雅思4个9~ 发表于 2016-2-2 15:20:54



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  why important

  多选题经常会听到同学抱怨“啊,这个是细节啊,听过我忘了”“啊,我只能确定一个,另一个确定不了”而我们还知道多选题是错一个全错,一个题目都是worth 2 points的。……所以,咱们跟大家说说怎么能一下就猜中出题点,并在笔记上体现出来。





  TPO3 But the problem, well, as natural habitat along these migration routes is developed by humans for housing or agriculture or cleared for raising cattle, for instance, there is less food available for migrating humming birds.

  这里professor用上扬的语气列出了三个原因,housing,agriculture,raising cattle。笔记我们可以记下house,agri,cattle,这样处理。

  题目:What does the professor imply might cause a decrease in the hummingbird population?

  A. An increase in the ecotourism industry

  B. An increase in the use of land to raise crops and cattle

  C. A decrease in banding studies

  D. A decrease in the distance traveled during migration

  本题虽然是单选题,但是正确选项其实是把文中的两个原因合并到了一个选项中。文中连续说了几个造成birds食物减少的原因。题目可以出单选题(问a possible cause),也可以出多选(what are mentioned)。


  二、并列。Also, besides, either…or, furthermore,another等,要求听到后者之后立即标上2,并把之前的内容标上1,逻辑上预测成一个多选题。


  (TPO17) The muscular system of the octopus enables it to be very flexible to assume all sorts of shapes and postures. So it can contract into the shape of a little round stone, and sit perfectly still on the seafloor. Or it can nestle up in the middle of a plant and take the shape of one of the leaves. Even Proteus would be impressed, I think.

  这里有个很典型的信号词,引导词,就是all sorts of,听完就知道,后面要列举了。

  题目what two examples does the professor mention to describe the octopus’ability to change its shape? Click on 2 answers

  A. A small round stone

  B. The leaves of a plant

  C. A cloud of ink.

  D. A piece of coral.

  这个题目就是TWO examples,并且错误选项的干扰性特别强,也是文章一直出现的内容。做题的时候就会感觉,咦,怎么都听到过啊, 所以好脑子不如烂笔头!为了25+,加油,不错过任何考点!

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查看完整版本: 托福听力备考--听力笔记必须注意的那些信号词
