雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2016-3-23 10:36:07


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2016年4月2日国内外雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总国内版回忆1:大陆 听力S1热气球 s2一个人旅游地 s3一个presentation和选课 s4印刷 阅读s1让顾客自己买单的商店 s2 净水系统 s3游戏回忆2: 国内: 小作文柱状图给了四个国家07 08 两年的居民平均看电视时间,柱图下面标了annual chang 的百分比,三个国家正一个负,大作文multi-society 好还是不好 你多大程度同意or不同意
回忆3:小作文是2007-2008年 UK Poland USA Sweden的average time spent watching TV 单幅的柱状图 大作文Multi-Cultural societies 阅读:其中两篇是植物净化循环和游戏的积极影响回忆4:阅读 第一个是fashion design第二篇是一个灌溉方法 第三篇是video game回忆5:作文 柱形图 一个图2007-2008年 四个国家,USA UK POLAND SWEDEN每人每天看电视的时间对比 大作文 在多元文化社会,a mixture of ethnic peoples,带来的好处大于坏处,同意与否回忆6:国内大作文原话大概是Multi-cultural societies, which is a mixture of different ethnitypeople, has more benefits than drawbacks to a country. Do you agree or disagree?回忆7:听力s1 1251800 Autumn1year storm hat age stand S2 AACC 后面有shopping interesting walkold prison不确定 animalS3 reference summary不确定 next seminor 26 November chemistry lab不确定professor ACF S4C negative错觉blanket fold错觉 jams air 漏俩 我听力水平不咋地 回忆8: Listening
Section2tutor对student 的assignment的comments and suggestion

Passage1让顾客自己买单的商店The Innovation of Grocery StoresA At the beginning of the 20th century,grocery stores in the United States were full-service.A      customer       would    aska   clerk      behind    thecounter   forspecific   itemand the clerk would package the items, which werelimited to dry goods. If they want to save some time, they have to ask adelivery boy or by themselves to send      thenote of    what      they want      to       buy to    the grocery   story       first and then       goto pay for the goods later. Thesegrocery stores usually carried only one brand of each good. There were earlychain stores, such as the A&P Stores, but these were all entirelyfull-service and very time-consuming.
B In 1885, a Virginia boy named Clarence Saunders began working part-time as aclerk in a grocery store when he was 14 years old, and quit school when theshopkeeper offered him Ml time work with room and board. Later he worked in anAlabama coke plant and in a Tennessee sawmill before he returned to the grocerybusiness. By 1900, when he was nineteen years old, he was earning $30 a monthas a salesman for a wholesale grocer. During his years working in   thegrocery   stores,      he   found   that it    was very inconvenient andinefficient   forpeople to buy things because more than a century ago, long before there werecomputers, shopping was done quite differently than it is today. Entering astore, the customer would approach the counter (or wait for a clerk to becomeavailable) and place an order, either verbally or, as was often the case forboys running errands, in the form of a note or list. While the customer waited,the clerk would move behind the counter and throughout the store, select theitems
on   thelist—some    form       shelvesso    high       that long-handledgrasping device
hadto    be   used—and   bring   them      back      to    thecounter   to   be    tallied    and       baggedor boxed. The process might beexpedited by the customer calling or sending
in the order beforehand, or by the order being handled by a delivery boy on abike, but otherwise it did not vary greatly. Saunders, a flamboyant andinnovative man, noticed that this method resulted in wasted time and expense,so he came up with an unheard-of solution that would revolutionize the entiregrocery industry: he developed a way for shoppers to serve themselves.
C So in 1902 he moved to Memphis where he developed his concept to form agrocery wholesale cooperative and a full-service grocery store. For his new“cafeteria grocery”, Saunders divided his grocery into three distinct areas:
1) A front “lobby” forming an entrance and exit and checkouts at the front.
2) A sales department, which was specially designed to allow customers to roamthe aisles and select their own groceries. Removing unnecessary clerks,creating elaborate aisle displays, and rearranging the store to force customersto view all of the merchandise and over the shelving and cabinets units ofsales department were “galleries” where supervisors were allowed to keep an eyeon the customers while not disturbing them. 3) And another section of his storeis the room only allowed for the clerks which was called the “stockroom” or“storage room” where large refrigerators were situated to keep fresh productsfrom being perishable. The new format allowed multiple customers to shop at thesame time, and led to the previously unknown phenomenon of impulse shopping.Though this format of grocery market was drastically different from itscompetitors, the style became the standard for the modern grocery store andlater supermarket.
