independence in students as well as expose them to different cultures. Not only does living overseas allow individuals to interact with people from other backgrounds and traditions, but it also encourages them to be less dependent on their parents in many ways. For instance, international students who attend boarding schools in Australia have the opportunity to socialise with students from Europe, Asia and much more. Living away from home means they may also become more accustomed to being self-reliant, whether doing their own laundry, cook their own meals and budget their allowances. Hence, there are many positive aspects of studying abroad for university.
【这一段的主要内容是关于出国的好处~ 培养独立性foster independence, 接触不同文化 expose to different cultures等等,这些都是不少中国学生不常用的表达。】

On the other hand, the major disadvantage of attending university in a foreign country is that it is comparatively more expensive. Studying overseas -- especially in the West -- will incur higher costs as it may require individuals to rent accommodation. Furthermore, in the case of International students travelling to Western countries like Australia, the currency conversion can be double, triple or more than their local currency. Coupled with visa restrictions on the limitation of working hours, international students can only earn a limited amount of cash to help fund their studies abroad. For example, international students are limited to 20 hours of work per week in Australia, making it difficult to afford rent and pay for other expenses.
【另一方面,出国留学的主要坏处是花费相对会很高。租房,汇率这些都是花费较高的部分。同时,由于留学生签证的限制,能打工赚的钱非常有限,很难cover自己平时的花销。Incur higher costs, fund studies abroad这些都是很好用又很好记的表达哦!适当的换一下动词,语言能力就窜上去了!~】

In conclusion, I personally believe that whilst there are disadvantages associated with studying overseas during university years, the lessons learnt to be self-sufficient and exposure of connections with other people are invaluable, hence outweighing the cons.
【总结段,作者详细的解释了为什么Outweigh. 尽管在外留学会有disadvantages,但是出国念书的好处(to be self-sufficient & exposure of connections with other people) 更加是invaluable的。这里提醒一下大家,invaluable是无价的意思,并不是没有价值的意思哦!千万不要以为Valuable是有价值的,前面加个in-的前缀,就是没有价值了哦!这样是会闹出笑话的哦!~】

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