D On September 6, 1916,Saunders launched the self-service revolution in theUSAby   opening       the first self-servicePiggly Wiggly store, at 79 Jefferson Street in Memphis,Tennessee, with its characteristic turnstile at the entrance. Customers paidcash and selected their own goods from the shelves. It was unlike any othergrocery store of that time. Inside a Piggly Wiggly, shoppers were not at themercy of shop clerks. They were free to roam the store, check out themerchandise and get what they needed with their own two hands and feet. Priceson items at Piggly Wiggly were clearly marked. No one pressured customers tobuy milk    or    pickles.   Andthebiggest   benefit    atthe Piggly Wiggly wasthat shoppers saved money. Self-service was a positive all around. “It’s goodfor both the consumer and retailer because it cuts costs,” noted George T.Haley, a professor at the University of New Haven and director of the Centerfor International Industry Competitiveness. “If you looked at the way grocerystores were run previous to   Piggly    Wiggly   andAlpha    Beta,      what      you       find is   thatthere      was atremendous amount of labor involved,and labor is a major expense.” Piggly Wiggly cut the fat.
E Piggly Wiggly and the self-service concept took off. Saunders opened ninestores in the Memphis area within the first year of business. Consumersembraced   theefficiency,   thesimplicity       and most       of    allthelower      food prices.Saunders soonpatented his self-service concept, and began franchising Piggly Wigglystores.    Thanks   to    the benefitsof    self-service   and       franchising,   PigglyWigglyballooned to nearly 1,300 stores by 1923. Piggly Wiggly sold $100million—worth   $1.3 billion   today—in   groceries,       makingit   thethird-biggest grocery retailer in thenation. The company’s stock was even listed on the New York Stock Exchange,doubling from late 1922 to March 1923. Saunders had his hands all over PigglyWiggly. He was instrumental in the design and layout of his stores. He eveninvented the turnstile.
F However Saunders was forced into bankruptcy in 1923 after a dramatic spatwith the New York Stock Exchange and he went on to create the “ClarenceSaunders sole-owner-of-my-name” chain, which went into bankruptcy.
G Until the time of his death in October 1953, Saunders was developing plansfor another automatic store system called the Foodelectric. But the store,which was   to    be   located   two blocks      from       thefirstPiggly   Wigglystore,      never   opened.But his name was well-remembered along with the name Piggly Wiggly.
Questions 1-5
The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-G.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-G, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
1How Clarence Saunders’ new idea had been carried out.
2Introducing the modes and patterns of groceries before his age.
3Clarence Saunders declared bankruptcy a few years later .
4Descriptions of Clarence Saunders’ new conception.
5The booming development of his business.
Questions 6-10
Answer the questions below.
Write ONLY ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBERfrom the passage for each answer.
6 When Clarence Saunders was an adolescent, he took a job as a in a
grocery store.
7 In the new innovation of grocery store, most of the clerks’ work before was
done by
8 In Saunders’ new grocery store, the section where customers finish the
payment was called
9 Another area in his store which behind the public area was called the ,
where only internal staff could access.
10At where customers were under surveillance.
Questions 11-13
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write your answers in boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet.
11 Why did Clarence Saunders want to propel the innovation of grocery stores athis
ABecause he was an enthusiastic and creative man.
BBecause his boss wanted to reform the grocery industry.C   Becausehe   wanted   to    developits   efficiency    andmake   great   profit       as   well.
DBecause he worried about the future competition from the industry.
12   What   happened       to    ClarenceSaunders’      firststore       of   Piggly   Wiggly?
ACustomers complained about its impracticality and inconvenience.
B   It   enjoyeda    great       business andwas updated in    thefirst twelve    months.
C   It   expanded      to    more   than       a    thousand       franchised   stores       during    the first year.
DSaunders were required to have his new idea patented and open morestores.
13What left to Clarence Saunders after his death in 1953? A   Afully      automatic   store       system   opened   soon       near hisfirst store.
BThe name of his store the Piggly Wiggly was very popular at that time.
C His name was usually connected with his famous shop the Piggly Wiggly in
the following several years.
DHis name was painted together with the name of his famous store.

The Innovation of Grocery Stores 新型超市答案:
1 .D
6. clerk 原文 B 段首句
7. customers/shoppers 原文 D 段第 5 行开始(之前由店员 clerk 满商
场跑,取货物的活 B 段有讲,现在顾客自己干了。shopper were not
at the mercy of clerks 顾客完全不依赖店员)
8. lobby原文 C 段第 4 行
9. stockroom 原文 C 段第 12 行(题目要求 ONLY ONEWORD,所以不
选 storge room)
10. galleries 原文 C 段第 9 行
11. C 原文 B 段倒数三行开始
12. B 原文 E段第一行开始
13. C 原文 G 段最后一行
Passage2植物净水系统Water Treatment 2: Reed Bed  ANowadays subsurface flow wetlands are a common alternative in Europe for thetreatment of wastewater in rural areas. Mainly in the last 10 to 12 years therehas been a significant growth in the number and sizeof the systems in use. Compared to common treatment facilities, wetlands arelower in cost investment, lesser to maintain, and are ideal for denselypopulated rural or suburban areas rather than urban areas.  B TheCommon Reed has the ability to transfer oxygen from its leaves, down throughits stem and rhizomes, and out via its root system. As a result of this action,a very high population of micro-organisms occurs in the root system, with zonesof aerobic, anoxic, and anaerobic conditions. Therefore with the waste watermoving very slowly and carefully through the mass of Reed roots, this liquidcan be successfully treated.  C A straightforward definition of a reed bed is if you have dirtywater in your pool or water, which is heavily polluted, Reed Beds will beplanted to make the water clean again. This is good for ecology and livingorganisms and fish in the water. Reed Beds have a wide range of qualities andarc acceptable for cleaning everything from secondary to tertiary treatment ofmild domestic effluent, to rural waste and even heavy industrial contaminants.The reason why they're so effective is often because within the bed's rootsector, natural biological, physical and chemical processes interact with oneanother to degrade or remove a good range of pollutants. Reed beds can be builtin a number of variants, but mainly they are of the horizontal flow or vertical(down) flow configuration where water flows through the beds horizontally orvertically.  D Horizontal-flow wetlands may be of two types: free-watersurface-flow (FWF) or sub-surface water-flow (SSF). In the former the effluentflows freely above the sand/gravel bed in which the reeds etc. are planted; inthe latter effluent passes through the sand/gravel bed. In FWF-type wetlands,effluent is treated by plant stems, leaves and rhizomes. Such FWF wetlands aredensely planted and typically have water-depths of less than 0.4m. However,dense planting can limit oxygen diffusion into the water. These systems workparticularly well for low strength effluents or effluents that have undergonesome form of pretreatment and play an invaluable role in tertiary treatment andthe polishing of effluents. The horizontal reed flow system uses a long reedbed, where the liquid slowly flows horizontally through. The length of the reedbed is about 100 meters. The downside of<4hc horizontal reed beds is thatthey use up lots of land space and they do take quite a long time to produceclean water.  VERTICAL FLOW REED BED SYSTEMS  E Avertical flow reed bed is a sealed, gravel filled trench with reeds growing init (see the picture below). The common reed oxygenates the water, which helpsto create the right environment for colonies of bacteria to break down unwantedorganic matter and pollutants. The reeds also make the bed attractive towildlife.  How avertical flow reed bed works?  F Invertical flow (downflow) reed beds, the wastewater is applied on top of thereed bed, flows down through a rhizome zone with sludge as substrate, then theroot zone with sand as substrate and followed by a layer of gravel fordrainage, and is collected in an under drainage system of large stones. Theeffluent flows onto the surface of the bed and percolates slowly through thedifferent layers into an outlet pipe, which leads to a horizontal flow bed andis cleaned by millions of bacteria, algae, fungi, and microorganisms thatdigest the waste, including sewage. There is no standing water so there shouldbe no unpleasant smells.  GVertical flow reed bed systems are much more effective than horizontal flowreed-beds not only in reducing biochemical oxygen demanded (BOD) and suspendedsolids (SS) levels but also in reducing ammonia levels and eliminating smells.Usually considerably smaller than horizontal flow beds, but they are capable ofhandling much stronger effluents which contain heavily polluted matters andhave a longer lifetime value. A vertical Reed bed system works more efficientlythan a horizontal reed bed system, but it requires more management, and itsreed beds are often operated for a few days then rested, so several beds and adistribution system arc needed.  H There are several advantages of Reed Bed Systems overtraditional forms of water treatment: first, they have low construction andrunning costs; second, they are easy management; third, they have an excellentreduction of biochemical oxygen demand and suspended solids; last, they have apotential for efficient removal of a wide range of pollutants.  I Reed beds are natural habitats found in floodplains, waterloggeddepressions and estuaries. The natural bed systems are a biologically proved,an environmentally friendly and visually unobtrusive way of treatingwastewater, and have the extra virtue of frequently been better than mechanicalwastewater treatment systems. In the medium to long term reed bed systems are,in most cases, more cost effective in installment than any other wastewatertreatment. They arc robust and require little maintenance. They are naturallyenvironmentally sound protecting groundwater, dams, crocks, rivers andestuaries.  Questions 14-16 TRUE/FULSE/NOT GIVEN  14 The Reed bed system is a conventionalmethod for water treatment in urban area.  15 In the reed roots, there’s a series ofprocess that help breakdown the pollutants.  16 Escherichia coli is the most difficultbacteria to be dismissed  Question 17-19 (No more than three words)  判断题 14.FALSE  15.TRUE  16. NOT GIVEN填图题17.Sludge    18.sand   19.gravel全段落选择题 20.A 21.B 22.E 23.C  24.G  25.B  26.DPassage3游戏对人非但没有坏影响反而可以促进脑

Task1 小作文四个国家07 08 两年的居民平均看电视时间,柱图下面标了annual chang 的百分比,三个国家正一个负
Task2 大作文 In multi-culture societies,a mixture of diferent enthic people,bring more benefites than drawbacks,to what extent do u agree or disagree


澳洲版回忆1:澳洲A类 小作文三个饼图描述不同课程的三个年龄的学生占的百分比。Courses are arts, science, and sports and health.回忆2:大作文 政府是否应该帮助其他国家需要帮助的人 小作文 三个饼图回忆3:It is impossible to help all the people in the world, so governments should only focus on people in their own countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 三个简单饼图回忆4:听力section2是个地图题,说学校建筑的,后面就说宿舍有什么 section 3那个house structure 搭配什么鬼?还有section 4的选择题回忆5:听力第一个是租办公室的s2地图介绍学校的s3是两个学校讨论塑料的论文s4是讲一个research about town 阅读第一个是讲tf公司的失败的例子还有别的公司怎么做的。2是讲鸟的智力…3是说artist commission回忆6:写作小作文三饼图,比较不同年龄人群在不同学科比例,,大作文:帮助世界上全部需要帮助的人是无法办法的,于政府只能专注于自己国家。同意或者不同意。听力1租办公室 2地图3塑料房屋4集市求积攒人品回忆7:阅读回忆8:
2016年3月19日雅思考试A类G类听说读写全面大中总体反馈请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-230509-1-1.html最新提醒1:2014-2016年以来的雅思旧题更多,考官越来越懒,听力旧题目经常连着考同一个号的S1,S2,S3,S4,不断出现四旧,三旧的局面(比如2016年北美雅思3月5日听力四部分全命中!中国澳洲等2016年2月20日,1月23日,1月9日,2015年11月19日,11月14日,11月7日,9月19日,3月12日听力四部分全部旧题目;2016年2月27日, 12月12日,12月5日,11月21日,9月3日,8月29日8月1日,7月11日,6月27日,6月6日,4月11日,3月14日听力三部分旧题,1月31日听力三部分旧题,2014年4月24日听力四个部分全部都是四旧,4月5日,2月13日,2月15日,1月25日,1月11日都是同一个号的S1,S2,S3,S4,全部四旧,都在IPN资料里面),听力考过的旧题还会再考最新提醒2:近期考过的口语新题、高频题肯定是近期考试口语重点;近期考过的写作题目或类似题目还会再考,比如2014年-2016年G类大作文和A类大作文几乎接近,重复交替考,2015-2016年雅思考试大作文犯罪问题考多次。最新提醒3: 2014-2016年以来小作文地图题和流程图的频率增加了,大作文考旧题目的周期变短了,烤鸭们备考要注意!(2016年3月5日,2015年12月5日,5月16日,2月14日,1月31日,2014年10月18日,7月19日,7月10日,5月10日,3月8日,1月11日考了流程图;2016年1月30日,2015年12月3日,11月14日,10月8日,8月1日,6月6日,5月9日,3月21日,2014年10月25日,9月20日,8月16日,6月21日,5月17日,3月1日考了地图)1.2016年3月19日再次命中雅思A类大作文原题和素材Some people say thatgovernments should pay for the public health care and education, while otherssay that it is not the government’s responsibility. Please discuss both viewsand give your own opinion.(中国等亚太考区) Edward老师再次命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,EdwardA类预测IPN资料最重点有多篇范文素材论据可以完全使用;再次在最重点预测到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文-三个柱图distribution of employment among agriculture,services, industries in three countries in 1980 and projecteddistribution in2020。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。2.2016年3月19日再次命中雅思A类大作文原题和素材-消费品(食品等)变便宜的利弊Many people in community now could buy consumer goods beingcheaper,whether the advantages outweigt the disadvantages(澳洲、韩国、台湾等亚太考区) Edward老师再次命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,EdwardA类预测IPN资料第3题有多篇范文素材论据可以完全使用; 再次在最重点预测到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是柱状图:英 德 日 韩 澳大利亚 五个国家的游客去新西兰选择的type of transport in 2004,(Car、Air、Ferry、Coach、Train)。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。3.2016年3月19日再次命中雅思G类大作文原题和素材- Many old cities are being rebuild or redesigned, is this the advantage ordisadvantage?(中国等亚太考区) Edward老师再次命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,EdwardA类预测IPN资料第3题有多篇范文素材论据可以完全使用; 再次在最重点预测到课堂中多次讲练过G类小作文-投诉信 you have a long business flight,write a complaint letter to flight crew.这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员G类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。4.2016年3月19日雅思听力命中一半以上旧题目S1=V130202S1,S2=V120707S2=V110430S2(澳洲亚太地区),S4=V110924S4=V09141S4S3=30072S3(中国亚太地区)其他旧题目还在等待确认更新中……北美雅思2016年3月5日听力四部分全命中!听力四部分的对应号分别是 V130428S1 V130428S2 V130428S3 V130428S4,4个部分连号全部在Edward预测IPN听力机经最重点最前面!2016年3月5日中国亚太雅思听力命中S3=V120922S3=V100520S3,S2= V121108S2; 2月27日雅思命中听力三部分,S1=V120512S1,S2=V1301010S2,S4=V120712S4=V100617S4(澳洲、中国,亚太考区);震撼北美雅思2月20日听力命中三部分!S1=V09109S1,S3=V101204S3S4=V130829S4,Edward神准全部预测命中所有听力三部分旧题。震撼2月20日中国亚太雅思听力四部分全中!S1=V110625S1=V09113S1
S2=V110625S2=V09147S2,S3=V110625S3,S4=V110625S4,Edward神准全部预测命中所有听力考题。2月18日雅思听力Edward命中至少一半以上的旧题S1=V120310S1,S2=V110428S2;1月23日亚太(中国、澳洲、香港等)雅思听力命中三四个部分旧题V130706S1,S1=V110122S1,S3=V120728S3=V09134S3=V30085S3=V110122S3,S4=V130323S4=V110127S4Edward全部神准命中;1月9日雅思听力四部分Edward全部神准命中:2016年1月9日雅思考试Edward全部在最重点命中听力四部分S1=V130428S1,S2=V40112S2,S3=V130428S3,S4=V130428S……以上历次考试题目,Edward都在最重点完全预测命中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,历年来Edward预测听力几乎每场平均中2-4个旧题目(每场考试平均2-4个旧题),恭喜购买我们整理好的预测听力机经的烤鸭和IPN会员,应该是受益非浅,不同凡响。5.雅思口语3月16日17日18日至19日所有已经考完的话题,Edward再次在最重点连续全部预测命中,绝大部分是旧题和旧题目改造,IPN资料里面都有详细答案或者可以互相套同的答案,出现的新题库新题目已经更新到IPN资料:近期口语新题和高频热点题1.Part 2 Describe a photo you like/ Describe your favoritephotograph2.Part 2 Describe anitem of clothing that someone sent to you/that was bought for you.3.Part 2 Describe a speacial trip/a long journeybr car /train you enjoyed.4.Part 2 Describe along car journey5.Describe a family( type ) you like6.Part2 Describean interesting wild animal in your country.7.Part 2 Describe a difficultdecision/an important decision that you have made.8.Part 2 Describe something important you once forgot todo.9.Part 2 Describe a long walk youenjoyed10.Part2 Describe a person who has apologized to you11.Part2Describe asong/describe your favorite song /Describe a song that has a special meaning toyou.12.Part2Describe the first foreign country/an interesting country/another country youwould love to visit13.Part2 Decribe a famousperson you know from the news/Describe a foreign celebrity/a famous person whois not from your country, and u like to meet14.Part2 Describe your best friend15.Part 2 Describe an article you read from the internet orbooks about healthy life16.Part 2 Describe a childhood Toy /Describea toy that you enjoyed playing with in your childhood.17.Part 2 Describe an exciting sport you would like toplayPart 3What are extreme sports? what do youthink of them? Should people take extreme sports?18.Part 2Describe a bad weather situation thataffected you19.Part 2 Describe a happy event from your childhood thatyou remember20.Part2 Describe aplace with a lot of noise等等,具体请看2016年3月4月5月6月7月至8月9月雅思口语新题库、预测和配套完整答案http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-230119-1-1.html6.2016年3月19日雅思阅读文章是1.早期城市2.小提琴的制造3. 多个任务…具体内容回忆还在不断等待确认更新中……震惊2月27日雅思阅读命中两篇A类文章butteflyfarmsin UK和rainmaker,另外一篇是multitasking…具体内容回忆还在不断等待确认更新中…2月13日命中阅读文章:双胞胎的基因研究。第一篇是关于slowfood的理念的推广,第二篇是关于双胞胎的基因研究,第三篇是古典希腊文的教学方式探讨(澳洲亚太考区)…2015年12月12日雅思阅读命中:乐观与健康(最重点前面),农民公司,儿童行为研究;11月21日雅思命中A类阅读第三篇-英国建筑,三篇文章分别是:象形文字,英国诸岛,英国建筑 (中国、亚太考区,Edward命中),11月21日雅思阅读一发命中澳洲A类文章-龙涎香,三篇文章分别为:1.龙涎香(Edward11月21日阅读预测第一题命中!) 2.艺术品 3.社交软件(澳洲亚太考区),11月21日雅思G类阅读Section3 -双胞胎研究(澳洲、亚太考区,Edward命中);11月14日雅思考试命中阅读两篇:人类历史,鸟类利用工具(鸟类智慧-命中),潮汐发电(海洋发电-命中)……实际上雅思历次大部分阅读考试都是旧题目,都在我们预测中命中,比如2015年3月14日雅思阅读三旧:第一篇:茶叶历史,第二篇:智能体贴管理是否接还是挂电话,第三篇:厨艺和科学的结合;2015年2月14号雅思阅读两旧:古头骨容貌重现,团队合作心理;2015年 2月7日阅读两旧: 植物纯净水,撒哈拉沙漠遗骸; 2015年1月17日阅读三旧:铅笔的历史,新冰河时代,新西兰一个作家和她的书的故事;2014年9月20日雅思阅读两旧,2014年2月15日三篇全部旧题,全部预测中在Edward 最重点预测中阅读预测机经中,接下来的考试肯定是二到三旧居多。我们IPN资料里面的阅读预测机经都有完整准确的答案,2012-2016年以来Edward 预测几乎每场平均中60-80%阅读文章和题目(每场考试平均1-3篇旧题),恭喜购买我们整理好的预测阅读机经的烤鸭和IPN会员,应该是受益非浅。雅思快速提分:对于长期困扰和急于提高雅思成绩总分1-4分的全球各地烤鸭们,Edward艾华师提供全球性网络一对一雅思专家型授课, 无数在国内外读语言/预科,硕士博士(需要4个7,4个8移民)的学员的心声:花8-10万,几十万甚至上百万在国外学英语,还不如上EdwardYe的几次课,具体安排和说明请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-33-1-1.html或http://yeyibin2001.blog.163.com/blog/static/1276861852013123112157740/快速提高1到3分:IPN雅思考试题库答案-提供2016-2017年全球各雅思考区每一场雅思真题预测所有口语,写作,听力,阅读等题目及详细原创答案范文,整理好的更新型听力和阅读预测机经等,具体请看最下面说明或者进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.html或http://yeyibin2001.blog.163.com/blog/static/12768618520125223550129/或请加QQ504918228,QQ26346059;或公共微信号ieltstofel或个人微信:ielts2013 ,504918228咨询

雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2016-4-2 10:21:52

澳洲G类。小作文是:建议信(出版社写的有关某公司文章尤其 公司职员写信给老板提建议) 大作文是 孩子应不应该上多余的校外课程 还是应该多些玩的时间。   听力 第一个是一个人去租办公区域 第二个地图题 学校的各个楼 第三个关于塑料的论文 第四个 关于某个建筑的发展 M啥啥的。
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查看完整版本: 2016年4月2日国内外雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总
